The Princess Bride

By kanne53

16.9K 628 29

Keira has accepted Alex's proposal and she's ready to move on with her life. She has never been eager to beco... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
At First Sight
Happy Birthday, Your Highness

Chapter 29

470 19 0
By kanne53

Several weeks went by and we still didn't know who was behind the attempt on my life. The more time that passed, the more unlikely it was that we would find out. Alex thought that Lord Houghton was a likely guess, but he couldn't be positive. Which was very lucky for Lord Houghton, because with as much as Alex loved me and hated him, he still couldn't condemn him without being sure.

I hope Lord Houghton realized how fortunate he was. If Alex wasn't who he was, he might not wait to be convinced and have him arrested on suspicion alone.

He wasn't sure, but he still thought it was probable and so Lord Houghton was going to be watched very closely for a very long time. Which was pretty satisfying to think about after all the trouble he'd caused.

I didn't really worry about another attempt because as Alex had said, I now had a personal body guard. I had a few actually, since one person couldn't possibly watch over me twenty-four hours a day. Most of the time, it was two men who took turns, Felix and Harrison. As Alex had promised, they weren't intrusive. They were actually very good at being nearly invisible so that I hardly even noticed them much of the time, but one of them was also always close enough to get to me in seconds if need be. Which was pretty comforting.

The rest of the time, I had been thrilled to learn, Aunt Keira acted as my personal guard. It was only here and there, as she had the time, but it was so nice to both feel safe and get to spend more time with her.

"Your mother wanted me to ask if you mind if she keeps that book a while longer," Aunt Keira said as we ate a quiet lunch.

Most of the time, I had lunch in the dining room with the royal family, but whenever Aunt Keira was able to be with me, we had lunch in my parlor since she really wasn't comfortable in the dinning room. Most of the time, Isabelle and Juliette joined us.

I shrugged. "I forgot about it acutally."

"Surprising." She snorted. "It's only been three months," she said sarcastically.

"Three months?" Startled, I glanced up as she took another bite of her soup.

"Okay fine." She rolled her eyes. "Two and a half months. Goodness, you're just like your mother."

It had been that long? I guess it wasn't surprising that I'd forgotten, since that had been the day those men attacked me and the book was a relatively unimportant detail. But still, it had been over two months since then? How had I lost track of time? I never lost track of time. But I guess so many things hadn't seemed important with Alex and everyone trying to find out who was behind the attack, time just flew by unnoticed.

Caught up in my thoughts, I absently reached for another grilled cheese sandwich and took a bite.

"Save some for the rest of the kingdom." Isabelle laughed, making me realize belatedly that it was my third.

I froze and glanced down at the sandwich. I normally didn't even like grilled cheese very much, and I never ate this much food in one sitting!

Stunned I looked up just as Aunt Keira did. She knew both of those details too and she looked just as surprised.

I put the sandwich down, focused on not choking on the bite that was still in my mouth, and thought.

How had I lost track of time? I had a monthly reminder. But I'd forgotten completely!

I looked up again and Aunt Keira was smiling. We stared at each other for a second and I began to match her smile.

Could I be?

"What?" Isabelle asked, catching on that something was going on, but not sure what.

"I..." I couldn't say it. I couldn't even think it.

I could be!

Isabelle and Juliette exchanged a confused glance and then they both focused on me, thinking. After a second, Isabelle's eyes widened.

"You're not...?" she said.

"What?" Juliette asked, irritated that she was the only one who wasn't in on the secret.

As I was still speechless, Isabelle looked at her sister. "When was the last time you noticed Keira eat two bowls of soup and three sandwiches at one meal?"

Getting it, Juliette looked startled and then she grinned. A second later, her face fell. "Oh no."

I couldn't help it. I laughed. Juliette was thrilled that I might be pregnant, but I knew she was thinking about the fact that she wasn't going to be able to be married for a long time yet. Definitely not within the next nine months.

Isabelle's wedding was set for a few months from now, so she didn't have any conflicted feelings. She was the first one to push away from her chair to rush over and hug me.

Aunt Keira was next and then Juliette.

"This kid better be a girl," she joked, making the rest of us laugh.

"Not a word to anyone," I said to the three of them. "Not yet."

We all grinned at each other stupidly for a moment before Isabelle faked a cough.

When I looked at her curiously, she said, "I'm not feeling so well all of a sudden. Better call for the doctor."

Aunt Keira laughed as Isabelle quickly went to call a servant.

"I'm so happy for you, but...." Juliette said looking guilty.

I laughed. "I know. We'll hope for a girl."

"Definitely." She nodded.


"Alex?" I called from in front of the vanity as I brushed my hair.

"Hmm?" he answered distractedly without glancing up from his book.

"Do you think we could have some new furniture made?" I asked.

"Sure. Whatever you want," he answered automatically and I rolled my eyes.

I planned to wait until he wasn't distracted, but he was so engrossed in his book, it seemed like he might read all night. But honestly, the fact that I was sitting at the vanity at all, should have told him something was up. Servants usually did my hair. All I ever did was run a brush through a few times if it was bothering me. I never sat here, acting like I cared that much.

He read for another moment before pausing and looking up, curiously.

"You want new furniture?" he asked.

Setting the brush down, I forced a straight face and turned around to face him. "Mmm hmm."

"You don't like the furniture?" he clarified, perplexed.

"That's not it exactly," I said. "I'd just like a few new things."

"What kind of-"

"And I think I'd like some new clothes," I added quickly.

He closed his book and sat up on the bed.

"Who are you and what have you done with my wife?"

I laughed, grateful for the break from keeping a straight face.

"You want new clothes?" he asked, incredulous.

I nodded. "I can have new things sometimes, can't I?"

"Of course, but...." His confusion was so funny, I almost completely lost the battle with my face.

Alex got up and walked over to me.

"You hate dress fittings," he said, trying to figure out what was wrong with me. My hatred for dress fittings aside, I had an outrageous amount of clothes already. Not that I'd asked for or needed them all.

"I know." I sighed dramatically. "But I don't think I'll have a choice."

"Why not?"

I blinked at him innocently. "Because in a few months none of my things will fit me."

At first, he was even more confused.

"What are you talking ab-" he stopped and his eyes widened. "What?" he gasped.

I shrugged. "And I don't have a thing that would fit a baby."

He stood frozen for a long minute and then he grasped my arm.

"You're-" he started and then smiled, still looking as if he couldn't quite believe it. "A baby?" he managed to say.

Allowing the grin that had been aching to break free, I nodded.

He lifted me to my feet and hugged me before pulling my face to his for a kiss.

"You're sure?" he asked, breaking away after a moment.

"The doctor confirmed it."

I was glad that Isabelle thought to call the doctor first. Otherwise I might have run right to Alex and told him before I could be totally sure.

His smile was the sweetest thing. "When?"

"Six or seven months."

He kissed me again before pulling me in for another tight hug that lifted my feet from the floor.

Putting me down, he broke away suddenly, looking concerned that he might have squeezed too hard. "Are you okay?"

I laughed. "I'm not that delicate, Alex."

Grinning, he shook his head and stared at me, trying to get used to the idea.

"New furniture?" he said.

"Well we will need a cradle."

He just watched me, feigning annoyance.

"You're lucky I told you at all, mister," I said. "I could have made you wait for three long days the way you did to me! All the while teasing you about the secret."

He laughed. "Yes, but now you've spoiled your opportunity."

"You never know," I said. "I may have lots of opportunities in the future."

He beamed at that and kissed me again.

"I'm so happy," he said unnecessarily before looking harrassed. "After all of that!" He shook his head.

"I know." I laughed. "But in a way it's a good thing. It could be a girl. Juliette is sure going to want that."

He chuckled. "True. She doesn't need to worry though. If I have anything to say about it, she won't be going anywhere anyway."

Juliette was going to be overjoyed to hear that!

He smiled at me for another moment before looking down at my stomach. It didn't show any evidence yet, of course, but he put a hand there anyway.

"You certainly took your time," he said to my stomach. "Your mother and I are going to have some words for you when you get here."

I laughed and hugged him again, thinking about all the time I wasted worrying.

Mother had been right. So had the queen for that matter. They'd both been so sure, and they were right. This little one was going to be here right when he or she was supposed to arrive and I couldn't be happier.  

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