The Decision || h.s.

By Alex_stories

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"Sometimes people thousands of miles away can make you feel better than the people right beside you." -Unknow... More

Prologue: Broken Again
Chapter 1-Missing You
Chapter 2:Unwanted Topics
Chapter 3: Broken Promise
Chapter 4: Pathetic Lies
Chapter 5: Reunited
Chapter 6: A Bit Forward
Chapter 7: Fountains
Chapter 8: Planes
Chapter 9: Surprise
Chapter 10: A Day's Worth
Chapter 11: Family Reunion
Chapter 12: Dreams and Memories
Chapter 13: Untold Plans
Chapter 14: The Unexpected
Chapter 15: Frustration
Chapter 16: Rash Decisions
Chapter 17: History
Chapter 18: A Change in Plans
Chapter 19: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 20: An Old Friend
Chapter 21: New Years
Chapter 22: Heartache
Chapter 23: Secrets
Chapter 24: Moving On
Chaper 25: Happy Birthday
Chapter 26: The Unexpected
Chapter 27: Disruptions
Chapter 28: A Disease
Chapter 29: What If
Chapter 30: Scratch That
Chapter 31: The Father
Chapter 33: The Bump
Chapter 34: Apartment
Chapter 35: Moving In
Chapter 36: School
Chapter 37: Skype
Chapter 38: Stress
Chapter 39: Job
Chapter 40: Destressing
Chapter 41: Zayn
Chapter 42: Alee
Chapter 43: Brazil
Chapter 44: Police
Chapter 45: Suspects
Chapter 46: Graduation
Chapter 47: September
Chapter 48: Returning of Symptoms
Chapter 49: Babies
Epilogue: Shades of Red and Pink

Chapter 32: The First Ultrasound

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By Alex_stories

Chapter 32: The First Ultrasound

*POV: Snow*

It’s been an entire week since I’ve been to the hospital and now I’m back. My mother wanted to come, but I assured her that it was fine. I knew that I was getting my ultrasound today too and I didn’t want her to find out that way and make a huge scene.

I’m sitting in the waiting room, Harry and Gemma by my side. I know that she’s excited for me, for us. She knows about the possibility that he might not be Harry’s yet she’s supportive about it anyway. I am so thankful to have a friend like her right now.

“Miss Jackson?” a nurse says and my head pops up. I see a middle aged man with a clipboard, motioning me over. Gemma and Harry follow me.

“Who are these guys?” he asks me.

“I’m her fiancé and this is her soon to be sister-in-law,” Harry lies, shaking the guy’s hand. I’m a bit surprised that he said that, but I’m glad he did. I knew that they wouldn’t have let him come with otherwise. The nurse nods and leads us down a few corridors until we find an empty room.

“Stay right here. The doctor will be with you momentarily,” the nurse tells me. I nod and take a seat on the bed. I’m glad that my black coloration of my eyes have come down so it’s more of just a light purple brown color, but my nose still hurts like hell.

“Are you excited? You get to see your baby for the first time,” Gemma says excitedly. I smile at her. The idea of having a child has grown on me quite a bit, I have to admit that. I know that everything is going to change for me here soon, but that idea is starting to be acceptable. I’m not that scared anymore.

“I know that I am,” Harry smiles as he grabs my hand. I feel bad, knowing it would hurt him a lot if the baby wasn’t his, but I know that he’d support me either way. Besides, it’s not like I couldn’t have another one in the future for his sake. I don’t plan on having just one child. I just wish I could have waited a little bit longer.

“Hello? I’m assuming you’re a Miss Jackson? I’m Mrs. Polly and I’ll be your doctor today,” a nice woman says. She seems a bit young, but I don’t mind. She has glasses on and her brown hair is tied back in to a bun.

“I sure am,” I respond a bit anxious as she sits down at a desk with a computer next to it. She flips through the pages, reading over my transcripts as she logs on to the computer.

“It seems as if you’re here for a check-up on your little slip-up last week. I notice that an ultra-sound is due too?” she asks me. I nod, confirming her thoughts. She then stands up and walks over to me. She does the normal check-up for me, shoving the stick in my mouth and checking my heartbeat.

“Alright you seem healthy, a slight cold, but it’s going away. Now I’m going to check your injuries,” she tells me. I nod as Harry and Gemma smile at me reassuringly. I take a deep breath.

“Okay. Let’s look at the cuts on your side first,” she tells me and I nod, lifting up my shirt. The scrapes I have actually healed quite nicely. They’re almost gone.

“Your body is doing quite well so far considering this uh iron deficiency you have,” she tells me and I nod, glad that she knows about that.

“Okay. Do you have any concerns before I proceed to check your face? Any sore spots?” she asks me.

“My nose is a tad bit sore still,” I admit and she smiles at me, glad she’s not doing all the talking. She must be new still.

“Well that would make sense. It says here that it was a clean break,” she laughs a bit. I smile at her before she brings a stool over to sit down. She then checks my eyes, glad that no veins have burst and my eyes still respond normally. With her clipboard, she looks at photos of the injury at first.

“Well, there’s definitely an improvement. Your eyes aren’t swollen anymore and the color is a little less dramatic. I’m going to have to move your nose a bit now, okay?” she tells me and I nod, squeezing my eyes shut. I notice the moment that her fingers touch it because I feel the pressure, the pain it’s bringing me. She moves a bit, but I know that she’s trying to be careful. It’s over quicker than I would have thought and I open my eyes to notice that she’s removing her gloves.

“Well, it’s definitely healing a bit. I’d give it a month before you’re good to go,” she tells me and I smile. A month isn’t too bad.

“Okay,” I smile. I notice Harry and Gemma giving me a thumbs up.

“Alright. Now it’s time for the ultrasound. I would like you to lay back down now,” she tells me and I nod. She grabs a machine and brings it near me, grabbing a gel too. She sets it down next to me while putting on some new gloves.

“Do you guys want to come see the child too?” The doctor smiles nicely at them. I’m thankful for it, especially when they nod and walk over to me. Harry takes my hand in to his, squeezing it a bit. This is the moment that we’ve been waiting for.

“I need you to lift up your shirt so we can put the gel on it. It’s cold,” she warns me just like every person in the movie. I lift up my shirt to reveal my tummy, something that’s already starting to get a bit bigger. Damn. How have I been so oblivious?

She squirts some of the gel onto my stomach, my gasp of surprise echoing around the room. I knew she said it was going to be cold, but not this cold. I notice Harry chuckling a bit as I just glare at him. Mrs. Polly begins to rub the substance in circles until it’s covering most of my tummy. It’s much warmer now if I must admit.

“You ready?” she asks me. I nod impatiently, wanting to see the life form growing inside of me. Smiling at me, she grabs the machine little handle thing and begins to rub it on my stomach. We all look at the screen, noticing the familiar picture. She moves it around a bit until she stops, us all looking at the screen. She has Gemma hold the scanner thing on my stomach as she gets up to look at the screen.

“See this right here? That’s your child.” She tells me, drawing a circle around a little blob. I can see the shape kind of and I’m so happy that I could cry.

“Can you move it a little more to the left miss?” the doctor tells Gemma who nods. She moves it a bit, the slimy feeling on my stomach not grossing me out as surprising as that is.

“It looks like my hypothesis is correct,” she tells me. I raise my eyebrow confused. Her hypothesis?

“Is the baby okay? What’s going on?” Harry asks as concerned as me.

“The babies are fine,” she tells us. Wait, babies?

“Um. You said that plural,” I tell her.

“I know. You see, the first child is right here while the second one is right here,” she says motioning towards the two bodies. So I’m not having one child, but instead I’m having two.

“We’re having twins.”


After we were done with the ultrasound, Harry paid for pictures. He says that we have to make a baby book and Gemma is going to help him. This is all so surreal. I was expecting one and now I’m stuck with two. How am I going to be able to do this? I know that Harry said he’d help me, but we all know he’s going to away on tour quite a lot. He can’t just up and leave this.

“Snow?” a familiar voice says as we enter the waiting room. I have to say that I’m a bit surprised to see a blonde waiting for me, her green eyes piercing mine. What the hell is she doing here?

“Alee?” I ask. She quickly makes her way towards me.

“What happened? Madelyne told me that you broke your nose and had a follow-up appointment today. Is everything okay?” she asks me. So, Madelyne is paying attention to what I do. I nod my head, wanting to cry all over again as she embraces me in a hug.

“What’s wrong?” she whispers in my ear. I know that it’s just us two right now. Harry and Gemma are waiting for the pictures. I told them that I would wait in the car.

“I fell on the ice and they told me that I had a disease, but it wasn’t really a disease. It turns out that I’m pregnant and I just had an ultrasound and it turns out that it’s with twins,” I choke out to her. I know that I’m a mess, but I can’t hide it.

“You’re pregnant? Who’s the father?” she asks me. I’m about to say that I don’t know when I realize she doesn’t know about the rape. She can’t know. Nobody can.

“It’s Harry’s. We were careful and everything, but now I’m having two of his children. My mum’s going to kick me out, I know it,” I tell her. That’s my worst fear. I know she’ll kick me out and not support me. I’m going to be homeless. I don’t know what to do.

“I’m going to be here for you through everything. I hope you know that,” she tells me and I nod, wiping away what tears have escaped my eyes.

“Snow! Look at them,” Harry smirks as he approaches us. He hands me the photos and I smile a bit. They’re going to be gorgeous children with Harry’s genes inside of them. I notice the way that Alee’s eyes light up when she looks at my children. I wonder if mine do the same.

“And you’ll never guess what else babe,” he tells me.

“What?” I ask him.

“Zayn wants to come out,” he tells me. My tummy does a little flip flop at the thought of my friend. I miss him. I miss him quite a bit actually if I’m being honest. I’m happy that I might be seeing him soon.

“I know I always say that I never want a child of my own, but can I plan your baby shower? We can invite Zayn and the rest of the boys plus a few of our friends. Can I?” Alee asks. Everybody is kind of rambling on the topics of Zayn’s visit and the baby shower. All I know is that I need a break. I want to rest.

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