the boss | e.d (book 1)

By grantropic

90.1K 1.5K 535

He unbuttoned his shirt. "Ethan," I breathed. "You're my boss." He looked down at me. "Exactly," he leaned in... More



7.3K 139 130
By grantropic

*7:00 am*

I groan, rubbing my eyes as my alarm clock goes off, waking me from my deep sleep. Today was going to be my second day of work. Supposedly I was going to have someone showing me the ropes for the day before I am set off on my own. 

I rolled out of bed, stretching and yawning as I attempted to wake up. I walked into my bathroom and began to get ready, before eventually leaving my apartment. 

Upon my arrival, I was first greeted by the intimidating boss that was Ethan Dolan.  

"Good morning Alicia, welcome back," he exclaimed with a slight grin. His dark eyes sparkled as he made his usual intense eye contact. He truly was a beautiful man, much too far out of my league. 

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before responding. "Good morning Mr. Dolan." I nervously smiled. He stood in front of me, both hands in the pockets of his sleek, dark blue dress pants. He always looked sharp, a true business man. 

He looked around the room, as if searching for someone before calling over a man that appeared to be right around the same age as me. He was slightly taller than I was, with fair hair, and tan skin. He walked over in our direction, before shaking my hand. 

"This is Miles. He will be teaching you everything you need to know. If you have any questions, he is the one to ask." Ethan slowly started to back away before telling me to have a good day with his reoccurring smirk plastered on his face. 

It was the end of the day by now, and Miles was now packing up his belongings before leaving. He seemed to be a nice, genuine person. He did a really good job explaining everything I needed to know, while also lightening the mood with his corny jokes. 

I looked at the time, and decided to also grab my things and head out. I walked down the last few steps of the grand staircase, before walking out of the tall, glass doors of the building. 

I was met with the view of a tow truck the second I stepped outside. My good mood had officially plummeted when I realized that this tow truck had been towing my car. To make a long story short, I did not pay attention and parked somewhere I shouldn't have. 

As I stand on the sidewalk, I call my dad, hoping there was the slightest possibility that he could pick me up, but my luck, that was a bust. I decided I would have to try and take a taxi. Several passed by and not one stopped. I sat down on the sidewalk, staring up at the sky. 

"What are you still doing here?" I hear a voice say from behind me. When I see Ethan towering above me, I quickly stand up and dust off my dress. 

"I um. My car got towed and my dad can't pick me up and I couldn't get a taxi to save my life so-"

"I can give you a ride home," Ethan replied, cutting me off. My heart rate increased. 

"A-are you sure?" I asked nervously. "Positive," he smirked. "Come on," he said motioning me to follow him to his car. 

He had a matte black range rover. It was gorgeous; my dream car actually. 

"Wow this car is beautiful," I said as I situated myself in the passenger seat. He smiled at me. "Yeah thank you. I love this car." I smiled. 

"So where are we headed?" 

"4812 Canal Street." 

He turned on the radio as he began to drive. The ride was silent for the most part, extremely awkward to say the least. He intimidated me more than anyone ever has, and I was too afraid to spark conversation. Of course, he spoke up though. 

"So have you lived in New York City your whole life?" 

"No actually I just moved here last year."


"Yeah my dad and I. My mom passed away a couple years back and my dad wanted to move on and his way of doing so was starting a new life. So here I am one year later." He looked at me with remorse. 

"I'm sorry about your mom, that's awful." 

"I'm okay now," I responded with a reassuring smile. 

"Well I'm glad you moved here."

"I am too."

We continued to drive, small talk the entire way. All of the basic questions that spark a thirty second conversation. 

"Random but do you want some ice cream?" He asked, chuckling slightly. 

"Uh yeah sure."

He pulled into an ice cream place, Davey's Ice Cream. 

When it was our turn to order, he had me go first. 

"Can I have rocky road in a waffle cone please?" I turned to him, and he stepped up to the counter to order next. 

"I'll just have vanilla in a waffle cone." 

"That's so boring. Just vanilla?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I like to keep it simple."

After we got our ice cream we walked over to a table and sat down. I dove right into eating my ice cream. Rocky road was my favorite and always has been since I was a little kid. It's the only kind I get. 

"This is so good," I said while licking my ice cream cone. 

"I bet you would taste better," he mumbled under his breath. 

"What?" I asked, pretty sure I knew what he said, but looking for clarification. 

"I said that the vanilla probably tastes better." His cheeks were red, it was cute. I know what I heard, and I didn't know what to think of it. 

"Are you ready to go?" He asked starting to stand up. "You can bring the rest in my car I don't really mind."

"Yeah let's go." 

As I was getting in the car, I suddenly slipped, causing the ice cream to go everywhere on the passenger side of his car. I immediately panicked. 

"Oh my gosh. I'm such an idiot, I am so so sorry." 

"It's fine, really." 

"No it's not, this is a mess. I will clean this up and then you can just go. I need to find napkins. I'm so sorry once agai-" 

"Alicia," Ethan says while lifting my chin up to face him, "it's absolutely fine. Just calm down please I really do not care." 

We cleaned up the mess with napkins and he drove me home. I felt horrible about making a mess after I had already troubled him for a ride home. It seemed to not bother him though so I just tried to let it go. 

"Come to my office tomorrow morning," he said as I was getting out of the car. 

"Will do, and thank you for the ride" I replied with a smile, before shutting the door and going up to my apartment. 


second chapter done!!! can u guys comment and let me know if you like this so far i need some feedback. next chapter is gonna be GOOD so get ready 

also sorry that i took so long to update this lol i just don't really have a ton of time but there will hopefully be a couple updates coming your way because i have a long weekend. i will try ok not making promises 

see you next chapter!

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