Chang'e °Pietro Maximoff

By demimcr

55.8K 1.3K 316

"The first time we met i was forced to hate you and help destroy your world. Now you are the whole world in m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
shameless self promo

Chapter 2

3.3K 73 69
By demimcr

(In the picture you see jooheon)

The avengers finally arrived back at the tower.
Now walking beside Steve Rogers and Maria Hill the young heroine was listening intensely to their conversation.
Rava learned that the mysterious yet quite annoying boy she met in Sokovia was named Pietro Maximoff. He also had a twin sister named Wanda.
It saddened the girl to hear that they were orphans because of the bombings that had taken place in Sokovia when the twins were only ten years old.

Steve then asked the important question.
"Their abilities?"
Maria began to explain but it sounded like a whole other language was spoken. "He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal hemeostasis, her thing is neuro-electric interfacing telekenisis, mental manipulation."
Both Rava and Steve looked dumbfounded at the agent. Rava sopke up in a joking way "And now in english please."
The S.H.I.E.L.D agent sighed but responded anyway "He's fast and she's weird."
Well that's a bit more understandable. Agent Hill said something about them volunteering for Struker's experiments when Cap began to speak about what kind of monster would volunteer to protect their country.
"We're not at war captain."
The lift doors began to close.
"But they are."

Now the two avengers stood in silence in the elevator.
"How did it go out there alone? I bet you did well." the man said looking up from the tablet.
"Yeah ofcourse, i kicked their sokovian asses like hell."
The man chukled at his adoptive daughter and said in a joking manner

The two of them seperated once they stepped out of the elevator. Steve let the girl go to her room so she could get some rest while he went to check on Barton.

Rava was walking to her room when she spotted the forgotten lasagna in the kitchen. She ran towards her lasagna happily.
"Ohw lasagna i'm so sorry i forgot you."
She threw away the lasagna and continued her journey towards her room.

Once Rava arrived she immediatly jumped in bed for a little nap. Finally a bit of rest. When she layed her head on the pillow the girl immediatly drifted of into a deep sleep.

Rava? Rava, where are you?
The little girl tried to block out the sound of her dearest friend calling out for her.
She was trying to get into the spirit world but she didn't succeed. Please just shut up already i'm trying to focus, was all she could think of.
"Oh there you are little ballerina."
The teenage boy smiled at Rava who now opened one eye annoyed at the boy interrupting her 'meditation'. But still giggled at the nickname given to her.

Rava was wearing the traditional clothing of the airtemple where she lived. The now 9 year old Rava began to speak in a giggling manner "What are you doing here, Jooheon?"
The boy smiled sheepishly at the little girl he considered as his sister.
"I wanted to help you train today so that when master Kyoshi comes you can impress the old man."
This made the girl laugh and she happily agreed.

Those were one of the last happy memories she had with the boy who was like her older brother and that was the time when the airtemple was a beautiful place and not a massive graveyard.

The girl woke up with a gasp. Sitting up straight she saw Natasha standing in the doorway with a concerned look on her face. "You okay, little one?"
"Yeah, yeah just a dream." Rava smiled up at the woman.
The woman then began walking towards the girl on the bed.
"Now shall we get you ready for the party."
Rava's eyes lit up in an instant, nodding excitedly.

"How's Clint doing? Is he okay?"
The woman gave a loving smile and nodded.
"Now what are you going to wear tonight?"


Walking into the party, Rava was looking for some familiar faces in the crowd. Finally spotting someone she knew, she began walking towards Thor.
When the thunder god saw her he broke into a huge smile and gave her a loving hug.
"You look splendid tonight, lady Rava." the young woman immediatly smiled at the cute god infront of her.
"Well thank you, mighty Thor. You look great yourself." The man smiled at the young girl again and the two of them began a conversation.

"So your clothing, which region does it come from this time, lady Rava?"
The thunder god was always interested in the clothes of Rava. He always wanted to know where Rava's clothes came from and after he knew that he always wanted to know more about one of the four nations.
"Well the colors are green and there is no fur so it's.."
The god's eyes lit up now that he knew the awnser.
"The earthkingdom"
The two spoke at the same time.

Rava had a fun time at the party. She mostly spoke with Thor about her birthplace and with Steve and Sam about Steve's friend Bucky.
Rava remembered the time with the winter soldier quite well.

She remembered cursing at the him when they were fighting and he threw her against the wall.
Just like the time when Loki attacked New York and when they captured him and she went to check on him. The god of mischief tried to provoke her with his hurtful words but she threw him in the air and let him fall against the floor very hard with airbending but the best thing came after when he laid there on the floor and she yelled at him.
"Go blow your dad, you mullet wearing asshole."
(Ten points for gryffindor if you know the reference)
While saying this she flipped him off. She knew he didn't exactly have a mullet but i kinda looked like it.
That was a moment she was proud of.

Now only a few people were still at the party.
The avengers alongside Maria, Hill, Helen Cho, Sam Wilson and Rhodey were sitting on the couch trying to lift Thor's hammer.

It was a hilarious sight. First Clint, then Bruce who threw his arms up and tried to yell like the hulk. Everyone stared at him with wide eyes and no sound was heard.
After this peculiar thing it was Tony's turn. But the hammer still didn't move. He even tried it with the arm of his suit and even after Rhodey came to help it didn't budge.
They were only bickering which made the girl giggle at the sight.
When Steve tried it the hammer moved a little bit and Thor's smile immediatly went down.

Rava stood up to go try it while the rest were talking about theories when Thor spoke up.
"I have a better theory. Maybe you're not worthy."
The god turned to Rava smiling.
"Well maybe you are, lady Rava. You haven't tried it yet."

Then an unknown voice spoke up.
The voice made sending shivers down Rava's spine.
Looking into the direction where the voice came from the group saw what's supposed to be a robot. The thing was all beaten up and half of the thing was missing.

"Worthy... No... How could you be worthy? You're all killers."

Without taking her eyes of this horrible create the girl called out for the billionaire.
"Tony , what is this thing?"

This said man was completely confused himself. "Jarvis?"

The beaten up robot began to speak again.
"I'm sorry i was asleep... Or i was a dream?"

Tony was trying to connect to Jarvis but to no avail. The robot was still talking.
"There was this terrible noise. And i was tangled in.. In strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy."

With a look of shock on his face Steve began to speak this time.
"You killed someone?"

"Wouldn't be my first call. But down in the real world we are faced with ugly choices."

When the thing limped closer towards the group. Thor who had a deadly grip on his hammer pointed at the robot and began to speak.
"Who sent you?"

The robot played a recording. In the recording you could hear the familiar voice of the one and only Iron Man. The billionaire genius said something about seeing an armor around the world.
Bruce looked at Tony in shock. "Ultron."

Ultron began to speak once again.
"In the flesh. Or no, not yet. Not this.. Christmas. But i'm ready. I'm on a mission."

Rava recovered from her shock and now began to speak aswell.
"What mission?"
The thing what this Ultron thing said next gave the girl the absolute creeps.

"Peace in our time."

When Ultron said this four other Iron Legion robots broke through the wall.

Now all hell broke loose with the five robots against the group of superheros.

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