
By KillerGirl81705

501 1 14

You hate this boy at school, not to mention that he always bugs and irritates you in the hall, at lunch, wher... More

School With Them
Black eye
Cole - Cory
Fun With Cory
Dancing with Cory
The Game
At Your House
Time For Now

The Kiss

57 0 2
By KillerGirl81705

So after the teacher was done blabbering on about the work we were going to do Cory put his hand on your thigh making chills go down you spine and butterflies form.

"C- Cory, what are y- you doing?" you said in a mumble.

"Met me outside by the commons" he said and got up and walked out the classroom after the teacher nodded his head when he went to go talk to him.

"What does he want all of a sudden?" you mumbled to your self before getting up to ask the teacher to go to the restroom and walked out the door.

'What does he want? All of a sudden he puts his hand on my thigh and tells me to met him by the commons and walks out of class without another word? Want does he want? He is most likely planning on doing something to me again like last time'. 

You finally got to the front of the commons and saw him there leaning on the wall. 

"Okay. What did you want Cory?" you said while looking in his dreamy green eyes. You hated to think about it but Cory had really sexy eyes, and blue was your favorite color.

"You" he said and then pulled you by the waist and locked lips with you.

He pushed you up against the wall and pinned you so you could not go anywhere. You then jerked your head, and started to blush really hard.

"What's wrong by the feel of it I could tell you liked it so why did you stop?" he looked at you and smirked.

"What the hell was that Cory".

"I could not help myself, you looked really hot when you were dripping wet in the lunch room early, it made me hot"

You looked at him with a shocked look and before you knew it you were locked lips with him again and he must of taken advantage because you could feel his tongue inside your mouth.  You guys had been kissing all period because you both stopped when you heard kids voices down the hall.

"I hope I get another time to have you again Anya" He  smirked at you and walked back to class to get his stuff.

'What the hell was that!? Cory and I were making out all period! Why would he do that?' You could feel yourself blushing even more just by thinking of what just happened. 'I hope I get another time with you? What the hell is he going to do next time? Am I going to let him do anything next time? Is this going to become a thing with me and him?' 

You started walking back to class to get your stuff and not think about what happened with Cory for the rest of the day but you knew it was not going to be a easy task. 


After 6th and 7th period you were glad it was 8th period your favorite class chorus. You were glad it was 8th because it was the end of the day and you got more time to spend with your friends. Alex, Arizala, Lizzy, Beth, Andi, and Rebecca all were in chorus with you, and you all were altos.

You went to your locker to pack your bag when you got stopped by Cory at your locker. 

"What do you want Cory I have class in two minutes" you said glancing at your phone.

"I want to hang out with you today after school" he stared at you waiting for an answer.

"I can't I have plans with Andi today"

"Ok what are you guys doing then?"

"We are going to the mall, now let me go I have class Cory and so do you"

He pushed his body closer to yours and lock lips with a French kiss and let you go after ten seconds, making you blush again.

You looked at him to see him look back and smirk, then walk off. 'Just go to class Anya he can't get to you there'. You were almost to class when you got pulled back by a hand grabbing your wrist. 'Great Cory followed me', you turned around to see Cori but to it was not him. To your surprise it was Cole. He looked like he was in pain and was hurt. You knew he was upset just by looking at his eyes.

"Cole? What are you doing out here you should be in class right now" you said still looking into his eyes full of pain.

"Then why are you out here?"

"I had to talk to a teacher Cole".

"Anya... I am really sorry for today at lunch, I did mean to do it on purpose and the whole thing was planned but I feel really bad for soaking you with water."

You stared at him with relive but shocked let he would tell you that. Most of the time he never said sorry, just did it more. 


Before you could finish what you were going to say to him, he pulled you in to him and kissed you, with barley any space left between the two of you. It was about a minute before he let go of you.

"I will be waiting for you outside of chorus when class ends" he said and then walked off leaving you standing trying to figure out what the hell just happened with him. 

'Cole kissed me. He seemed sincerely sorry for what he did. What the hell'.

You went to chorus and could not focus because you were to shocked by Coles words. Cole kissed you so out of nowhere.

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