'Your Love Consume Me Part 2'...

By ElleMiglioranza

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This is the 5th book in the Epic Love Saga. At the end of the 4th book there was heartbreaking ending where D... More

The End It's Only The Beginning.....
Never Was.....Never Will Be.....
Misty Blue.....
Only Love Can Hurt Like This.....
You Will Reap What You Sow.....
I Don't Need No Hero.....
I'm Gonna Love Ya.....Until You Hate Me.....
My Heart Has Always Belonged To You.....
Life Can Be Cruel Sometime.....
A Lover Without Indiscretion Is No Lover At All.....
I Didn't Think Of You As My Enemy.....
I Can't Seem To Let You Go.....
In Loving Memory Of Siena Salvatore.....
Waiting For You To Come Home.....
Love Is Just A Way To Die.....
Sorry That I Love You..... Sorry For What I Do..... Sorry For The Silence.....

Actions Leads To Consequences.....

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By ElleMiglioranza

Damon P.O.V

After talking to Stefan and Nico it made me see clarity as I should have never let any of this escalate to this I broke Siena. Now she in New Orleans with that dick Klaus. I don't know why I didn't think of it before with her running to him. I don't even know what I'm going to say to her. Will she even listen? This is Siena here not any other girl when she hurting like this there no way she will listen. But I'm not leaving New Orleans until she hears me out. With telling her the truth behind why I pushed her away will it make things better? Will she eventually forgive me? I recall the whole service when Siena stood up on that podium and spoke how she hoped that the person responsible for Thea death couldn't sleep at nights. The memory of her standing there with such hatred in her voice. But telling her the truth is the right thing to do. I rather have her hate me for doing something that was accident an unforgivable accident. Than her think that I didn't love her that I wanted Elena that I made the wrong choices even all those words I told her were unforgivable too.

Right now all I need to do is focus getting to New Orleans and figure everything out after. It going to take a lot to stop me from kicking the crap out of Klaus that gonna be a challenge on it own. All I want to do to that dick is stake his ass put him down once and for all but I know the consequences of doing that. It will involve all of us following in his death. I just have to somehow keep this anger under control because l I start anything with him it will end up with me ending up dead. So I need to keep a cool head that I'm going all this way to talk Siena around. Nico needs his mom and he didn't hate her that was clearly proven she needed to know that we both want her to come home.

The drive to New Orleans that was meant to be 10 hour drive I did in half of the time my foot was down on the accelerator. I had the cops chase me a couple of times and I dealt with the first few with compulsion and the last one as I entered New Orleans I just killed. I was getting pissed with them tell me I'm going over the speed limit and I was hungry so unfortunately for them they both ended up dead. As I drove into New Orleans on route 10 approaching the French Quarters I notice the street filled with people, so I parked up my car as it would be easier for me to walk than trying to drive through all this.

So I parked up and began to walk through the street as these human partied while getting drunk. I had no idea where to even start looking for Siena. I began to go in and out of bars with the hope that maybe I might see her in one but they were filled with human and some places with vampires. I was losing all hope because I came all this way and it seem that the fates were stopping me from finding her. So I stopped in a bar called "Russo" the place was full just like the other but this time round I might ask someone if they had seen her. I approached the bar and saw a blonde working the bar she looked really rushed off her feet.

"What can I get ya?" She spoke with frustration and a smile. From her accent she wasn't from here and maybe she wouldn't know of Siena.

"A glass of your finest scotch" She grabbed a glass and placed it in front of me then poured "So you been in New Orleans for long?" I asked her then I heard her scoff.

"Look buddy I'm here to serve not to flirt. There a bar full of women give one of them your smooth lines" I was taken back by her comment I wasn't flirting I was just making pleasant conversation.

"Get off your high horse princess" I raised my left hand showing her my wedding band "Happily married for your information" I lied about the happy part but she didn't need to know that. I picked up my drink and drained it then looked at her as she seem a little stunned "Reason I asked is because I'm looking for someone" I got out my phone and showed her a picture of Siena "Have you seen her about?" She began to frown as she looked at the picture.

"Yeah I've seen her around she was in here earlier" She stated while cleaning the surface of the bar.

"Any idea where she staying?" I questioned her and she stopped she was hesitating to talk "It's really important it's to do with her family" I partial lie the blonde sighed as I knew she was going to talk.

"I saw her earlier this evening in the French Quarters coming out of Klaus place" My blood began to boil at the name Klaus "I'll give you directions" She wrote down on a piece of paper where I needed to go and handed it over to me "Just be careful. Klaus...." I cut her off.

"Don't worry Klaus and I are old buddies" Before she could even reply I left making my way to the place she told me about. I was beyond raging right now the whole drive all i could think about how I'm going to kill Klaus. I made my way through the streets of New Orleans when i reached an alley way which lead to Klaus home I began to yell "Klaus!!!! Klaus!!!" I walked into the court yard "Klaus you son of a bitch get your ass down here!!!" I screamed that part as I wanted to have it out with him once and for all I didn't care. He wanted to play hero for Siena right now when all of this is down to him and his stupid compulsion. I looked up to see Klaus coming down the stairs with a smug look upon his face.

"Ah, if it isn't Damon Salvatore" he states smoothly "Tell me what brings you to my humble abode?" I had to keep my cool I couldn't just beat the crap out of him just yet.

"You fucking asshole" controlling myself didn't work out to well I super speed to Klaus and punches him sending him flying onto a table breaking. I wasn't done with him yet I vamp sped to him picked him up and punched him in the face three time "You compelled me..." I punched him again "You sent me on my merry way...." I punched the dazed Klaus who had blood pouring from his lip "You ruined my life!!!" I yelled at him giving him final blow to the face and letting Klaus drop to the ground. I was breathing heavy to control myself I knew I couldn't kill him and doing what i just did to him would end up in my own death. But he is to blame for everything that had happen. He sit up with that ridiculous smirk on his face and chuckling slightly like all of this was a freaking joke.

"So my compulsion has finally worn off. I imagine that you got a witch to help you Damon" He smiles as he get up from the ground "You know you shouldn't be angry with me. You should be thanking me because if not for me. You and Siena would have never got married and she would have hated you. So I really did you a huge favour and this is how you chose to thank me?!" he began to raises his voice at me "By coming into my home and attacking me???!!!!" I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth how I should owe him one for compelling me. I've never been frighten of Klaus and if he wanted to rip my heart out right here and now then he can because it would stop the pain I'm feeling for not having Siena in my life.

"Actually I had a visit from an old buddy of your Lucas De Vere rings any bells?!!" I raised my voice back to him and I watched how his expression changed "Yeah his a mutt just like you" Couldn't help but smirk at him as I knew Klaus hated to be called that "He gave me all the deets and yeah the witch did all the rest" I super-sped to him giving him another blow to his face. I didn't care anymore if i was gonna die I'm gonna die fighting and saying my piece "You sent me away to wait on that bitch Katherine when we both knew she wasn't in that tomb" I punches him again "You bastard!!!!" Klaus eyes began to change colour and he stops me attacking him by punching a hole into his chest and grabs my heart that was it I knew it my time was coming to an end.

"You are very arrogant and stubborn Damon" He squeezes my heart and I cried out in pain "Instead of helping you all of those years ago, I should have killed you!!" He yells and smirks evilly "Maybe is not too late rectify my mistake" I felt no fear no nothing right now he was going to kill me then he just needed to do it

"Nic what is taking so I'm ready for another...." I looked up to see Siena half way down the stairs with a silk robe and just in her underwear. Her expression was stunned as we both locked eyes then I saw guilt instantly. Klaus kept a tight grip around my heart as he tighten I knew now was my end and I wasn't frighten of it either as my heart broke as the look upon Siena face said it all. She had done something with this immortal dick in front of me.

"Do it!!! Kill.... Me!" My eyes adverted to Siena who stood there stunned she looked even more beautiful than i remembered. At least the last thing i would see is her beautiful face.

"Damon? What are you doing here?" She spoke in a detached voice. I looked at her as her face was filled with worry. She stilled cared she didn't hate me. But none of that matter right now because it's been made clear that she has moved on.

"Looks like I'm about to get my heart ripped out" I struggled to say then I looked back at the immortal dick "If your gonna kill me then do it!!!!!" I half shouted as the pain was unbearable and I just wanted it all over it. The pain of knowing that my Bella had been with this asshole in front of me pained me more than anything and it was my fault I drove her into his arms.... Then suddenly Klaus sees Siena's face and removes his hand and letting me drop to the ground. The next moment Siena was beside me with her face filled with worry I couldn't even look at her.

"What the hell is going on? Why were you trying to kill him?" She yelled at Klaus in anger then turns to me "Why are you here? What do you want?" The pain was fading away slowly and up looked at a worried Siena. I didn't know if I should tell her the truth. Then Stefan words spoke to me that Siena would somehow forgive me for what happen. I got up from the ground and Siena help me up she still had that look of concern on her face all I want to do was grab her and bring her back home. I wanted to speak but no words would come out with fear of Siena knowing the truth that she would be the one to rip out my heart. Klaus stood there with a huge smirk on his face.

"Well are you going to tell her or should I do the honours mate?" I glared at him I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of that. Already he had taken so much away from me and it looks like he taken the one thing I thought I would never lose. I didn't know how to feel about Siena and Klaus right now all I felt was numb but I needed to plead my case in hope that maybe she will know I'm still deeply in love with her.

"I'm not your mate!!!" I looked to Siena who was looking between Klaus and waiting for one of us to speak up. I took in a deep breath before speaking "The day of our fight I had an old friend of your and this dick come to me. Apparently I knew him too" I glared at Klaus "But it appears that this original asshole compelled me to forget" I notice Siena frowning "Well if you're interested to know it was your ex Lucas De Vere. I was in New York 2007 I was hired by the De Vere family to take down a vampire problem aka Klaus" I stopped as Siena jaw dropped she seem as surprised by all this as I was when I found out. Maybe all this might work in my favour "Lucas brought all this to my attention. And the reason i was compelled to leave New York......" I stopped as I couldn't say it I could stand there and tell her i killed her friend Thea I thought I could but the look on Siena face was killing me right now. Then I saw her smiling and then moving closer to Klaus.

"If you came to convince me to go back to Mystic Falls with you, you are just wasting your time. I am never going back there again. So you can just leave Damon. There is nothing for me in Mystic Falls anymore. So leave and go back to your precious Elena, the woman that you really love. I'm sure that she is waiting for you" Siena spoke coldly to me I stood there as she stood by dick who had a smirk upon his face as he was enjoying this I needed to explain all of this. And I didn't want to do it in front of him. Looking at the both of them standing side by side knowing that they had done the deed I know I should walk away as she slept with another man. But I know my Siena she wouldn't of done that if I didn't hurt her the way I did, I needed to reason with her.

"Siena can we talk in private" I didn't want to have this discussion in front of this dick "I need to explain why those things were said" I spoke to calmly in hope she might come around and hear me out.

"Why? There is nothing to talk about Damon. You said that you loved Elena and you wish that you married her. So go back to her and leave me the hell alone" She raised her voice slightly I needed to explain I didn't want Elena I've never wanted her from the very moment I laid eyes on Siena.

"If you will talk with me without your guard dog I will explain" I looked and notice Klaus with his arm around Siena "Take your hands off my wife!" I growled at him he wanted to really piss me off he was going the right way about it.

"I believe that you were told to leave. Now do it or you will get thrown out by yours truly!!" I looked at him for a long moment this was fair from over between me and him I will be getting my revenge.

"Good bye Damon. Go back to Elena!" Siena sneers the name. I looked at Siena for long moment then walked out. I wasn't going to give up nor am I going back to Mystic falls without her. I just need to get her on her own to hear me out. My heart felt shatter in knowing that she had done something with Klaus and I don't know what to be feeling right now all I felt was still that same numb feeling. One thing I did know I needed to pay Klaus back and I'm sure he has a few enemies laying around I'm going to make him pay for everything he has ever done and taking advantage of Siena when she's in a venerable states. On my life he going to pay!

Klaus P.O.V

After 18 months of having Siena brought back into my life we had gone through many dramatic experiences. I recall from the night when she came to the ritual when I was going to kill the doppelgänger and finally become the hybrid that I had always wanting to be. To come face to face with the woman that I've ever loved in my thousand years walking this earth it felt like my world stopped. I still recall the look upon her face when she found out that I was the big bad Klaus. I had a moment of weakness where I was ready to give up my dream to become a hybrid for her..... Because that how special Siena Russo was to me. That I saw in that one moment as a moment of redemption. My hunger for power will always come first and I wish that I could turn back the clock. Because becoming a hybrid has not made me any happier, yes I'm feared by many but I'm loved by no one. My sibling claim to love me but I would always been known as the bastard child. The only person who has ever loved me for me was her and I walked away because I chose power over true love.

When I found out that Siena was dimidium sanguinis that was another earth shattering moment for me. Yes I had been searching for decades and centuries for the dimidium sanguinis but I never once thought that it was Siena. My heart pained not due to that I couldn't take advantage of her but because of the fate that laid before her. She was this young and beautiful woman who had her whole life ahead of her, she didn't need to be brought into this supernatural world of craziness. Also another reason why I walked because of who I am because if my enemies knew of my weakness being Siena they would of used her as some kind of leverage to get to me. Yes I walked away for power to become the one thing I was always meant to be but I also walked away for her. To protect her from the wickedness that surrounds me. It seem that Siena was attracted to supernatural being as she had fallen in love with the arrogant Damon Salvatore.

When her dear Damon was dying from the nasty wolf bite I had bargain with her that I gave the cure if she along with Stefan left Mystic Falls with me. If truth be told the reason I did that was not to hurt her but to protect her because I did not see Damon protect Siena the way I could protect her. I tried my hardest to keep her happy to bring that Siena I once knew. But all I saw from her was hatred towards me and I did not blame her I had killed her sister to regain my hybrid side. I may have shown that I did not care but deep down Siena happiness was important to me. The reason why I let her leave us to see her family to show her that underneath all this bad she seeing from me that her "Nic" was still there. My intention were never to use her or her powers to my advantage all I ever wanted for her was to be safe and I felt I was the only one who could do that.

But no matter what I did in Siena eyes I would always be the bad guy. That even in moment when I would show her the man that she once loved her heart was with Damon. She chose to be with him because deep down Siena truly loved him and I could see how she looked at him with adoration. She used to look at me like that once upon a time, as if I was the only man that could make her feel complete. It looks like Damon had stolen her heart. I still recall the day when I saw the ring on her wedding finger I had to keep my composure I had to show her that it did not affect me. I kept telling myself that she is happy and I should be happy for her that was little more easily said than done. But somehow will all my will and might I put aside my feeling for her that her happiness came first that if Damon Salvatore was the man who had capture her heart. I needed to throw in the towel and be there for her as a friend. My confession to her on her wedding day I meant every word that all I ever wanted was to see my Siena happy, that I wouldn't take her away from the people she loved. That deep down they would all protect her just as much as I could. She was a true vision of beauty on that day that one image of her has never left my mind.

Leaving Mystic Falls was the best thing all round moving to New Orleans to take back what once was mine and to become a father that my unborn child deserves. I had to leave Siena behind in my past to let her get on with her life. She loved Damon and they had a child together we were both moving in different directions but I knew we would always have a special connection that many might never understand. Even living here when Siena couldn't turn to Damon or any of her family member she would come to me. When I saw her for the first time as an immortal vampire she looked so radiant that immortality has brought out her beauty further she was radiating like the sun on a summer day. A moment of true breath taking and I sense she was at her full capability of being the dimidium sanguinis. Siena needed my help and I was willing to help her and I would always be there for her regardless of the distant between us. With my actions from that very day I think I proved to her that she can always turn to me when she needed.

My time in New Orleans has been a trying time. With Marcel and I at each other throats and with the witches do determined to regain their power. It was like a war zone each day I had to protect my family and also the woman bearing my child too. The lies and the scheming for everyone to get what they wanted. Estelle coming and messing with the ritual of not letting the four harvest girl to come back but four other witches came instead who cause havoc. But one had shown me what I had been blinded to see that the reason why Mikael had come to New Orleans. Genevieve had opened my eyes it was Marcel and Rebekah who had brought Mikael in 1919 that they took advantage of Genevieve to send the message. Once I knew of all of this all I wanted was to murder my sister for the worst kind of betrayal known amongst our family. For what? So she and Marcel could have some form of relationship? I was against it because I brought up Marcel as my son I cared for him as he was my own this romance between my sister and he was morally wrong. But it drove them to do this to me did they hate me that much? In that moment I did not care all I saw was murder and I knew that Rebekah was in the same building.

I had Rebekah in my clasps ready to put her down for what she and Marcel had done to me all those years ago. That moment was stopped with Siena come out of nowhere at first I was stunned to see her before me but my rage continued as all I wanted was to seek my revenge for the betrayal. Siena had let Rebekah and Marcel fee while she held me back, she held incredible strength she was far stronger than anything I had come across in my time. As Siena tried to reason to reason with me informing me that if I was to kill my sister or Marcel I would live with that regret. As much as I didn't want to listen to her, her words sung to me like I was being cast under a spell. As much as I fought her and didn't want to listen it felt like I was compelled to listen. Looking at Siena before me stirred huge amount of emotions within me emotions that I haven't felt for a long time. When I kissed her it felt right as I gave into the deepest darkest desires which I had held within me for all these months. I felt complete as if my queen has returned back to me, that Siena rightful place was here with me.

Well it appeared that I may have misinterpreted the actions. Siena had walked away from Mystic Falls from her husband Damon she just claimed it was over and she seem adamant about this. I did not regret my actions kissing her as that felt right for me I will never apologies for an action that I'm not sorry for. I offered her a room to stay in and she expected but in Siena cheeky way she spoke of no funny business, but even as she spoke those words her eyes were saying another. She looked at me with that same desire as she once did when we were together all those years ago. That night it took all my strength to not go into her room as all I wanted was to have her in the comfort in my arms. If was to do such an action I'm sure she would put me in my place so I restrained myself from doing so.

I had received a phone call that Katerina Petrova was dying due to her taking the cure, this pleased me and if she was dying I'm going to be paying her a visit. I knew Siena would be fine leaving her alone so I made my journey back to Mystic Falls to see my enemy at her weakest that this world will be rid of the poison of Katerina. Well it was extremely short visit as before I could even enter the home of the Salvatore I was stopped by a brave young man. Not just any young man but the son of Siena and Damon Nico, I was left a little lost for words so to say. I recalled the child I once head in my arms this tiny little baby now to see a full grown man before me, I was left a little speechless. Nico had the same compelling aura just as his mother and I could see that he was upset by this mother disappearance. So I felt it was the right thing to do to inform him that his mother was safe and in New Orleans, I may of not had the best of upbringing but I do not wish to let this young man not know of the where about of his mother and that if he wanted to see her that New Orleans would be open to him.

On my return to New Orleans I thought upon the words that Nico had told me that he thought I should leave Katherine to die in peace. It wasn't so much the words that he spoke but the fact none of us are untouchable that our time upon this earth is something we can't guarantee. I may have walked this earth for a thousand years and only felt happiness once and what he made me realize is that I should grab each opportunity with both hands. With that thought I went back to the compound but Siena was not at home so I began to search for her. Strangely enough I found her in the first pub I walked into, a blues and jazz. As I approached her I couldn't help but admire her radiance of how stunning she looked. My thoughts were you are only given one life and you should live it without regrets and I choose not to have further regrets to dwell on.

That is what I did I finally let Siena know of my true feeling for her that the love I've always had for her had never left. When the moment we both gave into our temptation it felt like a eutrophic moment that when I body moulded together it felt right. To feel her touch on my flesh gave me that sensation of being whole, that all in that moment it was only about her and I. Making love to Siena was something else I went through different stages of happiness that I finally had her and she felt the same way too. My aim was to pleasure her to take away all her worries away for this moment to be only about us and no one else. When we both reach our climax and laid side by side I knew in Siena eyes that even though it was so right what we did she felt a slight regret to the action we had just done, but I didn't want to hear that I didn't want her to tell me it was not right because in my eyes it was. We both gave into our deepest desire something that we had both held back she was a free woman as I a free man all the other things was unimportant.

Well that perfect moment was ruined by the turning up of Damon Salvatore. Very angry and appeared to of had the compulsion I had placed on him removed, all that anger and rage he held inside him he gave me a few blows. Once Siena made her appearance everything changed as I had my hand in his chest ready to tear out his heart and be done with him once and for all. The look upon her face stopped me ding such an action, I knew if I ended Damon life she would never forgive me. Damon tried to plead his case to Siena that the brut Lucas De Vere had come out of the shadow to cause trouble by bring up about the late Thea death. Damon did not have the guts to tell Siena what had happen on that night, along with that Siena didn't want to hear his pleads of wanting her to come back home. Was it truly over? Had Siena finally seen the light now that the man she meant to be with was me? The harsh words that were told made that very clear.

Well that was what I thought because as soon as the arrogant Salvatore left Siena face was filled with sorrow she rushed off crying. She stilled loved him the action that her and I did all those feeling were they true? I felt lost and a little confused right now. But I need to show Siena that I'm the right one for her not the arrogant Salvatore. I tried to enter the guest room but she had locked the door and I could hear her sobs. It broke my heart to hear her so upset. When the sobs stopped and I knew she was asleep I broke the lock and enter the room, I looked at her tear stained face as she slept and my heart ached for her. I didn't not want her to feel sorrow or pain I still wanted her to be happy and deep down I knew she wasn't happy with everything that happened.

I stayed by her side in a chair all night long, with my mind churning of ways that I could make her see sense that Damon wasn't right for her. That I was the man for her that I will give her the happiness that she truly deserved that she would always come first. I didn't need to protect her as she was perfectly capable to do that herself. Siena was my queen and I will fight this war with Damon to win her heart at whatever the cost maybe.

"Nic....?" Siena spoke breaking me out of my thoughts I looked at her she seemed to be a little confused "How? What?" She spoke with confusion in her voice.

"A lock wasn't going to keep me away from you" Siena sat up and covered herself with the sheets like she was protecting herself "Sweetheart we need to discuss what happened last night" She climb out of bed still clinging on the sheet covering up her body.

"There nothing to talk about" she stated a little harshly, I got out of my sit and began to approach her "Don't. Nic just don't!" She held her hand up "I don't need this right now. Can you just please leave me to get ready" I didn't want to argue with her and I left her room. I was anger. I was anger at the fact that Damon had ruined everything as I entered the living room I came face to face with Genevieve the witch who made me see everything crystal clear. She smiled sweetly I knew that Genevieve had a soft spot for me that was shown in Rebekah memories.

"Genevieve what do I owe the pleasure of this early visit?" I could see her blush slightly as I poured myself a well-deserved drink after last night events.

"Well....." she paused as Siena walked into the room her bottom jaw dropped as her eyes followed Siena as she approached me and took the glass from my hand and drained it.

"Thanks I'm need that" Siena turned to see Genevieve "Oh didn't realise you had a guest" Siena spoke innocently and smiled at Genevieve who expression changed slightly "I'm....." Siena began to say but Genevieve stopped her from talking.

"I've come to see Elijah" I glance over at Siena and she rolled her eyes as she sat on the sofa she wasn't interested to know who Siena was.

"Well I might be able to help you with that as I'm assuming all that racket is down to him" Genevieve smiled I indicated for her to follow me as it appeared that Siena wasn't still in the talking mood. I opened the door to the courtyard and I could see some men digging up the foundation.

"Enough with all the racket!" I shouted and they stopped Elijah looked at me with a smirk, I know I told him to fix up the place but he was going above and beyond and I knew the reason behind that.

"Is there a problem, brother?" He spoke innocently then turned to the workers "Gentlemen, please" They left and Elijah turned back to me.

"I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody three-ring circus" Elijah didn't seem impressed with my statement but I knew he was doing all this for one person only that was Hayley as he had grown overly fond of her over the months.

"Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not" Elijah protested before I could respond Genevieve intervened.

"I agree with your brother. It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover" She spoke as she looked around the place, with such a compliment I knew that she was after something from Elijah after he had drawn up this peace treaty.

"Careful, Elijah. When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign she wants something" I teased and once again Genevieve blushed furiously.

"Actually I do have a request. I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic. Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change" Well I was right that she was after something. A party well that would change the sprite around here and maybe it might brighten up Siena.

"Am I to assume that you have a certain feast day in mind?" Elijah spoke sceptically he did not trust Genevieve after her revelling the truth of Mikael appearance in 1919.

"The Fête des Bénêdictions. Feast of the Blessings. In the past, members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young Harvest girls to society" Well I thought it seemed like a reasonable request as Elijah is all about peace and keeping each faction happy.

"So your coven attempted to destroy my family and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment. And you would like a party for the witches" I couldn't help but chuckle which made Genevieve feel uncomfortable.

"I made my amends with your brother. Why don't you think it over?" She spoke to him calmly then she leaves I didn't see it being such a problem with the witches wanting a festival in their honour. Elijah want to take control so he needed to respect their request even if the cooperate had cause harm to our family as a leader he needed to show to not hold any form of grudges.

"Oh, don't be such a stiff, Elijah. The tourists love a good festival. Besides, what better way to cement the solidarity than a show of faith toward a one-time enemy?" Elijah need to let go all the hatred towards the witches as we would need them on our side soon with the plan I have in mind so keeping Genevieve happy might be in everyone best interest.

"A onetime enemy with whom you've grown rather nauseatingly friendship with" Elijah did not like the fact I was keeping close to hand but in time I will reveal to my brother the purpose of my friendship with this witch.

"Well, who said maintaining alliances can't be fun?" I stated with a smile which annoyed my older brother.

"One would think you'd be a little more interested in attending to the needs of the mother of your child. Than entertain your ex-lover and your new alliance" Of course Elijah thought I never put Hayley and my child need before anything. He really did think that he was the only one who cared.

"So, she's the reason behind this oh-so-thoughtful renovation? Elijah, the truth is, the mother of my child is werewolf royalty. She's far safer in the bayou with her pack than she would ever be here with us. Don't worry. I'll bring her home before the birth. No child of mine will be born in a swamp" With that I walked away from him as I needed to do something to prove to Siena that what happen last night wasn't a one off that I wanted a future with her. I know with Damon turning up had upset her but I need to prove to her that I'm the better man for her. With this event tonight I will show Siena my intention.

Lucas P.O.V

I have done everything in my power to get what I wanted. Even to betray and hurt my oldest friend Siena in the process. But I did whatever it took to find Hayley I had made deals along the way that some people would think as unforgivable but I did what I could to find the last of my family my twin sister. One thing everyone wanted was the dimidium sanguinis that was the prize gift for everyone and when finding out it was Siena Russo now Salvatore. I was well and truly stunned as Siena has always meant to the world to me even after everything that had happen after the Hampton I cared for deeply. Reason being why I was so dead against her being with that vampire and I went to whatever lengths to bring him down.

Over the years I had found out about my heritage I went to places that Hayley was last seen but it seem like that she moved on quickly. I met with Marcel a few months back to get more information that when everything came to light that my sister was pregnant with Klaus Mikaelson the same beast who had taken Siena from me all those years ago. So I needed to do whatever it took to get my sister away from Klaus and those originals that included bartering Siena. While I was in New Orleans I visited a witch called Bastianna she informed me that to bring down the original family once and for all, I would need to let the final stage of the dimidium sanguinis happen. I was uncertain of what she meant but she informed me that I need to let the travellers open a part of the dimidium sanguinis.

Well finding a traveller wasn't easy but when I did and I told them I knew of the location it's was all very simple luring Siena to the right location so they could take her and perform whatever spell that needed to be done. The second step was to bribe Damon which wasn't difficult as the evident was there and he couldn't dyne what he saw. I need Siena to leave Mystic Falls and the only person who could drive her away was Damon. Some people may think my action were selfish or that I didn't care for her. But I was putting my family first meaning Hayley and the baby because them living in the world with Klaus and Elijah and the rest of them their lives will be in danger and I as her brother will protect the both of them. Even at the cost of the life of the girl I once loved.

When I brought Siena to the Bayou I didn't expect the reaction I got. She was pissed and boy did she show it. Siena really did show her dimidium sanguinis. One thing I notice is that she is unable to control it. Siena has never been a girl filled with anger this change in her had changed her and I wasn't sure if it was the deal I made with the travellers or the fact this was the natural course of how the dimidium sanguinis worked but she looked like she is losing it.

Hayley wasn't best please with me and refused to speak to me as she stayed in the cabin on her own. Jackson told me that she was looking through our father journal and she did that all night long. This wasn't the way that I want thing to go down I didn't want to hurt people that I cared about. The only person I wanted to hurt was Klaus, he had corrupted the only two women which meant anything to me. With me luring Siena into New Orleans her fate had been sealed now and there was no turning back either, even if I wanted to back out.

Morning came and Hayley was still not on talking terms with me. Jackson suggested that I let her be with her being hormonal unbalance she might really fly off the handle with me. So I sat by the swamp looking out thinking of everything I had done to get here all the lies all the cheating I had done was it all worth it? I'm beginning to regret a lot of things right now and I don't think I can take any of it back. All I wanted from the start was to meet my sister to get to know her, to be a family I didn't expect for her to be pregnant and with a child of Klaus. What frighten me more than anything is the life that my niece was going to live and that she will be a hybrid and a child with that quality people will be after her just like they been after Siena. That frighten me because she could never truly have a normal life.

"So everything that you done was to find me?" I looked up to see Hayley standing there with her arms crossed with still a pissed off expression.

"Look. I know you're pissed. But everything I have done is for you Hayley. Believe it or not" I turned away from her it seem liked Hayley had made her judgement about me.

"Lucas" I heard her voice beside me I turned my head and she was sitting beside me "Jackson has told me everything. The length you've gone through to... protect me" She spoke more calmly I knew Jackson would tell her everything he had a real soft spot for her with them being binding in a arrange marriage.

"All I wanted to keep you safe. I know we don't know each other and we both had separate lives. But it wasn't out of choice. So could do one thing to help and protect you and your unborn child....." Hayley stopped me from talking.

"Yeah I know you handed over Siena like she was nothing. You sold her out Lucas" Hayley spoke with disappointment in her voice and she was right I did sell her out.

"What would of you done Hayley? Huh? I mean you are the only real family I have left. What choice would you've of made?" I watched her face sadden "Because if you think all of this been easy for me to just hand over the girl that I truly thought I was going to spend my life with. Then you're wrong" I got up from my seat and looked at her "One thing in life I've learnt is that it's not a fairy tale thing don't always have a happy ending. That bad things happen. This is the harsh truth of life Hayley and you need to realise that what I've done. The betrayal and everything is my attempt for you to have your happy ending" With that I walked away from her I don't know if Hayley will ever truly understand my reasons. I don't' know if I can understand the lengths I've gone to but there no turning back now nothing to stop the witches from doing what they need to do.

Genevieve P.O.V

I had be brought back from the grave by a great witch called Celeste that we all had unfinished business once it was complete that each of us would die so the harvest girls shall a rise. My business was with no other than Rebekah Mikaelson she was the one to murder me after I was a friend to her. She used me so that her and Marcel get be rid of Klaus Mikaelson as he didn't approve of their relationship. Rebekah wanted me summon a man called Mikael there father I was unaware of what any of it in tailed.

Klaus Mikaelson was something to truly admire he was the most handsome man I had ever seen. I knew what he was but there was something about him that I couldn't not explain that drew me to him and if I knew that Mikael was going to kill him I would have never done what I did. So my return was to repair all of that to let Klaus know of his precious sister and prodigy son had done behind his back. It all worked like a charm of course Klaus did not believe me at first but as it all unravelled I looked at the hurt in his eyes and it pained me to see him like this. None of this was to hurt him but to hurt Rebekah and Marcel for what they had one to me. Once my work was done I took the restrains off and let Klaus do the rest.

When my work was done I knew it was time for me to leave and to sacrifice myself so that one of the harvest girls would arise. At the moment when my life was coming to an end the elders spoke to me that the dimidium sanguinis was in New Orleans that the power withheld with in her would fuse enough power for all the witches in New Orleans and empower us to the point where we wouldn't be the weakest spices of the supernatural world. That the vampires the werewolves even the human would bow to us. As with the power held in the vessel of the dimidium sanguinis will bring each of them down including the original family. For us New Orleans witches to have that we would be unstoppable but how easy will it be to find her? That might be a problem but I will do whatever it takes to have it all to make the elders happy and my coven happy.

So I thought finding the dimidium sanguinis was going to be a challenge but with a person with such power it's wasn't hard to find as I cast a little spell which lead me to the Mikaelson home. I didn't quite understand why the location took me there but while I was speaking to Klaus a young woman appeared very beautiful and her powers were exploding by the seam the energy radiated from her was something I never felt before. I had found my target and I needed to do was figure out how to disable her as I sense that she was a hybrid of some kind. She will not be easy to take down but with guidance from myself the three harvest we would be able to take her down. It's just figuring out how to keep her away from Klaus.

I notice the way he looked at her with those loving eyes. He was in love with her? She didn't appear to have a thought in the world for him as she casually stride and took his drink from his hand. If that would have been anyone else Klaus Mikaelson would of put an end to them but this young woman he shrugged it off. She tried to make an introduction but I wasn't interested I didn't want to know who she was and why she was here. Getting rid of her was my only obligation right now as the elders want her powers to infuse our ancestor holy ground. So I had to think quickly on my feet that I need to think of something a big distraction that would gather everyone together. Klaus of course wanted know why I had suddenly turned up in their home so my excuse was to speak to Elijah.

Since he had taken over all the four fraction of New Orleans had night some kind of treaty, personally I didn't see it lasting. But to keep up appearances each of us had signed it as a gesture of wanting peace but there would never be peace with our community that was a pipe dream Elijah has created. So I made a suggestion that we witches throw a little festival in honour of Fête des Bénêdictions. I saw this as a perfect opportunity of everyone being distracted with the festival and the right timing to get the dimidium sanguinis. Of course Elijah brought up the whole I tried to destroy his family and to my surprise Klaus defended me.

So I left with Elijah pondering on the idea of the witches to have their own celebration we hadn't had the opportunity to do anything like this for a long time. With the harvest girls being in bloom it was will be perfect for them to show what they can do. My journey back to the girls I received a phone call from Elijah informing me that we could go ahead with the festival. This pleased me as I knew that Klaus would bring the girl and I'll have enough time to weaken her throughout the event. As I arrived I had Monique being all authority to me telling me that my time was over here that I needed to die to let the last harvest girl rise.

"And who put you in charge?" I demanded to her out of the three girls I was growing tiresome of Monique and her ways as she thought she knew everything. She didn't have a clue about nothing.

"I communed with the ancestors. They said it's time for you to sacrifice yourself" Well the ancestors didn't give her the update of the most recent request.

"Of course. It will be an honour to fulfil my duty to our coven. But it's not quite my time yet" I stated as I walked away from her as she was beginning to annoy me like she was righteous. The ancestor did not trust to give her the information about dimidium sanguinis.

"The ancestors were very clear. We need for you to die, so our community can have the full power of the Harvest" Monique raised her voice which made he stop in my track and face her, I began to approach her slowly and hold back using any magic on her to teach her a lesson.

"Careful, Monique. Not so long ago, I was one of those ancestors. A spirit forced to watch as little by little, witches surrendered everything to vampires. We may no longer live under Marcel's thumb, but I for one don't particularly enjoy answering to Elijah, either. Before I take my leave, I'd like to ensure that you have the power to control your own fate. You didn't get the recent update the ancestor want the power of the dimidium sanguinis" Monique and the two other girls looked at me stunned "Yes she in here in New Orleans. We will take her powers as it been requested with the help from the three of you" The three of them looked at each other with worrisome look the dimidium sanguinis in our community was something that we were told to fear, but meeting her in person I don't think it going to be a problem to take her down with the powers of all four of us.

"How are we meant to take down dimidium sanguinis? Even with all our powers combined it's not enough" Monique protested back to me well I thought ahead on that one.

"The Mikaelson's mother Esther was a powerful witch. Her spell book contains enchantments that we can use to our own ends. I can steal it for our coven and we'll never be held in subjugation again. Once we have infused the power of the dimidium sanguinis into the earth. You'll have your sacrifice. But, I have things to do before I die" I walked away leaving the girls in the greenhouse to continue with their studies.

Monique had doubt about my intension but I'm here to fulfil what is requested by me and I will not allow her or the other girls question my motive. As I entered my home I found Klaus in the living room sitting causally on the couch. I felt myself panicking slightly as he may have hear about what we were going to do to the dimidium sanguinis. Klaus hadn't heard a word he came only to ask for my help treating Father Kieran. As he had a hex placed on him and for good reason his obligation were always to the vampire to keep the peace. Now it all made sense to me of why Klaus had been so kind to me I knew he had a soft spot for a human named Cami the niece of Father Kieran.

"You came all this way to beg for some human's life?" I questioned him as Klaus Mikaelson wasn't one to be asking to save a human life.

"Father Kieran's time is running out, and he has been an ally to me" He spoke calmly to me and I knew that wasn't the real reason behind it all. All he wanted was to impress Cami the human. I've seen the way he looks at her not the same way as the dimidium sanguinis but there an attraction there and he wanted to use me to get into her good books.

"Your ally, and Cami's uncle. Sorry. As I've already said, there's no way to undo that hex" I told him flatly as he need to get into his head that I will not be used once again by another Mikaelson.

"Oh, come on. You and I both know there's always a loophole" He teased this is when I saw my opportunity to ask about his mother grimoire.

"Not for this. At least not among my people. Although, I do wonder. Your mother was powerful. She would have had access to all manner of spells. Perhaps I could take a look through her grimoire" His expression was indifferent I didn't know what he was going to say about that but I hoped that maybe with this Father Kieran issues and Klaus wanting to impress Cami so much that he will hand it over to me.

"You want to use father Kieran's ailment as an excuse to look through my mother's spellbook. Very devious" He spoke with amusement in his voice, I knew he wasn't angry about my request but I needed to make it clear no grimoire no helping Father Kieran. Even though he couldn't be saved but I couldn't let Klaus know that.

"Come on. The grimoire is worthless to you. But with it's power, I could solidify my place in the coven" I tried to reason with him but he began to shake his head.

"No, I'm sorry, love. It's bad enough my mother's power was consecrated with your ancestors. The last thing I need is for you to get a look at an entire book of her dirty, little tricks" He wasn't going to give it up and when Klaus made up his mind there was no way of changing it either.

"That's unfortunate. Particularly for poor father Kieran. I guess you'll be the one to tell Cami" Klaus lunges at me and pins me in a choke-hold against the table. He leans in close to my face.

"You think you have leverage over me? I will not be manipulated!!" He screamed I wasn't going to be intimated by him and if he think he can treat me like this he has another thing coming.

"Vamisa la visia" I whispered Klaus began to groan in pain and releases me "And I won't be threatened. So, between the two of us, we each know where we stand. As long as we can retain that mutual respect, I don't see a need for any further demonstrations of power. Don't call me again"

Night time fell and the Feast of Blessings parade began down the main street. The witches march down the street, and the three currently-alive Harvest girls are hoisted above the crowd on thrones. The girls are each dressed for the element they represented in the Harvest--Monique in floral earth tones, for earth; Davina in bright red-orange, for fire; and Abigail in white, for air. I need that grimoire as a backup just in case taking down the dimidium sanguinis wasn't as I thought. I had asked one of coven wicker to help me retrieve the grimoire.

"It's time. Klaus will be at the event, which means the compound will be empty. You know what to do" I told him he nodded and I joined the Harvest girls on stage to greeted the crowd "Now, in accordance with the Fête des Bénédictions, the witches of New Orleans bless you all!" The crowd cheers. I stepped offstage. Monique steps forward first, and creates a mild earthquake that rumbles the ground below them. Then, Abigail steps forward and raises her arms to create very strong winds that blow around the crowd of tourists. Finally, Davina steps forward, turns around, and raises her palm to the sign behind her, which immediately ignites with fire and sets off dozens of fireworks, which makes the crowd cheer again. With this happening tonight and the dimidium sanguinis showing up and us taking her down. We as a community will truly become unstoppable and no vampire, werewolf or hybrid will stand in our way.

Siena P.O.V

Making Love to Nic once again brought a lot up to the surface feeling and emotions that I thought were long dead. The connection that I felt when your body entwined to feel his touch it was something indescribable. Once the moment was over and the way Nic looked at me with loving adoration it was like I came down from cloud nine and back to reality. I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't ready for anything serious that with us but Nic wouldn't let me talk. He looked so happy and I guess I didn't want to ruin the moment, when I tried Nic stopped me. I guess he knew what I was going to say as he didn't want me to ruin everything, maybe I was worrying over nothing. Maybe Nic understood me better than I thought.

Nic had gone to get us both some blood he was gone a little while so I placed my underwear back on and a silk robe I wanted to know what was taking him so long. As I came out of his room I could hear loud talking, I made my way out to the court yard asking Nic what was taking him so long. I froze as I saw Nic with his hand in Damon chest ready to rip out his heart. My heart began to accelerate as I saw Damon I felt overwhelming feeling of guilt over come me, as I told feet's away from the man I loved. All the feeling I supressed for Damon came all bubbling to the surface all the desire and love I have for him came as a flood of emotions. Nic looked at me for long moment before removing his hand from Damon chest and I rushed over as he fell to the ground. I shouldn't be comforting him that everyone word he spoke to me hurting me I should just leave him there but I couldn't this was Damon. The guy who stole my heart the guy who I chose to marry and have his child I couldn't hold back even as much as I tried to it was like something was stopping me putting my barrier back up.

The look in Damon eyes told me that he knew that something had happen between Nic and I. But I didn't understand why they were fighting and Nic was being a little too sarcastic. Then it was all brought to my attention that Damon was in New York in 2007 that Antonio De Vere hired him because of Nic to take him down and Nic compelled him to forget. All of this was a little too much to take in and why now? Why come here to say all this now? Was Damon trying to make up some crazy excuse so I'll forgive him for what he did to me? For him telling me that he chose the wrong sister and his brought Nic and Lucas into all of this? I wasn't having any of it I wasn't going to fall for Damon stories. So I just repeated back to him what he told me that he loved Elena and to return to her but as I spoke the words I felt my heart shatter once again. The way he looked at me with sorrow and regret wasn't going to make me change my mind even his pleads to talk to me alone didn't work. Because deep down I knew that a couple of moment alone with him it would go two ways one being I forgive his ass or I'll be the one ending up killing him. No matter how much I hated him right now I did not wish Damon dead.

As he walked out of the compound I couldn't handle it. It was like it was happening all over again I looked at Nic who was ready there to comfort me but I didn't want him to do that. I didn't want anyone right now I used my speed to go the guestroom and lock myself in, I slid down and began to sob because I didn't like what was happening. I didn't like the person I had become too of slept with Nic just.... I don't even know why I did it. I gave into the temptation a moment of weakness yes I felt an attraction to Nic that had never gone. But did I love him? That I wasn't sure about. With Damon.... His just Damon. I know I'm clinging on to the guys I fell in love with the one who brought a smile to my face. The guy who made me feel safe no matter what. The guy who I fell hopelessly in love with but that was all a lie and I need to stop holding on that as the harsh cold truth come out and I need to just forget Damon Salvatore.

Nic kept knocking on the door wanting to come in but I just ignored him I know he was worried and that he cared but I didn't need his kindness right now. I cried myself to sleep trying to I wanted to pain to stop I didn't want to feel anything. Not for Damon. Not for Nic. I just wanted to turn it all off but I knew of the consequences of turning off my humanity as I witness what it had done to Elena and Stefan even for brief time Damon. I didn't want to take the easy route because I knew in time it would have to be turned on and it would be a flood of emotions. So I'm going to deal with all this in a human way face my problems and fears like anyone else would.

When I woke up in the morning I found Nic by my bed side and it freaked me out. I knew why he was there because he wanted to talk but there was nothing to talk about right now. I can't talk about me and him right now because I don't even know what the hell I want right now. So I asked him to leave which Nic did. I felt a little bad after as all he was doing was trying to be a caring friend I know he concerned about me but I needed to work all this out on my own. I needed to figure out what direction I need to go in no one can help me with that. So I got showered and changed and went into the living room Nic had a guest some red head I tried to introduce myself but she wasn't interested, I sense that she didn't like me much either. The way she was staring at Nic I think she may have had a slight crush on him.

They both left as she wanted to speak to Elijah it sounded like he was running things now rather than Nic. Which was kind of strange as last I knew Nic was all about taking his kingdom back and now he had Elijah was the one people spoke to? I sat there with a glass of scotch in my hand and I began thinking about what happened last night. What Damon had told me....It was really strange how he spoke of the De Vere's and how Nic compelled him? It was like neither of them wanted me to know what happen all them years ago. For Damon to come to light of all this after being "compelled" there was one person who brought all of this to light to him and that was Lucas. I never spoken of Lucas to Damon and he had no idea about the De Vere's so part of me knew he wasn't lying to me. And it looks like Lucas De Vere going to be the only one who is able to give me those answers right now. Because I can't move on until I know the truth about everything.

So I left the compound without telling Nic where I was going I didn't need to really need to have him keeping tabs on me. So I used my speed to get the Bayou I needed answer and I'm planning on getting them from Lucas. As I walked through the site I notice the werewolves all looking at me with worrisome look, I didn't come here to cause trouble all I wanted was some kind of clarity from Lucas. I spotted him from afar he looked deep in thought as he sat next to a camp fire. I was confused and don't understand what Damon was going to tell her but stopped and didn't say it. I need to know what it is that Damon is hiding and figures that nobody would know better than Lucas. As he came up in the whole conversation he the only one who is able to give me any answers right now.

"Lucas we need to talk. Damon came by the compound and told me what happened in New York all of those years ago" I stated, looking at him intensely I watched as he appeared to be stunned to see me.

"He came clean. Wow" He looked at me with hesitation, then get up from where he was sitting "Look Siena I've been selfish and what Damon did wasn't really his fault. Everything just got out of hand and Thea was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a genuine accident. I was heartless to of used that information against Damon" He stood there with face filled with guilt. What did all of that mean? Why was he bring up Thea and Damon? What accident?

"Hold up. What?" I spoke in disbelief what was he talking about? "Thea? What about her? Lucas what the hell are you on about?" I demanded I wanted answers as none of this was making any sense to me right now and Lucas need to tell me what the hell going on.

"Hold up he didn't tell you that part did he?" I could hear his voice was filled with regret. Well from my reaction I obviously didn't know what the hell was going on.

"No he didn't. Now do you want to explain to me what the hell you are talking about?" I asked while glares at him right now I was ready to blow because it appear that all three of them have been keeping secrets from me and I wanna know what happen in New York all those years ago and why Thea is getting brought up!

"The night of your parents benefit I found out that Damon and Klaus had teamed up to take down some vampire called Gina she had something to do with some Katherine chick. I was angry Siena because the only reason Damon was in New York was to help us to take Klaus down" He looked at me regretfully "On the terrace I confronted Damon about it..... Thea tried to intervene" Lucas eyes began to glisten "Damon pushed her sending her flying" Damon was the one who killed Thea? I felt my heart sink knowing that another person gone by the hands of someone I love "Siena it was an accident it wasn't like he ripped her throat out and killed her. It was a moment of rage" I was just so shocked by everything that I had heard and I needed clarification.

"So you're telling me that Damon killed Thea and you knew about it?" I spoke slowly as I was still trying to process this all in my mind "And you didn't tell me?!" I raised my voice slightly as I fell that I've not just been played by Lucas but Damon and Nic too as all three of them knew of the truth.

"It's complicated Siena" Lucas began to walk away from me if he thought it was that easy that he can open all this up and walkaway he had another thing coming.

"Lucas, get back here now and start talking!" I yelled at him. He stopped and turned to me every part wanted to tare him apart but that wasn't going to resolve anything right now I need him to talk before I kick the crap out of him.

"Siena what is there to explain? You know since coming here I'm even thinking was it all worth it. To lie and scheme to hurt the one person who I've known my whole life. I don't know what to tell you or to say" What the hell has Lucas been doing behind my back?

"Lie and scheme? What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?! Are you telling me that you have been playing me the whole time Lucas?!" is this all a freaking game to him!

"No.... it's not like that Siena. It's Klaus. He taken everything from me. You all those years ago and now my own sister carrying his child. I just....." Lucas didn't know how to explain himself. I could feel my right hand heat up in blue flame I felt a power over take me as black veins slowly crept down my arms. I drew back and punches Lucas in the face, sending him flying.

"Siena" I heard Hayley yell "What the hell are you doing?" I turned to her I could hear Hayley heart began to accelerate "Siena you need to calm down please....." Hayley pleaded. I felt like I was losing it that even if I tried to stop myself I knew I couldn't.

"Hayley stay away" I ordered in a dangerous voice and turns my attention back to Lucas. I'm furious and wants to rip his head off. I knew in that moment that Lucas had been playing her, using her for his own selfish agenda and I wants to teach him a lesson that he will never forget.

"Siena please..... I know what he did was wrong. But please his my family" Hayley continued to plead "You have a sister" Hayley spoke with panic in her voice "She made mistakes. That what Lucas has done. He never wanted to hurt her you. Please I'm begging you" She spoke as she began to approached me she really wasn't understanding the word of staying away.

"Hayley I don't want to hurt you. Stay back please" I spoke to her in the same voice while staring at Lucas who had gotten up from the ground looking at me with fear in his eyes. Then I saw Hayley standing protectively in front of Lucas.

"This isn't you Siena. Siena you're not this type of person. You're not a killer. From a mother to a mother to be. Do you want your son to know that his mother a murder?" When Hayley spoke of Nico it trigged something as Nico already hated me for what I did to Jesse would he hate me further for killing Lucas? "Your different from others you show remorse. That was always the quality I've admired in you. So please just prove to me that Siena still here that you're not consumed with what going on with you" Hayley words sung to me and I couldn't take any of this anymore because I knew I was about to blow.

"I have to get away from here because if I stay I will kill that son of a bitch" I stated coldly I used my speed to get away from Hayley and Lucas. I stopped on the side of a road and took deep breaths to calm me down everything I had just learnt. That all those years of blaming myself for Thea death. That Nic comforted me I cried into this arms and he knew it was Damon who killed her! Then there Damon who had been compelled to forget and now he knew about all this he chose to speak those venomous words to me rather than come out with the truth! Lucas used me the whole time for what? So that he can protect Hayley? None of those three men didn't consider what all this would do to me and I'm going to make each and every one of them pay.

When I arrived at the compound I looked to see if Nic or Elijah were home and it appeared that they were both out dealing with whatever business. I didn't want to see or talk to anybody until i was calm again. So if Nic was smart, he would stay the hell away from me. As I entered the guestroom I saw on the bed a cream dress with a 1950 dress style with tutu netting. I picked it up to admire it. It was one of the most beautiful dresses that I had ever seen. On the nightstand there was a small box with a note that said:


I thought you would look exquisite in this for tonight event of Fête des Bénédictions. Of course every beautiful young lady need diamonds.

I opened the box and gasped. Inside lay a diamond necklace with a huge diamond shaped in a tear drop. The anger was still bubbling up inside me with everything that I found out. Nic trying to act like everything is fine so I will go to this stupid event and I will be making him fully aware of what I know. Nic going to regret hiding this from me. Right now I didn't know who I was angrier at because each of them betrayed me in their own way. Nic is the first one on my list to get back because he not only knew that Damon killed Thea but he took that memory from Damon and I want to know why.

So I got showered and did my hair I pinned it up in a French pleat I applied my make up and put some fresh underwear on before climbing into the dress Nic had gotten me. I looked in the mirror and I was a beautiful dress but I knew his actions were to butter me up to take my focus off what happen last night. I shook off my anger and I put on the shoes that he had provided and I picked up the black velvet box that held the diamond necklace that Nic had given me. I looked in the mirror and I looked at the necklace at Damon had given me when we first started to date, I've only ever taken it off once after the whole daggering Elijah incident. I couldn't bring myself around to take it off so I place the box in my clutch.

I left the compound and made my way to where this festival was going to be held. As I walked through the streets I could see the human all happy and cheering as they enjoyed the show. I stopped to watch three young girls on stage it appears the red head was a witch. She introduce the three young girls and I watched as each of them gave a show of their element. The one that caught my eye was the girl in the orange-red dress there was something about her that caught my eye. She didn't appear to be as confident as the other two but her explosion of fireworks really gave a really show. I left and made my way to the function room to where the party will continue.

As I descending down the stairs I began to get looks from people in the room and I don't think it was down the dress I was wearing. I saw a waiter walk pass with champagne and I took one of the glasses from him. I saw the red head and another of the one of the girls stand next to each other. The young girl was glaring at the other girl in the orange-red dress. I used my hearing to listening in on their conversation.

"Is something wrong?" she asked the young girl with concern in her voice, something didn't seem right between these two.

"These people came to praise witches. What has she done to prove herself worthy?" The young girl spoke bitterly while still looking at the other girl across the room I didn't know what the problem was here but it seemed like she was jealous or something.

"She's a Harvest girl. Like you" The red head gestures for young girl to walk with her, I kept my focus on the both of them.

"Our power is a gift from the ancestors. I've had to make sacrifices to honour that gift. I lost my mother, my aunt. Davina has done nothing but stand against us" I glanced over at this girl Davina who was talking to the guest and smiling but even though she was smiling I could the pain and the sorrow. Another realization is that the girl who was so bitter to Davina was the daughter of Jane- Ann the poor witch that had a public execution by Marcel hands.

"She just needs a little lesson. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's putting people in their place" I didn't like the sound of that either and this woman meant to be setting some kind of example to these young girls? Well I think I'm going to do something about that.

The ceremony began as guest were able to offer gifts to the young witches so the receiver would be bless. I notice that Davina wasn't receiving so this was the way she was teaching her a lesson. I got in the que and took out the black velvet box that Nic had left me with the diamond necklace. I was told to go to the daughter of Jane-Ann but I ignored the lady and approached Davina.

"I thought this would look prettier on you" She looked at me a little bewildered and I smiled at her "My favourite element is fire" Davina opened the box and her eyes widened "Every girl deserve diamonds" she looked me and smiled.

"This... this is too much" She deserved to be appreciated just liked the others and I do not believe in singling her out regardless of what she had done. At the corner of my eye I could see the other two harvest girls looking at me with the same stunned expression.

"Your special I can sense that" I smiled at her and walked away from the girls I could see the red head looking furious across the room but I didn't care.

The party continued and I saw that Hayley turned up she didn't approach me but gave me a small smile I wasn't in the mood for her to talk about her stupid brother and how I should spare him. Lucas was on my list and I would deal with him on my terms. Someone caught my eye walking down the stairs it was Damon he was in a black suite with a black shirt. I felt my heart skip a beat as our eyes came into contact. But I shook that thought away and walked away before he could come and annoy me.

"Josh!" I heard Davina call out I looked up to see Nic having hold of some guy and stopping at the stairs and goes up a few steps. Davina appeared to be a little frighten. What the hell is Nic playing at?

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches, but one very special witch has been utterly ignored. That seems a little unfair to me" He hands her a small box as his offering Davina shook her head this was a clear indication to me that she really didn't like Nic.

"No. I don't want your gift" She told him bitterly and Nic didn't like her response but still he smiled at her.

"I understand why you would reject me, given our past. In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brother's treaty ended. Your friend Josh was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him here and now. But, in the spirit of solidarity, and for your favour, Davina, I hereby pardon him. Josh from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me. Please." He hands Davina the box and walks away. Something told me there was a reason behind Nic little show and I tend to find out why he wanted to get on Davina good side.

Damon P.O.V

After leaving Klaus home I wanted to go nuts rip into someone go crazy but I knew that would all go back to Klaus then to Siena. The one image I couldn't get out of my mind as causally walking in her underwear as crazy as it sounds I could smell sex from her and that when I knew that her and Klaus had done the deed. I wanted to go crazy at Klaus but in reality me against Klaus the only one who would die would be me. So I had to walk away because Siena wasn't going to hear me out she wasn't buying the story about New York. Nothing I would say to her would make her understand my actions. I needed some advice I needed to figure out a way to get rid of Klaus once and for all. The only person that could help me right now is the help of a witch. I got my cell out and looked up Catalin number and called her.

After a few rings she picked up. I began to explain to her about partly what had happen and I wish there was a way to deal with Klaus. To stop him from influencing Siena I was going on and on and Catalin just kept assuring me that things would turn around.

"Turn around how? This dick immortal and the only way to bring him down is white oak stake. There a problem with that because Klaus get staked by that. It's an end to his bloodline including me and not long after Siena. So I don't think thing will turn around. Catalin I don't know what else to do" I spoke with frustration in my voice as all I wanted was to be rid of Klaus and the option that was available was not one I can do without killing everyone I care in the process.

"That is where you are wrong Damon. There is another way to get rid of Klaus and it doesn't involve a white oak stake but you have to do exactly as I tell you. Can you do that?" What did she have in mind? What other way could Klaus be brought down? Well if Catalin has away then its better option than what I got now which is zero.

"I'm listening. So how do I bring this hydick down then? Cause I'm all ears" I stated to her eagerly as I wanted him out of my life and Siena life he's like a poison or a plague ruining everything.

"The answer to your problem is very simple. In order to get Klaus away from your wife, you must get the harvest girls involved and convince one of them to bring Mikael back to life. If you do that, Damon Klaus will fee for his life for he knows that Mikael will hunt him to end of the earth and he will leave Siena alone" Yeah that all sounded wonderful how she said it all I mean Mikael put the fear of god in Klaus but bring him back? What the hell a harvest girl?

"Hold up. A what? What the hell is a harvest girl?" Seriously it was like she was talking in her witch terms like I'm meant to know what a freaking harvest girl meant to be.

"A harvest girls are witch. But a very powerful witches. Each of them are gifted with the 4 elements. Earth, wind, water, and fire. She and she alone can be persuaded to bring Mikael back and that will stop Klaus once and for all" Catalin was making this all sound all so simple that getting one of these witches on my side that she will bring back the one thing Klaus has always fear.

"Right so I need to find a little witch to help me with Klaus issue. Right you're making all this sound all so simple. Why do you think this harvest little witch will help me?" I need to know how I'm gonna get one of these witches onside. Because me and witches never get on and I'm even surprise that I got along with Catalin. Well there had been moments between her and I too.

"Because Damon there is a witch named Davina who is a harvest girl and I happen to know that she hates Klaus with a passion. Talk to her. With the right words, I am sure that she will give you what you want" Well that made everything seem a little more hopeful. All I need is to find this Davina girl and get her on my side but one thing bothered me how was she meant to know how to bring Mikael back from the other side?

"Well you've never let me down before. I guess this little witch is my only hope. But if i convince this Davina. How the hell is she gonna bring Mikael back? I'm sensing that your gonna be paying a visit to New Orleans to help her out?" I questioned her as I know Catalin was one of the best witches I had come across in my 147 years and if bring someone back for the young witch to do I'm sure Catalin gonna help.

"Don't underestimate Davina. Of all the harvest girls, she is the most powerful for someone who is only 16. There will be no need for me to go to New Orleans as she is able to destroy Klaus alone" Well looks like Davina coming highly recommended let hope she lives up the reputation.

"Well I think I need to go and befriend this Davina. Thanks Catalin you're a lifesaver" I really meant it because without this information that Catalin given me I would be at a lost.

"Anytime Damon. You know that I will do anything to help you" I put the phone down and I saw a flyer on the ground I picked it up and saw that there was a festival in honour of the witches of New Orleans in celebration of the harvest girls. This was all planning out so nicely all I need to do is turn up at this event and convince Davina that we are both on the same team.

So I left and got myself a hotel room to get spruced up in I even got myself a nice new suite. I heard where it was going to down and I made my way there as soon as night fell. As I walked down the stairs my attention went to Siena. She looked stunning I couldn't help but just admire her and I wanted to go and speak to her but I heard Klaus make some kind of announcement. It was like the fates were on my side as he was trying to make amends with the same witch that Catalin told me about. She wasn't wrong that Davina disliked him. Once Klaus left I approach her and this Josh guy I heard her say that Klaus had given her the spell for daylight ring.

"It's Davina" She turned to face me frowning "Sorry to intrude but I got told you're the right witch to help me with a problem I'm having" She was literally my only hope I knew Catalin told me she was powerful but she just a kid could she really bring Mikael back?

"Dude I don't think....." this Josh guy began to say I had to cut him off there.

"Douche bag. I think Davina can speak for herself" I stated to him firmly and turned to Davina who looked overwhelmed with what was going on.

"How do you know my name?" Yeah she was freaked out for sure "Why do you need my help and why?" She backed away from me. In my head this all seemed a little simpler but I think once she hears I wanna bring Klaus down she will be fully on board.

"You Davina came highly recommended. We both have a common hatred for Klaus" As soon as that name passed my lips her expression changed I didn't know if it was swinging in my favour but I'm hoping the little witch will be on my side.

"I've got mixed up with vampire before and it didn't end well. I'm sure someone else can help you" She began to walks away from me I had to really win her over that with this plan that Klaus will leave New Orleans and everyone can go back to how thing once were including Siena and I. I need to save my relationship or what left of it and if it can't be safe this will be my pay back for him compelling me and making my life all about that bitch Katherine when I knew the truth all along.

"What if I told you I knew of a way to be rid of Klaus once and for all" Davina stops and turns to face me with curiosity upon her face "You Davina are powerful enough to make that happen. It's if you want him gone as badly as I think you do" she didn't protest which was a good sign "You can make it all possible and I can tell you exactly how to do it. So the ball in your court. So what do you say?" Davina looks at Josh then at me.

"What do I have to do?" I began to smirk as I knew I had her fully on board. Who would turn down bring Klaus down? Looks like the reign of Klaus Mikaelson in New Orleans going to come to an end very soon......

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