When in Paris

By xcookiedough08

32.6K 1.6K 153

"Walk with me under the Parisian sky through the dimly-lit streets and beyond the winding lanes. Travel w... More

Dedication :)
(3) Three
(4) Four
(5) Five
(6) Six
(7) Seven
(8) Eight
(9) Nine
(10) Ten
(11) Eleven
(12) Twelve
(13) Thirteen
(14) Fourteen
(15) Fifteen
(16) Sixteen
(17) Seventeen
(18) Eighteen
(20) Twenty
(21) Twenty-one
(22) Twenty-two
(23) Twenty-three
(24) Twenty-four
n o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5

(19) Nineteen

789 53 13
By xcookiedough08

Chapter 19


Remember when the two of us spent a day eating cookie dough and watching every chick flick ever made? I told you that if anything was better than that, I would lick your cat. In retrospect, I have no idea why I said I would lick a cat or why watching chick flicks was so great, but in that moment I was convinced nothing could be better.

Well, I’ve found something better.


He is honestly the most amazing person to walk this planet. Every minute I spend with him is even better than the last. I didn’t think I would ever have this much fun or be so comfortable around someone I had just met. It took me over a year to really open up to you, yet I’ve only known Nathan for a month and he knows every single thing about me. And I know everything about him.

He told me he is not pure French hence why he can speak English fluently. His mother is from England and met his French father in the university where she studied for college. He was born in England and stayed there for eight years before they permanently settled down in Paris and adopted the French way.

His favorite food are escargots. I really don't know why French love to eat snails. Since he knows about my love for lists, he started a bucket list for me and number one is to have escargots.

He got the scar on his knee when he was 13 years old in a pickup football (soccer to you) match. He tripped over the foot of a team mate and sliced open his knee on a rock. It is actually in the exact same spot as that scar I got after you pushed me off my scooter when we were 11.

His biggest fear is that Kylie is right, and that he isn’t good enough. I’ve told him more times than I can count that she is dead wrong, but I’m not sure he actually believes me and that kills me inside.

When he grows up he wants to be a singer. He told me he was a musically inclined person. He’s driving me insane though cause he refuses to sing for me. The last person he sang for was Kylie (of course I had to ask) so it’s kind of a bittersweet thing for him. Anyway, his passion for music is incredible.

 I don’t know why I’m telling you all this stuff, but I guess it’s just to prove it to myself that he actually trusts me. The only thing he refuses to speak of is the reason he spent so many weekends at the airport. I asked him about it once and he just completely shut down. The light in his eyes died and the smile on his face melted off. He didn’t talk to me for a whole hour after that and wouldn’t look me in the eye for half the day.

This airport thing is obviously something bigger than simply ‘hitting on tourists’ but I have no idea what. I haven’t known Nathan long, but I know him enough to know that hitting on random girls is not something he would do. Being his girlfriend, Kylie should have been well aware that that’s not the kind of person he is, but I guess Nathan was right she never really knew him. Anyway, this Nathan stuff isn’t your problem and I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it anymore. I know what you want. You want the juicy details.

Well unfortunately, there are no juicy details (unless holding hands counts, cause that’s all we do).

I know what you’re thinking, but seriously Phoebe, it isn’t me this time. It’s Nathan. His relationship with Kylie really scarred him. He told me he’s not sure if he’ll ever be ready for another girlfriend. He took Ky’s words to heart about not being good enough and the other day he told me that every girl he’s ever met deserved better than him.

He didn’t understand why I started to cry.

I’ve tried so many times to tell him how perfect he is but he just brushes me off. I wish I could show him how much he meant to me but I don’t know how.

Enough about me and Nathan, I WANT TO KNOW ALL ABOUT LA AND YOUR SEXY BOYFRIEND. It’s been way to long since we’ve last talked and I want ALLLLL the details. At least one of us is having some luck in the love department.

Love ya like zombie boy loves turtles,




“The Eglise what?” Cathreese stared at the fine architectural complex.

Nathan’s smile wiped Cathreese’s mind blank for a second, “Eglise Sainte-Jeanne d'Arc.”

“In other words?”

Nathan’s eyes sparked teasingly, “The modern church of Joan of Arc. ”

“Joan of Arc? You mean the 19-year old girl who was burned at the stake for heresy in 1431,” Cathreese mumbled as they followed a large group of tourists towards the church. She and Nathan were, according to Nathan, about a third of the way though their journey across half of France. They had traveled from Paris to Normandy over the past two weeks without a plan, stopping in whatever towns they felt like. From Normandy they were going to make their way north and hopefully spend a week in Orleans with Nathan’s grandparents. After  Orleans they would go back to Paris for the remaining places to see, and if it was timed correctly, Cathreese would be on a plane back to America the next day. She didn’t want to think about that though, because at this point a life without Nathan didn’t seem like much of a life at all.

Cathreese could see an idea forming in Nathan’s crystal clear eyes. “Let’s play what would you rather.”

“Fine,” Cathreese shrugged. She and Nathan spent most of their time playing games like this, learning things about each other they wouldn’t have known otherwise.

“But it has to be what would you rather kiss, okay?”

Cathreese nodded and Nathan tapped his chin as he scrunched his eyebrows adorably in thought. Cathreese reached out and poked the crease in his forehead before he slapped her hand away. They had spent so much time together that the casual touching didn’t mean much but Cathreese still found herself looking for any excuse to feel his skin against hers.

“What would you rather kiss? The snail or a frog?” Nathan took the hand that hung at Cathreese’s side and tucked his fingers through hers.

“Will the frog turn into a prince?”


“I’m still going with the frog.”

“Why?” Nathan asked, his free hand tapping out a beat on his thigh. “Frogs are slimy.”

“So are snails,” CAthreese bumped him with her hip. “You’re stereotyping.”

“My bad,” Nathan let out a laugh that filled Cathreese from top to bottom with joy. Everything about him was just incredible. “Sorry froggies.”

“Who would you rather kiss? Cheryl Cole or Megan Fox?”

“Megan, no doubt.” There was no hesitation in Nathan’s answer. “Would you rather kiss that kid who hit on you outside the pub or Barack Obama?”

Cathreese laughed, “I don’t know. Neither of them.”

“That is not an acceptable answer.” Nathan shook his finger, “You have to pick one. It’s in the rules.”

“What rules?”

“The rules in my head. Now answer.”

“Fine, the kid from the pub. He was kinda cute.”

“I’m cute,” Nathan said matter-of-factly. “I would say that guy fell more into the ‘hot’ category. And he was the wrong answer.”

“It was an opinion question,” Cathreese protested. “How can I be wrong?”

“In my opinion you’re wrong.” Behind Nathan’s teasing Cathreese could sense something else. There was a question in his eyes, something he needed to get out. Cathreese didn’t know what it was, but she could see that even as he flirted and joked with her his attention was never fully there.

“Are you okay Nathan? You seem distracted.”

He gave her a bright smile, “I’m fine Ree Ree.”

Cathreese accepted his answer, knowing if he wanted to explain he would. “All right, then would you rather kiss a toilet seat or a dinosaur?”

“Will the dinosaur eat me if I’m a bad kisser?” Nathan still didn’t seem to be fully there and his grip on Cathreese’s hand loosened as they're about to enter the main side of the church.

“Nah, it’s an herbivore.”

“Right,” Nathan nodded. “Then I’ll go with the dinosaur.”

“This way ma’am,” the man standing at the edge of the waved Cathreese over to the large stained glass. Then the man went explaining about how the church is orginally dedicated to St. Vincent before the second world war. But the church was badly damaged after the war and it was shocking how the stained glass somehow survived. The church designer Louis Arretche said that the exterior of the building is supposed to represent the flames that burnt Joan and an upturned Viking ship.

“Let's go with the others” Cathreese said as she looked over the bunch of the tourists who were taking last minute pictures before they leave the church. “Come on.” She stepped forward but stopped when Nathan’s hand tightened around hers.

“Wait Ree Ree, I have one last what would you rather.”

Cathreese turned to him, cocking her head to the side. She wondered why it was so important for Nathan to ask her before they go back down, “We can keep playing when we get down. You don’t have to ask me now.”

His eyes were downturned and Cathreese waited patiently for him to meet her gaze. When his blue eyes finally flickered to her green ones she noticed the slight flush in his cheeks and couldn’t help but think that he was the most perfect thing she had ever seen. A spark of jealously struck her and for the first time in her life she wished she were her cousin. Sure Nathan hated Kylie now but once upon a time she had gotten to kiss him and hold him every day. Cathreese would kill just for a hug from him and she wondered how Kylie could have been stupid enough to throw away such perfection.

Cathreese was so caught up in her secret crush that she didn’t realize Nathan had started to speak. “Would you rather kiss the frog,” he whispered as his eyes took in the scenery over her shoulder, “or me?” With this last word his eyes locked on her and Cathreese could see his feelings floating in the endless pools of blue. He bit his lips shyly as he waited for her answer, making him even more adorable than CAthreese ever thought possible.

She was absolutely shocked by his question and the fact that he seemed to share her secret feelings.

So shocked that she forgot to answer.

“Umm Ree? Are you still there?” Nathan waved a hand in front of her face. “If you don’t want to answer it’s oaky.” She saw a brief flicker of sadness in his eyes before his glance slipped away. “Let's go or we might miss the train.” Nathan released her hand and took a step back, giving her a small smile that didn’t do much to mask his hurt feelings.

“What if the frog’s not my answer?” Cathreese mumbled.

“You mean you would pick me?” Nathan’s eyes exploded like fireworks on the fourth of July when he realized what Cathreese was saying. “You’d rather kiss me than the slimy frog?”

“Well, yeah.” Cathreese blushed. “Of course I would rather kiss you.”

An embarrassed laugh escaped Nathan’s moist lips as he stepped towards Cathreese. “So you wouldn’t mind if I, you know,” he blushed deeply, “kissed you?”

“Not one bit,” Cathreese tucked a deep red curl behind her ear as her cheeks flushed. Nathan wrapped his left arm gently around her waist and pulled her towards him.

He let their foreheads rest together, his breath hot on Cathreese’s face. “At the airport you told Kylie you don’t make out with guys who aren’t your boyfriend. So Cathreese 'Ree Ree' Montgomery, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”

Cathreese nodded happily, trying not to let out an excited squeal. Nathan’s mouth dipped down and his perfect pink lips planted themselves on hers. The pressure was feather light at first, his hand on her waist more noticeable than the sweet taste of her lips. Cathreese brought her arms around his neck, letting her fingers explore Nathan’s thick blonde hair as he kissed her deeper. She could feel his lips splitting in a smile as she kissed him back with more passion than she had ever thought possible. She never wanted this kiss to end. She never wanted to live another second without Nathan’s arms around her, never wanted to see another day where his smile didn’t brighten her morning.

She didn’t want to go back to America, not now, not ever. She wanted to live in this moment forever, with Nathan’s hand on her waist and his lips on hers, becoming his for the first time.


Author's Note: YAY! They're finally together! I've been waiting for this moment ever since I started writing this chap. How 'bout some love team names for them? Cathan, NatCAt, Reethan, Nathreese, maybe? I'll let you peeps decide :)

Thanks for voting my story. You guys really make me happy :') Please continue voting because if you will, I'll give a virtual cookie ;))

Stay forever awesome dearies!

- C.o.o.k.i.e :)

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