Pulled Between Two (One Direc...

By someblondesaresmart

35.3K 608 90

He looked at me, his eyes looking like they were piercing through my soul. I froze in shock and I felt Liam's... More

Chapter 1- Business Cards
Chapter 2- Surfing and Smooching
Chapter 3- Overreacting
Chapter 4- Entertaining 1D
Chapter 5- Parties and Confessions
Chapter 6- Lies, Confusion, Bets, and Betrayal
Chapter 7- Cheering Up
Chapter 8- Interviews, dating, and Chasing, MY OH MY
Chapter 9- The OTHER side of Liam
Chapter 11- Heartbreak
Chapter 12- Rejection with a Tinge of Ignorance
Chapter 13- Realization
Chapter 14- Bad Surprises
Chapter 15- Can't Escape
Chapter 16- Hiding
Chapter 17- This CAN'T Be Happening. No Way.
Chapter 18- Tell Me

Chapter 10- Bad Choices

1.5K 28 1
By someblondesaresmart

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for anyone who has read this far. I have writers block, so I'm sorry, but now I don't and I have everything planned til chapter 20. THERE'S GOING TO BE BIG SURPRISES AND TWISTS AND TURNS!!!!!!! So you must keep reading!!!! Pleaseeeeeeee?

Also, please vote, fan, comment!



After some singing of some songs on the way to Nandos, I realize I haven't checked twitter in ages.

I pull my phone out of my purse and click on the twitter app. I have 16,639 followers including the boys!! HOLY CRAP!! I also have a ton of mentions and before I can check them, Harry grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car while Niall is screaming, "We're here!"

I saw Niall run inside. The rest of us walked in like normal people and ordered and sat down. Niall got the most out of all of us, but after all, he is a starving Niall.

Halfway through dinner, which was quiet, because we were all silent because of being occupied by eating and having things on our minds, I realized....whoa, I've have realized a lot of things lately! Ok, anyway, I realized that there was no paparazzi. That's strange.

"Hey guys?" I say and they all look up at me. "You know, I've realized something.....look around."

They turn their heads around and look. They look back at me, confused.

"There's no paps. You'd think they'd follow us here." I continue when they can't figure it out.

Zayn's eyebrows scrunch up. "You're right.."

"Duh." I interrupt and roll my eyes.

He ignores me and continues, "But the only reason they wouldn't follow us, is if they got a better lead or a better lead on Liam!"

Now it was my turn to be confused. "What?" Em says, voicing my thoughts.

"He means, Liam probably has done something he's going to regret or something wild enough or big enough to catch the paps attention." Niall explained.

"Wow! Who knew our little blonde, Irish, leprechaun could be so smart!" Louis exclaims grinning, lightening up the mood. 

Niall frowned. "I'm not naturally blonde, idiot." We laugh and Louis pouts.

"Aww. You know he didn't really mean it right Lou?" Em coos and he ignores her, still pouting. Harry slides out of the booth and pulls Louis out. What are they-----

Harry pulls Louis in a big hug and Lou's smiles.

"HEY! You turned Lou's frown.."

Zayn groaned while Niall said, "Don't say it!"

I ignored them and continued, "Upside down!"

Lou just smiles and Harry grins at me while Zayn and Niall are....not happy.

"Why didn't you want me to say it?" I lower my voice down and look at the two of them.

"You'll see." Zayn answered and Niall just frowned deeper. What does he mean by---

My thoughts are cut off as I felt the curly hair boy jump on me, making me fall down, laying on the seat. I couldn't see the boys but I could hear their protests and Em's laughter. Harry stared straight in my eyes, making me blush, but also because he was laying on top of me.

"Harry what are you doing?!" I managed to gasp out, my heart beating fast. I hope he can't feel it.

"You're frown," he put his fingers up to my lips, "Is now upside down!" He lightly tugged my lips in a smile and started tickling me.

"Quit..i-it....Har-Harry!" I laughed.

"Never!" He shouted, but got pulled off my Niall. "Thanks!" I smile gratefully.

"Yeah whatever. You should be happy I even helped you after what Lou did to me, Em and Zayn." He was smirking so I knew he was joking. I grinned and Harry grabbed my hand, interwining our fingers. Warmth spread through his fingers and into my body. I smiled and looked up at Harry who smiled back at me. Butterflies errupted in my stomach. We looked into each others eyes and he leaned down and slowly kissed me. It wasn't snogging, or anything, it was like a peck, but one long, sweet, one. I smiled and broke away as we followed the other boys into the car.

I couldn't help but wonder where Liam was as we filed into the car.

"So what do we do now?" I ask to no one really in particular.

"SLEEPOVER!" Harry and Louis shouted in a girly voice. I laughed and me and Em agreed, pulling out our phones and texting our parents. I text my mom and she was okay by it because, surprisingly, she thinks Harry is a really nice guy and won't try anything. Well I guess she doesn't know he's the flirt and kind of the pervert type of guy....but I know he won't try anything.....I hope.

Em and I said we could and they all  cheered. We pulled into their huge house that they all share and walked in. Why was the door unlocked? We walk in and see Liam with his back to us, eating a slice of pizza and taking a swig of beer. "Liam? What are you doing?" Zayn screamed and took the beer from him. I just shot Em a confused look. Em sauntered over to me and whispered, 'Liam has only one kidney, he can't drink a lot and he never does drink to risk something happening. I don't know what's gotten into him lately."

I nodded. I'm pretty sure I know what's gotten into him lately.

Liam snatches it back and takes another swig. Niall tackles him to the ground and Zayn snatches the bottle. Liam turns around and he sees me. He glares at me and Harry and Harry wraps his arms around me protectively.

"It's all her fault!" Liam hollers at me and walks forward. I shrink farther back into Harry's arms.

"Liam, calm down. You're just angry." Harry tried to soothe him.

"It's all her fault! Don't you see it?"

"What?" Niall voices and Lou and Em's eyes widen in realization. Zayn is just standing with his jaw to the floor.

"Calm down Liam.." Harry persisted, but was interrupted by Liam.


Huh? Everyone stands in shock and no one sees what's coming up next.From then, everything went in slow motion.

Harry punches Liam in the face making him stumble back a few paces. Everyone gasped.

 "Harry no!" I screamed and tried to pull back Harry. He shrugged me off and shoved me to the side. Liam's eyes looked like a fire was burning in them.

 He charged Harry and punched him in the stomach, even though Harry tried to dodge. Harry doubled over and Liam shoved him on the ground and straddled him and repeatedly started to punch Harry in the face. Niall and Zayn ran and pulled Liam off and brought him to his room. Lou sat by Harry who was bleeding and looked horrible lying on the floor. I'm completely frightened by what just happened and I can tell everyone is is too.

Em left and I sat down by Harry and put his head in my lap.

"It's okay Harry. Everything's going to be alright." I whispered, gently moving his curls off his face. His hands slowly reached up and he grabbed both of my hands and I looked in his eyes. There was a mixture of emotion. 

I smiled weakly at Harry as Em came back in with wet washcloths and a first aid kit. She handed me a wet washcloth. I wiped the blood off his face with one hand while Harry was gripping onto my other hand with both of his. He had a cut on his cheekbone and it turned out, most of the blood was coming from his nose.

"I think you'll have two black eyes, and tons of bruises. Also you have a cut on your cheekbone and possibly a broken nose." I whispered while examining his eyes. Lou and Em had left a while ago and I grabbed some foam thingy that you use to clean the cut. He winced and squeezed my hand whenever it hurt. I smiled down at him apologetically. "Tomorrow, we'll go to the doctor and get you checked out." I help him up wrapped his arm around my shoulders and wrapped my other arm around his waist.

I led him to his room and laid him gently on his bed. "I'll be right back." I whispered and kissed his forehead. He nodded and winced as I left the room. I came back a couple minutes later with an ice pack.

"I need help." He croaked.

"With what."

"My clothes..." My eyes widen and I help him pull his shirt over his head and take off his pants as he lays in the bed in his boxers. I change the subject trying to release the awkward tension in the air.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" I ask and he nods. "Don't peek."

"I can barely open my eyes because their swollen." I chuckle and change into one of his shirts and basketball shorts.

I crawl into the bed with him and snuggled next to him. I saw him smile but then wince. I smiled as I put the ice on his nose, then switching it onto his cheek, then onto his eye then his other one.

"Goodness gracious Harry. What am I going to do with you?" I whispered, joking.

He laughed, making my heart skip a beat, then grinned.

"Love me?"

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