
By stanlife

564 51 13

"You fed me fear, I spoke to God I was living my dreams through your eyes Building my life on your lies, yeah... More



101 7 2
By stanlife

As soon as their lips connected a sudden warmth flooded Jessie's body. It got her unexpectedly with such force She stumbled back, her heart racing in her chest as she stood.

"Shit, Jessie I'm..." The Sheriff had never screwed up like this before. She was always the one that embodied self control even around the most beautiful of women. This was something she couldn't come back from. She's compromised her job and everything she's worked so hard for. She feared that she might of ruined everything in this moment because she felt attracted and drawn to this woman.

The silence in the room was killer,  the sheriff stood dumbstruck,  running her fingers through her hair as she tried to speak.

"I think I should leave. " Jessie's tone  was aloof as she brushed past The sheriff. Her worst fears were coming to life. Her identity could be compromised because of this. She knew staying anywhere longer than a few hours was a bad idea. Not only has she been seen but she's formed some connection with a woman she's barely known.

"You don't have to leave. " The Sheriff followed after her,  a desperatne she hadn't heard in a long time seeping through her voice.  "It won't happen again you have my word. "

She struggled to say those last words,  when all she wanted to do was hold the woman in her arms and forget about the world.  For so long she longed for someone,  she never felt like the right woman came around until now.  Only this time the person she liked wasn't available in that way,  she was frightened and running from her own demons like she once was years ago.

Jessie stopped in her tracks,  she didn't know why she was crying. The tears seemed to spill from her eyes on their own.  The more she wiped at them the more they came until she eventually gave up and let them stream down her cheeks.  She was so lost,  because she would never be able to do this - be completely someone else's while living a lie.

She would never have a chance at a normal life and being happy knowing he was out there.  That at any given moment he could find her.  That itself was the scariest part of it all.  There was nothing the Sheriff of this town could do about it.  She couldn't involve anyone else in it because if something were to happen to any of the people here she wouldn't be able to forgive herself.

She had a decision to make,  a chance at a new life here or her safety,  living with the chance of him finding her.  Putting Demi in danger and she chose herself.  She chose being free,  even if that meant being alone. She didn't pack much,  she stuffed everything back in her bag,  not even glancing behind her to see the sheriff standing in the door way with a torn expression on her face.

She couldn't look at her,  not after what she did and was about to do.  It was best if they just forgot about eachother. If the woman pretended she didn't exist at all and the entire encounter never happened.

"Say something please. " her voice still held the same desperateness,  only this time it was loaded with something different that she couldn't put her finger on or chose not to because of the meaning.

"I can't do this Demi!" Her voice was hoarse, her own tears getting in the way. "You dont even know me or what I'm trying to escape right now. I need you to let me go because if I stay here, pretending.... all of us would be in danger."

It couldn't get as real as it was getting right now. She was spilling her truth the best way she could without telling her everything. It was the only way she could leave without feeling regret. Because maybe then she could leave this little town behind taking the experiences she's had with the one person that has showed her kindness in such a long time and apply that to her new life she wanted to build.

"I can help you, just give me the name of the person that has hurt you.  We can take pictures of your bruises and build a case on that. There's other ways you can do this without losing your own identity in running and being someone else." The sheriff explained solemnly.

"I haven't had my own identity for a very long time." Jessie responded looking deep within her eyes. "I wont be controlled again I'm letting you know that now."

The sheriff took a step forward , seeing the woman's shoulders slack in exhaustion.  "Just give this town a few days to win you over. I promise after that if you still want  to leave you can go without me putting a bolo out on your car okay?"

Jessie found herself scoffing at the womans dramatics before agreeing. "If I'm going to stay here there's a few things I'll need."

The sheriff looked at her quizzically before giving her a paper to write thing everything she needed so she could go to the store. Jessie knew that if this was going to work she needed a new identity . Which means her hair had to change, clothes, name. Everything that tied her to the famous Jessica had to be erased from her very being. Therefore when the list that was two pages long with her demands was done. All demi could do was look at the woman dumbfounded. She had never shopped for this much in her life. Jessie was very particular with her sizes and colors she wanted for her clothes. Until she had them and her hair dye she was not leaving the house.

This was definitely a turn of events the sheriff had thought as she backed her squad car outta the drive way. She had never shopped for anyone before. She didn't agree with the woman changing everything that made her who she was. She would much rather catch this bastard and put him where he belongs which was jail for the rest of his life. But she wasn't in a place with the woman yet to get that kind of information.  She still informed her deputy to start a file, hoping she could run the license plate and that'll give her something.

It was weird, she almost felt guilty for doing this behind her back. It had to be done. Although she didn't know this woman at all, and she was living in her home. She needed to know what she was up against . How could she possibly fight something that you didn't even know anything about it.

She just hoped that no matter what she'd be able to keep her safe.

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