By namjinyoonseok

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🔞Highest Ranked as #1 in yoonseok. . Yoongi is son of rich family having royal background. He gets a persona... More

New Book
Highest Ranking👏
Taehyung? Taehyung!
PERSONA! Who the hell am I?
I am BACK but....


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By namjinyoonseok

Hoseok's POV:-

I wear my new clothes after taking bath. Today I am gonna use all the tricks that Jin told me to seduce my master, Yoongi. I won't back down untill he will claim me.

I need to do this. To prove myself as a perfect for my master and to secure my future. Once my master knows he needs me, he won't let go of me. Same like Namjoon and jin.

I smile to myself, as Yoongi's father had gone for business trip for the whole week end! Perfect. I will get plenty of time with Yoongi. Namjoon would be home too, so jin is gonna be busy anyway.

I start to prepare things for seducing Yoongi. I wear tight pant from which my ass can be seen perfectly. I leave top 2 buttons unbuttoned. The top i tug on to my pants so my ass can be seen. Actually I am not desperate to sleep with Yoongi. I would have not done this, if he had not offer me money to leave him.

But he did. And now I feel I would lose him. So i need to do this. I sit on the chair in his room, and start to eat vanilla ice cream. I put enough if icing on my lips, cheeks and some on my neck to look it like 'accidentally happened'!

As Yoongi enters, he is shock to see me. I lick a full spoon of ice cream in front of him, as jin had showed me. He stares at me. He scans my body from feet to head. I keep eating and licking without giving him any attention.

He swallows hard before walking towards me. I sense he is about to speak something. So, I 'accidentally' drop my spoon. I bend over to pick it up, as my ass in air in front of him.

"Hoseok!" He almost shouts. I remain calm and try to look innocent. "Yes Yoongi?" I face him.

"Why are you eating here! Go in you room!" He is angry and his ears, nose are red.

"I feel suffocating constantly being in that room. Can I plz at least eat outside of that room?" I ask innocently.

"Then go outside of this room too! Don't eat here!!" He shouts and this is not what Jin had told me would happen. Tears form in my eyes. I quickly take my ice cream cup and walk towards the door.

I didn't expect this. He was supposed to fall for me. He was supposed to throw me on his bed and f*ck me repeatedly. Like jin said. Like Namjoon did to him. Why is he angry!?! Does he not attracted to me in anyway? Am I here just because he can't say no to his father? Will he throw me out later? The thoughts cloud my mind.

"Wait!" I hear as I am about to go out of his room. I stand still, not looking back. I am scared as I don't know whats gonna happen next.

I turn to face him. "Come here" he orders.
I walk slowly, holding my tears from falling and stand in front of him. He pulls my shirt from side and take it all out from my pants waist belt. My long top falls over my pant, from front as well as my back and covers my clothed ass as well as my clothed cock. I look down not daring to face him. I am embarrassed.

He calmly takes small towel and wipe every inch of cream from my skin. "Don't eat like you won't get it again. Eat peacefully. Enjoy eating." He says as he is done wiping. I only nod as yes. He pulls my shirt's collar up and buttons all the buttons, covering my chest. I am so embarrassed now. I curse jin for giving me this idea.

"Now you can go!" He says and goes to do his work, not looking at me again. "Okay" i say under my breath and run out of the room.

Yoongi's pov:-

Today whole day was a tease. Firstly i thought it was all accidentally and coincidencly. But now I am doubting Hoseok.

First he wore clothes like a hoe. I believe he doesn't know how to dress properly so I fixed his clothes for him. Then he was eating white ice cream covering his whole mouth in it. I mean who won't get dirty thoughts just looking that. It angered me but then I controlled myself.

But things didn't stop. He ran in the hallway multiple times and then came in the room, heavily panting like he was being choked. He made moaning sounds as his leg 'accidentally' hit the corner of table bottom. Those sounds were such a tease. I couldn't help my self but picture him, moaning under me.

I brushed off all the thoughts. I can't have any relationship with him. I dont want him to get attached to me. I want to release him and jungkook as early as possible. And if possible jin too. But jin is too attached to namjoon to know his freedom.

I want to make Hoseok free. He seems good person and deserves his own life. Once he knows what is freedom, he won't be living under this roof.

But today something's off. I am getting feeling that, he is doing all these things purposefully. To get my attention. To seduce me. I am not sure though. He looks so innocent and pure. But that makes the tease even more dense.

I sigh and walk towards my room. I have been avoiding Hoseok as much as possible. I need some rest now. I don't want to see him again doing anything accidentally and I might lose control over me.

I enter my room and it's dark. I lock the door behind me. I turn on the Lights and I am shocked.

Hoseok is lying on my bed, wearing nothing. His naked body is so exposed and he looks at me innocently. There is leather choker in his neck and chain is attached to it for pulling him. I scan his body and some different kind of current rushed over my body. I feel myself getting hard.

One part of my mind, is saying to forget everything and just f*ck him. I own him anyways. He wants it. I am not taking advantage of him. I can do anything with him. I bought him. Isn't how it works? Isnt how my dad wants me to be? Releasing all my sexual frustration on him, so that I could maintain calm and royal image in public. isn't how my brother do it?

But no! The other part of my mind stop me from doing this. It feels wrong. I don't want to be like my father. I want to be with someone I love and someone who would love me back. Not like this. This is trap. Yoongi !! get out of this before it's late. What the hell about being royal when it is 21st century already. I don't want to own someone's life for my pleasure.

I feel frustrated and thoughts in my mind debate with each other. Hoseok looks at me as I am silently staring at him. He looks confused too. Why is he doing this? Was he taught to do this at that freaking house? Or is he doing it because of jin? And from where the hell he found that choker.!!?

I sigh loudly and control myself. I grab sheets and put on him, covering his body. He bites his lip and his body shivers under the fabric. I remove his choker form his delicate neck.

"What are you doing Hoseok?" I ask trying not to scare him. He looks down and remains silent.
"My patience ends too, you know. Tell me everything" i sound strict.

"Isnt it why you bought me?" He asks frightened.
"No!" I say.

"Then? Are you going to make me leave? I don't wanna leave" he says as he sits on bed, tugging to sheets covering himself.

I sigh and sit beside him. "Hoseok i want to be honest with you. I don't need any personal slave and it is true that I bought you because my father forced me."

He looks like he doesn't want to hear it. He looks sad and somehow it makes me mad at myself.

"I don't know what to do with you! Just be patient untill i find some way out of this." I say to assure him not to worry about his future. After all i offered him money and that scared him. So he is acting this way, i get that.
I need to be more careful from now on.

"I don't want you to do anything like this okay?" I ask and he nods as yes but looks so disappointed. "But for now, let's try to be at least friends" i say and his face brightens for a moment. But again he looks sad.

"But mr. Choi says, master and slave can never be friends" he says. "He is wrong. Forget about him" i say clearly.

"But jin says, Namjoon sir, does to him..."

I cut his sentence in between,"Hoseok i know jin is your friend. But don't get bothered because of jin and namjoon's relationship. For now, I want you to only focus on our friendship and nothing else, ok?" He nods and he finally lookes calm.

"Now put on some clothes!" I say and he jumps of the bed. Still being careless and giving me full view to his privates. His ass juggle as he runs towards his bathroom holding the sheet around him which is not doing its job to cover him. What the little tease!!. I have to go to bathroom to take care of my problem now. I sigh.

Jungkook's pov:-

I prepare all the things. I check thousand times on the little box that one of the servants handed me. It has drug that makes one horny. It actuates hypersexuality leaving one with no choice but to have sex.

I smile to myself. Once Namjoon has this, he won't be able to resist. All i have to do it no make jin disappear till then.

I have to be fast. Namjoon's appa has already gone out of town so it's good. But I have to vanish jin, before Namjoon comes home. This is my only chance caz, as he will come home he will be always with jin and it will be difficult to work out my plan.

I sneakily walk towards namjoon's room. I knock on door. Jin opens the door and his expressions are of worries as he see me. "What do you want?" He asks like I am a mere pest.

"You!" I say and push the door. I quickly walk in and locked the door. He walks backwards already frightened. Perfect.

I grab him by his waist and pull him. "Little bitch...are you horny for your master?" I ask and he struggles under my grip.

"Leave me!!" He shouts and I put my hand over his mouth. "Shut the f*ck up" i say and pull him into his room. I grab random cloth lying on the bed and tie around his mouth so that he won't scream.

He tries to scream under the cloth but it surely not gonna reach out of this room. I smirk and push him on the bed. His ass facing the ceiling. I pine his hands above his head and tie to the head post.

I search through his things and he continues to struggle to free himself. I know I would find some toys in his room. And I am right. I find one bag on which it is written "play beautifully" in his cupboard.
I search through the items. There are plenty of things in there to punish this punk.

I take out handcuffs and cuff his hands to the head post removing my previous poor bind.
He is now crying, trying to gather some pity. But I am not gonna mercy on him. If I have to live, he has to go. Simple. I don't chose to do this. They made me do it.

I pull his pants down and spank his clothed butt harshly. He gasps but his scream is muffled against the cloth. I smirk and take his panties down. "Slut! How are you gonna please Namjoon if you won't be able to even stand" i say and insert one of my fingers in his hole without warning and prep.

His body jumps in pain. I insert two more fingers in, and start to thrust him. And surprisingly i love it. I thought I would hate it but have to do it for winning Namjoon. But I was wrong. No matter how submissive i can be for my master, i enjoy being dominant for this little hoe.

"Jinnie liking it?" I lay on his body as I remove the fingers. I lick his neck and trail my lips downwards. I feel urge to f*ck him. His body is so soft and he smells so good. I understand now why Namjoon loves him so much. Too bad he has to go.

I stand up again and now I take out the dildo. I put lube on it and insert in his hole just to hurt him. "Ahmmmmhhh" his moans under the cloth can be heard. I push dildo deep inside and turn on the vibrator. He cums immediately though his cock is untouched. Poor baby.

My cock urges me to push inside him but I control myself. I don't want to f*ck him, just want to punish him. I remind myself. I thrust the dildo inside him and he continues to moan.

I pull his legs up and start to lick his thighs and legs, making him whimper.

I lost myself into his smell and unaware of time till I realize jin has passed out. I remove the dildo out of him and released his hands. I peck his cheeks several times as I am laying on him, and lick his tears. I remove the cloth from his mouth and kiss his lips. He lips are so plum. If I wasn't a slave i would have love him. He is so adorable.
"Sorry jinnie" i mumble and get out of his room. I don't think he would wake up any soon. He is exhausted and his body is sore to walk.

I walk into kitchen and make strawberry smoothie. One of the maids, tell me its namjoon's favorite and he never denies to have one. I put sufficient drug into it and put it in refrigerator. Perfect.

Now all i have to do is, to give it to namjoon and then be with him as he will become horny. He wont have choice but to f*ck me. There won't be jin to meddle in between.!

Namjoon's pov:-

I buy chocolate donuts on my way to home. Those are jin's favorite so I plan to surprise him. Lately we didn't spend quality time and rather he got too many punishments. I want to make up for it.

So i decided to spend entire weekend with him and pamper him as much as I can. And these donuts will be the start.

I enter our house and before I can go to my room to see my beautiful precious jinnie, jungkook calls me from kitchen. I don't want to go but the poor boy has gone through a lot. I can't give him any closeness so least I can do is to at least talk to him.

"What jungkook ?" I ask as he takes me to the kitchen. He hands me glass of strawberry smoothie which surprise me. How did he know! I can't say no to that! I love it so much!!! I remember when jin tried making one for me, and ended up breaking few glasses. I had to punish him and then later I ate smoothie of him.

"It's for you! I made it today" he smiles innocently. "ah thank you!" I say and grab the glass. I don't want to continue the awkward talk so I order him to bring me some rose flowers from garden. Why? I didn't think anything else so fast. I had to make him go away! He hesitates but runs towards the garden. And as I was about to drink the tempting smoothie., my annoying brother enters the kitchen!

"Namjoon! You fool!" He shouts at me.
I sigh and don't drink the smoothie yet, not wanting him to ruin the taste!
"What now?"

"Tell your boy to stop teaching Hoseok anything inappropriate" he says.

I chuckle imagining what jin could have told to hosoek to do. "what happened?"

"Jin gave some nasty ideas to hoseok!"

"So? Whats wrong! Good for you guys!" I tease him.

"I don't have kinks like you! So i don't want anything to start with hoseok. Tell jin to stop doing this. "

"He told him willingly what can I do!" I shrug off.

He gets frustrated and I laugh. "Well then stop treating jin like that! So that he won't get any ideas to tell Hosoek"

"Sorry bro. I can't" I say mockingly. "Unlike you, i am like actual human with feelings and urges. I am not emotionally detached like you"

"Ugghhhhh" he pulls his hair in frustration and I laugh more. Gosh I missed this. I used to tease Yoongi all the time when we were young and when he used to live here.

He walks towards me with anger and kicks my leg. I tilt to avoid him. and he grabs my smoothie. "Hey.." i shout.

But he takes my favorite smoothie from me and shouts back,"f*ck off"

I could go chase after him to get back my smoothie but instead I let it go this time. He has been through many things lately. I sigh and walk towards my room to see my jinnie.

So one more update!!
Poor jin😭 but jk is not fully bad trust me!
What do you think what will happen next? Keep commenting and let me knowwwww
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