There's something strange abo...

By RainbowsInTheRain

20.9K 229 71

Kylee thought she always lived a normal life. Until a new boy came into her school. Brian. Kylee knew right a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

1.3K 16 5
By RainbowsInTheRain

-Chapter 6-

Recap: I looked up into the stands and smiled at Brian. He smiled back but even from far away, I could tell it didn't quite reach his eyes. Whats wrong with him? I looked at Kendra and winked. Time for the plan.

Sarah's POV

The game is still going but I can't stop thinking about my dad in the hospital. I love him so much I can't imagine what it would be like if I lost him. My sister would be worse though. She's definitely daddys little girl. I stopped thinking to block one of the other fowards trying to get past with the ball. I passed it across the field and went back to my thinking..

Kylee's POV

Just like my dream, Sarah crossed the ball, and Kendra and I ran. We were now in front if the net but when Kendra flicked it up, Jessica rushed in to shoot it. That b***h! This one is mine! I ran for the ball and jumped just as Jessica jumped. I closed my eyes, afraid of what was going to happen. I hit something hard and fell to the ground, knocking the wind out of me. I was gasping for breath looking around. My eyes wandered around in a daze, not really focusing.


Brians POV

I was talking with Sam, and Chris when people in the audience hushed almost instantly. I looked around and then down to the field. People were starting to crowd around panic rose through me when I couldn't see Kylee anywhere. I wasn't quite sure why I felt the way I do about her but being with her just feels right. I ran down dodging people and ran across the field. I ignored all of the yelling and thoughts swarming my head. Pushing through the crowd, I found Kylee laying on the ground, panting. I tuned into her head and listened while pulling her into a sitting position. 'Why can't I breathe? Stupid b***h took my pass! No dot think about that, try to take deep breaths. Ugh Jessica is gonna pay..' Her voice trailed off and I looked around searching the swarm if people surrounding us. I finally saw Jessica standing a little back. Man, she looks pissed. I guess she expected attention after winning the game. Something stirred in my arms and I looked back to the beautiful girl that was laying there. She came back to her senses and looked at me. I stared back into her warm, loving brown eyes and smiled. She blushed and smiled back. It sent my heart on a race and- man am I wipped!

Kylee's POV

When I could finally breathe right, I didn't have to look up to see who was holding me because of the tingles, but I did anyways. I was met by the pair of eyes that had immediately captured my heart this morning. That made me wonder if he felt the same way. I don't know how long we were staring at each other for but when Sarah came and asked if I was ok, I decided it wasn't long enough. The crowd was gone leaving only Sarah, Brian and I. Brian stood up and held his hand out for me to take. I looked at it for a second and then into his eyes, which he rolled. "Just take it." I grabbed it carefully and unfortunately, I couldn't hold in my gasp from the sudden shock. Brians eyes widened. Oh crap. "What? What's wrong?" Great Sarah noticed too. She was looking between Brian and I with a confused face. "Nothing his hands cold. Let's go get changed." I walked away to the change rooms, I don't completely care if she doesnt follow me. Actually maybe I do, I would look pretty stupid after just walking away like that. I pulled the door open, only to bump into the last person I want to see right now.

Sarahs POV

I watched as Kylee walked away. I laughed mentally. I have to admit, she looked pretty funny storming off, embarrassed like that. I glanced at Brian out of the corner of my eye and my jaw almost dropped open at how much love and adore was in his eyes as Kylee walked away. I wonder if she knows! I looked back towards her, and saw her bump into some blondy coming out of the change room. I saw the other girl push Kylee back wards, making her stumble. Uh oh this can't turn out well. Brian seemed to be thinking the same thing and we both started to rush towards the two girls. Half way there, I watched Kylee recover and then.. punch he girl in the face?! I broke in to a full sprint now.

Kylee's POV

I didn't know who I bumped in to, but when I looked up, I wish I hadn't. Jessica was standing in the door way with an awful sneer in her face. Which I have to say, makes her look worse then she did before. "Well if it isn't little miss. I want attention?" Jessica glared. Is it bad when all you think about is rearranging some one elses face several times, but in different ways? "Actually, miss. Fake-blond-and-boob-b***h, I was going for the ball, like Kendra and I had planned. So back off!" Oh my god. if I wasn't myself, I would have been so scared. I didn't even know someone could use so much venom and hatred in a voice. Jessica stepped back with a scared look on her face. She quickly hid it with a smirk, "Every thing you see her is real princess, and that's why I have already lost my virginity." Now I was just getting mad. "How do you know that? Oh wait, I bet girls *cough, sluts* like you get around, don't they? So get your STD face out of mine before things get ugly" I cheered for myself in my head. I'm not usually this mean, but today has been a long, eventful day. She shoved me back, "Take that back you wanna be b***h!" oh no she didnt //A.N i dont talk like that btw.. Lol\\ I stepped forward, swung my arm back and punched her, straight in the nose. It started to bleed and out of no where, Brian and Sarah were by my side, dragging me into the building, shutting the door behind them. "What were you thinking?" Brian paced in front of me. "I- wait why are you in the girls change rooms?" His face turned a little red. "I uh, well I thought this was a uhm, emergency?" He stopped pacing and sat down on a bench, looking down. I laughed and Sarah snuck in a quick high five. I attempted to get out of the dangers of this subject. "Well i have to go, it was nice talking to ya!" In a matter if seconds, I had my bag over my shoulder and I had made it across the room. "See ya later Brian" I added more quietly and left.

Brians POV

I watched as she turned to leave and continued sitting on the bench, getting lost in my thought. "Why did you just let her leave?" I looked up to see Sarah looking aggravated. "She's not my girl friend, I don't own her." I felt sad saying that. I want her to be my girl friend, but I don't want to take things too fast. I had already risked that by just grabbing her hand or hugging her. "Are you kidding me? I have seen the way you both look at each other, even if you guys don't. And even after only meeting a couple hours ago, you two are so comfortable with each other! It's like you were made for each other but for some stupid reason, you both seem to not notice it!" She through her hands up and turned to grab her bag. "Hey Sarah?" "Mhmm?" She turned around with her bag on her shoulder, " You don't happen to have Kylee's number on you do you?" Sarah smiled and reached into her bag.

Kylee's POV

I was taking the long way to walk home. It would give me time to think. The first thing that popped in my head was Brian. I really want to figure out what he is. That thing he did in the hospital, I didn't even understand it but it made Jack better, so it must be good, right? And those tingles? I have never ever even heard of some thing that felt so weird but at the same time, it feels addicting and good. I looked around to see where I am and checked the time on my phone. It was 7:15. Wow I have been walking for almost 3 hours. No wonder I have no idea where I am. Its getting dark, and i looked around but no one is on the streets. I pulled my cell phone out if my pocket and dropped my bag. I searched through my contacts for my brothers number. I hit the green button. "Kylee right?" I jumped at the sudden voice and looked up. In front of me stood the most prettiest girl I have ever seen smiling at me. I didnt recognize her. She had dark brown hair that was styled in big loose curls flowing down to her middle back. Her skin was ghosltly pale but maybe its just the light. She had perfect features but one thing i noticed almost right away, were that her eyes were a shade of purple. Shes even prettier then models. I looked beside her and was instantly scared, noticing the two massive, muscular guys behind her. "W-what do you want?" she smiled and only dark things shone from her eyes. I backed up, only to run into a wall. Wait, walls don't have legs. I slowly turned and was met by yet another massive man smirking behind me. I didn't notice I still had my phone in my hand. I could faintly hear Chris calling out. I turned back with hopefully a pleading look on my face. The pretty girl lost her smile in a flash, "Grab her" Before I could do anything, I was grabbed from behind by two very strong arms. I tried yelling into my phone "Chris help!! There's at least three massive guys and-" my phone was snatched with such speed, I didnt even see a blur. I looked up at the girl with probably the most confused look ever in history. "hello? Who is this?" the girl asked into my phone. I almost gagged at the sickly sweet voice she used. There was some yelling on the other end and she laughed "Yeah ok. Tell you what. You call up Brian and tell him I called. If I don't see him tonight after 10, you won't see Kylee here. Ever again!" She said my name in disgust but instead of just giving my phone back like a sane person, she threw it at a wall close by. My jaw dropped open when it broke into hundreds of pieces and fell to the ground. No one I know can throw that hard. The she turned to me and looked like she almost forgot I was there still. Her eyes turned black and before I could blink, she was in front of me holding me by the neck. "What business do you have with Brian?" Images of Brian started to flash through my mind of him and the way he talks, looks, even smells.. The girl pulled her mouth into a smile and if I was one if those people that faint all the time, I would of. This girl had canine teeth as long as- I shook the idea if count Dracula out of my head. That's impossible. Right? But after seeing Brian in the hospital, I don't know what to believe anymore. Maybe this is just some sick joke. "So your in love with Brian?" The girls smile grew wider. I shook my head madly. Well as fast as I could with her hand around my neck, "I didn't say that" My voice cracked and she tightened her grip. I felt my feet dangling in the air now. She lost her smile and spoke through clenched teeth. "Don't lie to me. I can read your mind. I see the way you think if him. You are in love with him" She emphasized the 'are'. Then her words sunk in. I immediately thought of Edward Cullen from Twilight. She nodded, "Your getting warmer" The evil smile came back. With my air supply being cut off, I began to go light headed but I managed a few words, "What are you?" It was the same question I asked Brian and her answer was similar to his because she didn't really give me the answer I wanted. "I'm your worse night mare." Black slowly engulfed me and i passed out.

Chris' POV

I was watching Tv with Sydney on the couch. Sydney was asleep but I was getting worried. Kylee's soccer game ended hours ago but she still wasn't home. I have already tried Sarah and Sam's but they said they haven't seen or heard from her either. I ran my hand through my blonde hair. It's what i do when I'm upset or stressed, and right now, I was both. I had tried but she didn't answer her phone. That's not really unusual for her though, her cell is usually on silent or vibrate. I got up from the couch and picked up Sydney. I put her into her bed and went back downstairs. I dropped my phone on the table and started to make myself some coffee. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and my dad came around the corner. His hair was a mess and he was still in his Pj's. I couldn't blame him though, he had a long day at work then heard about Jack in the hospital. As soon as the sun began to set, his head hit he pillow. But it hadn't finished setting though, making it around 7:15. Just as my dad sat down, my phone rang. I snatched it and without checking the caller ID,'i answered. "Hello?" On the other end it was quiet so I had to strain to hear what the other person was saying. "W-what do you want?" That was Kye. (my nickname for her) "Kye what are you talking abo-" Then someone else was talking. She's not alone. "Grab her." The voice said. It was another girls but it sounded different. It sounded like a melody in my ears- wait no! Kylee is possibly being kidnapped! The there was shouting into the phone. "Chris help!! There's at least three massive guys and-" Her voice was cut off, "Kylee! Kylee where are you!" My dad was looking at me with wide, slightly glassy eyes. Then some one else was speaking directly into the phone. "Hello? Who is this?" I felt anger burning inside me, it made me feel like I wanted to hit something.and more importantly, it was dying to be relearned. What ever I had to do to get back Kylee."This is her older brother and if you don't leave her alone, I will call the cops but not after making you wish you were never born! I'm not scared to hit a girl!" She laughed, "Yeah ok. Tell you what. You call up Brian and tell him I called. If I don't see him tonight after 10, you won't see Kylee here. Ever again!" "Wait no!" Then the line was disconnected. Then all kinds of emotions filled me. Anger. Sad. Worried. Scared. Confused. But I think the one that topped it off, was that I was just pissed. No one messes with my sister and gets away with it. I ran past my dad ignoring his questions and bolted up the stairs. In my room, I threw everything around trying to find the little paper Brian had given me at the soccer game. It had his number on it

Kylee's POV

I woke up but I didn't open my eyes. I tried to take in my surroundings with out giving me away. Hopefully that physco chick isn't listening to my thoughts right now. I tuned into each individual senses, one at a time. I couldn't see so I left that one. I felt like a was laying down. I wasn't good with fabrics and stuff but I'm pretty sure it was leather underneath my body but it was softer under my head. I heard people talking. It sounded like the crazy girl and another guy. Then I smelt.. It smells like a new car. Well I know where I am now but where am I going?? "Good morning Kylee" It sounded like the girl that took me but she sounded nice for a change. My eyes flew open and I noticed I was lying on someones lap. I tried to sit up, only to get dizzy. I groaned, well at least tried to, and figured out the hard way that my throat hurts. A lot! I looked at the guy i was lying on and he seemed to have been enjoying himself. He's good looking but if he was standing next to Brian, he could be a unicorn and I wouldn't notice. "How was your sleep?" I saw the girl watching me from the rear view mirror. She was driving. "Ok I guess.." I trailed off, confused at her sudden kind mood towards me. I looked out the window but didn't look like much. There were two large guys on either side of me and the third one was in the passenger seat. "I'm sorry I was being a b***h earlier. I didn't feed this morning and you just smell so mouth watering." She licked her lips and I wanted questions answered. " Uh, I have a question." I frowned. She smiled and turned to look at me, "Go ahead," she nodded and looked at the road again. "Your not human are you?" I had a faint idea but I didnt want to believe it. "I thought it was pretty obvious but no I'm not," she didn't give me a chance to reply, "I'm a vampire." She didn't look away from the road and she had a distant look in her purple eyes. "Oh. Well then.. Er that's interesting" I wasn't sure what else to say but yep, that was the faint idea I had. "I thought vampires didnt exist, no offense." She chuckled. "We all have to make humans believe that so were not hunted. And to answer your next question, when I said all, I mean there are a couple more then just vampires. There is us, witches, werewolves and shape shifters." She continued to read my mind. I thought it would be cool to do but it gets kind if annoying, having no privacy.

She continued telling me all about everything. Vampires dont have to kill when they feed. Also, to turn some one, the person just has to drink vampires blood five times and then die. I know, harsh right? A witch can do all kinds of crazy magical stuff but you can't be turned, your just born with powers. The witches are also at war with each other. The goods use they're power for good and the bads, well it's obvious. The werewolves can turn into wolves when ever they want. Not just on full moons. The colour the wolves turn is what ever colour their natural hair colour is. The shape shifters turn into a certain animal, depending on their pack. There are many different packs around the world ranging from almost every type of animal there is. Oh and you can get special powers but that is rare and it doesn't matter what you are. Again, i thought of Edward Cullen. That's pretty much it.

We have been driving in silence for 15 minutes and we turned onto a dirt road. I found the bumps soothing for some reason and soon my mind became blank and I dozed off into a dream less sleep.

Brians POV

I was out in the forest across from my condo. I just finished hunting and began to walk back to the trail that lead to the road. I usually use that so people dont wonder why there is a kid walking out from the bushes in the middle of the night. I opened the door, only to be met by silence.I live alone. the condo is always quiet. That's why when my phone rang, I jumped a foot in the air. I didn't recognize the number so I ignored it. When they stopped, i saw I had missed 6 other calls from the same number. My cell went off again. "hello?"

"Finally! Brian, it's Chris!"

"Oh hey dud-"

"Kylee has been kidnapped"

I felt a lump in my throat and a sinking sensation in my stomach.


"Yeah I'm here. don't worry we'll find her"

"But Brian, the kidnapper knows who you are"

I couldn't find words to answer his question. I don't know anyone I have met that hate me so much that they would want to take Kylee away

"What did they say" Even under the circumstances, I felt numb. I don't know what I should be feeling either. Sad because the girl i like was taken from me? Mad because someone would do this? Or maybe regretful. I was too hard on her earlier in the change rooms, forcing her to walk home.

"She said-"

"Wait! It's a girl?!"

"Yeah but Kylee told me there were also three massive dudes there too."

"You talked to her?!"

Emotions were coming back to me again. Right now it was mostly shock. I turned my attention back to the phone and Chris told me about the phone call, the yells, and the threat. I let out a low growl, my body shaking. "Chris, i gotta go." I snapped my phone shut and turned it on silent. I ran out my front door, locking it, and into the black depths of the forest.

**i have a faint idea of what I'm going to write but if you want to post any extras ideas, i don't promise I will use them, but I will check them out. And again, please vote, fan, and comment!!** -H

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