American Assassins

By Art_geek14

7.9K 188 24

In the future of North America a group called the Unions have taken control of Canada and are getting stronge... More

Chapter 1: Kimberley
Chapter 2: Ronnie
Chapter 3: Kimberley
Chapter 4: Ronnie
Chapter 5: Kimberley
Chapter 6: Ronnie
Chapter 8: Ronnie
Chapter 9: Kimberley
Chapter 10: Ronnie
Chapter 11: Kimberley
Part 2: Training Begins
Chapter 12: Kimberley
Chapter 13: Ronnie
Chapter 14: Kimberley
Chapter 15: Ronnie
Chapter 16: Kimberley
Chapter 17: Ronnie
Chapter 18: Kimberley
Chapter 19: Ronnie
Chapter 20: Kimberley
Authors Note:
Chapter 21: Ronnie
Chapter 22: Kimberley
Chapter 23: Ronnie
Chapter 24: Kimberley
Chapter 25: Ronnie
Chapter 26: Kimberley
Chapter 27: Ronnie
Chapter 28: Kimberley
Chapter 29: Kimberley
Part 3: The Journey
Chapter 30: Ronnie
Chapter 31: Kimberley
Chapter 32: Ronnie
Chapter 33: Kimberley
Chapter 34: Ronnie
Chapter 35: Kimberley
Chapter 36: Ronnie
Chapter 37: Kimberley
Chapter 38: Ronnie
Chapter 39: Kimberley

Chapter 7: Kimberley

184 5 0
By Art_geek14

The Lodge is an amazing place.  A Library is down one of the halls.  Downstairs there is control rooms, a hospital, and secret doors Logan says we aren’t allowed to enter.  I stare at one of doors for a second knowing they won’t be a secret from me forever, I know that for sure.

                Logan takes us outside to the bottom of the ski hill.  We watch as skiers and snowboarders go up the lifts and stand in the lines.  The snow is so pretty on the hills.  I see two snowboarders come down the hill and come to a stop.  They slide their goggles up on their helmets and pull their neck muffs down so their mouths and chins were showing.  Both were boys.  One looks about 12 or 13.  The other looks around my age or one year older.  They laugh and share a fist bump with one another.  I see the older one notice us and directs his hand towards us.  He and his friend both come over to greet us.

                “Hey Commander,” The younger boy says.  “What are you doing out here?”                                      

                “Getting my new apprentices familiar with the Lodge.”  He says grinning at the boy.       

                “New, here huh?”  The older boy repeats.  “Well, I hate to say this guys.  You’re screwed.”  My mind starts to panic a bit until he laughs, “I’m messing with you.”  He laughs jokingly.  I relax when he says that.  He takes off his helmet and rub his hair. He looks muscular and has dark brown, almost black, hair going a little lower than his ears. His eyes are a hazel green color.  

                “Thought you were actually serious.”  I confess.

                “No, Jason is a jokester, not a bully.”  The other boy says.  He also unclips his helmet and shakes his hair out.  He has dirty, blonde hair with ice blue eyes.  I don’t know why but my throat suddenly feels clogged as I see the boy.  He is the cutest boy I’ve ever seen.  “I’m Ryder, I was new here last year.  You get used to the place after a while.  I did at least.”

                “I don’t know.”  I admit looking down.  “First guy I tried to meet today I beat up.   So not really going that great for me on my first day.”

                “Hey, make a friend every day.  That’s what Jason here told me.”  He smiles. 

                “That’s a good thought.”  My sister busts in. 

                “To bad I haven’t met anyone today that I haven’t tried to kill.”  I put in shrugging my shoulders. 

                “Well, are you trying to kill us?”  He asks spreading out his arms.  I stare at him then shift over to Jason.  He grins a friendly smile.  I turn back to Ryder whose still smiling.  I can’t help but grin back at him.  “No.”  I confess.

                “Then that’s a good start.”  He says nudging my shoulder with his hand.   “You already made two friends.”  We lock gazes for another second before I look away. 

                “So who’d you get in a fight with?”  Jason asks undoing his feet from the board. 

                “Some boy named Blake.”  I say kind of putting it off to the side like it’s no big deal.  I really don’t want to talk about it. 

                Ryder and Jason both look at me wide eyed.  I feel a knot in my stomach, like I said something really wrong.  “I-I didn’t mean to say anything out of place.”  I feel small.

                “Blake,” Jason starts blinking his eyes coming back to reality.  “Blake is my younger brother.”  He confesses.  This time Ronnie comes up to me. 

                “Oh yeah, he told me about you and you’re two other siblings.”  She says and I glare down at my sister.  She stares back up at me, “What, I had a talk with him after he ran out and I followed.  After he tried to kill me, he calmed down-”

                “He tried to kill you?”  Jason asks looking a little shocked.

                “Not necessarily kill, more like just fight with.”   Ronnie explains everything that happened to her and Blake, and what happened during Jason’s and Blake’s past.

                “Yeah, that pretty much sums things up.”  Jason says scratching the back of his head looking kind of embarrassed.

                “So what is your last name?”  Ryder asks not totally getting into the detail about Jason’s family. 

                “Kimberley Carter.”  I say grinning. 

                “What!”  We all spin finding Blake standing a few feet away with a surprised look on his face.  His face is pale.  I narrow my eyes at him, angry he interrupted our conversation.  But before he can say anything else he storms away disappearing around a corner. 

                “What was that all about?”  Ronnie asks turning back to Jason and Ryder.   But Jason’s face was blank.  I wave a hand in front of him seeing if he can see us. 

                “Jason?”  I say.  He blinks a couple times and shakes his head. 

                “Wha- oh sorry, uh I guess I should go see what he wants.”  He replies shakily.  I open my mouth to say something but Jason takes off, picking up his snowboard, after Blake. 

                “That was weird.”  Ronnie confesses. 

                “Eh, it’s Jason and Blake.”  Ryder says shrugging, not caring about it.  “Great people yet awkward around others.” He grins looking down at me.  I feel my body become warm and tense as he looks at me.  He looks really cute.  Especially in his snowboarding outfit. 

                “Well, I’m going to head in, but nice meeting you two,” he says putting out a hand.  Ronnie shakes it with no hesitation. “Yah, hope to see you around soon!”  She says before taking off back to Logan.  Ryder smiles as he watches her go.  “Always cute at that age.”  He says.

                “Yeah,” I sigh looking at my seven year old sister.  Then I turn back to Ryder.  “Well, hope to see you around.”

                “Yeah, see yah.”  He waves to me and picks up his snowboard and walks the opposite direction.  I stand there watching him walk away.  I feel weak all the sudden, like everything around me is a blur.  But I soon make myself snap back into reality and turn back to my sister and Logan who are talking to someone else.  I take one last look at Ryder, but he is already gone.  So I walk back to Logan and Ronnie.  The warm feeling never leaves me.           

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