The Inferno Tornado (Akatsuki...

By Dragongi49

63.7K 1.8K 222

All I wanted was to be together with them for the rest of my life. To watch my childhood friends grow. To wat... More

Princess Yona
Broken Bond
Faraway Sky
Fate and the Chosen Door
Wavering Determination
The Dragon's Claw
The Blindfolded Dragon
To a New Land
Pirate of Awa
Trial of Senjusou Plant
Chain of Courage
History is Made at Night
Morning of Pledges
From Here On
Bad Attraction
Authors Note
Where There's a Will, There's a Way
Like a Dream
People Can't Imagine That Which They Don't Know
Young Leaves in the Wind; Part 1
Young Leaves in the Wind; Part 2
Shaken Journey

The Wind Tribe

3.8K 113 4
By Dragongi49

I was heading back. The sun started to rise again so I decided to get some drinking water. When I returned Yona and Hak are already awake and standing.

"Hey, you guys thirsty?" I held up two water pouches. I handed one to Yona who took a sip from it and the other to Hak, who merely hooked it onto his waist.

"Um, Hak, Kiri? Let's go down to a village for food and medicine." Yona suggested.

Ah, still worried about Hak's ankle huh? Well it's only been a couple days since then, and I'm fairly certain I got the poison out. "Villages are too dangerous." I said, shaking my head at the idea.

"Even if the villagers don't know our faces, you never know where the castle troops will be." Hak explained to her.

"Then where are we headed to?" She asked. Hm, where are we headed to huh? "Well, I guess it'll be there huh?" I murmured, glancing at my brother.

He nodded and glanced down. "Yeah, the only place we can count on right now. The Capital of Fuuga. Our homeland." Hak said.

Right now, that's the only place that'll be safe. I'm sure gramps will be happy to see the princess is safe.

And of course us, but he's not gonna be happy when we fill him in on what happened.

So we set off. Luckily it's not too far. We headed up the familiar staircase to the gate. Where Tae-Woo and Han-Dae were currently sleeping back to back.

My eye twitched in annoyance. These two.

Hak kicked them roughly, knocking them over. "You're drooling." I told them, placing my hands on my hips. "This Tribe's guards take naps huh?" Hak asked.

The two turned, surprised to see us. "Master Hak? Mistress Kiri?!" I made a face at the name Han-Dae gave me. "Yo." Hak and I spoke in unison.

The two stood and walked over to us. Tae-Woo yawned. "Hey strangers. Has it been ten years?" He asked. I whacked him atop his head. "Idiot, it's been three." I corrected.

Tae-Woo and Han-Dae have always been good friends, a little annoying, but they're family.

He rubbed the spot which I struck. "Why are you two here?" He asked. Han-Dae grinned mischievously. "Did ya get fired from the General's post?" He asked, pointing at Hak.

Both are still as lazy as ever. "I see your laxness hasn't changed." Hak sighed, looking at them in disappointment.

The two waved their arms like the wind. "We're the Wind Tribe. We don't resist the flow of the wind, we go with it." Han-Dae said. The two of them smiling goofily.

"We sleep when we're sleepy." Tae-Woo said as the two continue their ridiculous charade. I chuckled at their behavior, happy to see that they were doing well.

"Who in the world posted these guys as guards?" Hak asked, bringing his hand through his hair. "It's not too bad." I shrugged.

Hak shot me an annoyed look. "I don't want to hear that from somebody who does the exact same thing!" I frowned at him.

"Eh?! If I recall you did the same idiot!" We glared at each other before huffing and turning away. Idiot.

"Hey, it's Master Hak and Mistress Kiri!" Someone spoke. I sighed, not liking being called Mistress. Some villagers began to come over, happy to see us.

I smiled a bit. I sure did miss being here. They gathered around us excitedly. From the looks of things they haven't heard anything from the castle. "Oh, who's this little girl?" A familiar older woman asked, standing next to Yona.

"Is she Master Hak's girlfriend?" Another girl asked. "What?!" Another said in disbelief as they began to crowd her. I smirked. "Yeah, this is Hak's fiancé."

I jumped away to avoid Hak's punch. "Kiri." He warned in annoyance. I pulled down my eyelid and stuck my tongue out childishly at him.

"No, she's a trainee lady in waiting." He lied. But they didn't believe him. "No way! Hey, what's your name?" A man asked.

They began to fire off questions at Yona, who was having a difficult time dealing with the situation.

Because of the overwhelming situation and fatigue, she fainted. "Ah!" I rushed over and caught her before she fell. "Oh! She collapsed!" A girl shouted in surprise.

The two walked over to me, worried for her. "Oh my! She's a delicate little thing." Aunty mumbled.

Hak walked over quickly and grabbed her, picking her up. "It seems the travel was a bit much for her." I spoke.

Hak nodded and stood. "Get her a bed and something to eat." He began to head inside the village, me walking behind him.

"Our Young Master being nice to a girl." Han-Dae murmured in a daze. "Did you not hear me?" Hak asked.

Han Dae rushed next to us. "Y-Yes sir!" I snickered as he did so. "Where's gramps, ah Elder Mundok?" I asked Han-Dae. "The Elder went to Hiryuu Castle." He responded.

I tensed slightly. "What?!" Hak was shocked, well so am I. "So you didn't know. Out of the blue, there was a Five General summons from the castle."

"A Five General summons?" I grumbled. Soo-Won works fast.

"Normally it would be you two at the castle who should be attending. I thought something was fishy when they called Elder Mundok, who's a retired General. So, did ya really get fired?" He asked us.

I looked forward. Although I'm not a General, I always attended the meetings as the Guardian of Hiryuu Castle and the granddaughter of Mundok.

Especially since the title for General was offered to both me and my brother for us to decide. Of course since we saved Yona and escaped, we wouldn't be welcomed.

I wouldn't be surprised if they painted us as the traitors who killed the King and took off with the princess.

They can't let anyone who knows the truth to live. Soo-Won and that loser aid are probably lying through their teeth right about now.

They're about to make him king.

I clenched my fist tightly.

Hak put Yona to bed and we made up a lie that her name is Lina, a training lady in waiting. It's best to keep things quiet for the meantime.

I went out the window and pulled myself onto the roof before lying down.

They're gathered to inform them of the deaths, but also for Soo-Won to become king. But he cannot become king unless all the Tribe's approve.

The other Tribes will probably approve, but gramps . . . Gramps isn't going to give in so easily to those lies about us.

In fact, he's smart enough to have a general idea of the situation at hand. Which means he'd never approve of it. That could lead to trouble for the Wind Tribe.

"Ah-ah. You sure made a mess of things." I mumbled, staring at the clouds passing by. What to do, what to do?

Gramps will never approve. Because he believes in me and Hak. He'd be ready to go to war before admitting a traitor for a king.

The Wind Tribe is strong, but not quite enough against the other Tribes.

Thing's are too messy. Voices sounded from Yona's room. I peeked over and through the window to see my little brother, Tae-Yeon, had given Yona food.

My eyes widened upon seeing Yona smiling. She hasn't smiled in days . . .

Tae-Yeon was a good choice on this matter. He wiped her tears. "I'm Tae-Yeon. Kiri-Nee-Chan and Hak-Nii-Chan's younger brother." He introduced himself.

"Hak and Kiri's brother?" Yona seemed surprised. Well we never really talked much about the Wind Tribe with her. I don't think we've mentioned him before either.

"Are ya friends with Hak-Nii-Chan?" I sweat dropped and finally noticed the two buffoons presence behind the door. So they put him up to this.

"Probably." Yona answered nonchalantly. The doors slammed open to reveal the eavesdroppers. "Probably a friend?!" They shouted.

I snickered and flipped off the roof and through the window. They started crying.

"No way . . . maybe there isn't a chance as a lover or a boyfriend, but . . ." Tae-Woo cried woefully.

Han-Dae had his hand over his face, still crying. "'Probably a friend' means he's not even on her radar! Poor Master Hak in hopeless one sided lov-ack!"

Hak had appeared and hit the pole of his glaive to Han-Dae's head.

"Who's your friend?" Hak asked Yona. She blinked. "Eh? Then a serv-" Hak quickly rushed over and placed his hand over her mouth and leaned in close to her.

I went over to Tae-Yeon and covered his eyes along with Han-Dae and Tae-Woo. The two idiots were blushing at the scene.

"Okay, good girl. Huh?" He glanced at us. I smirked as the two buffoons were blushing madly.

He quickly rushed over and began kicking at the two while I escaped with Tae-Yeon and we watched as he beat on them.

"I haven't done anything that Tae-Yeon shouldn't see!" He yelled at them. "That seemed naughty Master Hak!" They defended, but it only made Hak hurt them more.

It really is good to be home. I just wished it was on better circumstances.

Yona would've enjoyed it more if the events on her birthday didn't happen. "Lina, what's my brother and sister like at the castle?" Tae-Yeon questioned.

Yona thought about it. "Kiri is really nice, but she teases a lot and likes to pull pranks. Hak is . . . rude. Um, no, insensitive, uh, uppity. No, un-charming and . . ."

Hak held his hand up. "All right, that's enough." Han-Dae, Tae-Woo, and I were holding our stomachs, laughing at her accuracy.

"You're awesome Miss Lina! Un-charming for sure!" Han-Dae said between his laughter. Hak turned to us, shooting us a look.

Ah! I quickly used the two as a shield. "Enjoying this are we? Come over here!" He began to wail on them, making me laugh even more.

After knocking them down, he sat on them. "You guys gotta move faster if you wanna avoid a beating." I called lazily.

"Mistress Kiri, that's unfair." Han-Dae grumbled as his soul left his and Tae-Woo's body. "So, what's the castle like then? Lots of fancy feasts?" Tae-Yeon asked Yona curiously.

"Yes, but your meal was the best." She smiled at him. I watched her from the corner of my eye.

I'm really glad she's feeling better, even if it's a little bit. After she finished her food, we let her take a walk in the village.

"Y'know she's not going to be happy when she finds out what you said. All the other stuff is relatively true though." He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well. Let's go after her." I nodded and we headed out.

Someone had given her a pile of laundry to be done. Hak walked over and grabbed over half of it from her. "This way, Miss Lady in Training." Hak directed as he headed for the stream.

The three of us walked together, but Yona was pouting a bit about something.

"What is it?" Hak asked, noticing it as well. "I can play the harp and dance a little bit." She defended herself.

"I told you she was going to be upset about it." I said, throwing my hands behind my head. "Ah, you mean that dishonest racket?" I rolled my eyes. Yona isn't bad at it. Not at all.

Yona frowned but she lightened up a bit. "So you two have a little brother. He's adorable, unlike Hak." She said. I snickered at that.

Well Hak is adorable in some aspects. "Well excuse me. Tae-Yeon was adopted by gramps like me and Kiri. But unlike us, he has frail health. That's why everyone takes special care of him. Yesterday he frolicked a little too much." He said.

I nodded, thinking back to him. "Geez, he needs to learn how to take it easy, that kid." I am glad to see him after so long.

I'm glad he remembers us. He's only six. We've been gone for three years with little to no visits.

We approached the stairs leading down to the stream. A table with basins was right by it. "We're here. You can wash them at that river." We grabbed a basin and washboard as Yona went on ahead.

"It's the Wind Tribe's source of water, so show some respect-" He was interrupted. "Hak, I can't."

Hm? We turned towards Yona. "Seriously, you haven't even tried." We grabbed the items and walked over to her.

My eyes widened at the sight. "But . . ." She trailed off. I stared at it in disbelief. "The river . . . is dried up." I whispered. What the hell?!

Some villagers gathered to see the situation while Hak sent someone to go upstream and investigate.

They all started to murmur and panic. "Calm down!" I spoke strongly. Hak and I remained tall, chins up.

We can't let them panic. "I just sent Han-Dae upstream to investigate." Hak told them, looking like the leader of the Tribe that he is. "Young Master, now's not the time to take it slowly!" A man shouted.

It didn't bother us. "Nothing's going to change just because we fuss about it." I stated matter of fact like.

"We can buy water from merchants for a while. We should have enough supplies to carry on for now." Hak was calm and collective, as needed for the leader.

Suddenly a horse neighed. We turned to see gramps had arrived. "Gramps!" I called.

Hak, Yona and I quickly rushed over to him. Yona ran ahead. Gramps got off the horse and opened his arms as Yona rushed into them.

Yona loves Mundok greatly because he was like a grandfather to her.

"Princess! Thank goodness you're safe. I didn't want to believe it, but when I heard that the king had passed away and you three left the castle . . . I regret not being there for you."

He hugged her to him. I smiled at the scene. Yona needed that. He hugged her a bit tightly.

"Mundok . . . I can't breathe." Yona's voice came out muffled. He immediately pulled away from her, realizing he was holding her a little too tight. "Have you lost weight?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

She had. She wouldn't eat for a while. That is until we came here. She shook her head, smiling.

"No. They gave me warm things, delicious things, so many things. The Wind Tribe is like Mundok. It's warm and comfortable."

He placed his hands on her shoulder and head before glancing at me and Hak.

The look in his eyes. He knows. He's confirming it. Hak and I gave him a solemn look and nodded.

"Nee-Chan, Nii-Chan! Oh, grandpa!" Tae-Yeon rushed over to us along with Tae-Woo. "Han-Dae is back." Tae-Woo informed us. We followed him to where Han-Dae was.

My eyes widened. "Han-Dae!" I rushed over and kneeled next to him. He's all beaten up.

So this is foul play. I guess I was right.

Aunty is cleaning his wounds. "Han-Dae, those wounds . . ." Gramps trailed off, looking at his battered body. "What happened?" Hak asked. Han-Dae smile nervously and scratched his head.

"Oh, I just messed up a little. When I went upstream, to my surprise, the Fire Tribe guys were damming the river so . . . before I knew it; I picked a fight with the armed troops you know? Then I got beat up and tossed aside."

I frowned in irritation. "This isn't a little! What were you thinking attacking without a weapon?!" I scolded him.

He laughed nervously. "Sorry Mistress Kiri." He apologized. Geez. So it's the Fire Tribe huh? Well I was never a fan of General Kan Soo-Jin.

He was always a bit of an ass. But why the Fire Tribe? They couldn't possibly be that loyal to Soo-Won enough to take action for him.

Unless . . . something isn't right. "What the hell do they think they're doing?" Tae-Woo asked angrily.

A lot of people are angry. "Do they want to go to war with us?!" Another man asked. Ah-ah. "Master Hak, let me go there!" Another one spoke.

Oh dear. "I'll rip them apart!" Another declared. Well aren't we in a predicament. "Wait, we cannot fight the Fire Tribe back." Gramps spoke, standing next to Hak.

I stood as well and went to their side. "Why not? They dammed the river and killed Han-Dae." One asked.

I glanced at Han-Dae. "Well idiots die early." I shrugged. "So mean! Mistress Kiri!" He pouted childishly.

But all jokes aside, this is a rather serious matter. We need water.

This is our only source of it. "Stay calm! Don't worry about the river. For now, treat Han-Dae right away." Mundok ordered.

Tae-Woo nodded. "Yes sir. All right, let's go." He grabbed the back of Han-Dae's shirt and dragged him away. Well, it's okay to treat him like that if it's Han-Dae.

"Old man." Hak whispered in slight protest. "This is a warning from the Fire Tribe." Mundok said so only Hak, Yona, and I could hear. "So it's that way after all. I knew you would object." I sighed, crossing my arms.

Hak looked between us, confused. "They are wanting to enthrone His Highness Soo-Won as the king. But since I didn't approve that, they are putting pressure on me."

This isn't something to take lightly. Yona hugged herself tightly and stared at the ground, shaking in fright.

Gramps placed his hand on her shoulder. "Princess." She looked up at him. "It'll be all right. I won't approve. Acknowledging Soo-Won as king would be admitting to the possibility that Hak and Kiri killed King Il." He reassured her.

I groaned in annoyance. "So I was right. Well that blows." I muttered. Hak scratched the back of his head.

"Using us as a scapegoat is the easiest way to go." It really is. That's why I guessed it so easily.

And I'm not even in the castle to hear rumors. "Hak, Kiri . . ." Yona trailed off, upset that we were blamed.

"No need to worry. Even the Fire Tribe won't do anything more reckless." I'm not sure about that. I don't trust the Fire Tribe.

They don't have a great reputation to uphold any of my trust for them either. Besides, they're all idiots.

I was with Yona in her room. We were waiting for the merchants. The sun is beginning to set. They should be here soon.

Yona was curled in a ball and buried her face in her arms as she sat against the wall. "Kiri Nee-Chan! Lina! Ah, Lina. What's wrong? Are ya hungry? It's time to eat." I glanced at my little brother.

Is it just me, or does he sound a little out of breath. "We're in a water shortage. I shouldn't be-"

Tae-Yeon smiled and walked over, grabbing her hands. "Don't worry! Hak Nii-Chan told me to fatten you up." He pulled, trying to pull her up.

Yona stood and allowed it. "Besides, Hak Nii-Chan and Kiri Nee-Chan said it's the Wind Tribe's tradition to practice hospitality to our guests and get money from-"

He is definitely out of breath. He slipped out of her hand and began to fall.

"Tae-Yeon!" I shouted, quickly catching him. "Tae-Yeon!" Yona screeched as she crouched next to us.

Gramps, Hak, and Tae-Woo quickly entered the room upon hearing our shouts. "He suddenly collapsed!" Yona said fearfully.

I glanced at them. "Give me his medicine." I demanded.

Gramps kneeled next to us and handed me it. "Huh?" Yona asked in confusion. I unlatched my water pouch from my waist.

Slipping his medicine past his lips, I followed it with water.

"Tae-Yeon always had weak lungs and he sometimes experiences respiratory paralysis. Good thing Kiri had water." Gramps patted my shoulder.

Tae-Yeon's heavy breathing began to slow and I sighed in relief. "The merchants coming today aren't here yet. We need more water."

I nodded, looking at my pouch. That was the last of it.

"We've got a problem!" A man rushed into the room. "The merchants were attacked by someone on their way here!"

What?! It had to be the Fire Tribe losers. "Everyone's seriously injured." The man murmured.

Tch. Soo-Won you bastard! "Then our access to water has been cut off?" Mundok stated.

More people gathered. "It's gotta be the Fire Tribe's doing!" A girl declared. I agree. It had to be them. "I've had enough! Young Master! Say something!" A man said.

Everyone was staring at Hak, Mundok, and me. "This isn't like you Elder!" Another said. Everyone's antsy.

We're being pressured a bit too much. But we can't act on it. The Fire Tribe is being backed up by the Sky Tribe, the damn 'royals'.

If we make enemies of them, the Wind Tribe won't be safe either.

Yona, who was now holding Tae-Yeon, looked down, pressing him more to her. She's starting to freak out.

She doesn't want to witness any more deaths. Suddenly Han-Dae placed his hand on her head and chuckled. "Han-Dae. Your injury-" Tae-Woo started.

But Han-Dae just grinned. "All-righty, you hot blooded dummies. Settle down!" He said cheerfully, lighting the mood. "You attacked them first." Tae-Woo stated.

Han-Dae just stood. "At least we had enough water for Tae-Yeon's medicine. I'm gonna go to the doctor in the East Woods and go get more medicine."

Huh? "You're going there with that wound?" I asked him, eyebrow raised.

"Well I can ride a horse the fastest in the Wind Tribe. Pretty please Young Master." He winked at Hak. I smiled lightly.

Thank you, Han-Dae. He gave him thumbs up and had that goofy look on his face. "Leave it to Han-Dae!" I chuckled, shaking my head. "I~diot."

He pouted childishly at that. Hak smirked, understanding Han-Dae's reasons. "Make sure you bargain down the medicine cost." He saluted Hak.

"All righty!" Then he took off. I sighed, crossing my arms. Acting all tough when he's wounded. He truly is an idiot.

Hak turned to the people who had gathered.

"Listen up everyone. I understand your anger, but the Fire Tribe's got a substantial number of troops. I will not allow us to go to war right now. I promise that Kiri and I will deal with the issue. Just because the river's damned doesn't mean we'll shrivel up right now. Just leave your life in my hands, shut up, and wait. This is an order from Son Hak, the leader of the Wind Tribe!"

I whistled. Hak got all serious and leader like.

Adorable. "Aren't you just cute." I teased, poking his cheek. The others began to joke around as well.

The Wind Tribe is always like this. Because we're all family. And because we're family, there's something that we must do.


"Are you sure about this?" I asked my brother. Hak nodded but glanced at me. "You should stay with the princess." I snorted, crossing my arms.

"If we're gonna do this, we do it together. I'm not letting my brother venture off all alone. Besides, being a fugitive sounds exciting." I smirked.

He returned it and together we headed into gramps' room.

"What's wrong, can't sleep?" He asked as we stepped through the threshold. "I could ask you that. How about a drink for a sleepless night?" Hak asked, holding up a container of sake.

We sat down in front of gramps and poured us all a cup. "Well this is rare. You serving me such good sake." I snickered at Hak.

"Eh, I wouldn't be so surprised." I joked. Hak nodded. "Yeah, I got this from your secret sake stash." Gramps spit out the sake and choked a bit.

As expected. "What a waste." Hak and I said in unison. "So what do you two want?" I took a sip of my cup. It really is good sake, worthy of his stash.

"I was just thinking that if you were on your own, you'd probably charge into the castle with spear in hand." Hak said, smirking at gramps.

I nodded in agreement. "Gramps, you're too hotheaded." I said, taking another sip. "You two would do the same thing, twerps."

I grinned cheekily. "You're taking too heavy a burden on your wrinkly shoulders old man." I elbowed Hak roughly.

"Why must you always attack the age?" I grumbled. He frowned at me. We shot each other a look before sighing.

It's time for the matter at hand. "Gramps . . ." I started. "We have a favor to ask. Please approve Soo-Won's enthronement as the new king." Hak finished.

Gramps stared at us, but Hak and I are completely serious. "We will leave the Wind Tribe tomorrow morning, returning your name, 'Son', back to you." Hak continued.

I kept my gaze on gramps. He seemed shocked by this. "Please, gramps. Please protect the Wind Tribe, our family. If you approve the enthronement, the Fire Tribe will leave you alone." I told him.

Gramps took a sip. "They might put a bounty on your head." Gramps stated.

I smirked and poked Hak's cheek. "Sooner or later Hak would've pissed someone off enough for a bounty. Besides, I'd make an awesome fugitive." I pointed to myself cheekily.

"Right. It sounds cool. Maybe I'll go be Kouka's number one villain." Hak spoke.

I nodded my head, staring at my brother. "You'd make a great villain. Ah! Villain siblings sound kind of like a drama! That's awesome." I added, making Hak smirk.

Gramps stared at us intently. "Do you plan on leaving the princess here?" He asked.

Ah, Yona. I looked down and smiled sadly. "She's started laughing a little again. I'm glad we brought her here." Hak admitted.

I nodded. "She hasn't laughed, she hasn't smiled, she hasn't willingly eaten anything since we left. Not until we came here." I murmured sadly.

"One more favor." Hak said. We placed our cups down and bowed formally. "Hide Princess Yona from the castle and let her live here as one of the Wind Tribe for the rest of her life."

I love Yona. She's very precious to me. I'd do anything for her. Even becoming a wanted fugitive and enemy to this kingdom.

"No!" I blinked and looked up. What do you mean no?! "I don't do favors for my grandchildren. I will not abandon you two."

"Old man . . ."

"Gramps . . ."

Hak and I spoke in annoyance. "Of course, I'd have to obey it if it was the Tribe leaders order." He said, looking off to the side.

He really doesn't want to do it. But he understands where we're coming from. "This is the last order from Son Hak, the Wind Tribe's leader."

Gramps let a lone tear fall, breaking my heart. "As you wish."

Smiling sadly, I reached over and hugged him. He immediately returned the gesture. "I love you, grandpa."

I didn't allow myself to cry, no matter how much I wanted to. I love gramps, the Wind Tribe, and Yona. But if leaving them all behind ensures their safety then so be it.

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