Don't Leave Me (Block B fanfi...

By xxIssuesUnsolvedxx

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Mina, a girl with over protective best friends and a broken family meets Jaehyo. A Casanova who quickly chan... More

Don't Leave Me (Block B fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note

Chapter 26

686 28 6
By xxIssuesUnsolvedxx

The sound of a machine beeping woke me up. There was light streaming through the curtains of this small, opaque white room, causing me to squint my eyes. Is this what Heaven looks like?

I laid back. There was an IV in my arm and monitors hooked up next to me. I was in the hospital. I chuckled lightly, a sad smile forming on my lips. How long have I been out? I bit my lip, trying to hold back my tears. It didn't work.

I failed at my own suicide...

I wiped at my eyes, but when I heard voices, I grew quiet.

"She had to get her stomach pumped," a voice said from outside the door.

"Isn't she the girl on the News?"

"I believe so.... That mess really got to her to try this?"

I blocked out their sounds, staring at the room around me. "So they know about me huh?" I chuckled sadly, trying to mask everything. I can't believe I failed. I can't believe it.

I closed my eyes. Maybe if I go to sleep, it'll all be over.


When Mina woke up, she had a figure sleeping beside her bed. She was scared, thinking the figure was Jaehyo, but when she realized who it was, her smile came back sadly. She felt her eyes start to water, worrying about the people worrying over her.

"Min..." She muttered softly, running her fingers through his hair. He looked up, staring at her intensely. There were bags under his eyes, like he hadn't slept for days.

"Why'd you do it?" Was the first thing he said to her. Min was both angry, worried, and sad all in one. "You were going to leave without even saying goodbye."

Mina watched as her little brother's eyes became glassy.

"I-I can't lose you too."

He wrapped his arms around her, crying onto her shoulder. "Noona, you can't leave me! Dad's gone, mom's gone.... we're all we have.... You can't just-"

Her tears came along with his, hugging her brother tightly.

"Min- MIn! I'm so-sorry!" She hiccupped, wiping at her eyes. Mina told him everything that happened. About Rick, about Jaehyo, Hwani.... everything. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want him to be sad, because she knew what it felt like.

To have to sadness eat away at you.

To have that unwelcomed pain constrict in your chest.

Mina didn't want him to feel that way, not her little brother. When he was done crying, she wiped his eyes with her sleeve. A knock at the door sounded, causing them to jump back. A man wearing white stepped in, they recognized him as the doctor.

"Mizu-Kim Mina," He said in a worried tone, checking the notes on his clip board. "How're you feeling?"

She hesitated. "I-I'm fine."

He smiled sadly. "That's an improvement. I'm Dr. Lee, I have some good news and some bad news for you."

The twins looked at each other, then looked back to the doctor.

"What is it?" Min spoke up.

"The bad news, is that you will be under watch and since you're under age, the hospital and your guardian have agreed to keep you here for rehabilitation." The doctor pushed his circular glasses up, flipping a page on his clipboard. "The good news is that your babies-"

Mina's eyes lit up.

"Th-they're alive?!"

The doctor smiled.

"Yes, they're just fine."

Suddenly, the door opened, and in came Jaehyo, Taeil, and Mikki toppling in. They were trying to over hear through the door, but couldn't quite hear everything clearly. The doctor stared at them strangely then excused himself, letting us have our privacy.

"What are you doing here?" Min hissed. Mina patted his arm, telling him that it was okay. Jaehyo's eyes looked distant, confused in a way when he looked at Mina. She was biting her lip, preventing her from crying in front of him.

"I heard the word 'babies' through the door." Jaehyo said worriedly. "What's going on?"

Mina looked down, contemplating the truth. She couldn't meet his eyes, afraid that he'd know if she lied. Her hands rested on her stomach as she spoke.

"I was pregnant." She lied, her voice cracking.

"You were pregnant?"

She nodded slowly, ashamed she didn't tell him sooner.

"We were going to have twins..." Min's grip on her hand tightened as she lied. "They....they didn't make it. I took two many pills... I-I'm sorry."

He bit back a laugh, a laugh of sadness and disgust. He couldn't believe it. He was shocked, but felt more betrayed than anything else.

"You tried killing yourself Mina." He stated, trying to hide his sadness. His cold stare was piercing. "Was it because it was my child? I made you that mad for you to get rid of my child- my children?!"

Mina scrunched her brows.

"Jaehyo what-"

"They were my children too! Did you ever think about what I wanted. Mina-" He scoffed, biting his lip in frustration. "-we could've had a family!" He shouted, making her wince. Taeil gripped onto Jae's sleeve, trying to calm him down. "Was it because of me and Hwani?! Was that why you did this??"

A tear escaped her eyes as he continued shouting.

"I only saw her to protect you. If she was the reason why you just tried to kill yourself and kill my kids, than I'm sorry." He ran his hands through his hair. Mina had to hold Min back as Jaehyo was yelling. She wanted to hear him out, wanting to listen to all he had to say. "You know what? I'm done with this shit. If you wanted to get rid of my children, you should've consulted with me on this instead of being a little bitch and trying to kill yourself. I'm fucking done."

Everyone looked at Jaehyo, they couldn't believe he just said that.

"Jae, wait-"

"Save it." He snapped. "I get it. I'll get out of your life."

He slammed the door before she could say a thing. She was so confused, but so was he. She felt hurt, but he felt betrayed. She brought her hands to her temples, sobbing as his words stuck to her.

"What the hell?" Mina voiced, biting her lip. Taeil looked at her for a long time, trying to see the truth in things. Mikki and Taeil sat beside her bed next to Min, both silent, not knowing what to say.

Taeil's stare pierced into her as he spoke.

"Was that really the reason?"

Mina hesitated, but shook her head as a no. Her eyes were watering, making her frustrated.

Taeil sat up, looking at Mina with concern. He turned to leave, but Mina tugged his sleeve.

"Tell Jaehyo that what he believes is right."

Taeil was taken back, and so were the other two.

"What- why?"

Mina wiped at her eyes.

"I can't see him so upset, not anymore-"

Min interjected. "But Mina he hurt you-"

"That doesn't mean that I don't love him." She looked sharply at her brother. "I love Jae, more than I should, but we aren't meant to be. I keep hurting him and he kept seeing Hwani..." She wiped her eyes, struggling to say her name. "It's better if he thinks I purposely did this. That way he won't have to deal with me and our kids..."

Mikki blinked and Taeil gave a confused expression.

"I thought they were-"

"I lied." Mina finished. "The doctor was telling me that they were just fine when you three showed up."

Taeil looked worried.

"Shouldn't I--"

"No, Tae," Mina pleaded. "You can't... Promise me you won't tell him."

He hesitated, staring at the floor before lifting his head to meet her eyes. Her eyes were filled with pure sadness. The little bit of happiness left once Jaehyo did. He took a deep breath.

"I promise."

Taeil turned to leave, but stopped when he got to the door. He glanced at the three sadly. He shook his head.

"You really were the best thing that's happened to him, but after that... I don't think he'll think the same. Get well soon..."


Don't kill me >.< but comment what you think?

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