The Emerald-Steel Collection


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A collection of one shots and prompts about the ship many people had no idea they needed: SuperArrow. (multip... Mai multe

1. The Masquerade
2. Role reversal
3. Two times Oliver almost proposed and the one he did.
4. Secret Weapon
5. Would you be my date?
6. Work out
7. With a little help from a friend
8. The Interview
9. The Secret
10. The Girl Who Fell On Earth
11. Nevertheless She Persisted
12. Red light
13. Is not that hard to say "I love you", except it is.
14. The Aftermath
16. The Auction
17. World's Finest
18. Jealous
19. A little competition doesn't hurt... Or does it?
20. The Proposal
21 - I know you from somewhere
22. Invasion
23. Crush
24. Together, at last
25. Heart without a home
26. The Difference
27 - Teenage Nightmare
28. The Wizarding World of... Multiverse?
29. All Or Nothing
30. I've Just Seen a Face
31. Light at the end of the darkest day
32. Imprisoned
33. With a little help from my friends
34. This I promise you
35. When words hurt more than actions
36. All that matters
37. Everything - Part 1
38. Everything - Part 2
39. Everything - Part 3
40. Lost Bat and feelings found
41. Home sweet home
42. I wasn't expecting you here
43. A distant vacation
44. The unexpected happened
45. Strangers when we met
46. Good company
47. National City 2047
48 We're far away, but close enough Part 1
49 - We're far away, but close enough Part 2
50. Across the Universe
51. We're far away, but close enough PART 3
52. Life lessons are forever
53. Kryptonite
54. A Super Xmas
55. Dream On
56. Lian Yu
57. The Dress
58. How I met all superheroes and the love of my life.
59. Moon River
60. Training sessions
61. Freaky Friday... ish - A Super Life
62. Family matters
63. What happens in National City...
64. Save Me
65. About getting caught...
66. I've got you
67. The Gala
68. Brightest soul
69. A different day
70. Only You
71. The List Part 1
72. Phantoms
73. Nobody wants to be lonely
74. Matchmaker
75. Hope
76. You and Me
77. Smitten
Chapter 78. Past, present and future

15. Duet... Sort of

2.5K 55 17

NOTES: Hi guys!!!

Here I am with a different version of the Flash Musical episode, Kariver version. I hope you like the twists I gave to the prompt, I just think it would be AWESOME to see Oliver in this situation.

4 more fics and I'll be ready to take more prompts. Just please know this:

1 - I depend on inspiration. Not every single prompt I can work with because sometimes, inspiration just won't cooperate, no matter how hard I try. 

2 - I don't take explicit prompts. I write from K to M (subtle). Or repeated ones, so just make sure I didn't wrote it here before giving a new idea. 

3 - My knee and my hip doesn't allow me to stay on computer for that long. So be patient haha. Good knews is I finished my white canary cosplay (will start my adapted overgirl - no nazi shit - but it will be easier) and my rehearshals are about to start again (to move and dance helps feeling less pain), but I will still have enough time to write it). If I take too long to update, u know my reasons hahaha. 

That's it. I hope u enjoy it!!!


Chapter Summary: Promptfrom WritersBlock039: "if Oliver and Kara had gotten together before"Duet," and Oliver and Iris rescue Kara and Barry from the musicalworld." (I confess I changed a small detail because it would be really funny ifOliver was in that dream world with Kara and all the musical going on)


- What exactly did he tell you? – Alex sat on the couch next to Kara, with a glass of wine in her hand, drinking a sip.

- He wanted us to see where this can go... If it has any future...

- And what did you say?

- That I didn't think it was a good idea...


Alex gave a playful slap on Kara's arm and Kara looked at her feeling torn inside. She had been on this flirting and getting to know each other thing with Oliver Queen for a while now, and she really enjoyed his company, but she couldn't help but feeling they were just on a road for suffering and disappointment.

They met when they fought Dominators and saw each other once again afterwards, to help Barry with a big problem he had with a guy named Savitar. And since then, Kara has been thinking a lot about him. The fact that he had kissed her right before she came back to her Earth helped a bit.

- I know... - Kara said looking really torn to Alex – I mean... When he kissed me, it was something so... It took my breath away, I felt on cloud nine... I was shocked because he was so kind and sweet, so different from what I'm used to see, you know?

- I believe when I saw him that time, I thought he was a grumpy and violent man that had no chill for anything... Glad to know I was wrong...

- Kind of... - Kara laughed – I mean... He has his moments, he gets way too serious about things sometimes, but he can be sweet and fun...He just don't let barely anyone see it.

- He must really like you, sis.

- I don't know... I mean... We could try, but... He is the Green Arrow, a vigilante in his world. And by day he is the Mayor of his city. He also has a kid. That it's not the problem, but... It's a lot. I'm not sure adding one more thing to the list would be a good idea.

- I'm glad the kid is not the problem for you, because you are great with kids... But, I don't know Kara, I think you are overthinking it. Don't stress about it, just... Live it!

Kara thought about what Alex was telling her. She feared it was too late, and still had he doubts. She wasn't sure if she was willing to risk it. She also had her job, her super hero duty. It was sure a lot for a long distance relationship thing. It was for the best, she thought to herself.

Alex got up to pick another glass of wine when a weird figure showed up on Kara's living room, out of nowhere.

- What do you want? – Kara asked, prepared to fight – Who are you?

- Stop right there, or I will shoot you! – Alex pointed her gun to him.

The guy just smiled at them. He wore a suit and tie, all black and white and had dark curled hair and hypnotic green eyes. It was like he was out of this world. He showed Kara's extrapolator on his hands and Kara looked confused at him. Her device was on her room, how it was on his hands right now? He looked deeply into her eyes and Kara felt dizzy, falling down, with Alex running to catch her on time.

- I'm going to hunt the Emerald Archer now! See ya! – He laughed almost like he was singing and pressed the extrapolator, vanishing from their Earth.

- What the... - Alex murmured as she looked worried at Kara.

She thought about what she said and had a pretty good idea of where that weird went. She called J'onn and took Kara to the DEO so they could bring Kara to the only place that could help Kara and help find that lunatic, to fix her.

- Let's bring you to Earth 1, Supergirl!

Bright lights.

A piano playing in the background.

Where the heck was she?

Kara looked around, blinking twice as she felt confused as ever. She remembered talking to her sister, and then a weird figure showed up and now there she was. In a strange place and what she was wearing? She thought after taking a look at her reflection on a mirror in front of her. It was a beautiful black and beige dress, it sparkled so much it almost blinded her. And her hair was so beautiful, falling in curls and it looked like she was from the 20's.

- It's your turn, GO! – A young woman told her, hurrying her up to go behind a curtain.

Kara was not sure what she was talking about but went along with it. Once she stepped out of the curtains she noticed she was on a stage, with mic standing in front of her. The place was crowded, it looked like a fancy restaurant inside a theatre. The lights were so bright she could barely see their faces, but she knew they all were staring. The piano started and Kara felt glad she knew the song, so she started singing.

- "Moon river..."

Her voice was soft and evolving. She felt weird at first but then she felt comfortable, like she was meant to do this. It felt like she was used to it, being on stage and performing in front of people. That was fun, she thought when she sang the last part of the song. That was when the lights were not so bright anymore and she could see everyone looking at her like they were hypnotized. She looked further and her eyes went wide as she finished the song.

Oliver Queen was there.

The Green Arrow.

The guy that had kissed her a few months ago, the one that thought it was worth it to try long distance relationships. The one she had a huge crush on, the one who had the best kiss...


She blushed hard, feeling really nervous. He saw her, he heard her singing and he had the same mesmerized look on his face and a beautiful smile.

Kara, control yourself! She thought.

He approached the stage, clapping as everyone else clapped along with him. Kara went down the stage and he came straight to her with open arms, offering her a big hug.

That was weird because Oliver Queen was not the hug type of guy. Maybe Alex was right, maybe he actually liked her this much.

- Oliver! – She said it in a surprised tone.

- Hey Kara! I'm glad I found you here...

- Me too, I mean, I don't know anyone here... - She looked around feeling really scared - Where are we?

- I have no idea... A weird guy showed up at the bunker and the next thing I know, I was standing here watching you sing. Beautiful voice, by the way... I didn't know you could sing...

- Oh, that was nothing... - She said in a nervous way – But thank you... Alex says I put the Kara in Karaoke. – She laughed. – But it's just a hobby.

- Hey you two! Beautiful performance Kara, really beautiful. The last part could be a bit better, but it's ok, who's judging? – The dark haired guy showed up near the stage when people started to leave.

Kara and Oliver walked towards the guy and Oliver was ready to punch him.

- Hey, watch it! – He said after he vanished and appeared again, making Oliver even more pissed. – I'm not really here anyways...

- God, I hate this weird stuff! – Oliver said.

- Where are we? And who are you? Why did you do to us?

- One question at the time, Supergirl...

- And how do you... - Kara looked pissed at him, but was interrupted.

- I'm Music Meister and we are inside your heads.

- What? – Oliver looked beyond done with all of that.

- I'm back there in Central City enjoying all of it. You are stuck in your own minds. It could be any scenario and you chose to be stuck inside a musical.

- I don't like musicals; why would I want to be inside one? – Oliver crossed his arms.

- Exactly. You had a conversation with your friend Diggle about it and were thinking about how you think musicals are stupid.

- They are not stupid, they are cool! – Kara said, looking at Oliver as she was judging him.

- And you, dear Kara, you love them. You watched the Wizard of Oz way more times than any person alive could ever watch. So there you go.

- And how do we get out of here? – Kara asked

- You need to get to end of the story. But I should warn you: If you die here, you die outside.

Oliver looked at Kara and then at the guy. Great, he thought. This had to be some kind of nightmare, he was sure of it. The only thing that made things not being so awful was the fact that Kara was here with him. But given their situation, he was not sure it was really a good thing. It could be really awkward. She had shut him down and he could never stop thinking about it. He was sure she liked him just as much as he liked her, but she had been clear about not being sure if they could make it work, living so far away, literally and living the lives they lived.

And she was so beautiful tonight, he thought.

Hi was going to be torture, he knew it.

- You two need to chill! – Meister said as he walked to the middle of the room – You need to put a little love in your heart...

He snapped his finger and another song started. Oliver covered his face with one of his hands while Kara smiled as many people started to circle them and dance. Kara looked to her right and saw Winn at the piano and Cisco standing next to him and singing.

Oliver looked at it and felt really weird about watching Cisco in a weird outfit singing and dancing. Then things got so much worse when Malcolm Merlyn appeared in a white tux, singing and dancing along with them.

That was a vision. Something that would haunt him forever. Malcolm, happily singing and dancing.

The song ended and Malcolm approached the two of them and Oliver looked at him not sure if he should laugh or be scared.

- Malcolm? – He asked, still confused about what to feel.

- Who is Malcolm? I'm Cutter! You work for me, have you forgotten? – He looked at Kara and Oliver with an intrigued look on his face – God, what are those young kids on today? C'mon, there is a lot of work to be done! You two need to prepare another number for me, this time you will use your voice Mr. Queen!

Oliver looked at him, took two steps and punched him really hard on the face. Kara jumped in scare as she put both her hands on her waist.

- Now what's the necessity of doing that?

- I'm not going to sing.

- Did you have to punch him?

- It's Malcolm!

- No here he is someone else.

- He's lucky he didn't order me to dance!

- For Rao... - She rolled her eyes and looked at the piano – Look! That was Winn and Cisco at the piano, but I don't think they are Winn and Cisco we know...

- Malcolm... What a scene... - Oliver looked at her – That was... Really disturbing.

- I can imagine... You just didn't have to pull out the cave man.

- I didn't.

- Yes, you did!

Oliver gave up arguing and they stood a few seconds trying to think about their situation. It was the weirdest thing Oliver had been through and he had been kidnapped by aliens and lived in a dream world.

- So, we need to find what's the plot and reach the end of it. – Oliver said thoughtful

- And not die in the process. Ok. One small problem.

- Another problem, you mean?

- I don't have my powers here.

Oliver looked at Kara and smiled at her.

- So we do this the old fashioned way. – He reached for her shoulders and gave it a little squeeze.

- That's what I'm afraid of...

They were about to leave the theater when they felt a sharp pain after something really hard hit them on their heads.

Kara woke up first and looked around. She was tied up besides Oliver and they were in some sort of warehouse. She tried to get away, but had no super strength to help her get rid of the ropes. Great!

- Oliver? Oliver! – Kara called for him.

- What... What happened?

- We were kidnapped!

- I'm hating this plot already!

- Not that I like being kidnapped without my powers, but tell me something new, Oliver!

He just looked at her, saying nothing else as a figure approached them.

- Joe? – Oliver asked in confusion and then remembered they were seeing familiar faces that were not the people they cared about. – Not Joe...

- What? – He looked at Oliver like he was some lunatic – I'm Digsy! And that is my husband! – He pointed at a white haired guy that wore a brown hat and grey suit and tie.

- Stein? – Oliver looked at him, really surprised with that information.

- I think you hit him too hard, love! – Digsy turned to his husband, laughing. – Listen, I need help from you two.

- Us? – Kara looked at him trying to understand what those two would probably want with them

- Yes. – Digsy said as he showed his gun on his waist.

- Sure we will help you, right? – Kara looked at Oliver that nodded with his head.

- Sure!

- You two work with Cutter right? At his nightclub?

- Yes – Kara and Oliver said in unison

- I need your help bringing our baby girl home, Millie. They have a son, Bob and I bet everything he has her! Will you help?

- Sure...

Not Joe took a pic from his pocket and showed to Oliver and Kara. Oliver looked at it, recognizing Iris West. At least he knew who to look for.

Kara and Oliver walked around trying to find any clue about where not Iris could be when Winn, probably with another name, approached them saying he knew where to find her. He took them to an old building and left them in a corridor on the second floor, asking them to keep quiet about his help. Kara and Oliver stood in front of a closed door, looking at it.

Oliver was ready to kick it when Kara grabbed his arm, stopping him.

- What are you doing?

- I'm going to kick the door.

- No, you're not!

- Why?

- You were enough of a cave man today! Besides, why do you get to kick it? Excuse me!

Kara gently pushed Oliver aside and gave a huge kick on the door, feeling really satisfied with herself. Oliver looked at her and gave a small smirk as he thought about how much he liked her spirit.

When they got in the apartment, Oliver and Kara smiled at the scene. Of course Barry was Bob, Oliver thought. Even in dream world those two were together.

Barry and Iris looked at them with fear in their eyes.

- Who sent you? My father? – Iris asked as she looked scared, Barry holding her.

- He's worried about you...

- He doesn't worry about me, lady! He wants to control me! – She said standing up with Barry. – He wants to move away and take me with him. I'm not leaving my Bob!

- Nope, she is not! – Barry agreed with her, holding her by the waist.

- You need to tell him that! – Kara said walking two steps closer to them – You need to let him know how you feel about Barr... Bob. – She smiled nervously.

- Our families are enemies. – Barry told them – They wouldn't understand.

- They will if they love you – Oliver said.

Barry and Iris looked at each other and smiled.

- Ok, we will do it! – Iris told them as she grabbed Barry's hand and they walked out of the apartment.

- Wow... Things are way too easy in musicals! – Kara looked at them and then at Oliver, smiling.

- That's what bothers me!

- But they are fun, even so... You should try to watch it again

- Nope! – Oliver said as he left the place with Kara. – It's better if we go with them, just to be sure. I meet you at the nightclub ok?

- Good idea! Ok – Kara said as she ran after Iris and Oliver went after Barry.

Kara stood there watching Iris telling her dad how much she was in love with Barry and how they were willing to do everything to stay together. She said she would go with them if they allowed Barry in her life because she could have a long distance relationship with him and she knew their love was strong enough to survive it. They were willing to do sacrifices so they could see each other from time to time. Her dads started singing a song to her and Kara watched it all feeling really emotional.

She thought about everything that was happening and how she could relate to their situation. Except she was feeling scared and doubtful while Millie, or Iris, was brave enough to risk it and try it. They were willing to be together even if she was going to Italy and he was staying in the USA. Kara realized how silly she was being with all of that Oliver situation. She had an extrapolator and could be in second on his Earth. Cisco could make him one so he could visit. And they were in still better luck than Iris and Barry. Italy was so far away, they had no way of seeing each other so much often and go to each other that fast. Kara smiled to herself, not believing how silly she was. And she ended up hurting Oliver feelings in the process when he thought she didn't want to be with him or that she didn't like him the same way he liked her.

- I'm so stupid! – She said as she followed Iris out of the warehouse.

Joe and Stein looked at each other and smiled.

- It's time for a war!

Meanwhile, Oliver stood there on a room, watching Barry telling his father, that version of Malcolm (he would never get over this, for sure), how much he loved his Millie. He told him she was moving away but they still wanted to be together. He talked about how he wanted her to stay but he understood she couldn't abandon her parents like that. He understood she still loved him, she just had worries in her mind and was scared of leaving her dads alone and that is why he agreed on being with her even if she was so far away. He was going to make sure she knew how much he appreciated her and how they could make this work.

Even with the silly singing they started, that made Oliver roll his eyes once again, he started to think about it. Little by little, he understood Kara's fear. He understood he had to make sure he was serious about wanting to make things work, and prove her they could. He understood it, watching Barry tell his dad all of that. It was a nightmare he was living but it was good for something.

After singing to his son, Malcolm gave Barry his blessing and watched him leave, Oliver following him. He turned around and called Cisco.

- Call the boys! We are going to war!

Kara and Oliver were with Barry and Iris back at the club. They watched the couple celebrate their victory.

- We owe you so much, thank you! – Iris said as she hugged Oliver and Kara.

- That was nothing... - Kara smiled as she looked worried at Oliver.

Iris and Barry kissed each other while Kara whispered at Oliver, with concern on her voice

- This was supposed to be it right? The end of the plot?

- I don't know, you are the expert in musicals... Is it?

- I don't know... Things were way too easy... It misses the conflict... I wonder what it is... - She said thoughtful as she looked at the happy couple.

She was about to tell something to Oliver when Barry reached for her hand and they started singing a silly song. Oliver and Iris looked at them, not amused. Oliver was ready to go home and be free of that silliness but something about Kara singing and happily dancing warmed his heart. He looked at her in the sweetest way possible.

- You have heart eyes for her, did you know that? – Iris gave a small laugh as she patted Oliver on his shoulders and walked back to Barry as their song ended.

Oliver looked at Iris, thinking about it. It was so obvious? He asked himself. Well, if it was, he couldn't care less. He decided a long time ago not hiding what he felt anymore, especially when it was about Kara.

Shooting sounds were heard outside the nightclub and Oliver and Kara ran outside, Iris and Barry following them.

- I guess we have the conflict now! – Oliver whispered as they saw Iris and Barry's family shooting each other.

- Dad! You promised! – Iris yelled, running in front of them with Barry with his back at her, looking at his dad.

- Were you lying? – He asked, full of hurt in his eyes.

- There's no way I will let you be with the son of this idiot! – Joe yelled.

- Diggle? – Oliver looked at the guy standing next to Malcolm. He forgot for a while he was in this dream world where people he knew where different people. That was so messed up.

Oliver and Kara looked alarmed. Iris and Barry where about to get shot, when Kara and Oliver's heroes instincts kicked in and they ran in front of them, getting shot instead.

They all ran away and Barry and Iris looked at Oliver and Kara on the floor. They hugged each other while crying, desperate with no idea about what to do and how to help.

Oliver and Kara looked at each other. Kara tried to crawl to where Oliver was, and she felt weak, but she had to. Oliver started yelling at her, to stay where she was, but she ignored him.

Kara collapsed on Oliver's chest while he caressed her hair, feeling weak as well.

- Oliver I...

- Shhh it's ok. – He tried to calm her

- Oliver... I need to tell you... I was so silly and stupid.

- Kara...

- No, I need to... - She took a deep breath, talking with difficulty. – We can do it. We can make things work...I just wish we had more time. Distance was never an obstacle... Neither was our lives; I can see that now.

- Hey, it's ok. You were not stupid or silly. You were just scared about the idea. I know... - He took a deep breath as well, feeling pain taking over him – I know I wasn't the most supportive but I can understand it now...

- I love you, Oliver.

Kara used the strength she had left to reach for his lips and kiss him. Oliver kissed her back, caressing her face as they both felt like everything was spinning and fading away.

- I love you too! – Oliver whispered.

Iris, Barry, Alex, J'onn, Caitlin, Cisco and Harry looked at both Kara and Oliver as they woke up slowly.

- He just said he loves her? I'm confused. – Barry asked Cisco as he looked at both his friends, not understanding what was happening.

- Yes, he did. – Cisco said also looking at them confused.

Oliver woke up and looked at Kara, also waking up slowly. He jumped from the bed and reached for her, caressing her face.

- Kara, babe? Are you ok?

- Yes... I feel weird – She said as she fully opened her eyes and looked at Oliver, smiling. – I heard you. – She smiled and gave him another kiss.

They heard a loud cough and looked at the others on the room. Kara blushed and smiled awkwardly at them.

- What just happened? – Barry asked looking at them.

- We hang out a few months ago and we kissed...

- Oh... You are a couple now? – Harry asked with a funny smile on his face.

- I was scared of being in a long distance relationship so I pushed him away.

- And I couldn't understand it and thought she didn't like me back... Stupid, I know.

- But I see things differently now, so... I guess now we are...right? – Kara looked at Oliver, smiling as she reached her hand for him to hold it.

- I guess we are – Oliver smiled back at her.

- Finally! – Alex said it out loud and smiled at her sister.

- And that my friends, is your lesson! – The dark haired guy appeared on the room and everyone looked startled at him.

- How did you escape the cell? – Cisco asked not believing what he was seeing.

- No cell can hold me, my friend. – He looked at Oliver and Kara – You were both too stubborn to see it, so I had to give you a little push.

- There was no need to scare us like that! – Oliver said with an annoyed look

- Sometimes we need to be drastic for people to see what is right in front of them. Now if you excuse me, I need to teach other people a few lessons. – He said as he walked away, vanishing as he sang "put a little love in your heart."

Kara and Oliver told others about their adventures on the dream world. Iris and Barry looked at each other smiling.

- So, we are meant to be on Earth 2, on another timeline, on Flashpoint and now on dream world? It must be a sign – Iris said as she kissed Barry

- Joe and Stein Married? Malcolm my father? – Barry said laughing as he thought about it – That would be something else...

- Diggle shot me there... That was weird. That felt weird. – Oliver laughed thinking about how crazy everything was in his life and how he was glad for it.

- I'm glad we could understand each other and see we both were wrong – Kara said as she caressed Oliver's face.

- Speaking about it.... Cisco – Oliver said as he looked at him – I need a favor.

Oliver asked for an extrapolator and Cisco promised to give him one by the end of the week. Oliver smiled at Kara as they held hands.

- I told you I was going to make it work, no matter what.

- We can be with each other in a matter of seconds. We have more luck than Bob and Millie.

- Poor guys! – Oliver smiled as he kissed Kara.

- Now I just need to introduce to you a really great musical.

- Oh no...

- Oh yes! – Kara laughed, making everyone else laugh as well.



Spoiler Alert: Oliver is convinced to participate on a super hero auction to help Star City hospital and after a lot of protesting, Oliver accepts it. The highest bidder wins a night with the participants anyway they want it. What he wasn't expecting was Kara Danvers to bid so high on him. That was surely something he would never forget.

(this was inspired in One Three Hill's episode that deals with the same thing and the episode they play a game answering each other's questions, getting to know each other... I HAD TO hahaha) 

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