[A Collection of Stories]

By The_Bulletwound

135 15 10

These are freshly baked, Short Stories, straight out of my brand new oven: Words Worth. All you have to do is... More

Specks of Colour
The Girl With The Polaroid Camera

The Valiant Memoir

18 2 5
By The_Bulletwound

The air was thick and heavy. The smell of asphalt and gunpowder filled my nose and burnt my lungs. Corpses lay on the ground in no particular fashion, though, the bodies of the dead seemed to blanket the vast area of evil, like in winter, when snow takes absolute control. I felt my stomach churn, threatening to release the bile as I saw the chaos before me. Clouds of thick black smoke, veiled the sky, blocking the sun, blocking all those beautiful colours. This place, alien yet familiar was where I belonged. Risking my life for a million others. Protecting others who could not. Shielding those precious lives. The sacrifice for the greater good. 

I was panting now, the dust and ash numbed my tongue. The scorching fires, drove me to a delirium. Drenched in sweat, covered in soot, my body ached for rest, yet, I still moved on, taking down my enemies with careful, but, quick and precise shots. At my six, was Private Rhodes, great at using lethals in the most agile way and a great friend. He flashed a grin like he was totally oblivious to what was happening, I shook my head, yet, managed to grin back.

I dodged as incoming grenade which sent a good amount of dirt and rubble flying into the sky. I felt the ringing in my ears after the blast. Luckily, I was able to keep my concentration on the fortress ahead of me. As I was about to take my shot at another enemy, I was shoved so roughly that I lost my footing and fell painfully on to my shoulder. Ignoring the throbbing pain, I looked around wildly, to find Rhodes moving away from me, flinging a flash grenade. Rhode's helmet was off and his shaved head was exposed. He then extended a hand towards me and I grasped it. Before, I could even mutter my thanks, he moved in front of me and the sound of a gun being fired, followed by the whistling sound of the bullet that rippled through sky and embedded itself into my best friend's chest, ripping through his flesh and inches away from his heart. All of this happened so slowly, that I felt like time had stood still at that moment. I watched him fall back against me, his breathing labored as blood flowed out of the open wound. I rested his head against my lap. His golden eyes reflecting pain,  but, he gave me that grin. His last words, before he departed this world to me was,

"Go get 'em, buddy."

I held onto him, as he let out that final sigh, that signaled the departure of his soul to the greater beyond.

We were kids now, using makeshift guns of cardboards, wearing black paint on our faces and running around the backyard, pretending to be soldiers, trying to save the damsels in distress -my sisters-. Rhodes hid behind the tree and I, behind the bushes. Aye, this was what we imagined. Our enemies were the T-rex and the piggy bank. As Rhodes, stepped out and charged towards them and tripped, then fell. He turned his head to the bushes, where I hid and said,

"Go get 'em buddy."

I smiled at the memory, then whispered a promise to him. Aye, I will save "the damsel in distress", I will avenge you, my friend, I thought in determination. After taking his dog tag and wearing it, I rose, not as the old person I knew, but as a new and more stronger soldier than I was before. This newly found valor I gained from the words my best friend uttered to me, along with the memories we shared built up my courage. The smell of death filled my nose, the smoke from the fires, blocked out any light that tried to penetrate the land. Darkness fell upon us and we shall use to our advantage.

Aye Rhodes, I will get them.

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