The Time Turner

By Jens_World

146K 3.3K 1.8K

James S. Potter is always getting in trouble. What happens when he gets into his father's study and gets sent... More

The Time Turner
Sooo who dies?
Missing kids and stuff
Authors note!!!!
Getting to know each other
A New Visitor
Too much excitement
We're saved!...or not
Closet Lurkers
More stuff
Authors Note
Last Chappie
Family Tree

Bad News

6.1K 154 35
By Jens_World

Liz was awaken by a loud ringing. She knew that noise. When you didn't answer the mirror after a period of time, it rang, like a muggle telephone. This had been her idea, after James had somehow lost the mirror and couldn't answer when she called.

"Hold on, hold on." Past Ginny was glaring around the room, her wand out, ready to hex the thing that woke her.

Liz answered. "Liz!"

"Hey, Uncle Perce."

She could relate to Percy, she knew what it was like to be too smart for your own good. Though, the Weasley's all told her she was more like Hermione than Percy.

"Hello, Liz. How are you?"

"Tired, and between us, a little scared." She was ok with saying it, since Ginny had gone back to sleep.

"I know, we're working on it. I was hoping to talk to the girls?"

"Sure." She took the mirror to Molly and Lucy.

Admitting she was scared was scarier than anything else to Elizabeth Smith. Liz was anything but a coward, everyone who knew her knew that. But the idea of one of the people she loved were in danger? That terrified her. Especially James and Baby Mel.

James was her world, and Mel was her Goddaughter. They were the two most important people to her, and she would jump in front of a killing curse for anyone she loved.

Ginny once told her she reminded her of Harry. Noble, loyal, brave, kind, tries so hard to be the best you can be, even if it's never good enough. James always said it was why he was in love with her. He also added that it didn't hurt that she was the prettiest, smartest girl in Gryffindor, which didn't say much. Gryffindor girls were pretty,...not bright.

Rose also woke early, and was listening in on Liz's conversation with Percy.

"Poor Liz." She whispered.

But she had to admit she was terrified as well.

She was no Gryffindor. She wasn't brave, and she would happily run from danger, or hide behind books. She wouldn't be the one ready to fight. She had her mother's brain, but not her bravery. She wouldn't have gone on a mission like her parents had.

She sighed, thinking of her two best friends. Albus was just like his mother. Quiet until you know him, he could hex you faster than you could say 'Oh $%*+.' And he was a genius behind all of that. He was brave and cunning, just like his parents.

Scorpius may be smart and more willing to read than duel, but he was just a strong as he was smart. He was devious, which, along with his looks, was the only thing he had in common with his father. He had the mind of a kind Slytherin, and a brave Ravenclaw, He was loyal, and noble. He was almost perfect, and on the outside, he was. He was gorgeous. His blond hair was slightly darker than his father's, and he had his mother's baby blue eyes.

She had gotten a mixture of her parents hair so it was wavy and dark brown, but she got her dads blue eyes and freckles. People always told her she was very pretty, but she could never see it.

"Rosie?" Her 15 year old mother was sitting up in bed.

Rose wiped away the tears she hadn't realized were falling.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She lied.

"I do hope you didn't inherit your father's sense of worth. He never thinks he's good enough."

"Why would you think I'd gotten that?" She spat.

"Well, you sure got his temper, didn't you?"

Rose turned red with anger.

"I did not!"

"Shh! You'll wake up your cousins." She nodded for her to follow.

"Now, tell me why you were crying."

"Well, you don't change much, do you?"

Hermione grinned. "I'm guessing not." She laughed. "Now tell me, before I go get future me."

That wasn't much of a threat; Rose was in an 'I want my mummy' mood.

"Oh! Should I go get her? You look ready to burst!" Hermione looked at her, eyes wide.

"No, you'll do." Rose whispered. She laid her head in her(younger than her) mothers' lap and cried.

At the same time, Liz had gone into the boys' room.

She crawled into bed with James. She lay, curled against him, crying into his chest.

He just held her close and stayed quiet.


"We have bad news." Future Harry said the next morning after breakfast.

Liz, who was lying on the floor where she and James were playing with Mel, sat up and looked at Harry.

"Let me guess? No time turners?"

"And worse." He said.

"How can it get worse?" James asked, propping up on his elbows.

"Once they find the time turner, they have to get permission from the Head of the Department of Mysteries." Future Ginny and Hermione shuddered at the word, and Ron rubbed his arms subconsciously.

"Why?" Albus thundered. "Why in the HELL do we need to get permission from him?" He shouted.

Everyone stared at him. Albus had been so calm since they got there, and he usually was.

"Albus-." Future Harry said calmly.

"Why Dad? Why?" Albus asked angrily.

"Albus!" Future Harry barked. Albus stopped eyes wide. Harry put his hands in his son's shoulders. "Relax." He whispered.

"I want to go HOME, dad." Albus didn't bother to wipe the tears from his eyes.

"I know, Al. I know. But we have to stay calm." He hugged him.

Once they pulled apart, all the girls swarmed Al, hugging him and telling him it would be ok.

"Is that all it takes?" Past Ron muttered.

Then there was a loud noise in the corner. Rose had started out of nowhere.

Everyone froze and looked at her. Scorpius got closer, but it only made her cry harder.

"Oh, baby! What is it?" Future Ron and Hermione ran to their daughter.

"I-I'm SCARED!" Rose wailed.

Suddenly Liz and Lily started wailing too, causing Mel to start scream-crying.

Ginny and Vic ran to their daughters.

Soon all the kids were crying, even Freddy, Scor, James, though they hid it better than the girls.

"I'm just, SO SCARED!" Liz screamed.

"Don't cry, please don't cry."

"Alright, enough." Mrs. Weasley yelled.

Everyone stopped and looked at her.

"You eight, do you doubt your parents?"

"No." Rose hiccupped.

"Then why are you so upset? You'll get home soon."

"But, but-." Liz was still crying. "I don't want anybody to get hurt!"

"They won't." Past Harry said firmly.

His future self nodded.

Future Ginny hugged her tightly. "It's ok, Lizzy. We'll make sure you get home, safe and sound."

"Why wouldn't we?" Future Hermione asked.

"Yeah, James would be all pouty." Albus teased. "Come to think of it, I think I would be too." He hugged her.

"Thanks Al." Liz whispered.

"Any time, sis." He muttered into her hair.

James pulled her against him. She didn't fight, just fell against him.

James made a hissing noise at his father and he responded back in the same voice.

"Alright, stop it!" Future Ginny said. "Speak bloody English!"

Past Harry looked mortified. "You actually like speaking like that?"(yeah yeah I know he like lost his parseltongue or whatever just go with it)

"Well, yeah, it's like when Fleur speaks to Vicky in French. It's just a faster way to talk." Lily said.

"You can too?"

"All three of them can, I bloody hate it!" Future Ginny complained.

"Well, I expect I would!" Past Ginny thundered. "I hate not knowing what people are saying, it's very annoying.

"Yes, Lily was quite good at getting away with saying naughty words in Parseltounge." James smirked.

Lily gasped and glared at him. Her mother looked at her. "Really?" She tried to sound angry, but trying not to laugh.

Future Harry was smirking. "I thought we'd get away with it forever, Lily flower."

"You knew?" Future Ginny stared at them.

"Well, I did understand her, didn't I? How would I not know?"

He laughed.

Molly Weasley watched her daughter and her future husband. (*Future Ginny and Harry*). They remaindered her of when she and Arthur were younger. They were so cute together. And such a lovely little family. She also noticed future Ron and Hermione and their family. The two families looked so happy and warm. And Elizabeth and Scorpius looked content, liked they belonged.

It reminded her of her Harry and Hermione, the way they were already Weasley's and they weren't even married in yet.

"Mum, are you alright?" Past Ginny asked, her eyes not leaving her future family.

"Yeah, I am perfectly fine." She said. "And it doesn't matter how I am now. I will be fine for the rest of my life."


(Pic on side of Lucy)Yeah sorry for not updating...


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