Voltron x Gender Neutral Read...

由 OfflineVoltron

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I don't own Voltron or you guys at all. Rewriting the description because I can. Some of the characters are O... 更多

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Shiro x Galra Male Reader
Song that I recommend to everyone: (10/10)
Lol, I'm kinda confused on what I should write
Hunk x Angel Male Reader
Recommended Song 10/16
Recommended Song (more like poem) 10/17
Hunk x Angel Male Reader P2
Thanks everyone!
Attention please!
Shout out!
Pidge x Reader
Quick KLANCE one-shot
My mother doesnt seem to understand...
Last A/N [maybe]
Lance x Male Reader (Again)
Keith x Gender Neutral Reader
Shiro x Gender Neutral Reader
Pidge x Gender Neutral Reader
I'm sorry Hunk!!
Hunk x Gender Neutral Reader
Random Klance oneshot
Allura x Gender Neutral Reader
Lance x Gender Neutral Reader
Hunk x Gender Nuetral Reader
Shiro x Gender Neutral Reader
Voltron Mystic Messenger and thanks everyone!
Pidge x Gender Neutral Reader
Lance x Gender Neutral Reader
Hunk x Gender Neutral Reader
Keith x Gender Neutral Reader
Lotor x Gender Neutral Reader
Important! Please read!
Before I write a one-shot
Shiro x GN Reader - Ice Cream Kisses
Lance x GN Reader - Soulmates
Keith x GN Reader - Abnormal Boy
Pidge x GN Reader - Pretty Stranger
Hunk x GN Reader - Be Alright If We've Got Each Other

Keith x Gender Neutral Reader

946 17 2
由 OfflineVoltron

So these new Lance, Hunk, Keith, Pidge and Shiro x Gender Neutral Reader are gonna be a little alike. It's called "Raining Love" for all these characters. What I mean is, if you really like Keith and thought about you and him kissing in the rain, BAM. This is where it'll happen.

I'm not going in order for the characters, just letting you know. So the city they're at (and btw it's when they're in college) always has a rainy season, and this is when you meet these characters. I'm not making a story, these are still one-shots. But they'll be long ass one-shots.

Anyway, sorry for making the description of this long. Hopefully it made sense.


Puddles splashed under [Name] as they bolted for some cover from the rain. They also covered their head and some paperwork they have to give to their teacher with a backpack. They quickly found a small area that protected them from the rain, and it was near the bus station they used to get to school.

It was the rainy season, and it had just started too. It was like "that time of the month" that was for girls, but for this season.

It wasn't thundering or storming, but the rain never stopped. [Name] leaned forward and looked around to see if the bus was anywhere in sight.

Sadly, it wasn't.

Some of [Name]'s [hair color] bangs got in their face, so they flung their backpack on their shoulder, tucked their papers under their right arm, and played with their bangs.

Because what else are they supposed to do for twenty minutes, read over their paper?

Yeah, no.

Speaking of paper, [Name] quickly grabbed their's and made sure it wasn't wet. Which thankfully, it wasn't. Just as [Name] looked up, they saw a flash of black and red, and heard the sound of a motor.

[Name] quickly down the road that led to their college, and saw a person on a motorcycle. [Name] didn't think of anything, expect maybe some man or woman going to work late or something.

Surprisingly, the bus was ten minutes early, and [Name] was able to hand in the papers. The first day of the rainy season, kids would get a day off school, (adults would get the next day off) unless you were missing a paperwork—just like [Name]—or were in any groups and they had a meeting today. Also just like [Name].

[Name] was in the gardening club. Don't judge. Most people watched as the [eye color] eyed wanna-be-florist worked in the garden on the nice days. And when they smiled at the flowers, people got jealous because [Name] was always showing the flowers an expression, and not them.

[Name] had many friends, and they weren't alone. But they never showed any expression near them. [Name] also didn't trust them. Trust issues can sometimes ruin friendships, but it never ruined their's, somehow.

[Name] is...what would most people call it? Lucky? Adored by God? I don't even know about that second one but it was often tossed around.

Instead of changing their clothes, [Name] just took off their back pack and slung their jacket over their head so they could carry all the small flowers in and transfer them into pots. Too much water and they die, rule number ten in [Name]'s Gardening Book.

[Name] grabbed their favorite pot of Lilacs (if you hate lilacs, shit, sorry) and smiled as they touched the leaves. "I'm gonna take you home," [Name] told the flower.

[Name] shook off their jacket, got to borrow an umbrella from a teacher and was able to carry the plant until the bus stop. So at the bus stop, there's this shop, it has a metal gate to stop people from getting in and stealing things. And above that there's cover, so that's where [Name] stands.

But [Name] didn't want to stand there today. Some boys, probably not from their college, were standing there and spray painting the gate.

[Name] frowned and just stood facing the road, hoping that the boys wouldn't notice them. [Name] set down the plant and crouched down, and again started to touch the leaves in the Lilac.

The [hair color, blonde, raven, etc.] watched the road, hoping that the bus would come right now so they could get away from this situation.

[Name] plays hard to get, sometimes, but in situations like this, they've got two emotions. One: why the fuck are you talking to me? And two: I didn't do it, don't hit my face.

"Hurry up." [Name] sighed, turning their head a bit and glancing at the boys. They turned around fully when they saw that the boys were gone.

[Name] grabbed their Lilac and walked over to the new paint on the gate. [Name] huffed and took of their jacket, got it wet in the rain, and started rubbing off the new paint.

"What's going on here?" a voice asks behind them. [Name] flinches a bit, but turns around and faces the owner of the voice.

He has black hair, blue-grey eyes that bore into [Name], and he was wearing all black except for a red—with some white on it—jacket. (A lot of us know what Keith looks like) He had a motorcycle helmet tucked under his right arm, and behind him was his motorcycle.

He was that person [Name] saw heading to their college. [Name] stood up and folded their jacket. "Sorry. I was just cleaning up the new paint that was on your gate...with my jacket. I didn't want the paint to dry, so I started cleaning it."

The boy looked at [Name]'s jacket and [Name] looked down. "Come inside, I'll clean your jacket."

"Ah...no it's okay, you know. I'll just clean it when I get home."


He walked past [Name] and stole their jacket before they could protest anymore. And since they had nothing better to do, they picked up their Lilac and walked into the shop after the boy opened it.

"My name's Keith, and it looks like you're also into gardening?"

[Name] looked down at their Lilac in the pot and squeaked. "Yeah...I wanna be a florist when I'm done with college. I'm [Name], by the way." [Name] smiled at the Lilac in their hands.

He side glanced at [Name] and smiled a little bit. "Hmm."

"Ah, Keith. Is this your shop?" The [hair color] said as they looked around the shop.

"No. It's my dad's, but he usually runs late so he wants me to open up and get it ready for customers."

[Name] couldn't stop asking questions as Keith put their jacket in the washer and they sat there talking. [Name] talked to Keith more than to their friends. It wasn't surprising though.

This boy and [Name] had a lot more in common.

"Keith, are you in college still?"

"Yeah. I think we go to the same one."

"Mine's down the road."

"So is mine."

[Name] stares at Keith. "I never knew you went there! How come I've never seen you?"

Keith scratched the back of his neck. "Ha...ha...ha..."

[Name] tilted their head and said, "You okay?" Keith only nodded. "Um...I just wanted to say thanks. You know, for letting me talk to you and helping me with my jacket."

"It was only because you helped clean off those gates. I'm also getting a guard dog so those kids won't be coming back."

"Really? It's not gonna stay outside, is it?" [Name]'s [eye color] eyes saddened.

Keith shook his head. "No way. We're making a doggy door in the back just big enough for the dog. It's usually quiet so he'll probably hear the kids."

"They're gonna shit their pants when they see the dog. Can I ask what type?"

"My dad's thinking of going for a Boxer, because he loves those types of dogs, but I recommended a German Shepherd because they're the best guard dogs. And I want another one, since my mom took Saddie. He's coming in tomorrow. We've already got a room for him, and he's got a nice bed. He's probably gonna enjoy it here. They said that he's a nice dog, even if he guards us. He doesn't attack the employees or any other dog. I think he'll like it here."

[Name] smiled. "Would you mind if I came and take a look at him?"

"You could name him too."

[Name]'s smile brightens. "Really!?"

"Yeah...He's a no name right now, but if you want, you can name him."

[Name] thought about it for a minute. "I...think I'll let you do the honors of naming the new dog. I just want to see him and you tomorrow."

Keith blushed. "Me?" He pointed at himself.

"Yeah! I wanna talk more about being a florist. I have nothing to do at home anyway. You going to your classes tomorrow? Or are you gonna ditch and ride your motorcycle around?" [Name] snickered, poking Keith.

Keith raised an eyebrow. "How about you wait and see tomorrow after classes."

"You don't even know when my classes end."

"I can wait."

[Name] looked at Keith from the corner or their eye. "Okay. Since I guess I've hung around long enough, I'll take my leave."

"Not without this," Keith said, getting up and quickly grabbing [Name]'s now dry—and clean—jacket. [Name] picked up their Lilac and smiled at Keith.

"Thanks." They grabbed their jacket and started walking towards the door, but stopped when they felt a hand on their shoulder.

"Should I walk you home?"

"I think I'm fine."

Keith looked as if he wanted to say something more, but voted against it. [Name] smiled and waved at Keith before walking down the road to their house.

~~Sorry if this is trash time skip~~

The last of [Name]'s classes ended, and when they walked outside they stopped when they saw a familiar bike, and a familiar biker that they had just met. I know, stupid, trusting someone to give you a ride when you just met them, but what can [Name] say?

They trusted Keith. More than anything, really.

[Name] opened their phone, left a message for their mom to know where they're at, opened their umbrella and started walking out towards Keith, who was had an umbrella above his head.

"Told you I'd wait," he said, smiling at [Name].

"Never doubted you." [Name] replied, closing their umbrella as Keith grabbed it and put it away. Keith put on a black leather jacket, and gave [Name] the other one.

"It kinda keeps you getting wet from the rain."

[Name] quickly put on the jacket, and a few other students from the college watched as the two kind of bickered for a bit. And it was about being a florist too. Things like, if Keith was gonna be better at it, or if [Name] was.

Same old, same old.

They finally gave up on yelling at each other and Keith drove [Name] back his dad's shop. When [Name] and Keith got there, [Name] jumped off the bike and quickly shook off under the cover of the shop before entering the door.

Keith followed after them and smiled when he saw that [Name] had crouched down and was baby-talking to Max, who was the dog. "That's Max," he said, petting the dog's head, who was rubbing all over [Name].

"He's adorable! I've never seen such an adorable creature before!" [Name] kissed Max's head and rubbed it after that. "Keith, thanks again for letting me always come here. I know we just met but...thanks. Really. I don't usually talk and have fun with my friends. I only talk to the flowers and animals I see in the garden at the college."

"Ha. What are you, Snow White?"

[Name] punched Keith and Keith returned it, but a little lighter. They stared at each other for a bit, some rain dripping off both of the ends of their hair, before they looked away from each other quickly when a door opened.

It was Keith's dad.

(oh shit he's actually in this!)

"Ah! You must be [Name]!" he shouted. He took of his coat and put it on the hook, before walking of towards [Name], and shaking their hand. "Keith has told me about you. Not a lot, but some. Did you guys just meet?"

"Yeah, a day ago." [Name] answered, glancing back at Keith. "Even if I just met him, I trust him a lot, even more than my friends."

"That's because you guys get along, really well, am I right?"

"Yes sir."

"Is that because you're also looking to be a florist?"

[Name] nodded their head vigorously. "Yeah! And I was also thinking about something, and I was going to ask...but I'm afraid of doing so."

Mr. Kogane (since I don't know his name) leaned against the counter and placed a hand on [Name]'s head. "Ask me anything, kid." Keith crossed his arms and watched as they hesitated to speak.

[Name] fiddled with their thumbs before finally saying, "Would you mind...if I came to work here on the weekends and after classes?" [Name] closed their eyes before opening them when Mr. Kogane laughed.

"[Name]...is that were you really afraid of? Of course! Besides, my son talks more when you're around! He even smiles more."

"Dad!" Keith hissed, walking over to his dad and punching him in the shoulder. "Don't say that!"

"It's true," his dad replied.

[Name] smiled and shook their head, before hugging both Mr. Kogane and Keith. They were surprised. "Thanks." [Name] pulled away and blushed. "Oh god. Um, sorry about that. It just happened. I'm just...really happy."

Mr. Kogane again patted [Name]'s head and laughed once more. "It's okay, kid. You're fine."

Keith and [Name] hung out more with Max and Keith's dad before [Name]'s mom called them and told them to get back home. They said goodbye to Keith and his dad. And gave Max a big kiss on the head before leaving.

--As you were leaving--

"You like 'em, don't you son?" Mr. Kogane asked Keith, who watched [Name] skip down the sidewalk, glancing up at the sunset here and there.

Keith didn't say anything, only nodded. He was helplessly in love. And in love with someone he just met a day ago. Yeah yeah, falling in love so fast. But hey, what can he say? They were attractive, and also adorable. Stone-faced around others or not, he liked them for them.

--Back to you--

[Name] entered their house, got some food to eat, and then walked upstairs. They got into their room, shut the door, and jumped onto their bed. They stared at the ceiling and sighed, before covering their face from embarrassment from what they just asked Keith's dad, who didn't know them very well.

They rolled onto their side and remembered when Keith and them just stared at each other. Did he like them? Or is he only being supportive because they have no friends and [Name] wants to be a florist just like Keith.

Making up their mind, they watered their Lilac and took a shower, determined to help get a ton more customers in Keith and his dad's shop. They were going to help this flower shop thrive.

~~Time skip to a few weeks later because I'm lazy and there's already 2,000 smth words~~

[Name] stood in front of the shop, with it's gate down, and a sign that stood out.

'This store is closing, thank you for understanding!'

Tears welled up in their eyes as they stood there, a hand covering their mouth.

The store that they work at, closing? And in such a short notice? Where was Keith? Or even Mr. Kogane?

[Name] was so confused, so they looked around themselves, hoping to catch a glimpse of anything. They turned and ran down the street a bit to the cafe. They stopped and looked around.

Where would they find a clue?

A door opened behind [Name] and they jumped a bit as they turned around. A woman with long blonde hair stood there, smiling softly.

"He told me you'd probably come down here."

"Who?" [Name] asks, almost dazed by the woman's beauty.

"Keith and his father."

That caught [Name]'s attention and they jumped up and down, impatient. "Where are they!?"

The woman still kept her smile. "They're down at the train station. Their flight leaves at eight."

It was seven forty, and it would take ten minutes to get to the train station in this weather. An extra five minutes to even get into the station, and who knows how long it would be until they found Keith in the huge crowds there.

[Name] felt like crying, and almost fell to the ground if the woman hadn't caught them. "What am I gonna do?" [Name] whispered.

"I can help you. If you hurry up and let me get my keys, we can go." She didn't wait for their answer as she ran into the shop, yelled something and ran back to their car. The women opened her door, climbed in, shut it behind her, started the car. She put it in reverse, and stepped on it.

"Um...just a question, but who are you to Keith?" [Name] asked suddenly, watching the landscape pass by quickly.

"Don't worry dear child," the woman smiled once again. She was doing that a lot, and it kind of scared [Name]. "I'm only Keith's aunt, Emily."

(just a random name, lol)

"Really?" [Name] beamed, sitting up and looking at Emily. "It's so great to meet you!"

[Name] ranted about being sorry for taking up her time but Emily only waved it off. She wanted to help Keith's best friend, and "special someone."

They ducked their way in and around people in the train station, and Emily lost [Name], but [Name] was already near the platforms. A train whistle blew, and [Name] looked around. They climbed up on one of the benches and looked around.

"Keith?! Mr. Kogane?! Hello?!" [Name] tried calling for them, but their voice was drowned out by the train's whistle.

Suddenly, [Name] saw Keith, and when they saw him, they ran for him. They accidently knocked someone over, but continued running, apologizing while they still ran for Keith.

[Name] tackled Keith as he tried to step on the train. His baggage was thrown onto the ground and [Name] landed on top of him. "Keith!" [Name] cried.

Keith rubbed his head and looked up at [Name], who was crying a river. "[Name]?"

"Keith! Why'd you leave me without saying anything!"

"I thought you weren't gonna miss me..." he trailed off.

"Of course I'll miss the person I fell in love with!" [Name] shouted, grabbing Keith's shirt's collar. "Jeez Keith! You idiot!" [Name] bent down and kissed Keith quickly.

[Name] pulled away from Keith and put their head down on his chest. "[Name]? Are you okay now?"


"Is it because I'm leaving?"


Keith smiled a little. "I'll be back in just a couple of weeks. I'm not leaving forever."

"You better be! God, why am I okay with this?!" [Name] ran their hands through their hair.

"Hey [Name]," Keith said, making [Name] look at him. "Wait for me okay?"

"Okay..." they answered. They shared a kiss before Keith got his stuff around and left on the train.

(Dick move tbh)



—Extra Ending—

It was the end of the rainy season, and [Name] stood outside Emily's cafe. They took a deep breath and were about to walk back into the cafe, but a familiar bike stopped them. They turned and faced the street.

The red and black bike rolled up in front of [Name], and the person riding the bike took off their helmet.

It was Keith.

"Hey [Name]." Keith smiled. "I'm back."

At first, [Name] didn't say anything. They just stood there, face blank. Suddenly, they sighed.

"Okay bye."

They started walking back to the shop and they heard Keith make a surprised sound as he tried and reach for [Name] as he was still on his bike. He parked his bike (or smth, I'm tired okay?) and ran after [Name].

He turned [Name] around and look at their pretty [eye color] eyes. The ones he also fell in love with.

"I missed you," he said, leaning down and planting a kiss on their lips. [Name] smiled into the kiss.

"I know you did."

----ACTUAL End----

This took THREE whole days to actually finish. In school and out, it's 3,418 words total. Holy shit the longest I've ever written. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed. I'm going to start working on the Lance x Gender Neutral Reader now.

*finger guns*


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