Lone Wolf || Tyrion Lannister

By AngelicTrickster

291K 8.1K 1.5K

Her hair was kissed by fire, but ice ran through her veins. Poised was her demeanor, hidden was a mighty howl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Important Notice
Important Notice

Chapter Six

7.3K 230 27
By AngelicTrickster

Anari sat patiently during her lesson with Septa Mordane. Sansa and Arya were off doing their own lessons elsewhere while Mordane spoke to Anari about things her sisters were not ready to learn. Considering she was the oldest, Mordane thought it would be best to begin teaching the girl about what was to be expected of her should she marry.

She instructed Anari as to what she needed to do, and how she had to fulfil her duty. To honor her husband and his House, but to also not forget who she was. While Catelyn was a Stark by marriage, she was a Tully by blood, and she didn't let anyone forget it. Family, Duty, Honor, the words of the Tully house. Winter is coming, the words of the Stark House, and depending on the House her husband was part of, Anari was expected to uphold their house words as well.

Not only that, but Anari was reminded of her other duties. She had to keep her husband's confidence, to aid him when she could, but to know when the hold her tongue. Though, another duty of hers would be to bare her husband a son, an heir. Anari knew what her duties were, and while she respected them, she didn't particularly want them. However, she couldn't outwardly say that without getting admonished.

Anari would not allow her dreams to be crushed so easily, though. What Anari noted during her lesson, was that Mordane said nothing about how she was to act with her husband when not in a social setting. Though, Anari guessed that perhaps it would be best to try and befriend the man a little, when the time came.

It would be in her best interest, and his, should they want the match to work. If they find they are not compatible before the marriage, then they would break their engagement. It'd be unfortunate if they did not get along well when they were already married. It would be a waste of time, in Anari's opinion.

However, their lessons were cut short by one of her father's guards entering the room. "I beg pardon for my disturbance, my Lady," he said, bowing his head to Anari. "But Lady Arya is missing." he continued. "We cannot find her anywhere, and she has been gone for quite some time now," Anari rose from her seat in an instant, fear and panic coursing through her all at once. Anari excused herself from her lesson and left to help the guards search for her sister.


Anari was worried; she searched the Keep high and low, asking those around her if they had seen her sister. Worrying her teeth over her bottom lip, Anari walked briskly through the halls. She tried to think of the likely places she would be; even searching the room they trained with Syrio.

She didn't find Arya there, so she left once more. On her travels, as Anari turned down the hall, she nearly collided with someone. "I beg pardon Lord Renly," she apologized once she realized who it was. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"We must stop startling each other when we meet, my Lady." Renly smiled. "Is there something wrong?" He questioned, his light tone replaced with concern. Anari's face was drawn and her eyes were wide and slightly panicked

Anari sighed, glancing at the floor to collect herself before raising her eyes to meet his. "I was informed that my sister Arya is missing," she replied. "No one has seen her, and I've checked everywhere I can think of."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Renly frowned. "Is there anything I can do?"

"I don't know," Anari replied honestly. "I think perhaps I'll go to my father's chambers and wait for her there. That's where she'll be once she's found." Renly nodded in return as Anari offered him a small smile.

"I hope you find her soon," he said. "She can't have gotten too lost." He offered an optimistic smile. Though, he decided not to relay his caution about the people in this city. King's Landing was not a safe city, for anyone. Especially not a Lord's daughter, though, seeing her worry, Renly decided not to cause her to be in anymore distress than she already was.

"Thank you," Anari smiled. "I hope to find her soon as well." Though, before she left, she softened her features to give him a more genuine smile. "And perhaps the next time we meet, we won't startle one another." Renly chuckled and nodded his head before the two parted ways. Renly found Anari to be curious, she was a rather interesting girl, and while he by no means had any sort of bad intentions for her, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the oldest Stark girl.

It didn't take long for Anari to get to her father's study. She stood there for a moment, after greeting her father. Anari let her eyes scan the room to distract her from her anxiety. Ned did his best to comfort his daughter the moment she had entered his study. He could see the worry and fear in her eyes and it came as no shock.

Anari was so protective of her siblings, it was an admirable quality, and Ned was proud that of his oldest daughter. Though, sometimes he felt like she put too much responsibility on herself sometimes. However, he understood the way she felt, he had felt it himself when he had all of his siblings.

Though, in comforting Anari, Ned found that he too, almost felt choked with worry. This was not the best of times for Arya to go missing, especially since she did not know the layout of the city well enough. King's Landing was not like Winterfell, she would not be safe in certain areas.

While in Winterfell, the children could come and go as they pleased without worry, in King's Landing, there were not so many honorable people. Many would take advantage of a young girl like Arya, and neither Ned nor Anari wanted that for the girl. Nothing would really soothe Anari until she saw her sister in front of her, safe and sound, Ned having figured that out when his words of comfort had little effect.

So, Ned went over some papers to distract himself as Anari paced the floor. She dared not sit down, as she felt too restless to do so. Anari worried her teeth over her lip again, her hands twisting anxiously in front of her abdomen as her pale grey skirts flowed with her movements.

After what felt like hours, Arya and a guard finally entered Ned's study. Anari let out a relieved breath as she rushed to her dirty sister. "I've been worried sick about you!" Anari said softly, pulling back from the embrace to look at her sister's face. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine," Arya assured. It was not her intent to frighten or worry her family, but she had honestly gotten herself lost chasing that cat. Not only that, but she was halted by two guards when she was trying to reenter the city. It had taken her longer than she thought to return.

Once Anari was done fussing over her sister, she pulled back so Ned could speak to her as well. "You know I had half my guard out searching for you?" Ned asked. While he was relieved, he couldn't help but scold her. "You promised me this would stop."

Not knowing what to say, she blurted out the information she had heard. "They said they were going to kill you."

Anari paused for a moment, as did Ned. Someone wanted her father dead? Unable to help it, she felt a tremor of worry and fear, as well as anger. Not only that, but she felt determined to protect her father. "Who did?" Anari questioned.

"I didn't see them," Arya admitted. Though, taking in their expressions, she continued. "But I think one was fat." Ned sighed in slight exasperation, running a hand through his hair. While he did not appreciate the idea of someone making possible threats on his life, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do with the information if Arya couldn't provide a name or description of the person who said it.

"Oh, Arya," Arya's face twisted at her father's tone, as she wanted him to take her seriously. This news was important, and she didn't want her father to be caught off guard.

"I'm not lying! They said you found the bastard and the wolves are fighting the lions and the savage... something about the savage." Arya pleaded for both of them to listen.

Anari exhaled through her nose heavily as she shook her head. Like Ned, Anari knew there wasn't much that could be done from so little information. Ned was already well protected as is, so hopefully that would be enough. Not only did he have guards, though, but Ned was quite the swordsman himself.

Anari had little doubt many men could easily fight her father. Despite her ebbing anxiety and fear, a small smile came to her lips as she looked back towards her sister. "Scaring us half to death, and you were chasing a cat," she teased. Arya had the decency to smile sheepishly. "Part of training, I know." Anari nodded when Arya opened her mouth to speak.

Ned and Anari settled a little, knowing that Arya was now safe. Suddenly, though, a knock was heard before Jory poked his head around the door. "Pardon, my Lord. There's a Night's Watchman here begging a word. He says it's urgent." Ned nodded at his guard and a man dressed in light black armor entered the study.

"Your name, friend?" Ned asked as the man showed his respect to the Lord. He was not overly pleased with the interruption, but he had duties of his own to see too.

"Yoren, if it please," The man greeted. "This must be your son. He has the look." Yoren said as he looked at Arya. "And one of your lovely daughters," He nodded his head at Anari.

"I'm a girl!" Arya snapped slightly. It was always a little frustrating that a lot of the time; people thought she was a boy. She just preferred to dress like one, as she found the breeches and tunics far more comfortable than dresses and heavy skirts.

Yoren glanced at her, but said nothing. Continuing on, Ned wanted to get to the point of Yoren's appearance. "Did Benjen send you?" He questioned.

"No one sent me, my Lord," Yoren shook his head. "I'm here to find men for The Wall, see if there's any scum in the dungeons that might be fit for service."

"Ah, we'll find recruits for you." Ned nodded, hoping the matter was settled and he could continue to discuss things with his children. Not only that, but he needed to think about what Arya had told him. While he initially brushed it off, the more Ned thought of it, the more he took Gendry's words into consideration.

If Jon Arryn died so shortly after questioning him, then perhaps the same person who did it was still lurking in the city. Ned would have to be prepared for the attempt to be made. It would be a smart move to make, as he not only had to figure out why Jon Arryn died, but he also had to keep in mind what Catelyn had revealed to him. Part of him, for just a moment, wondered if it could all be connected in some way.

"Thank you, milord. But that's not why I disturb you now," all of the Starks suppressed the urge to visibly deflate at that. "Your brother, Benjen... his blood runs black, makes him as much my brother as yours." Yoren paused. "It's for his sake I rode here so hard I damn near killed my horse! There are others riding too. The whole city will know by tomorrow."

"Know what?" Ned asked, concern rising. What could be wrong now? Anari could feel her father's worry, and she hoped that it wasn't something too terrible.

"Best said in private, milord," Yoren said, glancing at the Stark girls.

"Go on. We'll talk more later," Ned said to his daughters. Anari went to protest, but she stopped when she saw the look in her father's eyes. This was not a time to argue with him. Knowing her place, Anari nodded faintly in return. Perhaps she'd get her answers at a later time. "Jory, take them safely to their rooms."

"Come along, my Ladies. You heard your father." Jory smiled at the girls. Anari liked the man, while her interactions with him were brief, they got along just fine. Not only that, but he was in charge of her father's guard, so she trusted him. It also helped that his father was Ser Rodrick, who Anari got along with very well.

The older man had become something akin to an uncle of sorts to her, as she trusted the man greatly. It was rare, but sometimes, Rodrick would offer her advice about sword fighting. Anari's curious mind and hopeful eyes more often than not won Rodrick over. The man was fond of all the Stark children, but Anari seemed to have a special spot in his heart.

The three walked in silence, Anari not really knowing what to say. However, Arya was deep in thought as she mulled over what she had heard in the basements of the Keep. Looking up at Jory, she couldn't help but question him. "How many guards does our father have?"

"Here in King's Landing?" He asked in return, to which she nodded back. "Fifty." Jory replied.

"You wouldn't let anyone kill him, would you?" Jory gave Arya a curious look, glancing at Anari, only for her to shake her head at his silent question. Anari had an idea as to what brought the question on, but she didn't think it would help should she explain it.

Not only that, but Anari was curious herself as to his answer. While she did not doubt the loyalty of the man, nor his skill with a blade, Anari did worry about her father's safety. All she seemed to do, so far, was worry for her family. While Anari was gladly trying to keep everyone safe, it was beginning to wear on her a little.

"No fear on that count, little Lady," Jory assured with a smile. Arya seemed to feel better at that, but she still worried an attempt might be made. Sending a quick prayer to the gods to keep her father safe, Anari knew in her heart that something big was going to happen.

She just didn't know what.


Ned was in his chambers, looking over some papers when Jory announced Cersei's entrance. Ned looked up from where he stood to face the Queen. It was surprising to see her here. He wondered why she had come in the first place.

"I thought we might put what happened on the King's Road behind us," Cersei began. "The ugliness with the wolves, and forcing you to kill the beasts was extreme." She admitted, which slightly surprised Ned. However, he was silent and allowed her to continue. "Though, sometimes we go to extremes where our children are concerned." She smiled faintly. "How is Sansa?"

"She likes it here," Ned replied as he processed what she said. He found it surprising that she would apologize and admit she had gone too far in demanding the wolves to be killed. Nymeria, the one who had bit Joffrey, was gone.

Ned thought it unfair to demand the death of two innocent wolves. Though, he still felt partially guilty as well. He said the girls could have them wander about next to them. Had they been in their crates, then they'd probably still be around. Though, what he found to be curious was the fact that Shadow already seemed to be gone when he went to do the deed.

Either someone freed her, or she got away. Either way, it was done with; none of his girls had their wolves there to protect them.

"The only Stark who does," Cersei hummed faintly. "She favors her mother, not much of the North in her." She glanced back up at Ned. "How is your oldest fairing?" Cersei did not trust Anari, especially not since she had so openly spoke against her.

Cersei couldn't deny the wisdom of Anari's words, nor could she really refute them. Already, it seemed, Anari would prove to be a challenge for her, and Cersei didn't like that. The insolent little thing wouldn't be easily dealt with, so Cersei would have to be careful. She recognized that spark in her eyes, she knew the girl was smarter than she let on.

While she would never admit it, Cersei was growing weary of Anari as the days passed.

"Anari is well," Ned nodded in return. He didn't want to exchange small talk. There must be another reason as to why Cersei was here. She wouldn't have come just to admit her faults on the King's Road. There was more to this visit. "What are you doing here?" He questioned bluntly.

"I might ask the same of you," Cersei replied, not faltering once. "What is it you hope to accomplish?"

"The King called on me to serve him and the realm," Ned replied, his tone shifting as he became more guarded. He didn't particularly like Cersei, the matter on the King's Road aside. He had heard enough about her not to fully trust her and to not like her, especially about her family. "That is what I'll do until he tells me otherwise."

"You can't change him," Cersei began. "You can't help him, he'll do what he wants, which is all he's ever done." Ned withheld a snort, as she barely knew the man as long as he had. Robert was his best friend, and he had known him since they were boys. He knew he held sway over Robert where Cersei did not.

Perhaps that was the root of her visit now. That Cersei realized his hold on Robert and felt threatened. Ned was coming to the conclusion that Cersei was a very possessive woman. While she may not particularly like Robert, she wanted security.

And it that was threatened, then she would do what she needed to in order to regain it. "You'll try your best to pick up the pieces." Cersei finished.

"If that's my job, then so be it," Ned stated confidently. He would not let her words sway him. He had a duty to fulfil, and Ned had every intention of doing so. He was loyal to his friend and he was loyal to the realm.

Cersei leveled him with a slightly challenging gaze. She thought over her words before she replied to him. "You're a soldier, aren't you?" She questioned. "You take your orders and you carry on, I suppose that makes sense." She mused. "Your older brother was trained to lead and you were trained to follow."

Ned leveled her with a challenge of his own, not willing to back down. She could not intimidate him. While she may be Queen and she may be Robert's wife, Ned would not allow Cersei to put him off. "I was also trained to kill my enemies, Your Grace."

A Wolf does not bow before a Lion.

His words were a near threat, but Cersei could only return it with a small smirk. "As was I," While she would not admit it, it was unnerving to meet his gaze. Much like Anari, Ned's stare was intense, and where his daughter did not challenge her, Ned did.

While she may not like anyone who is not of her blood, Cersei knew better than to push him too hard. Not only was he Hand of the King and Robert's friend, but Ned was a Northman, he was a Stark. Her House and the House she married into were not the only families that held sway over the Seven Kingdoms.

House Stark was strong and powerful in their own right. Cersei would be a fool not to recognize it. However, she would just have to be better at devising plans should she need to fight them. Though, it would not be as easy as it was to deal with Jon Arryn.

While Jon was mostly alone, only having a wife and young, sickly, son, Ned had three daughters. Sansa and Arya, she didn't fear or worry about. But it was Anari she did not trust. She was old enough to have thoughts and plans of her own.

The girl had proved that, the trial on the King's Road having seen to it. The conviction of her words and the determination in her eyes when she spoke at that inn had shown Cersei that the girl was not someone to underestimate. With nothing more to say, Cersei excused herself from the room.

Ned clenched his jaw and turned back around once he was sure she was gone. He knew better than to underestimate the Lannisters, but he did not appreciate the way Cersei spoke. She came to apologize and threaten him. Queen or not, that was uncalled for. Ned was smart, though, and kept the interaction to himself.

Not allowing her to deter him in the slightest, Ned continued his search.


Bran sat with Maester Luwin, having his lesson as Theon show arrow after arrow into the target. The boy was frustrated, it was clear to everyone. Not only was he frustrated that he couldn't walk anymore, but he was frustrated and upset that when he finally woke up, neither of his parents, nor his sisters were there to see him.

Bran carved divots into the wood table with a trout pin as he named the different Houses and their words. "Sigil, a stag," Bran answered when he saw where Maester Luwin was pointing. "A crowned stag now that Robert's King." He added.

"Good," he nodded, waiting for him to say their words.

"Words, 'Ours is the Fury', Lords, the Baratheons." Bran continued. Maester Luwin nodded in return, pointing to another area on the map.

"The Westerlands," Bran replied. "Sigil, a lion." Luwin hummed a little in response. "Words, 'A Lannister always pays his debts'."

"No," Maester Luwin replied. "A common saying, but not their official motto."

"Lords, the Lannisters," Bran continued, ignoring him.

"We're still on their words,"

"I don't know them," Bran stated. He was tired of this lesson, he didn't want to go through all the Houses and sigils and Lords. It wouldn't really do him much good anyway. What business would anyone want to have with a cripple?

"You do know them," Maester Luwin replied, seeing the growing aggravation on his face. "Think." Maester Luwin understood why the boy was upset, and while he had tried to explain it to him before, Bran was a stubborn boy.

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken," Bran replied, knowing that wasn't right either.

"That's House Martell,"

"Righteous in Wrath."

"House Hornwood."

"Family, Duty, Honor," Bran paused.

"Those are Tully words, your mother's," Maester Luwin paused as well. "Are we playing a game?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. If this was an attempt to rebel in some small manner, then Maester Luwin knew better than to take the bait. He'd dealt with all of the Stark children during their rebellious stages.

Surprisingly, Anari was one of the worst offenders. She questioned him at every turn, craving knowledge and demanding she learn what her brothers did. Maester Luwin remembered an occasion where she had tricked him, saying that there was nothing wrong with learning what her brothers did as it would help her better understand her husband when she would marry.

It was hard to fight with that logic. Anari had paired it with wide, imploring grey eyes and a small pout on her lips. She was nine when she had done it, and Maester Luwin reflected on the memory fondly as he watched her grow up.

"Family, Duty, Honor, is that the right order?" Bran questioned in return. Maester Luwin snapped out of his revere. Hearing the question, he began to understand where Bran was going with this, but he decided to humor the boy.

"You know it is," he nodded back.

"Family comes first?"

"Your mother had to leave Winterfell to protect the family," Luwin sighed. While he was privy to the exact reason as to why Catelyn left, he wasn't going to tell Bran or anyone. There were too many unanswered questions, and before they could do anything about what they strongly suspected, her motives for leaving had to remain a secret.

"How can she protect the family, if she's not with her family?" Bran questioned.

"Your mother sat by your bed for three weeks while you slept," he defended. Catelyn was going to drive herself mad with the way she was acting. Hardly leaving his side, and the few times she did, she ensured that Anari was there. "Anari too, they both refused to leave you side."

"And then they both left!" Bran argued. "Mother's gone somewhere you won't tell me, and Anari and father are in King's Landing."

"When you were born, I was the one who pulled you from your mother," Maester Luwin said in reply. "I placed you in her arms, from that moment until the moment she dies, she will love you. Absolutely, fiercely." He stated. "And Anari, she was the one who held you the moment you fell; she was the one who sent Jon to get help. Anari refused to let you go so I could examine you, even went so far as to challenge your father when he tried to take you away. Do not doubt your sister's love for you."

Bran was quiet for a moment. He didn't know that Anari was the one who saw him fall, was the one who held him and sent for help. He didn't know Anari had challenged their father when he tried to take him away. Bran knew Anari loved him, and he knew his mother did as well. But, it still hurt that they weren't there to see him.

"The only reason Anari left at all was because both your mother and father insisted she was needed in King's Landing,"

"Why?" Bran questioned. "She's needed here too."

"Because your father is Hand of the King," Maester Luwin replied. "He can't always watch out for the girls, can't always be there. Though, Anari could, you know how fierce your sister is when it comes to all of you. Sansa and Arya needed her level head and her protection while in that city."

Bran understood, now, why Anari left. "Why did mother leave?" He didn't understand why no one could tell him.

"I still can't tell you," Maester Luwin sighed. "But she will be home soon."

"Do you know where she is?" Bran questioned. "Today?"

"No, I don't." He answered honestly.

"Then how can you promise me she'll be home soon?" At that, Maester Luwin couldn't help but smile.

"Sometimes I worry you're too smart for your own good." Despite himself, Bran offered the Maester a small smile in return.


Worrying about their safety, Ned began packing his things. Robert was beyond reason now, and Ned would have no part in killing a girl and her unborn babe. He had resigned from being Hand, and therefore was free to leave. King's Landing wasn't a safe place to begin with, but now, more than ever, Ned wanted to get himself and the girls out.

"I'll go ahead with my daughters," Ned said to Jory, who stood in the room with him. "Get them ready," he ordered. "Do it yourself, don't ask anyone for help."

Jory nodded in return. "Right away, my Lord," however, as Jory opened the door to leave, there was someone else on the other end. "Lord Baelish is here for you." He announced as the man walked into the room. Lord Baelish glanced around, seeing that Ned was packing, before his eyes settled back onto Ned.

"His Grace went on about you at some length after you took your leave," Lord Baelish smiled tightly. "The word 'treason' was mentioned." He informed.

"What can I do for you?" Ned asked, wanting to get to the point of his visit. He didn't have much time, so he wanted to get this over with.

"When do you return to Winterfell?" Lord Baelish questioned.

"Why?" Ned narrowed his eyes. "What do you care?"

Lord Baelish smiled indulgently in return. "If you're still here come nightfall, I'll take you to see the last person Jon Arryn spoke with before falling ill," he replied. "If that sort of thing still interests you." He added.

Ned was curious, though, his priority was to getting his family to safety. To bring them back where they belonged, home in the North. "I don't have the time," he dismissed.

"It won't take more than an hour," Lord Baelish insisted. "But, as you please." He smiled. He back away and left the room, leaving Ned and Jory alone once more. Secretly, Lord Baelish hoped Ned would take the bait. It was silent for a moment, as Ned debated one what he wanted to do. His heart told him to continue packing, but his honor demanded he continue his search for the truth.

Ned turned towards Jory, looking at the man. He trusted him with his life, and knew that Jory was the only person he can trust with what he was going to say next. "Round up all the men we have and station them outside the girls' chambers," he ordered, his voice low and hushed despite the door being closed. "Who are your best two swords?"

Jory thought for a moment, before he answered. "Heward and Wyl," he replied.

"Find them and meet me at the stables." Ned ordered. Jory nodded in return, though, before the man could leave, Ned called after him. "Alert Anari," he said. "Warn her to be on her guard and to trust no one. Tell her I have resigned from Hand as well, tell her... Tell her everything." Ned thought she had a right to know. If he had her help with this, then it'd be easier to handle the other girls. However, Ned added on to it. "Don't tell her anything about her mother, though. Spare her of that knowledge."

He was no fool; it would put Anari at odds with herself. Bran was her brother, and she loved him deeply, fiercely. But, Tyrion was a possible friend, someone she got along with well enough, however brief their conversation was. Knowing his daughter, Ned knew Anari would try to twist it in some way to make it seem like this was somehow her fault.

His daughter was too hard on herself sometimes, a flaw she was well aware of. Sighing heavily, Ned abandoned packing his things and left his chambers in pursuit of Lord Baelish.

Jory figured he would speak with Anari first, so he began to walk towards her chambers. The girl was on his way to where the other guards were, so it'd make more sense to speak with her first, anyway. Anari was, thankfully, in her chambers when he knocked. Once he was granted access, Jory offered her a small smile.

Anari had been sitting at her vanity, brushing through her hair. It wasn't often Anari allowed her hair out of her usual braids. So, seeing the tendrils of her slightly curled red hair caused Jory to pause. While he was a man of honor and took his position very seriously, even Jory wasn't exempt from being well aware of her beauty and kindness.

Being Rodrick's son, Jory had known Anari and her family for a long time. Blinking to refocus, Jory cleared his throat. "My Lady, I have something important to discuss with you." He said. Anari's polite smile turned to a faint frown as she looked at him.

"Of course," she nodded. "Is something wrong? Has something happened?" She asked. A million different thoughts ran through her mind. Was there something wrong with her father? Her sisters? Were they in danger?

"You father has commanded me to inform you about what has been happening as of late," Jory began. "May I sit?" He asked. He knew it was going to take a while for him to explain the situation, and he figured it'd be better to do it sitting.

"Of course," Anari nodded again. Anari sat on the seat in front of her vanity while Jory perched himself on one of the settees in the room.

"Your father has been investigating the death of Lord Arryn," Jory began. "He thinks it was suspicious, and he wants to know why he had passed. Though, your father had also been working as Hand of the King, and was doing his best on that front."

"Was?" Anari questioned, wondering why Jory used past tense.

"Your father resigned from being Hand of the King," Jory sighed lightly.

"What?" Anari's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the news. "Why would he do that?"

"King Robert had ordered something to happen that your father strongly disagreed with," he replied. Jory wasn't going to go into detail about that, as he wasn't sure it was his place to divulge Small Council topics to anyone outside of the Council. "Your father is worried for you and your sisters' safety."

Anari took a moment to comprehend what she was just told. Her father was investigating Lord Arryn's death, as he thought it was suspicious. He was also trying to balance that with being Hand of the King, though Robert had ordered something her father didn't like, so he resigned.

"What did King Robert order?" Anari questioned.

"I don't believe it to be my place to say, milady," Jory replied, shaking his head. Anari sighed, though she spared him an imploring look.

"Please, Jory, tell me so I know," she implored. "If my father wanted you to tell me this much, then I want to know everything." Anari was too smart for her own good sometimes, and too persuasive and convincing.

It was her eyes, so wide and grey, so genuine and kind. Many were hard pressed to deny her anything, though she never asked too much of people. Jory sighed as he looked away from said eyes. "I'm sorry, milady," Jory replied. "I'd tell you, but it isn't my place."

Anari sighed as well as she nodded. She wouldn't press the matter further then, she would honor that Jory was not going to divuldge that information without explicit orders from her father. So, she changed her line of questioning. "Why is he worried about our safety?" She questioned.

"Your father is always worried for your safety, my Lady," Jory smiled faintly, glad that she had let the previous matter drop. "This city is dangerous, and with everything going on, he wants to ensure you ladies will be alright."

Anari nodded faintly, looking down at her hands. "Is there anything else?" She asked.

"You father told me to warn you to be careful," Jory continued. "To be on your guard and watch after your sisters. He also wanted you to know that you shouldn't trust anyone."

To Anari, it sounded like they were in danger. That something bigger was happening that she wasn't privy to. However, she was smart enough to know she wasn't going to get much else from Jory, so she nodded in return. "You will protect my father, won't you?" She asked.

Suddenly, what Arya said about those men in the basements came to the forefront of her thoughts. Could it be that Arya had heard a genuine threat on her father's life? Now, Anari worried for the safety of her father. While she didn't doubt his skill in combat, Anari couldn't help but fear someone would try to hurt him through other means.

Anari didn't want that, though, try as she may, she also knew that she couldn't prevent everything. That didn't mean she wasn't going to try, though. "You'll keep him safe?"

"Of course," Jory nodded. "Nothing shall happen to Lord Stark, my Lady." He assured. Anari sighed, knowing how well Jory did in a fight. He had sparred enough times with Robb and the other knights at Winterfell for her to trust his skill.

"And you'll be safe too, won't you?" Anari also worried for the safety of those that came with them from Winterfell. Jory had been close to her family, as Ser Rodrick was Master of Arms and often trained Robb, Jon and Theon.

Thinking of it now, perhaps it really was for the best that she had sent Marleya away. With things slowly getting out of hand, Anari was glad a girl as young as her didn't have to go through it. Though, that didn't mean she didn't miss the girl any less.

Jory smiled at her concern. "I'll be as safe as I can," he promised. There was no guarantee he would be able to keep his promise, but he'd try. Not only would he try for Anari's sake, but for Ned as well, for the Stark family. As long as Jory breathed, no harm would come to Ned and his family. "There is one more thing, my Lady." He said as he stood up to continue following Ned's orders. "There are to be guards stationed in front of you and your sisters' chambers, I don't know if they are also going to be ordered to follow you all, but keep the possibility in mind."

Anari nodded in return, knowing that if her father worried for their safety that he'd want guards protecting them. If there was potential danger, Anari would feel better knowing that her sisters were looked after whenever she couldn't be there to see to it herself. Though, before Jory excused himself Anari stood up to see him go.

Pausing for a last farewell, Jory was slightly stunned when Anari leaned up to press a chaste kiss to his cheek. She offered him a faint smile at his expression; "For luck," she said. Jory smiled back, and though he wouldn't admit it, his face tinted red once she closed her door. Shaking his head, Jory continued on to follow Ned's orders, his cheek burning from the brief display of affection Anari had shown him.

When he left, Anari let out a deep sigh, her thoughts now troubled with worries of her own. If Ned thought that they were in danger, then Anari had to be on her guard. She couldn't allow herself to be fooled by anyone, if they were in danger, then no doubt whoever was their enemy would exploit whatever they saw fit.

Leaving the door, Anari walked over to the large chest that sat at the end of her bed. While she originally had the intent of going to the library, Anari found that her mind was much too chaotic to try and focus on a book. So, instead, she turned to the same thing she always did whenever she found herself too deep in thought to do anything else.

Digging deep within her clothes, cloths, cloaks, and anything else she had placed within the chest, Anari found what she was looking for. Pulling the familiar grey suede cloth out of her chest, Anari set it on the bed. Unwrapping it carefully, she smiled faintly at the sight of the blade Jon had given her.

It was a gorgeous weapon, and she would never be able to thank Jon enough for it. Though, now more than ever, she couldn't help but think that the day may come where she would need to use it. While Anari didn't really want to engage in war, she would if she was left with no other choice.

Letting out a soft breath, Anari unsheathed the blade with ease. Sighing as she held it in her hand, Anari held the blade out, getting a feel for the weight and balance. Now that she had her lessons with Syrio, Anari could put those skills into practice. So, with a soothing deep breath, Anari began the familiar steps of her water dancing.

It was a little difficult, with the heavy material of her dress getting in the way, but Anari managed just fine. As she moved fluidly, and as she slowly lost herself in her ministrations, Anari failed to notice her chamber door opening. It was only when she turned that she finally noticed she was no longer alone.

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