Only Him[HidaSasoDei]

By AJBwasntHere

16.4K 318 128

WARNING! YAOI! DON'T LIKE IT! DON'T READ! Sasori is already in a relationship with Deidara, who is madly in l... More

Only Him(Chapter 1/intro)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 2)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 3)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 4)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 6)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 7)[HidaSaso, TobiDei]
Only Him(Chapter 8) ~ Le Grand Finish!

Only Him(Chapter 5)[HidaSasoDei]

1.2K 31 30
By AJBwasntHere

~Deidara's POV~

Danna is so silent in his room when I knock in. "whoever it is, it's not the time" he answers, but I stick my head around the door anyway. It looks as if he just ran a triathlon in his bed. He obviously got the sheet lose and just toke it off instead of fixing it and the duvet is half-way out of the covers, never mind his hair is in a lump at the side.

"Danna?" I whisper. He shoots up as if a bomb went off in his head - minus the screaming in pain part - and just stares at me. I enter the room now that he knows it's only me, walk over and sit on the bed next to him. I still haven't looked him in the eye, ashamed of what I misjudged as him cheating on me when I'm sure he was only threatening him. I swallow hard then look at him "I'm sorry. I don't know what made me react to something so minor" now I hear laughing. He's laughing. He hugs me, muffling his laughs into my T-shirt. I slowly hug him back, smiling. I have the urge to tell him, but with my silly reaction still setting in, I highly doubt it's the time.

~Hidan's POV~

My neck killing me by the time I pull myself out of the closet. It's surprisingly more comfortable then my bed. 

"what were you doing in there?" I hear a muffled voice and at once know it's Kakuzu, grumpy fuck.

"non of your fucking business"

"yeah" he replies the mumbles walking past "I'm not sure I exactly want to know either"

I take a quick shower before heading to the living area and see Sasori with Deidara again. Instead of the usual pain in my chest, I have to try and stop myself from laughing. People begin to stare at me so I just leave the base.

About two or three miles away, I break down in laughter. He's so pathetic. Not thinking for a second something had happened between me and Sasori. Sasori must've said something to him, or Deidara was to stupid to realize. I know one thing for sure, I'm gonna have to be the one to break it off between them, and there's only one way to do it.

~Sasori's POV~

Deidara got called away for something, probably a mission, and I got some time to think. I have to sort things out. I know I don't love Deidara anymore, he's just becoming an annoyance to have around. I have to say something to Hidan about what happened too, but what? There's not really a lot of sense in it. I love him but at the same time I hate him. Which is it? He drives me crazy!

He walked out of the base laughing. I bet it was me and Deidara, what else could it be? Deidara will be back any minute…so will Hidan…what can I do? At this point I'm practically in a ball, my forehead held against my knees. A knock on the door pulls me back to reality and I hope it's Deidara. I answer it and find I'm wrong.

"this came for you" itachi hands me a china white envelope with a red and black trim. I take it and close the door while opening it "some people say thank you ya know" I reopen the door

"thank you, now get lost" and I slam the door. As if I care about manners towards him. I pull the letter from the envelope. Some guy called Ebizo died…who was he? Oh yeah, my granduncle. I crumble up the letter and throw it in some random direction. No point in me going. We barley knew each other.

It's only one o'clock, I got probably another hour or two. I give up and bury my head in my pillow. It's no use thinking about it anymore. I hear the door open and close. 

"wh-" My wrists are grabbed and I'm flipped around before I'm able to ask who it is. Hidan presses his lips to mine and breaks away slightly "miss me"

"back off" I try to keep serious but a blush covers my face. He's so close I can feel him breathing. He just smirks and kisses me again. I try to keep a hold of myself this time. He begs for entrance but I keep my lips together, he bites my bottom lip making me gasp. He explores my mouth, making me moan. I try to push him off but he grabs my wrists and pines them above my head. I gotta get him off me! He can't just have me whenever he feels like it like I'm some kind of sex toy! Then I hear the door open again…this can't be happening. Hidan's grip loosens a little. I pull my hands free and push him off me. There standing in the doorway is Deidara. I'm happy he seen it, it saves the whole break-up conversation. I just wish it wasn't with Hidan…or do I. He just stares at me. He doesn't look like he's going to cry, but in total shock. I wish he'd say something, this silence is killing me.

"what's wrong with you blondy?" Hidan breaks that silence, now I wish it was quiet again. Nothing seems to be going my way "didn't get the message we were fucking last night" 

"shut your trap!" I yell at him. Liar!

"Sasori" my attention goes back to Deidara, he's clutching his firsts "yo use to tell me how you wished you could be a better parent then your were" where is he going with this "the other night in the inn I toke a pill" a tear starts rolling down his cheek

"I'm pregnant…with your child"

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