Only Him[HidaSasoDei]

By AJBwasntHere

16.4K 318 128

WARNING! YAOI! DON'T LIKE IT! DON'T READ! Sasori is already in a relationship with Deidara, who is madly in l... More

Only Him(Chapter 1/intro)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 2)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 3)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 5)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 6)[HidaSasoDei]
Only Him(Chapter 7)[HidaSaso, TobiDei]
Only Him(Chapter 8) ~ Le Grand Finish!

Only Him(Chapter 4)[HidaSasoDei]

1.5K 38 31
By AJBwasntHere

~Sasori's POV~

Stupid Hidan, it's like everything he does pisses me off! Everything about akatsuki gets on my nerves. I just want to leave, run away from all this, start a new future for myself and only me. But it's too late. Akatsuki turned me into a criminal, a betrayer…a murderer…

Just as I'm about to enter into the living area of the base, the door flings back and hits me straight in the face. I stumble to the floor before Itachi Uchiha makes his way through the door

"sorry Sasori, didn't know you were there" he says in the usual emotionless tone. I know I speak like that most of the time to, but he does it like it's going out of style

"it's fine" I reply, getting back onto my feet when I'm really thinking you swing that thing like it's gonna save your miserable life you prick!

Yes, itachi gets on my nerves a lot to, the way he has to tears every door off it's hinges. The only one who doesn't is Deidara. I walk past him without saying another word. Kisame and Zetsu are chatting in the kitchen, Kakuzu and Konan are arguing over what to put on TV. I get coffee and just sit across from Pein at the dining table, who is engrossed in the newspaper

"anything interesting?" I ask

"same old" he replies in a grumpy tone, the newspaper usually does that to him "to many adds, selfish celebrities, pointless topics" he crumples the paper into a ball "same old world, corrupted by war and their own selfish needs"

"not much change" I say. Despite the fact that Pein was the one who dragged here, he's the only one who can hold up a real conversation "you seem more depressed them usual, something up?" I lie, he seems okay, but I need something to keep the conversation going

"just the realization that were getting nowhere fast" he replies, slouching back into his chair. Then it breaks and he's send onto the floor before cursing Kakuzu for being cheap.

I sit back, drinking my coffee and watching the argument. I hear someone walk behind me. Deidara. He wraps his arms around my neck before he brings his face to my side and kissing me cheek "morning Danna" he slightly sings with a smile spread across his face. I smile back, not as wide of course. But I have the feeling he's hiding something.

~Hidan's POV~

After controlling my emotions I make my way to the living area. When I enter I see the blonde boy with his arms around him. Their smiling at each other. I just wanna puke at this sight! I ignore them as much as I can. But soon I find myself eating cereal and staring at them.

"what's wrong with you?" I hear and turn to see Kisame and Zetsu staring at me

"nothing" I answer, glaring at them, then Zetsu's black side exchanges one back

"why have you been staring at them?" Kisame asks, nudging his head in Deidara and Sasori's general direction. 

"I wasn't staring at them, idiot. And mine your own business, human fish fuck up" I nearly yell at him, he rolls his eyes at me then faces Zetsu once more. I'm about to throw my bowl at him before Kakuzu pulls me back and slams my head to the ground "what the fuck is wrong with you!"

"you" he replies. I huff and turn my head to the side. I haul myself onto my feet again.

I finish my breakfast and head back to my room. I spend a good six hours praying to jashin for forgiveness. For letting Kakuzu stop me from tearing Kisame to pieces. For not pulling all of the fuckers hearts out. And for the greatest sin of all, falling in love.

Once I'm done, I lie on the floor thinking why did it have to be him. Why did it have to be Sasori? Of all people. He hates my very existence. He always turns away from me. Is that why? Is it because he goes to such lengths to ignore me? Because the only real way to make him notice me is to make him want to kill me? I feel a pain in my chest thinking about it. To make things worse, he's with that blond joke. I don't care what the situation is. Sasori deserves better then…then…then that!

My eyes shut as I drift off to sleep. Obviously from blood loss. All I see is him. He sits on my lap, his arm around my neck, mine wrapped around him. He tells me how much he loves me, never wants to let me go, be with me and only me and how I'm more beautiful then any piece of art. Before his lips and mine can kiss, I'm brought back to reality. My dreams are cruel. They taunt me with everything I want but can never have.

I pray again for another two hours. Knowing what I had dreamed must've angered jashin for not being loyal to his wishes. I check the clock, eleven thirty. Great, I've missed dinner. I bet Kakuzu saw me on the floor and told everyone I was dead or something. 

I walk down the hall. The second I lift my head my eyes come into contact with brown ones. He walks directly into me.

"watch it" he grumbles

"not my fault your so tiny" I reply, yeah this seems harsh since I got a crush on the guy, but it's the only way he pays attention to me

"what did you just say" he scowls back

"sorry, can you not hear me down there. Hello!"

"I might be small but I can make your life a living hell and feel pain you never felt before"

"your already looking at me, how much more worse can it get? and I highly doubt you can show me pain I don't like"

He pins me to the wall behind me. I'm already surprised by the strength of him compared to his size, since I'm nearly already losing circulation in my hands. He brings his face a few mere centimetres from mine. He's so close to me compared from when he'd act like I didn't even exist. "don't screw with me" he hisses. I hear footsteps and before it's known, Deidara stands at the end of the hallway, shocked at the sight. Sasori let's go of my wrists and I fall onto the ground, now aware that I had tripped and he was holding me up. Seemed weird he was taller them me all of a sudden. I rub my numb wrists.

~Sasori's POV~

I see Deidara and let go of Hidan. He's in total shock. I see his eyes tearing up

"Deidara" I begin "it's not what you think"

"shut up!" he yelled before running back to his room, crying.

At first, I'm mesmerized. Then, anger wells up in me. I grab Hidan by his neck and drag him up so our eyes at the same level. "you. This is your fault" I hiss at him

"how's this my fault? Not my fault he's been fucking itachi" he replies. 

"you're a liar. He'd never do that" but at the moment, I'm questioning it.

"shut up" he smirks and get's back onto his feet "let's go" he slams me into a closet

"ow" I moan "that hurt you fucker"

"aww, did I hurt the little puppet" I swing my leg and send him falling onto the ground before pining him down "oh, puppet wanna play" he closes the door with his hand, grabs my wrists and turns me so I'm on the ground. I struggle to get free. Whatever he's doing, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. My entire body freezes when his lips crash into mine. 

He's kissing me. It's so powerful yet passionate at the same time and I find myself unable to move. It's like he's hands are trying to explore every part of my body as he pulls every piece of clothing off me. Then himself. I'm too caught up with it all till he has us just in our boxers and a try to pull away, but he answers by slamming my back into the wall of the closet. My body is getting hotter and hotter. It's like he just flipped a switch and made me submissive to him. My skin feel like it's on fire and I want him more and more to just take me, but he continues to tease me. Licking my neck, kissing me roughly, using his hands to keep me in one place where he can do whatever he wants to me. Then he does and I find myself moaning and screaming his name. I've never felt anything like it.

When it's over, I'm still to entranced to do anything but try and catch my breath. When I finally regain myself I realize everything that just happened, get dressed quickly and sprint out of the closet down to my room, leaving him in the closet.

How could I let him do that? Let him violate me in such ways? My head is spinning with questions. But what I really want to know is why he did that, but I doubt it's the time to be asking questions. I sleep in my shirt. Hidan? This morning I hated everything about the man. Now, I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with him just because of something that probably happened by accident.

~Hidan's POV~

I sit in the closet, sickened by my actions yet proud, but I probably given him another reason to hate me. Then I remember the look on his face, him crying out my name and a smile creeps across my face. I say he anything but hates me about now.

~Deidara's POV~

My eyes begin to sting from the tears. What was Danna doing? He was so close to Hidan. Was he going to kiss him? I begin to sob again.

Then I remember who I'm thinking of. This is Hidan and Sasori. They were basically born on two different planets. They were probably fighting more then anything. I wipe the tears from my eyes, happy. Then I begin to laugh at myself for thinking of something so stupid.

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