Why you so obsessed with me?

By Solitare_Diamond

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Lila is the preppy smart college girl with the bad companied boyfriend who her parents forbid her from seeing... More

Why you so obessed with me?
You're still obsessed
Stop being obsessed
So you're gonna be obsessed forever...
The Obession is real
The Obession won't stop
This is my Obessession
Another obession gone wrong
Believe in the Obsession
Obession Revealed
(Part 1)The Obession is Never Enough~ Short~
(Part 2) The Obession is Never Enough~ Short~
Obessession Comes First *short* Part 1
Obession comes first *short* Part 2
Its just my obesssion

Beloved by my Obsession *Part 1*

199 6 3
By Solitare_Diamond

We pulled up to Dean's dad's repair shop. It was deserted. I pushed opened the creaky repair shop door.

"Dean!" I called

"Oh, hey Lila" he greeted coming from under a truck

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked watching him take off his oily gloves that he wore when he was working

"Yeah" he answered

"Should Allison leave?" I asked

"No, I'll stay" she smiled

"Okay...So I don't think this is going to work out between us anymore" he sighed

I heard Allison laugh, but she covered it up with a cough.


"Oh my God... This is so weird. Lila and you have been together for decades" Allison went to his side

"No, its okay. I was thinking the same ting" I started towards the door. I could feel Allison smirking behind me. "You two have a nice life together " I added before leaving

Allison's POV:

This felt so good. Dean finally got rid of her, but why kill her family if you're gonna break up with her? Oh well I still have Dean to myself now

"So...Dean.... How about me and you--" I leaned on him, but he moved

"I gotta get back to work, Allison" he put his gloves back on

"Oh. Well call me" I kissed his cheek then started towards my car.

Lila was practically gone. She probably got all sad and walked. Boo hooo. I got in the car and started driving. Maybe I could catch up to her so it won't be too obvious.

Lila's POV:

I started walking. My house wasn't that far. I kicked the can along the road with my hands in my white sweater pocket when I heard a car. It was Allison. She pulled aside the sidewalk.

"Lila, where did you go??" she asked

"Why are you following me? Don't you already have what you wanted since highschool" I asked sarcastically

"I don't like Dean, Lila. I can't believe you would say such a thing. I'm sorry if you think that" she sniffed

I rolled my eyes.

"Apology not accepted. I'll walk the rest of the way" I continued to walk.


Well that was unexpecting, wasn't it? I'm sorry it was so short. Apology accepted?? lol so I'll update this afternoon or saturday the latest!! Thanks 4 reading!! Comment and vote!!

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