Taming Scar (Lesbian Story)

By loveanoutcast

431K 12.8K 3.7K

Scar skär/ noun a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed com... More

Ages and Rules.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Author's note.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Author's Note.
Chapter 28.
Taming Scar & Fixing Izzy
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Bonus Chapter: Nova & Ace's Wedding.

Chapter 5.

14.9K 459 158
By loveanoutcast

"Fake a smile, lie and say, you're better now than ever, and your life's okay when it's not."
-The Script

Everything went deadly silent. The sounds of forks dropping and glasses brought down on the table were the last sounds heard.

"Mommy what's gay?" Izzy asked Ruth and everyone turned to her, eager for her answer.

"It's love, honey." she answered without a second thought. Simply taking another spoonful of potatoes in her mouth.

"Like you and daddy?" he wondered out loud.

"Yes. But instead of a boy and girl. It's a boy loving a boy, or in Scar's case--a girl loving another girl." James explained not batting an eyelash as he smiled at me.

"And that's normal?" Heath spoke up for the first time.

"Tell me Heath." Ellison spoke for the first time "What is normal?"

He didn't reply.

"I rest my case." She sipped her coke.

"Well I knew that." Frankie blurted "There was no way someone could be this hot and actually dig assholes like us."

We all agreed, while some laughed and that was it. Everyone went back to eating and Cameron gave me a nudge before smiling a bit as in saying "I told you so." even though he never said anything.

I don't know if it was the way Ruth and James gave proud smiles at their own children, or by the way Blaze kicked Ace in the shin or even how Ellison went on and on about how meat and chicken was a disgrace and hurting animals was an inhumane thing to do but somewhere in between I knew, I just knew...

I really am going to like this family.

-One week later-
Crying, screaming and police sirens.

Now being the way I am, I woke up alerted, falling out of bed with a thud before freaking out thinking that the police were here for me...again.

But reality sank in not a second later as the sunlight damn near blinded me and reminded me where the hell I am.

I'm in Oregon. Living with the Margo's. In this bright ass room, with a bunch of hormonal, obnoxious, annoying boys who don't understand the importance of sleep.

There are a lot of things that piss me off. Cops, smartasses, cliche movies, etc. etc. But the thing that tops the list is people who interrupt my slumber. Now those people are just asking to get killed.

Sitting up from the floor I rubbed my head. Hearing gunshots coming from what I'm gonna guess the living room--fuckers are playing video games again.

I cursed under my breath. And kept cursing as I got up and basically stomped down the stairs, killing each boy and even Ellison ten different ways in my mind.

"Guys it's barley morning! I am trying to sleep!" I shouted at the idiots in front of me.

"What the hell are you smoking Scar? It's four in the afternoon." Dante shook his head at me from the couch.

"I smoke cigarettes. You should be worried about what Blaze over here is smoking." I flicked my head to bad boy standing near the corner.

"Weed." He didn't look up from his phone.

"What's weed?" Izzy asked looking away from the screen where Heath and Gabriel were playing Black Ops 2.

"Something you never need to repeat." Ellison threw a glare over her shoulder at Blaze from the armchair, but he didn't notice or he just ignored her. There was a book opened in her hands as she was curled up on the one person couch I could'nt help but think she looked...child-like. Almost cute in her own strange Ellison way.

"You wouldn't be so tired if you didn't stay up all night talking on the phone." Ellison added as she went back to her book.

"You have got to stop looking into my room." I told her.

"It's pretty hard when you're playing that loud ass music at three in the morning!" she snapped.

"Hey! Don't you put my heavy metal in this!" I pointed a warning finger.

Ellison rolled her eyes but stayed silent. Dante had taken up all the space on the large couch, a football in his his hands as he threw it in the air before catching it. Gabriel, Heath and Izzy sat on the floor in front of the television. Frankie was no where in sight so he was either at his piano lesson or avoiding Blaze since I could smell the cigarettes all the way over here.

I wasn't going to deny what Ellison said, truth was after I had broken my own phone, Ruth insisted on buying me a new more upgraded iPhone. And I promising Billy and Peter that I would be good, I did the nicest thing and let her. Sure it seems like they were spoiling me but well if the shoe fits...

"When is it my turn?" Izzy asked.

"When Heath dies." Gabe replied.

"You said that the last time!" Izzy pouted.

"Well this isn't a kids game!" Gabe snapped and Heath nodded in agreement. I saw hurt flash in Izzy's eyes as he frowned at his two older brothers.

"Hey little buddy you wanna go to the park with me?" I flashed a small smile which he returned with a grin of his own.

"Can we go for ice cream too?" Izzy stood up, his Spider-man pajamas making him look adorable as well as his messy head of hair.

"Anything you want. Today is your day." I gave him a high five.

"I want ice cream. Can we come?" Gabe questioned.

"Sorry. This isn't a Heath and Gabriel game." I glared at them.

"Somebody call 9-1-1 cause you two just got burned!" Dante laughed throwing the football which hit Gabriel right in the shoulder.

He cried out in pain, Blaze and I let out a laugh when Ellison reached over and whacked her twin with the hard covered book on his head.

"Fucking hell Ell-Bell! I was just playing!" Dante's voice came out higher than usual.

"Idiot! He's gonna tell mom!"

"No he won't." I butted in, my arms over Izzy's shoulders as his were wrapped around the top if my hips.

"Yes we are!" Heath pouted at me.

"Not unless you want me to tell her that you were being mean to Izzy." I stated.

"I liked you better when you didn't talk." Gabriel said rather loudly as he shot another zombie. For a fourteen year old he sure was a little shithead.

"Ditto." I smirked when he killed two more, his shoulders hunched--I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Izzy. Why don't you go change first yeah? I'm just gonna get some water." I looked at the youngster who nodded in response before dashing up the stairs.

I went through the dining room and into the kitchen just to see Cameron perched on top of a stool scrolling his thumb on his phone. Upon hearing my entrance he flashed me his signature grin.

"Good morning beautiful." He greeted loudly.

Grabbing a glass I let the automatic water fill it as I smiled widely and responded with "What's cooking good looking?"

"Well due to the fact that I can't cook for shit, I'm going to say the only hot thing in this room is me."

I cleared my throat making him chortle and correct himself "And you of course."

"Much better." I murmured downing the refreshing drink in one gulp. I let out a satisfied sound before lifting myself up on the island beside Cam, making me a bit taller since his eyes reached barely above my neck.

"Izzy and I are going to the park. You wanna come with?"

He rubbed his chin in thought before shrugging his shoulders and standing up, that's when I realized he was only in boxers and dark jeans that hung low on his hips--damn.

"Why not? As long as we go for ice cream." He brought me out of my daze.

"You are just like Izzy." I chuckled.

"Really? I didn't know Izzy imagined how sexy you look in those shorts." He smirked, a playful glint in his eye.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I definitely love this tank. You should wear it more often." He tugged at the straps standing in front of me Cameron made his way in between my legs, his proximity almost intimidating that made me see his hazel eyes more clearly.

"Is it the tank that you like? Or is it something else?" I pushed my self further into him, my chest almost touching his as Cam let out a shaky breath.

He gripped me by my love handles--You know that small or big squishy fat that sits right under your waist?--bringing me closer Cameron nuzzled his head into my neck. I mischievously wrapped my legs around his torso very aware at the fact that anyone could walk in at this moment.

I played with the hair on the nape of his neck, causing him to let out throaty groan. His warm breath tickled before he placed a kiss right below my earlobe--the effect making me gasp.

"You like that?" He asked, one hand skimming across my collarbones as the other was still on my hip.

I sighed in content "Ah. If only I wasn't gay, I might actually be turned on right now." With that said I placed my hand on his bare chest and gave one shove resulting in him stumbling back, I was always weirdly strong for my age.

He stared at me in a mix of horror and bewilderment. The noticeable bulge in his pants making the whole situation funny while his cheeks were tainted with pink and his mouth opened and closed like a fish. Aw. Cameron's embarrassed!

Cue the laughter.

"You-" laugh "Actually-" deep breath "Thought-" more laughing.

"Fuck you Scar! That wasn't funny!" He fixed his jeans, the blush still permanent on his face.

"Cam" I jumped off and placed my hands on my hips "Word of advice. Never try to make a gay girl straight. Now hurry up and put on a shirt so we can leave." I started walking out hearing only half his response--I'm pretty sure he called me a bitch somewhere in there.

I was still giggling when I walked into my room. Looking around I smiled, ever since I had moved in I made it more into my kind of room, my bed sheets were black silk, the bookshelf was stacked with albums of every genre even on top of the large stereo and speakers there were discs. My desk held books and sketchpads, the trash beside it full of wads of papers that didn't come out good enough.

Clothes and paint cans were spread all over the floor. The paint was for my walls--not the glass ones of course--but since they were so white I figured why not be creative and spray a bunch of doodles everywhere.

My very own mural.

The downside was the fact that I had to wear a mask every time I got creative and the smell of toxins lingered in the atmosphere. Preventing Frankie, Izzy and Heath from coming within three yards of my room. Even Ellison commented on how I was killing trees and creating an even bigger hole in the ozone whenever I opened the glass sliding door to get the smell out.


"Really Scar! Again!" Her voice shouted once again.

"Hi to you to Elly." I smirked leaning on the doorway of my back door.

"You do realize that your killing mother natures work?" she scolded resembling a puppy.

"Is that suppose to mean something to me?" I muttered around the cigarette I placed in my mouth, taking out a match I used my dog tag as a rough surface--in one swift motion the familiar flame came on before I used it to light it up.

"Oh for fucks sake Scar!"

"What!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance, taking a long drag my lungs felt the familiar dull pain.

"Not only are you causing global warming but you're giving yourself cancer! Those cigarettes have so many bad chemicals that can ruin your lungs, give you heart disease and even create tumors!"

"I love it when you talk medical to me." I replied, clearly quoting John Green's famous character Augustus Waters.

Ellison seemed a bit taken back, my response clearly making her look at me with renewed interest.

"You aren't the only one who's read The Fault in our Stars, Elly." I scoffed.

"It's a bit cliche and too lovey dovey for my liking, but works for you perfectly." I smirked.

"Why cause I'm such a girl?" she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No." I stayed quiet for few moments before clicking my tongue "Because you're a hopeless romantic."

Looking offended Ellison tried to look tough "Everyone has a hopeless romantic side"

"Not me." I shook my head "Too much bad shit in this world."

"Without suffering there would be no compassion."

"You just quoted A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks." I didn't meet her eye, instead staring out at the trees.

She let out a dry nervous laugh, the sound creating small goosebumps on my skin.

"You're smart...for a bad girl. But you had to had been in love before? I thought you had told Cam you have a girlfriend?" I thought I detected a bit of envy in her tone.

"Love is something our mind creates to avoid the pain--like hope or faith. The pain is still there. But love gives us the strength to keep going. As for Cameron, that boy needs to learn how to keep a secret and I wouldn't call her my girlfriend. Nonetheless, she is mine." I shrugged my shoulders.

I didn't let her respond but did take notice of the small frown on her face as I went back into my room, dabbing the cigarette off on the ashtray I had taken from the foyer. Before closing the door I said one last thing.

"It's not bad to want perfect love, Elly. However, all humans haves their flaws and faults. You just have to find the one you think would be worth your time."

[End of flashback]

Shaking my head, I pushed the memory to the back of my mind. Going over to my closet I kicked a dark blue can out of the way and went in.

Five minutes later I was tripping out, the bottom of my black skinny jeans caught around my feet as I pulled them on. I wore a MISFITS cut off shirt. A small hole was around the collar but the shirt was clean--at least I'm sure it was--and it was suppose to be a boys shirt so it put my sides and red lace bra in full view.

Grabbing my black Vans from underneath my bed I slipped them on, tying them and making sure the laces wouldn't touch the floor. I looked at myself in my full length mirror that was leaning against the wall.

I ran a hand through my hair letting the dark brown locks fall on top of my eyes before flicking them to the side. I went for a haircut a while back and was rather pleased at the results, my hair no longer curled behind my ears but instead healthier and soft as it was put to the side resembling a messy look.

After putting some eyeliner and mascara on, I was slinging my bag on my shoulder when a small knock was heard at my door.

On the other side Izzy stood in blue jeans and a black and white striped shirt, checkered Vans hugged his feet.

"Are you ready Scar? I wanna go already!" he pouted.

Pinching his chubby cheek I nodded "Yeah I'm ready. Is Cam out yet?"

"He said to meet him at the garage."

"And where would that be?" I asked.

Izzy didn't respond, instead taking my small hand in his smaller hand, his fingers were warm as he lead me down the stairs and through another hall. It was adorable: A little kid guiding a teenager.

Once we reached the destination, what I saw made my mouth fall to the floor.

The family SUV was at the far wall, next to it was a rather large navy blue Hummer, a dark green Jeep wrangler, a silver Charger next to it and lastly two sport touring motorcycles--an all black one and a white and black one to be exact. A familiar scratch on the white motorbike caught my eye making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Is that my bike?

Cameron who had been tickling Izzy turned to face me and looked over to where I was pointing before nodding. "Yeah it came in like two days ago. Your dads sent it. Said some Zack guy had dropped it off at your house." He shrugged.

"Wow. I'm shocked Officer Jordan hadn't towed it." I laughed.

"Officer?" Cameron raised an eyebrow.

"Officer Adrian Jordan." I sighed "The last cop that busted me, made me do community hours. Guy was an asshole and hated my guts. I got my revenge before I left though." I smirked.


"I fucked his daughter."

"Dude!" Cameron raised a hand as we gave each other a high five. "Major respect."

"Can we go already?" Izzy called our attention as he stood away from us, his hand already on the handle of what I presume was Cameron's car.

"Oh yeah!" "Sure!" We said at the same time.

Had it not been for Izzy already being beside it, I wouldn't have guess that we would be taking the silver Charger after all. Slipping into the passenger seat, Izzy got in the back while Cam was going to drive. I had no clue what park we were heading to since I had pretty much stayed in the house a whole week, but now that my bike is here I could start my plan to explore Portland.

Making sure Izzy put his seat belt on, I took out my ear-buds and let him use them to listen to music from my old iPod. Cameron was already backing out of the garage when I asked-

"Who's cars are those?"

"This Charger is mine. SUV is for the family obviously. Hummer is Dante's, he needs a big car because of sports. The Jeep is Frankie's and the black bike is Blaze's."

"I figured about the bike, Blaze doesn't seem like the type who would enjoy to be stuck with someone for long." I chuckled.

"You're one to talk since you have a bike too."

"Yeah, well I tend to ride in style."

"So riding in the back of police cars is Style?" Cam quirked.

"Oh, definitely!" I gave an excited look "It's the new thing man, every hot celebrity is talking about it."

We shared a look before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Hey," Cam said once we calmed down "I'm really sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to uh-seem like a..."

"Hormonal teenage boy?" I finished.


"Cam, don't even sweat it. You aren't the first guy who's made a move on me. I get it." I shrugged.

"You sure?" He held his breath not looking away from the road.

"Positive. Anyway, if those were all y'all's cars. Where's Ellison?"

"Ellison doesn't like wasting so much money or gas on herself, so sometimes she'll ride her bike or bum a ride with someone--mostly me--to school and back."

"Yup that sounds like her alright." I breathed.

"So what's up with you and my sister?"

"We don't talk much. We're kind of opposites and mostly disagree. She's too smart for her own good and can be quite too obnoxious." I rambled.

"So you like her?"

"Are you serious?" I snapped my head to him in bewilderment.

"I mean you two argue but I assumed it was cause-"

"Hell no Cam! You know I got this shit with Winter!" I whisper shouted making sure Izzy couldn't easily hear. "I already have enough drama with her to keep me busy for a lifetime. Plus I am one hundred percent certain your sister is straight."

"You haven't lived with her your whole life." He replied quietly.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

Cameron shook his head "Nothing. Never mind."

I could feel myself getting curious as his words replayed in my head, nothing good ever occurs when I'm curious.


So hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you to those who have commented, means a lot!

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