My Possessive Neighbor (on ho...

By escxpefromreality

144K 3.8K 853

Alexis Santos was never lucky with boys. Even when she thinks her love life is going good, it's like she spok... More

My Possessive Neighbour


10.8K 341 92
By escxpefromreality

I sat down with my brother and the Kingsley family at their dinner table and made small talk with the family as food was getting made. Everyone was present at the table except for Harrison..
Or Harris to me, I should keep that in mind..

"Harrison come downstairs now, it's dinner!" Sandra yelled for her son's attention.

He didn't come straight away, but after a few minutes I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I'm here now. Are you satisfied?" he said to his mum when walking in.

As soon as he walked into the room he made eye contact with me and he stopped. He was staring at me coldly and scanned me up and down and his eyes squinted at me giving a very uncomfortable look.

Sandra who was watching Harris, who was watching me decided to cut the awkwardness in the air.

"Harrison darling. I don't believe you have met Marques and his sister Alexis, they're our new neighbours and  they're going to have dinner with us as she gave us such a warm welcome." she said with admiration.

Aww, what a lovely woman I thought to myself.

My brother and him done some kind of man hug that all the boys do as their greeting and then he turned to me,

I smiled at him warmly and said hey, he gave me a slight nod and and then he squinted at me & just kept on continuing to stare at me and sat down at his seat. He sat opposite me, which made me feel uneasy because I had a feeling he would be like this for the rest of the dinner...

Sandra placed the meal she made in front of us, "I made chicken parmesean & cooked some mash & vegetable for the sides, it's not really extravagent but I hope you like it." she said.

"Oh no, don't worry I love chicken parmesean! I haven't had some in a while, I'll be looking forward to eating it!" I replied, Sandra smiled and then served food on everyones plate.

I gotta admit, Sandra's food is delicious. It left me wanting some more, but I didn't ask for any, didn't want to seem like a pig.

It reminded me of my mum's cooking, man I miss her so much and if only she was there to help me go through what I am going through now.. I thought to myself.

Well she's still here, watching below..

Yeah I guess so...

While I was deep in my thoughts, I was being watched by Harrison, I didn't exactly catch him looking but I can feel the gaze sawing through me, observing what I was doing, it made me feel uncomfortable it felt like he was scrutinizing me. I diverted my eyes to my meal and hopefully not make any eye contact with him any time soon.

Throughout the course of the dinner, conversations occured around the table, mainly my brother was having a conversation with Mr and Mrs Kingsley about anything and everything really. I spoke to Paige about my school, which she will be attending soon and told her what goes on there and what to avoid and not.

"Thompson High (idk I randomly made the name up lol) isn't such a bad school, it doesnt have the cliched cliques you see in movies. But there are some bitchy type of people that you would see in the movies" I told her.

"Glad I'm knowing this now, so I know what's up in Thompson High. If you don't mind can I shadow you for the first week of school?" she asked quite shyly.

"Of course! Why would I mind? I'll introduce you to my friends, I am sure they will love you!" I replied, we both then laughed because Paige dropped some mash on her trousers.

Harrison was sitting there feeding his little 3-year-old brother and playing with him, a guy playing/looking after kids, that is so effin attractive!  But I realised he was listening to mine and Paige's conversation by his body positioned, although he was facing his little brother, he was leaning towards the table, with his head tilting towards us. What a weird position, I giggled to myself in my head.

From time to time, I couldn't help but I sneaked glances at him and all he did was stare at me, whenever I caught his eye he either snarled at me or smirked at me... talk about mood swings.

Harrison seemed the like the cocky type, and I am not saying that because he is good looking. But also he seems like a quiet keep-to-myself kind of guy..

Quite a contradicting being if you ask me.

But I don't understand why he looked at me that way, we just met and he either looked at me like I ruined his science project back in the 2nd grade and he has a grudge against me for that or I just told him that he would never get me because he is a jerk and he's smirking because I just gave him a challenge.

Weird anology, I know..

I tried to ignore him as much as I could, but I could not help but sneak glances at him. But thankfully he didn't catch me this time.

Everyone shifted over to the living room and I stayed in the kitchen with Sandra and helped her clean the table and dishes.

Sandra left the kitchen and went to the toilet and in came Harrison. I turned my sight away from his direction and focused on doing the dishes.

He walked towards the sink, where I was and I got a bit nervous.

I hope I look good .

He had a glass in his hand and I am assuming he is going to put it in the sink.

Ah great, another addition to the pile I groaned internally. I don't mind doing dishes and helping out but it annoys me when someone decides to add more stuff to what I am currently doing.

He leaned over me to put the glass in the sink and as he was leaning he put one hand on my back for support so he doesn't fall. I froze as soon as his hand came in contact with my back.

He mumbled a sorry and I replied quietly with an 'it's okay'.

I felt really weird and tingly inside by his touch, no doubt I am attracted to him but this is a weird feeling, why am I feeling like this.

I tried to resume what I was doing and act normal to mask my reaction of his touch, but being the nervous klutz I am I accidently dropped a plate on the floor. But thank goodness it was his little brother's plastic plate.

Harrison laughed as he picked up the plate off the floor and his laugh was so nice and deep, it makes you sigh dreamily.

His laughter turned into a smirk and he said to me "I didn't know I had quite an effect on you" wow, talk about cocky.

I turned to look at him and narrowed my eyes, I replied to him with "Um I am actually just a clumsy person, I don't see what would make me get affected by you"

When I said that, he was still smirking. I'm not gonna lie, but his smirk is the most sexiest thing ever and his lip ring I so want to touch, my fascination with guys with lip rings is beyond me I jus-

"Why are you staring at my lips.. do you want to kiss me?" He said with amusement.

Shit, I didn't realise I was staring at his lips and having thoughts about them.

I tried so hard not blush when he said that and replied "wow, you're very full of yourself mister. My eyes are leveled with your lips, and as it is evident you're taller than me, I can't exactly look up at you because your standing too close for my liking, if you don't mind could you back away from me a bit, please and thank you." I used my hand as a signal to move backwards.

Annnd he just stood there, still staring at me.

He leaned in a  bit and simply said "no"

My mouth dripped down slightly by his curt reply and I watched with narrowed eyes as he leaned in a little closer.

Slowly his lips brushed against my ear and I once again froze. My heart stuttered in my chest as I felt the piercing on his bottom lip graze my earlobe.

His warm breath blew against my ear softly, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. What the hell is he doing?!

Before I could react, he burst into another fit of laughter and moved his head back to look at me.

My eyes widened and my cheeks instantly heated up.


But for some reason, I truly couldn't stay mad at him for his stupid antics. He looks like a guy that barely smiled let alone laugh so I allowed him to laugh off whatever amusement he found in that.

When he continued laughing, I puffed out my cheeks indignantly and crossed my arms.

"Are you quite done?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I was not happy at all. I mean who the fudge balls did this prick think he is?

Harrison's laughter died down and he unconsciously ran a hand through his dark, soft curls. "I think so." He said with a crooked smile.

I rolled my eyes and bent down to pick up the plastic plate that fell from my hands from the floor.

Once it was in my grasp, I stood back up with a huff and turned my back on him. My hair flew and God I hope it smacked his face.

He didn't move, I felt his gaze penetrate me and found myself blushing ever so slightly again.

Luckily he was behind me so he couldn't see my red cheeks.

I chose to ignore him. He wasn't leaving for some odd reason. I washed the plastic plate and dried it with a table cloth that lay on the sink counter.

I dreaded turning around, I knew he was still there. I just wondered why he was still there.

With a surge of confidence, I swiftly turned around and prepared to push him. However, when I did, Harrison smiled at me. Showing me his pearly white teeth.

"What?!" I exclaimed, exasperated. This guy was such a weirdo. Straight away the smile on his face vanished and I almost regretted what I had said. Key word: Almost.

I cleared my throat and started playing with the hem of my top. He made me so nervous, God.

Harrison raised a brow, no doubt noticing my stupid nerves. Man, usually I'm so hard to read, so how can this guy notice things so quickly and why am I revealing my emotions to him willingly?

Ugh these questions we're giving me a headache!

"Your so weird." Harrison finally stated, his eyes turned cool and expressionless, nothing like they were just a second before.

Is this guy like, seriously bipolar?

It then dawned to me that he called me weird, I quickly snapped out of reverie and narrowed my eyes at him. "Excuse me? I'm w
eird? Says the idiot that won't move out the way." I merely shrieked in frustration. It was very easy to wind me up, not my best quality.

Harrison smirked and turned around, his muscular back came to my field of vision.


And just like that he swiftly walked out in long strides, his long legs gave him that advantage.

I blew out a breath and shook my head. And he calls me weird. I mentally scoff.

I ran a hand through my disheveled hair and walked out of the kitchen.

Once I reached the living room, I noticed that Harrison wasn't there. I thanked God that he wasn't, his presence and behaviour really confused me tonight.

I walked towards Marques as he made small talk with Sandra. They seemed to be getting along.

Aye, papi always told us to be nice to people.

"I think you are a very bright young man Marcus." I heard Sandra say as I sat beside Marques. I almost laughed at the way she pronounced his name.

Aah no one ever said our names right, that's the thing with Spanish names.

Marques laughed wholeheartedly. "Thank you Mrs Kinsley." He said with a white smile, obviously not caring that she called him Marcus. But then again, there's no difference between the names besides the accent.

"We must get going." Marques finally said as he glanced at me. I smiled and stood up at the same time Sandra and my brother did.

"Thank you so much for dinner, it was delicious." I said kindly, honesty lacing my words. It really was nice to have a homemade meal made by a lovely housewife such as Mrs Kinsley.

"Oh don't mention it sweetie." Sandra said with a smile, she waved her hand dismissively as if it was nothing. We walked to the door and exchanged farewells.

Once we got home I realised just what time it was, 9:34pm which meant it was almost curfew- something my brother and sister claim I still have to have even though our parents are no longer breathing.

I changed into a pair of shorts and tank top, ready for bed. I was really tired and needed a good slumber, especially since these last few days my sleep suffered because of 'him.'

I sighed and dismissed the thought. It was no use thinking about that asshole, it simply was not worth it.

I pulled my soft brown hair into a lose pony tail and then turned to my window to close the curtains.

My eyes immediatly met with bright green eyes, leaving my own brown orbs to widen in suprise.

What the fudge balls???!?!?

His window was exactly opposite to mine and the only thing separating up was a wooden ledge. His window was also less than a meter away.

Oh no.

Harrison smiled, a smile full of complete and utter mischief.

He turned around and from what I could see, was that he had retrieved a black sharpie  and a blank piece of paper. I walked over to my window cautiously and watched as he scribbled something down.

The only thing on my mind was how. How did I end up having my bedroom opposite his?! I guess now I have to either close the curtains when I change my clothes or change somewhere else.

He just ruined my privacy.

But seriously, out of all the flippin rooms in that house he just had to choose the one opposite mine! There was another one on the other side of the house but noooo fate decided to play a game on me.

When he was done, he slammed the paper onto his window, revealing it's contents.

My breath got caught in my throat as I read the paper. It read. 'Good Night Neighbour' in block capitals, his writing slightly messy. He grinned cheekily, making sure to catch my reaction before he abruptly closed his curtains.

Uh oh. My life was just about to get interesting...


Welllll... I have updated!! & It's longer this time!!! Thank you to my bestfriend hallie_ox for helping me with my writers block and finishing this chapter for me!

You have to check out her story! True Love Only Comes Once! Go on my profile to read her story!!!

Sorry if there is any mistakes, I uploaded this chapter via my tablet oops

I hope you lot enjoyed this chapter!!!!

15 votes & I'll upload Chapter 7 :)

Vote, Fan & Comment!

hope you had a good day!

♥ Ricki x x x

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