The One and Only | Klay Thom...

By NikkiBrookes

26K 483 14

"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." -H. Jackson Brown Jr. Inanna has been best friends w... More

nine pt. two


3.2K 37 4
By NikkiBrookes

Oakland , California

7: 12 PM

Inanna Sarkis

"Klay hurry up." I shouted for the umpteenth time. I looked down at Rocco who was laying on my stomach.

"Seems like you have a dumb ass father." I said, panting his head. Rocco slowly closed his eyes into my touch.

"I heard that."

Klay came down the steps and I smelt the cologne he used. The one I loved the most. I practically moaned.

"Wait, you are wearing that ?" He said, looking down in confusion at my outfit. I looked down at my jade tank top, high waisted black jeans and white vans.

"And with my jean jacket."

"Really Inanna ?"

"Of course. "

I slipped on my jean jacket to complete my basic ass outfit.

"I guess."

We walked out to my 2013 Ford Mustang Boss 302 Laguna Seca or what I like to call Deadpool due to the red and black colors.

"You're driving ?"

"Of course."

We put on our seat belts and I drove off to our destination.

"So tell me more about this Hannah chick you are trying to hook me up with ?"

"Hannah Stocking, my friend."

"Same thing." He said, making me roll my eyes.

"She's taller than me which you will enjoy, she's about six feet tall."

"But is she ugly , that's my question."

"No she is really pretty. Light brunette with green eyes. She has a nice butt but also flat chested."

"I guess I can live without titties."

I hit him in the chest as he laughed.

"She's pretty cool. She's a little rude sometimes but she is always sweet. She is incredibly smart. She's a little nerd though which I think you will like also. She has a BA in Chemistry. Hannah can be also very funny. I think you guys will hit it off. Since both of you haven't had a serious relationship since college."

"If you say so."

We pulled up and got out. I gave the valet my keys before we walked in. I saw Hannah from afar sitting across my supposed date that she brought for me. She noticed and ran to me , giving me a big hug.

"Thank you for not bringing a trash ass man tonight."

"Ditto." I muttered.

"Um Inanna this is Twan. Twan this is Inanna. " Hannah said, mentioning the blonde hair boy that was sitting down. I nodded my head at him and he did the same.

"Klay this is Hannah. Hannah this is Klay." I said. They shook hands and I was going to sit next Hannah but she shoved me in the seat beside Twan. I kinda fell on him but he asked me if I was okay. I nodded my head and sat up by myself. Hannah sat inside on the other side with Klay sitting across me. Hannah and Klay had a conversation as me and Twan just kinda sat there.

A waiter came up and took all of our orders. I ordered some salmon with mashed potatoes and asparagus. The restaurant gave out free bread and everyone reached for it and Hannah gave me a look.

"Maybe you should lay off the bread for awhile Inanna. Remember the diet you were supposed to be going on ?"

I pulled my hand back away from the basket.

"Yeah you're right, how could I forget ?"

"You sure you can't cheat a day ?" Klay teased.

"She doesn't need a cheat day."

I rested my hands on my lap as I felt tears sting my eyes. I discreetly wiped them to make sure no one sees me. When our food came, I just picked around my plate, taking small bites.

"I can see you don't want to be here, neither do I. Do you wanna leave and get some ice cream ? My treat." Twan whispered in my ear.

"I can't leave Klay here."

"He will be fine, Hannah drove me so they will be good."

"I don't think I can miss out on free ice cream." I smiled. I looked over at Klay and Hannah who were too engrossed into a conversation about something I didn't find interesting.

"Yeah let's leave." I said, standing up. Twan grabbed my wrist, basically dragging me out.

"I couldn't stand to be in their sexual tension."

"I didn't pay attention." I said, receiving the keys from the valet.

"Is yours the jeep ?"

"No. It's that one." I spoke, walking to Deadpool.

"This is nice as hell. " He said, rubbing his hand all in the interior.


We put on our seat belts and drove off to Dairy Queen that wasn't that far. We both got out and when I got out , I tripped and fell into a puddle.

"Hey are you okay ?" Twan said, running to the other side to check on me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I spoke while he helped me up. I looked down to see my shirt and jeans were stained with mud. Somehow my jacket wasn't affected.

"I can change in my car, I'll meet you inside."

"You sure ?"

"Yeah I'll be fine."

I got in my backseat, changing into the spare pair of jeans and combat boots I had. I slipped on my bandanna and took off my choker before putting on my other one. I covered my bra by doing the buttons half way at the top of my jean jacket. I got out and looked over my outfit once more in the spare mirror. I slipped on my black bag and walked in to see Twan on his phone waiting for me. He looked up at me and smiled.

"You look pretty."


"So what would you like ? No I have to guess what you like first." He said, studying me over.

"I'm guessing something with chocolate. So my final guess is vanilla chocolate chip."

"Close but far. My favorite is cookies and creme."

"Can I get two triple scoops of cookies and creme ?"

As he paid, I pulled out my wallet and when he turned around with the cones, I handed him the five dollars.

"Keep it. Your company is enough."

"Oh okay." A slight blush formed on my face.

"So how did you meet Hannah ?"

"Right after Klay got drafted in 2011. She found me crying about it one day in the middle of the street and we've been close ever since."

"Close enough to disrespect you about your eating habits ?"

"Hannah's just looking out for me."

"Haha that's some bullshit." He snickered.

"How ?"

"I know why she does that but you probably won't listen to me anyway."

"So how do you know Hannah ?"

"Her older brother was my mentor growing up so she is just a little sister to me."

"That's good."

"So how does it feel to be bestfriends with a famous football star ?"

We asked questions back and forth. I learned his favorite color is green. He doesn't have any siblings and his parents passed away in a house fire. He went to college but never finished and he is also a virgin which I found hard to believe.

"It's nice to see young couples together." An elderly woman said.

"Yeah we've together for such a long time, right sweetheart ?" Twan smirked.

"Yeah we sure have." I lied terribly. The lady didn't seem to notice.

"Hey can you take a picture of us by the way ?"

She nodded and backed up a couple of steps with Twan's phone. 

"Smile." She commanded happily.

"Why don't you smile like him dear ?" She asked. I peeked up a bright smiling Twan.

"There you go." She said, handing Twan back his phone and walking away.

"I love it, don't you ?" He said, showing me the picture.

"Yeah I like it. Send it to me."

"I need your number first."

"Whatever." I said, grabbing his phone. I opened the message app and typed my number in and sent the picture to myself.

"I'm so smooth. I didn't have to ask for your number." He smirked, cockily.

"But didn't you ask me to drive from the restaurant since you are so scared of sexual tension ?"

His jaw dropped.

"Yeah that's what I thought." I giggled.

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