Bounty - Winter Soldier Fanfi...

By etherella

54.8K 2.1K 706

Rhea is a trained and skilled SHIELD agent. She is tasked with the job of bringing in criminals all over the... More



1.9K 85 27
By etherella

"How do you know?" I asked.

He sighed, "The hydra guy. He remembers you from somewhere."

I got up off the bed and stood awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I really am." I reached out for him but he pulled back.

"I knew something was up. Something about you wasn't right but I didn't want to believe it. But now I want the truth."

I nodded. "Please just hear me out. Everything I'm telling you now is the truth."

"I don't know how to believe you now but okay."

"Fair enough." I took a deep breath. "My name is Rhea Mars. I work for SHIELD."

His eyes slightly widened and pain flashed across them.

"I'm an agent and I was sent to Bucharest to bring you in. I was trying to figure out how to do that but then you told me your story. And I couldn't."

The room was silent for a moment, "I know you probably don't believe me but I believe you. I know SHIELD uses mind control and other terrible things so your story wasn't so far fetched to me. I saw the pain and exhaustion in your eyes. I couldn't hurt you anymore than you already were. So I kept my secret. I didn't think these feelings would develop between us. I just figured we'd go out separate ways after this was done and my truth wouldn't matter. I just.. i was going to tell you everything tonight but you beat me to it." I began rambling,"I didn't want there to be any lies between us and I just hope you feel the same way I do because I really l—"

"I think I've heard enough." He cut me off. "I'm gonna go."

"Wait. Please. I had bad intentions at first I admit it but that all changed once I knew the truth. I've been in your side ever since you told me. I swear."

"I need to go." He walked over grabbed his bag from under his bed.

He placed him room key down showing that he had no intention of coming back and then he walked out of the door.

My breath hitched.

You think he'd be more forgiving.

Someone with his rap sheet, fighting to clear his name and he couldn't even give me a chance.

Maybe he didn't want to. I told myself.

I sat on the edge of my bed and fiddled with my fingers.

He was right to leave.

I didn't deserve him.

I still needed to do something about this.

Could I go back to SHIELD empty handed?

What would happen?

Pierce knows I found him. Would he really believe that he got away?

He knew I was too good to let that happen.

He won't buy it. Besides I've already abandoned my old phone in Romania so he couldn't trace it.

Either way I can't loose track of Barnes.

If I can't finish this mission Pierce will make sure someone else will.

I got up and grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

I left the room and the hotel.

If I was a highly wanted super soldier fugitive in Russia where would I go?

I sighed.

Back at square one.

Maybe he was hungry.

I pulled out my phone and searched up restaurants.

Ones that were secluded.

I began walking in the direction of one.

As I approached the store there was tall thin man leaning against the lone building.

He was on the phone.

His eyes darted towards me.


I turned and ran.

I could hear him curse and yell in the background but I was too fast.

I zigzagged through various ally's to lose him and whoever he was talking to on the phone.

I came to a dead end.

I didn't think the man was close behind but I still don't want to chance it so I scaled the fire escape and sat in the roof catching my breath.

I grabbed my phone.

I couldn't call the police.
I couldn't call my family.
I definitely couldn't call Pierce.

Shit. I was running out of options.

A loud noise and waves of wind knocked me out of my thinking trance.

A large man descended from a ladder that seemed to come from the sky itself.

He jumped down onto the room alongside me.

His large body shook the roof.

He was abnormally large.

Almost inhuman.

He had cold, dull, icy blue eyes that froze me in my spot.

I had to think fast.

He was big and could easily overpower me.

I had to use my speed and smarts to get away.

I looked behind him to see a building not too far.

If I could jump onto it, it could help me escape.


I tried to run past him just as I saw him move out of the corner of my eye.

Just as I was alongside him he grabbed my neck hoisting me into the air.

He quickly slammed me down onto the concrete room.

Lights out.

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