By TinaJones279

75.6K 4K 970

Skye finds herself in rural Colorado after fleeing her abusive boyfriend. While shifters have been "out" for... More

Chapter 5
Chapter 14


2.5K 141 37
By TinaJones279


After we finish eating, we clean everything up. Skye just jumps right in like she's been doing it forever. With all four of us working, it doesn't take any time at all to get it done. Once we're finished, Jamie takes Skye home. The three of us need to head to the station and have a little chat with Dalton. Nev and I take showers while Jamie is gone. I'm just finishing pulling a t-shirt over my head when he gets back.

"Where's everyone?" He yells as he closes the door. I grab my socks and head out to the living room. I sit in a chair and pull my socks on. I nod my head at Jamie.

"Why don't you go shower real quick, while we finish getting ready." I tell him. He gives me thumbs up and heads to his room. I'm grinning to myself at the surprise he has waiting for him. About five minutes go by when he shouts. Another minute and he's running back, sans clothing, and covered in pink. I'm laughing so hard, I can barely see Nev behind him, also laughing hard, doubled over.

"What the fuck?" Jamie yells, and I only laugh harder. The pink has dyed his hair and he looks ridiculous. "Why would you do that?" I can't right now. My brain has shut down, and the only thing left is laughter. I'm rolling on the floor, and Nev hasn't fared any better.

"Dude... go finish... your shower." I manage to get out among the laughter. I manage to take a few deep breaths, quelling it a little bit. I still have a huge grin on my face, though. "It's only a little payback." I shrug.

He has to think for a minute, but then it finally dawns on him. He shakes his head, and a slow grin graces his face.

"You're right, I deserve it. Man, you've been holding on to this one for a while." He turns and heads back to his room. Nev slaps him on the shoulder as he passes.

Nev comes into the living room and sits opposite me. He holds out a fist and I bump it with my own. I lean down to put on my shoes, and Nev does the same. Without a word, I head back to my room and take care of fixing my hair and brushing my teeth.

Those tasks done, I grab a book and get comfortable on the bed while i wait for Jamie to finish up. Another twenty minutes later, and he knocks on my door. He leans against the frame, arms crossed over his chest. I take in his features, identical to my own. All except his pink hair, that is. And just like that, a new wave of laughter erupts from me.

"Yeah, yeah, yuck it up, brother. I've already plotted thirty different ways of getting you back." I wave my hand, and dismiss his words. I already knew that. This little prank war has been going on our entire lives. "You ready to go?" I nod my head and place a bookmark in my book and set it down on the bed. I get up, and when I reach him, I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Think Skye will like the new look?" I ask him, and huge grin on my face.

"I already text her a picture. She said she loved it." He says then walks away.

When we get to the kitchen, my phone buzzes. I pick it up and unlock it. It's a text from Skye.

SKYE: Naughty boy

I grin.

ME: Only paying him back. Believe me, he deserved it.

SKYE: Oh I have no doubt that he did. But pink? LOL

ME: I was going to do a rainbow effect, but decided to take it easy on him. Nev was the deciding factor on the color

I don't get anything back for a few minutes, then I hear Nev's phone chime.

"You ratted me out? Damn, man. Is nothing sacred?" He yells from the other room.

SKYE: I admonished him. LMAO

ME: I know. He just yelled at me.

"Seriously? You're going to keep telling on me?" Nev says from behind me, he smacks me upside the head, then takes a seat at the table with me.

SKYE: Is it bad I really like messing with Nev?

I let out a bark of laughter. She is going to give Jamie a run for his money.

ME: Nope. Not at all.

SKYE: Alright, I have to get ready for work. Have fun.

ME: Oh I will ;)

And every bit of the interrogation will be fun. The three of us leave the house and climb into my car, and we head to the police station.

When we get there, Officer Upp takes us back to an interrogation room. We settle ourselves on one side while we wait for him to bring Dalton in. We only have a few minutes to wait, when the door opens. Upp has Dalton's hands cuffed behind his back. The terrified look on Dalton's face when he sees us sitting there, sends a surge of happiness through me. I'm glad he's scared. He should be. Individually, we are stronger than most. The three of us standing at a united front, and we're a force to be reckoned with.

Upp shoves him from behind to get him moving, and he stumbles a little bit. He catches his footing and, never taking his off mine, moves to sit on the little metal chair across from us. I give Upp a pointed look and he cuffs Dalton to the table and leaves the room, locking the door behind him.

I look back at Dalton, and gone is the terrified look, replaced with a smirk. It's all a show, trying to get us to think he's no longer scared. But I know better. I can feel the fear rolling off of him in waves, and he knows I know.

"So," I begin, leaning forward and resting my forearms on the table in front of me, "why are you dream walking with our mate? No, scratch that, how are you dream walking with our mate?" My wolf comes forward, threatening to tear him limb from limb.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He says and sits back in the chair. I growl. My wolf really didn't like that answer.

"HOW?!" I yell, and slam the table top. I feel Jamie's hand touch my shoulder, and my wolf calms slightly. Dalton had jumped a little when I slammed my hand, and I got a little perverse pleasure seeing it.

"Look man, I don't know what you want me to tell you." He says, spreading his hands out as far as the cuffs will let him.

"Okay, let's look at it this way." Nev says. "You are in a locked room with the Alpha, Beta, and Omega of one of the largest and most powerful wolf packs there is. We own this station, and the officers on the other side of that door are members of our pack. DO you honestly think you will get out of this room alive if you don't start answering his questions." During Nev's speech, you can see the understanding of his situation dawn on him. He shifts in his seat, and looks anywhere but at us. the ceiling is currently holding his attention.

"Now, are you ready to tell us how?" His eyes snap to mine, and fear stares back at me, but I don't think it's fear of us this time. He's scared of something else.

"I can't tell you."

"What do you mean, you can't tell us? Just open your mouth and say words. It's quite simple. Look, even I'm doing it." I say, pointing at myself.

"I literally can't tell you. I'm spelled to be unable to speak her name." He has a panicked look on his face. Spelled. A witch must be involved.

"Was the dream walking your idea? Or the witch's?" He looks up quickly, surprise etched across his face at my guess.

"H... hers."


"I can't tell you." Okay, she spelled him so he can't give up anything she has planned.

"Okay, let's try this. Can you tell me what she looks like?"

"About five foot six, full figure, and long dark hair. She's really old, but spells herself to look like she's in her twenties. I got a glimpse of her true face once, and it wasn't pretty." He visibly shudders. I lean over and whisper something in Nev's ear. He walks over to the door and knocks on it. He whispers to Upp, and he disappears, only to return a minute later with what I requested. Upp closes and locks the door again.

I take the legal pad and pen from Nev and slide it across the table toward Dalton.

"I want you to write down any information you can." He nods his head, and takes up the pen, clicking it open.

He puts pen to paper, but the second he moves the pen to write something, his hand starts shaking. He pulls his hands back, and the shaking ceases. He tries again, the shaking only increasing. He tries to write through it, but then his whole body shakes. The next thing I know, his eyes are rolling to the back of his head and he slumps forward, his head bouncing off the table.

Nev rushes around the table, knocking on the door on his way. Jamie and I both stand up and reach across the table, neither of us faster than Nev. He grabs the back of Dalton's shirt and pulls his head up off the table. What I see horrifies me. Dalton is bleeding from his eyes, and his skin has gone deathly pale. Nev checks his pulse, then shakes his head at me. Dead. The son-of-a-bitch is dead.

"What the hell happened?" Upp asks after opening the door.

"A witch happened. He was spelled to not talk about her or her plan. I think he was trying to write about her, and it backfired on him." Jamie answered. I'm still floored by what just happened, as I plop back into my seat. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Things just got a whole lot more complicated. A witch was behind all of this, and we don't know what she has planned. She was clearly after Skye. She can't be alone right now. I send a mental message out to the pack to keep an eye on Skye until one of us can get to her. Shit. This isn't good.

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