No Man's Land

By Pride_Of_Many

69 5 0

I bet you probably think this is about war and blah, blah, blah, but its not, its about a girl and how she fi... More

No Man's Land
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

52 1 0
By Pride_Of_Many

Love? Is it true to the forgotten?


As the old Greek saying is, “Appearances often are deceiving,” said the author as she chuckled gleefully, there is also another saying by my man Aesop, and it says this, “Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.”

As you have all come to find, Hadriana, my dear friend, is telling a tale of which she is also in and, by the way, is immortal. She's told you of the troubles of Achyls and Petros, but is she really telling you everything? Are they still alive? you ask. Well, I must tell that they are both...oh, what am I saying. I should not spoil the ever-winding tale of the two lovers. Please do read on, my reader, for this might be the last book that you will read about the troubled times of Achyls and Petros.

“Time to finish up the story,” I said, looking at the excited and ever happy children.

“Yeah! Hurry up, Hadrian!” they shouted happily.

“Okay, Okay, calm down,” I said smiling slightly, remembering the life I used to have 250 years ago.

“I love you too, my faithful servant,” said Petros from behind the door, because he had heard her say what she had said. He walked away from the door to soon be stopped by the guard, Cerin. Cerin was a muscular man that stood at six foot seven inches, making him tower over Petros who only stood at six feet one inch. His hair had been shaved off on the side and had a sort of mohawk. His golden brown hair, wet with sweat, trailed down his back, in a braid, from the place where it was long, in the middle of his head. His eyes were a hazel and they shone with anger while staring at Petros. The scars that covered his face and muscular arms and torso made him even more frightening. His stare would scare any normal man, but not the great Petros.

“Why do ya hurt my angel, Achyls, young master?” asked Cerin.

“I do no such thing, oh servant of mine,” replied Petros as he proceeded to walk around Cerin.

“You do such a thing, do not lie, oh enemy of mine!” shouted Cerin as he threw Petros at the wall, causing a huge crash and pieces of the wall to fall upon the aching Petros.

“Are you in love with Achyls, Cerin?” asked Petros, somewhat amused by this ordeal. Cerin's face became red with anger and he threw up his fists, ready to strike at anyone's face.

“Are you plotting against me, mine enemy? Are you playing her until you don't want her and then you throw her away like trash? Tell me truthfully, enemy. Are you the betrayer of my love's heart?” asked Cerin angered and saddened at the same time.

“No! I would never do such a thing to Achyls!” shouted back Petros, angered that Cerin had even thought such a thing. He stood from the place where he had once laid and brought his muscular, bloody, and scrapped fist to Cerin's sweaty, handsomely tanned face, leaving a large bruise to be complained about the next day. Cerin stumbled back slightly, but quickly regained his ground. He also brought his fist to Petros' not so tan, but handsome face. Petros also stumbled back and flipped backwards, regaining his position and getting the opportunity to kick Cerin's feet out from underneath him.

Cerin fell to the ground, crying out in pain as he had come to realize that his leg was broken. Petros had broken Cerin's leg without Cerin even realizing. When Cerin stumbled back Petros had taken that small second to run forward, break Cerin's leg with his bare hands and then move backward as Cerin punched him. He was so overly amused by Cerin's cries of pain that he hadn't noticed Achyls at her doorway staring in fear at Petros as he laughed wickedly.

“Young master, what have you done to Cerin, my friend and protector?” she asked her master.

“Achyls...I didn't see you there,” said Petros ashamed of what he had done to poor Cerin. Achyls rushed over to the crying Cerin, as he held his leg. Achyls got him to his feet and motioned him to the servants' main quarters. She bandaged him up, ignoring the hurt looking Petros as he stood at the doorway.

“What has happened? The great Petros looking like a lost dog?” asked a voice known by all in the room.

“Hadriana!” they all shouted looking up at her. They then looked at each other, Cerin and Petros glared at each other as Achyls looked between them sighing.

“I'm gonna say this is a bad time?” said Hadriana slightly annoyed by the way they were acting. Achyls shrugged and looked at them again.

“Petros! Cerin! What are you two idiots doing!” shouted Hadriana at them.

“We're not idiots!” they shouted back.

“Right,” she said sarcasticly while shaking her head. Achyls shook her head and went back to bandaging Cerin's broken leg.

“That's not the reason I came,” said Hadriana. “I've come to offer you a deal, my dear friends. A deal of a lifetime. Literally.” Hadriana pulled out three rocks, each filled with a rare wine called athánatos, meaning immortal.

“What are those?” asked Petros a little suspicious of the rocks in front of him.

“These are the legendary rocks called athánatos. You remember them. Right?” said Hadriana, smiling slightly. Achyls' eyes widened as she remembered the immortal rocks aka athánatos were said to give the person who broke the rock at the correct setting of the sun, place, and time that they'd be granted immortality.

“Hadriana, where'd you get these?” asked Achyls she had a bad feeling about this, but another part of her was telling her to trust her long time friend, Hadriana. So she just had to ask.

“When can we open 'em?” She looked at the rocks and then at the three her friends and also half breeds, as her.

“Glad you asked, Carus amicus1,” Hadriana said smiling insanely. Just a small sign of what was about to happen. “You can open them now,” Hadriana said as they began to crack open their rocks so that they could drink of the immortal wine inside.

After all the rocks were broken and Cerin, Petros, and Achyls had the rocks to their lips,the wine poured into their mouths, quenching their thirsts forever. Petros fell to the ground with a thud. Achyls soon fell after him, leaving the two lovers in a deep sleep. Cerin and Hadriana were the only ones left standing. They laughing evilly as they had come to realize their plan had worked.

“So the deed is done, my cousin?” asked Ares as he stared at his dead daughter and the man she loved.

“Yes, Care cognate2,” said Hadriana as she picked up Achyls and Cerin picked up Petros. They laid them in the grave which they had made long ago and that is where they lay today in each other's arms.

“That's the end of the story kids,” said Hadriana.

“Tell it again! Tell it again!” they shouted happily.

“Why'd Achyls and Petros have to die?” asked Cepheus.

“'Cause it was meant to be,” said Hadriana as she got up from the place where she at on the dirt floor.

“Until next time kids. Go home now,” she said and looked to the shadowed door to see an immortal and still seemingly handsome Cerin.

“Do you think they'd ever forgive us? It has been 114 years since that happened. Cerin, it's time to wake them from their long sleep. Go dig them up,” she said pushing a shovel into his arms and getting the ingredients ready for the medicine to wake them up. Cerin did as he was told because he couldn't wait to see his lovely angel, Achyls, yet again after 114 years.

After many hours of digging he eventually got their bodies out of the ground. Their bodies still in the exact condition except dirtier. Cerin carried them back to the house in a cart. When he got back Hadriana had already mixed up the medicine and given it to them. Petros coughed and jolted up, Achyls soon after him.

“Where are we?” asked Achyls. Petros shielded her from the two and looked at them cautiously.

“You're in Athens, Greece. Welcome back. Its been 114 years since we last saw each other. How was your sleep?” she asked smiling. Petros growled at her angered.

“Shut up! You did this to us in the first place. Why'd you bring us back?” he asked angered.

“'Cause, Carus amicus, I need your help,” she said.

“What kind of help?” he asked very cautious of her.

“Ha! Ha! I can't tell you that,” she said and chained them both to the inside of the house.

“Just stay here a while, Carus amicus,” she said walking out and leaving them forever, to always be chained inside a house that once belonged to a goddess. Do you wish to serve the same fate as these two lovers? No? Then I suggest that you stay away from the goddess, Hadriana, and her friends or you might just end up dead and in your grave before you can blink an eye. Watch your back because she's everywhere. Always watching you from the background. The eight little children served the same fate as the two lovers and were never found. To this day they are missing and now long forgotten by their families and their friends. Are the gods and goddess really in our favor? I think not, and that is why this story must end because they will soon find the last story of Achyls and Petros. The End.

1 Dear Friend

2 Dear Cousin


Pic of Achyls on side

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