Edwin's Girl(Edwin Honoret fa...

By Chardae_Nachelle

23.8K 447 377

Nayla just turned 14 along with entering High School everything is moving smooth until she meets PRETTYMUCH s... More



1K 27 8
By Chardae_Nachelle

During practice I felt Edwin's eyes burning a hole through the side of my frame. I shake all I was given considering I was very skilled dancer . Tiffany was struggling big time and I stopped and turned to help her.

"Thank you", She mouthed .

I send a warming smile her way .

"No problem", I respond.

As the rest of the practice goes by I slowly show her step by step the dance (Dance above). Finally near the end of practice she starts to get it . My work was paying off. We join the rest of the girls and Tiffany fits right in . The coach sends a smile my way , I return the same smile .

It's the end of practice and Jeremiah picks me up from the gym. I get him a kiss and I can see Edwin staring daggers in the side of my head. We connect hands and leave the gym .

"How was practice?", Jeremiah asks taking my bag from me .

"Like how practice usually is honestly besides reteaching Tiff the dance it was swell", I say as we get to my car.

"Welp I'm hungry , do you want a burger?", He asks.

I nod as he lets me in the passenger side of the car and shuts the door . He puts our stuff in the back seat and head to my house to get ready.

After a nice shower we head over to Mike's Diner . When we walk in , we're greeted with tons of Hi, Hello , and sups . Jeremiah's dad owns the Diner and It's very popular in this part of California . We take a seat and A waiter instantly greets; Emily if I'm not mistaken. Jeremiah's little sister . She's 15 , she works everyday . From 5-10 and she's the sweetest. Since the family goes to church on Sundays the restaurant doesn't open until 3.

"What can I get y'all?", She asks pulling out her notepad.

"Two bacon cheeseburgers , Sack of loaded fries , and two vanilla shakes with extra whip cream and if you wash dishes for me tonight I'll get you 15$", Jeremiah says .

"Make it 20$ and we got deal", She says.

"Deal", He says handing her the 20$ .

She walks away .

"You never wanna do any chores", I say smiling at him .

"That's not true , I just don't feel like it tonight", He tries to justify.

"You're a mess", I say giggling .

"You love this mess though", He says smiling.

"That is true J", I say holding his hand .

"Nayla I love you so much", Jeremiah says handing me a box .

"What's this?", I asked opening the box revealing a 14K diamond promise ring .

"A promise ring , Promise me no matter how hard it gets , you'll never leave me", Jeremiah says .

"I promise", I say teary eyed.

The walk to the other side of the table and plant the biggest kiss on him .

"I love you so much Jeremiah", I say .

Yeah I loved him so much and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him .

Everybody claps than continues eating , our food finally comes and than we eat and head over to his house . I especially missed his mom and the new baby.

"Hello Nayla", Ms Adams greets me.

"Hi Ms Adams , how have you and the baby been?", I asked.

"Great wanna hold her", She asks.

I nod and walk over to pick Victoria up. She's about 6 months old but I can tell she likes me and is very comfortable with me . I kissed her and she giggles.

Jeremiah talks to his mom and than they look at me and smile. I loved this family so much. This is my family and I got to spend the rest of my life with him and that was amazing.

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