Shino x reader x Neji

By Garralover55

5.3K 179 20

My original version of this was deleted somehow so here's a new and improved version ~B More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (back story pt.1)
Chapter 5 (back story pt.2)
Chapter 6 (back story pt.3)
Chapter 7 (back story pt.4)
Chapter 8 (back story pt. 5)
Chapter 9 (present day)
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

714 21 3
By Garralover55

Y/n's Pov 

I got home after training with guy. As I walk in I see someone sitting on my couch. I look closer and see that it's Shino " Hey Shino what are you doing here?" I ask him "I just wanted to see how you were." he said " well I'm doing pretty good." I said and walk into the kitchen and grab some F/f and sat down on the couch next to Shino "so do you want to hang out tomorrow like getting lunch or something?" he asked me I shake my head no " I already have lunch plains with someone else." I respond Shino looks at me "who?" he asked I laugh "I'm.... not ....telling you." I said irritating him. "is it with a boy or girl?" he glared "boy I said." 'it's not a lie 3/4 people on my team are boys.' He gets upset and stands up to leave 'is he jealous?'I ask myself and ask him"What's wrong?" he tells me "nothing." and leaves I giggle a little at his actions and finish eating then go to bed I have a big day tomorrow. 

                                 ~time skip~

Y/n's Pov 

I wake up and go to the training grounds to train before lunch. When I got there I saw Shino's team I wave at Shino and he looks away with his arms crossed 'weird' I thought to myself and I saw Kiba and he walked over to me waving I smile a little still kinda upset about Shino's reaction 

"Hey y/n how are you doing?" he asked me "I'm doing ok are you guys here to train too?" I asked him and he nods "yeah we are, everyone is having a good time you should join us." he offered but I could tell Shino didn't want to talk to me " I'm good I like training by Myself be sides in a while I'll finally get to meet my team and we'll be going out to lunch." I said Kiba tilts his head to the side "Shino said you had a date for lunch." I laugh a little and say " No I was teasing him a little last night. I don't actually have a date today I Just wanted to see how he would react to me see someone and I realize now that I can't date anyone because Shino would get upset and stop talking to me." I looked away from Kiba as I say the last part. " I should go train now." I smile and say then walk away to the other side of the training ground and picked a tree 

"Release." I say and My hair changes color Half of it white with black tiger strips and a tiger ear the other side was plain white with a wolf ear my eyes turn red one was a tiger eye and the other was a wolf eye. My finger nails grow to a point and I grow fangs. I rush at the tree and punch it. It broke with one punch and then I Pick the tree up and threw it in the air punching it a second time splitting it in half. I take the bottom half and set it down on the grown then I sit by it I start chewing on it to sharpen my fangs and withing seconds there was nothing left of the tree I then start to do push-ups and sit-ups. 

when it was noon I stood up and said "seal" and I returned to my normal self heading to the middle of the training ground and meet my team. I saw guy and walked up to him and the small group of people he was standing with I saw a mini guy, a guy with long black hair and grey eyes, and a girl girl with brown hair in two buns on top of her head. 

"Hey y/n meet the rest of team guy." guy sensei said and I looked at the others " Guy sensei told us all about you."  exclaimed mini guy "yeah he even said you could be stronger than Neji." said the girl "Impossible she looks so weak besides it's in my destiny to be the best." said the guy with black hair who I know now as Neji he seems arrogant. "My name is Rock Lee." said the mini guy "I'm sure you know who I am though." he said I shake my head no he almost looks heart broken but he quickly composes himself he has hearts in his eye "That's ok we can hang out and you can get to know me." he said

 I sweat drop "I'm not really social so how about not, besides I'd rather hang out with Neji." I said truthfully and Lee falls to the ground tears streaming from his eyes ' I feel bad now "it's not that I don't want to get to know you I just like hanging out with stronger people to train I don't really talk to people." I said trying to make him feel better and he stands up with a determined look on his face 

"Then I will work harder to be stronger than Neji to prove myself to you and win your heart." he exclaims I sweat drop then the girl walks up to me "my name is Tenten it's nice to meet you Y/n. I'm glad I'm not the only girl on the team anymore." she said and I smile at her and nod. Then we all go out to eat.

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