Learning to Fly (Sequel to Cl...

By HufflePuffPingu

7.6K 274 39

Please Please, If you havent read the first book, Clipped Wings, then please do so, otherwise this will make... More

Chapter 1 ~ 24th June 1995
Chapter 2 ~ What's going on?
Chapter 3 ~ There's something you're not telling me...
Chapter 5 ~ What does this mean?
Chapter 6 ~ The Secrets out...or is it?
Chapter 7 ~ Dumbledore's Army!
Chapter 8 ~ It's Happening again!
Chapter 9 ~ Something's not right
Chapter 10 ~ Christmas!
Chapter 11 ~ How could you!
Chapter 12 ~ This is more important
Chapter 13 - I don't wan't to lose you
Chapter 14 ~ Earning Her Trust
Chapter 15 ~ Stop living in the past (Half blood Prince)
Chapter 16 ~ Back to School
Chapter 17 ~ Perhaps it's just a rumour
Chapter 18 ~ Because I'm HAPPY!
Chapter 19 ~ Get together with the family from Hell
Chapter 20 ~ A little goes a long way
Chapter 21 ~ You all knew!
Chapter 22 ~ A Christmas to Remember
Chapter 23 ~ What happened?
Chapter 24 ~ In memory of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Chapter 4 ~ Reunited at last

372 12 1
By HufflePuffPingu

*Fred's POV*

Were all up bright and early, even Phoenix got up this morning. She must be feeling better.

"How you feeling Phoe?"

I ask as she walks into the kitchen looking a little better than yesterday.

"Yeah I feel fine now, just really needed some sleep, thanks"

She replies with a smile brighter than the sun.

"Right Weasley's and friends, we leave in 5 minuets tops!"

Mum orders while walking into the kitchen.

Harry joined us last night. And Hermione.

Something is definitely not right. But on one will tell us what, and I'm not the only one who's wondering either.


"Right you three can go off and do your own thing if you wish, I need to get some more things for Ginny."

Me, George and Phoenix each exchange a cheeky grin and swiftly make our way over to Zonkoe's.

I notice a beautiful looking brunet walking our way, oh no wait I think she has a boyfriend, she's with a tall blond guy who looks like her type.


Phoenix shouts from beside me and George causing us to jump away slightly as she runs off towards the couple I was just looking at.

I can't help but laugh as Phoenix jumps on the girl who I presume is Jinx.

"Guys this is Fred and George. Fred, George this is Jinx and Rhys."

I politely greet them in return. I can't keep my eyes off this Jinx girl other than Phoenix I haven't seen anyone else so beautiful.

"So what brings you...OH MY FUCKING GOD, Phoenix is that a promise ring?!"

Jinx shouts with the biggest grin on her face causing Phoenix to blush bright red making me and George laugh at her reaction.

"Yes, it is and look what's engraved on the inside"

Phoenix says slipping off the ring and handing it to Jinx, she rolls her eyes in reply and hands the ring back to Phoenix as she laughs at her reaction.

"Aww Phoenix has found her cup of care"

Rhys says awing over Phoenix. Phoenix just gives him a blank stare.

We all decide to walk around as one big group for a while until Rhys and Jinx go off on their own.


*George's POV*

"Not long til we go back to school now Phoe"

I say to Phoenix. It's just me and her sat on her bed talking about who we think the next defence teacher is going to be.

"I can't wait, should be fun, I miss my fellow Fangirl."

Phoenix says sounding tired as she looks up at me.

"Hey, am I not good enough for you?"

I ask sounding mock offended. Phoenix just laughs and kisses me gently instead.

I pick Phoenix up and move her so she's sat on me one leg on either side of my waist while were sat on the bed.

She decides to take it further and kisses me harder as I return the favour.

I love it when she gently runs her nails up and down my back.

Just as I move my hands to her side lifting up her top, Fred bursts through the door rambling about something causing me and Phoenix to pull away.

"Oh sorry guys did I interrupt something here?"

Fred asks with a smug smile on his face. I feel my blood boil slightly and Phoenix just laughs at my reaction.

Glad she finds this funny.

Fred soon leaves again leaving us alone. I turn to Phoenix who looks sheepish.

"I'm glad you find this funny"

"I wasn't laughing"

"Oh really"

I say grabbing Phoenix around the waist and pulling her towards the top of the bed and start tickling her.

She screams for mercy, but I'm not giving in so easily.

"George, fuck you hahaha...!"

She says in between laughing, I stop to give her a breather. She looks at me with a cute little smile.

"Do you give up?"

I ask staring into her bright green eyes as they stare straight back me.

I lean in slowly my eyes still locked with hers, just as she leans in too I poke her in the ribs again causing her to attempt to squirm out of my grasp, but I'm quicker.

"George that was mean"

She says like a little kid pouting at me with her cute puppy dog eyes.

"I'm going to bed it's getting late. Do you wanna stay with me tonight love?"

"I don't think your mum will approve"

"She doesn't need to know"

I say in reply mirroring the same cheeky grin as Phoenix as I lean in closer to her.


*Phoenix's POV*

Just doing some last minuet packing as were setting off to the train today, can't wait to see Anna, I've missed my fellow Fangirl.

We call each other Anna and Elsa from Frozen. I'm Elsa, I love her character so much. Although I can't sing as well as Idina Menzel, I love the song Let it go.

"Are you ready yet Phoe?"

I hear Ginny shout from downstairs. I just laugh lightly, rolling my eyes as I drag my suitcase down the stairs.

"Hold on I forgot something, be right back!"

I shout before running up the stairs and grabbing my phone and headphones before I go on a long 3 hour train ride.

"Are you ready now?"

Ginny asks me with her arms crossed as I finally make my way down the stairs.

We make it to the train station in no time and as soon as we make it into platform 9 3/4, I notice Angelina talking to Lee in the distance.

"Hey Anna, Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"Come on let's go and play..."

"...I never see you anymore..."

"...Just come out the door, it's like you've gone awaaaaayy!"

Me and Angelina chorus together getting some really weird looks off of people around us.

I don't care what people think anymore, we're having fun and their not.

"Hey guys, how's it going?"

She asks Fred and George, soon regretting what she said. They go on and on about how far they've got with the store, bless them, they're like a couple kids at Christmas it's so cute.

Just as the whistle blows we grab our stuff and make our way to the train.

Fred, George and Lee start talking about the twins joke shop. I zone out and put my headphones on blasting out my music.


"Alizandra, my dear"

I turn to look at my mother. I'm standing in a graveyard, I don't recognise this graveyard but I know I'm here for a reason.

"Mum, why am I here?"

I ask causing my mothers expression to fade from a bright smile to a look as if she could break down.

"There is something I need to tell you, although there is something holding me back from telling you everything..."

"Mum, you're scaring me, what's happened?"

Mum looks at me with such fear and worry in her eyes. It's scares me so, I don't know what I'm feeling right now.

"I know you're fermilier with a potion called 'Vita Excepto' it takes around two years to master so you need to do it now. I can't tell you why but I can tell you, you defiantly will need it. Please just trust me sweetheart..."

~End of Dream~

"Phoenix are you alright?"

Angelina asks me while everyone was looking at me worriedly. I look down at my phone, at the last song that was played...Avril Lavigne ~ When you're gone.

I brush it off and swiftly walk off the train followed by everyone else.


"Now I would like you all to please welcome our new defence against the dark arts teacher Miss Deloris Umbridge..."

As I stare at the sickly sweet marshmallow sat at the head table next to Snape, she gets up and gives us a speech about how amazing our time is going to be with her as the new defence teacher.

"Are you sure you're alright Phoe, you seemed restless on the train..."

"I'm fine Fred thank you, I just, just had a bad dream, I'll get over it."

I cut Fred off from giving me a pep talk. I didn't mean to snap at him, again, but I'm just getting bored of being 'babyed' by them all the time.

I know I've been through a lot, but it's just starting to take the piss.

''Now, just one last thing, we have a few new students that have been transfered over to Hogwarts this year. They have all been sorted into their houses earlier on to save them getting up in front of the whole school. Please welcome Georgia Jade and Rhys and Clarissa Lynch...''




They all chorus as I run towards them, colliding with Jinx in front of the whole school. I couldnt give a fuck who was watching, my best friends were finally in the same school as me.

''Sorry Professor...''

I say sheepinshly as I walk back to where I was sat next to Angie. Jinx, Rhys and Iris all follow me, Thank god we're all in the same house.

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