Look at me

By dray36

538 19 3

Chris realizes that he may like Ted but decides to hide it, because Ted may like Nick instead of him. Betty t... More

New Allie
Important note!
Run Dammit!
Feeling very stupid


47 2 0
By dray36

Why can't brides or flower girls where black? Is it a pure thing? Well, sorry for not updating in a long time family problems so the usual. The weddings in a month and everybody is serious about losing weight, which makes stress very easy for us. Well, hopefully, I'll be able to update more after this chapter I will try my best. So, please enjoy this chapter.



Do you know how much it hurts when a secret that you and your best friend shared was revealed? How much it hurt when it was your best friend who told the secret? And to the one, you hate the most, if you don't well Chris does. It feels as though right at that moment your heart is breaking into little pieces as your trust was broken at that moment. He watched as his so-called friend laughs along with Nick, his enemies friend at their secret spot that only him and Ted know about. 

"Shit" he heard Adien mutter behind him as Betty moved to stand next to him looking at them wondering what was happening. She never even got to ask what was wrong as she watched as Chris grabs the nearest rock and making sure it was the biggest and heaviest the through it straight at Ted. Hitting him square in the gut as he heard a very satisfied grunt of pain. Ted and Nick turned to see where the rock had come from, Ted stood up quickly almost falling backward when he saw Chris standing only a few feet away from him staring him straight in the eye.

Ted felt guilt overcome him when he saw the look of betrayal in his eyes. He knew the reason why Chris felt that way, he had called Nick earlier to talk about Chris. He didn't know why but he felt like Nick would understand so he brought him to their secret spot. And the look in Chris's eyes made him think he probably made the wrong decision. He made to move closer to him, to explain himself but Chris shook his head as he stepped back before turning away and running off. Ted made to go after him but as he got closer Aidan pushed him back letting him fall to the floor as he glared down at him.

"Don't even think about it" he hissed out at Ted before running off after Chris. Even though it was obvious Aiden did not want Ted to go anywhere near Chris he did not stay down for long. He sprang back up quickly following Aiden to get to Chris. Leaving Betty and Nick there wondering what had just happened.

It did not take long for Betty to figure out that Ted and Nick had done something to really hurt Chris, that even though it did not involve her she felt a bit betrayed as well.

"Betty?" She turned to back as Nick made his way to her but stopped when she raised her hand to him. He could not help but look away a bit guilty. "I don't want to know," she told him before looking away, "See ya" and with that, she left leaving behind a guilty friend.


Chris had continued running till he made it back home, into his room where he locked himself in, hoping Ted did not follow him. He closed his curtains leaving his room pitch black as he sat down beside his bed covering himself with a blanket. He covered his ears, closed his eyes and hoped he would be left alone till he slept. He did not hear someone messing with the doorknob before the door opened letting themselves in, and relocking the door.

Chris almost screamed when someone pulled the covers off of him, thinking it was Ted he raised his hand to slapped him but a hand stopped him. Looking up he saw Aidan holding Fufi out to him."Here, cats make you happy right?"Chris smiled shyly at him, nodding as he reached out for Fufi to cuddle letting Adien sit down beside him. He was more than shocked when Aiden let him rest his head on his shoulder though it hurt due to their hight distance.

He was even more shocked when he began to caress his hair as though he was comforting him."It's ok to let it out"And as though, he was waiting for permission he began to cry softly into his shoulder."Why? That was our most secret place that no one else knew about?" he cried out softly into Fufi's fur."We found that place when we were small and promised no one but us will ever know about it......why did he betray our promise?"

Aiden did not think to tell him that he knew about their spot because he followed them would help out, so he just sat there letting Chris cry out everything.After a while, he realized Chris was beginning to fall asleep beside him. He nudged him trying to wake him up, when he got no response he stood up trying to drag Chris to bed. After almost half an hour of that challenge, he sat down beside the bed and laid his head back down.He turned his head to see footsteps outside the door, he smirked as he knew who it was."I win" he whispered quietly for only he could hear before closing his eyes.


Ted went back to his room slamming the door closed as he remembered what Chris had said. He did not mean to ease drop but the door was locked and he heard Aiden's voice which for some reason annoyed him.

He heard the door open and closed as footsteps moved through the hallways before another door opened and closed. That meant Aiden had gone back to his room, and that meant Chris was asleep. He had missed his chance to explain himself, he slid down against the door. He slammed his head back against the door cursing himself."I really messed this up" he closed his eyes as he looked around his room his eyes landing on a photo of him and Chris. "I'm such an idiot"


So, that was the 3rd chapter hoped you enjoyed it. I will try to update the next chapter soon, but since the wedding is only a month away it will be difficult with all the planning. Especially since classes have been more difficult for me, wish me luck on my exams as well as my final exams as well. thank you.

Well, until next time.

BYE BYE!!!!  

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