My Mate or My Baby Momma? Seq...

By JasmineHood

281K 6.5K 492

***SEQUEL TO MY DOM OR MY MATE!!!!*** Deacon & Declan; twins, the first born children to the 'threesome' that... More

My Mate or My Baby Momma?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author Note
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
-Author note-
Chapter 39
Chapter 40


2.2K 124 9
By JasmineHood

Finally it's here. The last and final installment to My Mate or My Baby Momma. 

There will not be another sequel. I think I have exhausted this plot lol.

I hope you enjoyed it... I plan to edit this story at some point as I am not entirely happy with the start of this story. I will work on it in due course xxx


Virginia POV

Balloons suck. I hate balloons.

It doesn’t matter whether they’re helium or ones you make yourself dizzy filling up with your precious oxygen, they’re irritating, time consuming and an eyesore. Why oh why did I do this every year?

Why did I put myself through these ghastly things?

Why do I write the invitations and send them out? I must have a death wish or something!

“Deacon! Declan! Move these god damn balloons before I fall over one and these babies pops out three months early!” I shout, my hormones getting the better of me.

In seconds, my mates had zoomed into the living room and were rounding up the latex bubbles of air and taking them out into the garden and out from under my feet. Slumping down into the comfy arm chair, I placed my hands on my big belly and closed my eyes, trying to rest.

Sleeping was pretty much impossible; yeah I know Maddox was amazing, he was 3 years old and slept like his dad so he was no trouble, but Ana and Elyse, 18 months old and teething were the tiny terrors that kept me up half the night. Oh and the other half, I was up needing to wee, or being kicked in the kidney by the little bundles safely confined in my womb.

I just wanted to sleep.

Over the past 3 years, we’ve gone from having a potentially broken mating with a messed up family and an unfaithful ex baby mummy to being in a loving, happy three way marriage, with three children, and another two on the way and the family I had always wanted- granted, I’d never imagined or considered I’d ever have two mates, but I wouldn’t wish it any other way.

“Mummy, come on! It’s my party. Get up, mummy, get up please!” I hadn’t been sat down five minutes before Maddox was dragging me out into the garden. I did love this boy as if he was my own, but god damn wasn’t I allowed to sleep? Ever?

I wonder what it felt like to have a full night sleep…

The party was a big hit; all the family was there- Adrianna, Melody and Marley, Ava and Asher and Trey, Maddox’s friends from the pack pre-school and our pack friends too. The house was full, and everyone was having a lovely time but all I could see was food, toys, wrapping paper and popped balloons littering the floor and tables. I was itching to clean but I knew there was no point.

I’m sure I wasn’t this irritable during my last pregnancy.

And if I was, I didn’t notice it.

I had to admit, I was a serious bitch right now.

Deacon POV

Virginia was going to blow any second. I could see it in her eyes, the way they darted around the garden, staring at empty paper cups, balloons, the littering of wrapping paper being blown around the grass.

I didn’t like to blame her hormones for the outbursts, but this pregnancy, yes it was the hormones that were to blame. It wasn’t her at all, I knew her normal temperament and this was so NOT it.

“Dec, man… get Virginia inside before she makes a scene.” I muttered, nudging him towards her. I was stuck manning the BBQ so I couldn’t exactly leave it with all these children about. That would be the epitome of danger in Virginia’s eyes and I’d rather her anger was directed on the mess rather than me. I love my wife, I do. More than anything (other than my kids) but I wouldn’t wish her temper on anybody. Pregnancy temper is like walking on Lego bricks; painful and unforgettable.

Declan rushed off and eased Virginia inside, only to come out a few minutes later with a bin liner, and quickly starting to remove the debris. I chuckled at the panicked look on my brother’s face as he zoomed around; trying to rectify the obvious situation I had unintentionally put him in.


 Declan looks up and scowls at me, narrowing his eyes in my direction, I give him an apologetic smile and mouth 'sorry' at him. Fat lot of good that does because he just continues to scowl and turns and picks up another ripped up paper plate. It’s not like I aimed to feed him to the wolves… mind the pun, but I did, and he was.

Handing the spatula and tongs to my dad, I rushed off to held Dec otherwise I’d not only have a hormonal wife on my hands, but a pissed off brother to contend with also. I didn’t think I could handle both of them at once. And the kids…

Things had dramatically changed over the past few years; I was the model husband and mate, and hopefully a good father. I worked my hardest every damned day to be everything Virginia needs me to be; I remember every special date, do 2am runs to the shop for food and drink Virginia is craving, help with the housework and attempt to do night feeds… but Mrs Anal-Butt knows best and neither Declan nor I can get the girls to sleep like she can. But I still have to try and help with the girls at night time or I will hear it for weeks.

Virginia is amazing; she awed me every day and surprised me with new skills and beliefs, like this morning when she was talking to mum about the local school allowing humans in as of next month to raise funds for new resources. Virginia turned round and said how this would prepare the teenagers for life after school; how they would have to understand the humans didn’t know about our species and they needed to learn how to keep the secret no matter where they lived or what environment they found themselves in.

Everybody else was just worrying themselves with the idea of new students who weren’t part of the clique, rather than the learning benefits and skills they would benefit from. That was my mate! She always thought outside the box.

God I love her so god damn much. It overwhelms me sometimes how much I love her, how much I need her and cherish her presence in my life. I nearly lost her; I nearly threw it all away because of my pride… I thank the earth, the moon and stars for a stubborn mate. I wouldn’t be here today if not for her persistence.

I think I better go inside and see if Virginia has calmed down…

Declan POV

Douche! He threw me in the fire.

I guess he was paying me back for last night when I sent him upstairs to help bath the kids and Virginia blew at him for washing Ana wrong… I did know she was getting worked up, and she was exhausted. This pregnancy is affecting my angel way more than last time. I feel awful seeing her like this, but I’m a man and it’s physically impossible for me to carry the twins. I would if I could.

So here I am now, picking up rubbish and staying clear of the she-devil aka my wife. Deacon must be mental if he’s going back inside for another screaming from our mate. Masochist…

Rather him than me though.

It seems the past few years have really changed; we’ve all changed, matured, and adjusted to our living situation, our love triangle and just like my parents and Holden, we made it work and figured things out in our way. The children don’t seem affected by our mating, they seem as happy as Deacon and I did as children which was a huge relief.

I was so proud of Deacon’s turn around; he’s really stepped up and came out of his shell not only as a mate, but a brother, a father and an Alpha. I’d been there to witness and observe every step he’d taken in attempts to mend his relationship with Virginia and myself, and becoming the man he wanted to be. As corny as it sounds, I loved him more because of it.

My brother had become the man he wanted to be.

Time moves on, and thanks to a lot of drama, a couple of almost-deaths, and children, we fought for our love, our mate and we made things work.

You don’t give up on love at the first hurdle; stick around and give your all to the one you wish to spend your life with. It doesn’t come easy, relationships are hard and life is hard. Love hard and fight harder. 

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