Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


Virginia POV

The last thing I could remember was a sparkling needle looming closer while I stared into a set of very familiar hazel green eyes; eyes I knew oh so well, eyes that belonged to the woman who bore me, gave me life and raised me… and now, laying here, imprisoned to a cold metal table that stank of stale metallic blood, I knew her intentions were less than honourable.

My life was in immediate danger and there was nothing I could do to stop it; I couldn’t hear my wolf, I couldn’t break free from my restraints, and every word I tried to speak was muffled behind a cloth rag that was tight and rubbing at my open lips. I could feel my skin sting as if I had been cut or scratched maybe; it wasn’t overly excruciating, but it was a distraction from the predicament in which I found myself.

Shaking my head clear of the fear of pain within, I trained my eyes on the woman pacing across the small wooden room in which I woke up… it was vaguely familiar. Pushing the fatigue further from my senses, I realised why this place was familiar and I immediately threw up, the acid seeping past the rag, and straining through my nostrils, aggravating my skin further; I was not only laying in someone else’s blood, this was my mate’s blood. I didn’t care right now that he was planning on rejecting me, I just felt horribly nauseated by the fact that my mother had brought me to this place!

She was going to kill me in the same place my father, her husband and mate had tortured and almost killed MY MATE! Did she have no shame? Did she even care?

Who was this woman? Because I sure didn’t know her, this was not the woman that raised me, this was not the woman that taught me right from wrong, and this was damn well not the woman that showed me how to behave, what was acceptable, and what my future mate… or well mates in my case would expect of their life partner. This was not her!

This was someone completely different because not once have I ever seen her this vindictive, selfish or narrow-minded, not once had I ever considered her to behave in such a disgusting manner. I couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because I was beyond words… there were no words for this situation. I was absolutely sickened by the way she was behaving.

It was obvious my mother was rethinking her plans because she couldn’t stop rushing back and forth within the constricted space with a mask of fear coating her features, nibbling on her blunt finger nails; a habit she always showed when she was a bundle of nerves. This was obviously one of those times.

She didn’t think this through; that was god damn obvious, but what was she going to do next? Just off me or use me as leverage? Whatever it was, I would be very grateful if she could hurry up because this was table I was laying on, the smell, the way my body was laid on it was becoming intolerable; I was continually gagging and the shocks of pain that ran up my limbs and through my muscles was taking control of my senses. I was losing myself… I had already lost my wolf, what was next?

“It’s not going to work you know?” Mum muttered, suddenly stopping, “the wriggling, throwing up, dirty looks you’re giving, none of it is going to change my mind. Oh, and give up on speaking to your wolf or any of the pack; wolfs bane does wonders! You’re unreachable my dear darling daughter. Nobody knows where you are so give it up.”

This was it wasn’t it? My life? It was over… I would never get to see Declan or Deacon again, Adrianna, Lizzie or even Maddox… I would be leaving my little sister all alone, and my mates; granted Deacon was a bit of a douche but he was still my mate. I would forgive him in a heartbeat if he asked me to. I was made to love him and that’s what I knew I would do. Despite everything he’d done, I’d give him everything and anything I could conjure up.

My Mate or My Baby Momma? Sequel to MDOMMWhere stories live. Discover now