Wrath of Charve | A Rejects A...

By FlyingFishYT

160 5 7

*This is a (CANON) Alternate Universe of @MikeBearTheGamer13's series "The Rejects". I HIGHLY encourage every... More

The End
Menace Vs. Charve
Execute The Plan
The Immortal Vs. Charve


30 1 4
By FlyingFishYT

A loud ringing blares in Mike's ear as he wakes up from a strange dream.
Mike: "Ugh, what the hell? What just happened"?
Mike looks around to see his friends staggering like they just had a PTSD attack.
The ringing in his ears was so loud he couldn't even hear himself.
Then everything suddenly goes back to normal, and the ringing in Mike's ears stopped.
Mike: "What the fuck!? Are you guys alright"?
Jayden grunts as he regains his footing.
Jayden: "Ugh, Jess are you and Casey okay"?
Jess: "Hng, we're okay Jay, but I feel like I just woke up from a coma. How much time has passed Nelson"?
Nelson shakes his head off and looks at his watch.
Nelson: "It's been... ?!"
Nelson's eye's widen in surprise.
Nelson: "What the? No time has passed! In fact my watch isn't even ticking anymore"!
Crystal: "Alright what the hell's going on?! Does anyone have any idea what the hell just happened"?!
Mike: "Everybody just calm down. I have no clue what the fuck just happened. It's like everything went dark and empty, but at the same time nothing happened. We need to regroup and figure this ou-"
Before Mike can finish his sentence the alarm at the rejects HQ starts blaring.
Mike: "Oh what now"?!
Mike turns on the screen to show the city of St. Paul is completely engulfed in flames.
Crystal: "WHAT THE FUCK"?!
Jayden: "Jess! Go put Casey somewhere safe"!
Mike: "We need to move NOW! Rejects, it's time to ri-"
The monstrous sound of thunder outside shakes the entire building.
Mike: "... Nevermind let's just go"!
The Rejects put their constumes on and make their way over to the burning city.
Mike observes the wreckage of the once beautiful town surrounding him.
Jess: "What could have caused this"?
Mike: "I'm not sure, but I don't see any civilians around so let's hope they managed to get out of here in time".
The Rejects walk down a ruined street only to find nothing.
Tobias: "Maybe it was this crazy storm that caused all this. Maybe it's affecting us gifted".
Nelson: "It couldn't be. Otherwise we would see other gifted recovering from whatever shock wave that hit us".
Mike notices a figure standing at the end of the road.
Mike: "Everyone! Over here"!
The Rejects notice an odd being or creature walking down the road.
They ready themselves and sprint torwards it.
Mike: "HEY YOU"!
The creature stops, and turns around to face our heroes.
???: "...Oh you're here".
The creature is approximately 6'8. They're wearing a black cloak with a pair of black boots with a golden chain wrapped around the backs of them. Their skin is rough almost like a zombies, but completely pink with no hair on top of their head.
???: "Welcome Rejects, it's nice to finally meet you all in person".
Mike: "Did... did you do this to the city"?!
???: "..."
Mike: "ANSWER ME"!
???: "...If you must know, yes I did".
Nelson steps in front of Mike.
???: "Calm yourself Nelson. It's really nothing to get worked up on. Especially with what's to come".
Mike: "Who are you? How do you know our names"?
???: "Well Michael, I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Charve, and I'm not from around here you could say".
Nelson: "And what the hell do you want?! What do you mean it's nothing to get worked up on?! You destroyed our entire city for Christ sake"!
Charve: "When I'm done here the city will be the least of your problems. As for what I want, I want you all to stay out of this, and don't get in my way".
Nelson: "Oh yeah?! Or what"?!
Charve: "... Or else you'll end up like your friend Tyler".
Nelson charges at Charve from above with all his rage, but before his attack connects Charve suddenly disappears.
Nelson: "What the fuck"?!
Nelson turns around to see Charve standing a few feet away from him.
Nelson rushes at Charve and points the sharp point on his wings directly at Charve's pupil-less eyes, but he catches it with two fingers before it even gets close.
Nelson: "What"?!
Charve throws Nelson across the street into a building with immense power.
Charve: "Do I make myself clear"?
Mike: "...attack".
The Rejects charge Charve at high speeds.
Charve: "Sigh, I guess I did not".
Jayden pops out his blades and slashes at Charve's arm, but the blade bounces off leaving not even a scratch.
Jayden: "What? No affect"?
Charve grabs Jayden's blade with his hand and tosses him into the sidewalk.
Crystal and Isaiah run at Charve. Isaiah tries to grab him with his elastic arms, but Charve vanishes again just escaping Isaiah's grasp.
Tobias turns around to see Charve standing in between him and Crystal.
Isaiah: "You're not getting away that eas-"
Isaiah tries to throw a punch, and realizes that his hands are tied together.
Isaiah: "When did-"
Crystal: "Ha"!
Crystal throws her giant crystalized fist at Charve but he jumps over it and punts Isaiah down into the sewers below shattering multiple layers of concrete.
Crystal: "You bastard"!
Crystal thrusts her entire arm into Charve's face shaking the earth.
She moves her hand to reveal her punch had no affect.
Crystal: "... He didn't even flinch"?!
Charve grabs Crystal's arm and throws her into a building above.
Charve turns around to see Jess powering up her energy attacks.
Jess: "HA"!
Jess fires a barrage of energy blasts landing multiple direct hits on Charve, surrouding him in a cloud of smoke.
Jess: "... Did I get him"?
Just then a pink energy ball shoots out of the smoke and hits Jess right in the chest sending her flying in a massive explosion.
Jayden: "JESS"!
Mike: "What the hell is this guy"?!
Jayden rushes at Charve from behind pointing his blades at his head.
Charve ducks down just before the impact, grabs Jayden's arm, and throws him into the crater Isaiah fell in.
Charve stands up and looks at Mike, giving him the stare down.
Mike: "... I'm gonna make you pay".
Charve gives Mike a hand gesture signalling to bring it.
Mike charges at Charve with his fists drawn.
Mike throws many fast punches at Charve but isn't able to land a single blow.
Mike: "HA"!
Mike throws a kick, but Charve just dodges it again.
Charve retorts by punching Mike in the throat with 2 fingers.
Mike staggers back in pain, then is uppercutted and sent flying into the air down the street.
Charve: "You won't beat me like that".
Mike: "Ghk, I... won't... give up".
Mike barley manages to stand to his feet. He draws his sword.
Mike: "If you mess with my friends... you mess with me".
Mike starts running at Charve.
Charve fires a beam of energy from the palm of his hand, directly impaling Mike's chest and sending him flying on his back.
Mike collapses and drops his sword.
Charve: "Michael".
Mike looks up to see Charve looming above him.
Charve: "Of all the Rejects, you are by far the weakest".
Mike looks at him is dismay and confusment.
Charve: "You have the strength of a regular human being, and no remarkable powers at all. You think martial arts or whatever it is you do actually matters in a world full of super villains"?
Mike: "... You'd be surprised".
Charve: "I really wouldn't".
Just then Nelson emerges from a pile of rubble and flies at Charve.
Nelson: "HAAAAAAA"!
Mike: "Nelson stop"!
Charve: "Nelson stop".
Nelson is shocked as he suddenly collapses to the ground unable to move.
Nelson: "What the hell?! I can't move"!
Charve walks over to Nelson and stares him down, and without hesitating he grabs his wing and tares it off.
Mike: "STOP IT"!
Charve: "Mike".
Charve turns to face Mike.
Charve: "You can't defeat me, and you never will, so take this as a lesson. Give up, and stay out of my way".
Mike blinks, and suddenly Charve is gone...

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