Bite Me.

By eminems97

722 39 0

I didn't plan for this to happen. I don't think anyone could plan for this. But it did lead me to him, so m... More

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49 4 0
By eminems97

The house was exactly the same except now all the furniture was in its place and totes and totes of decorations and various nick knacks sat in the living room. "I figured you'd better help me with those," Heath explained sheepishly making me laugh. He threw his bag down in the entry way and grabbed my hand leading me out to the back yard. I guess we were doing this now. Heath started peeling off layers of clothes and when he started on his pants I felt my face flush. "Um, Heath?" I questioned gesturing to the discarded clothing. "Oh, right. It's easier to shift if you start naked."

"Right, duh. That makes sense."
"You can look if you want, darlin'. It's all yours anyways," came his cheeky reply and a pair of briefs hit my feet making my blush deepen. He laughed as I struggled to keep my eyes on his face. That treasure trail was so tempting... I snapped my eyes back up at his clearing throat. His eyes were serious and I remembered why we were standing out here in the first place. "No matter what you see, don't get any closer until it's over, okay? Promise me that," he demanded. My mind that had steadfastly chanted 'he's insane' was having a hard time now facing his dead serious expression. I promised and his face relaxed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His face was impassive and suddenly his body jerked unnaturally. It was disturbing to watch and my breath caught in my throat as bones reshaped and his face elongated. Fur erupted in tufts and within seconds, Heath was no longer in front of me. Instead, there stood a tall black wolf. It was huge and strong, coming up to my chest. I whimpered in fear as it approached me, but it just wagged its tail and cocked its head like an oversized dog. When it was closer, I saw its familiar dark grey eyes. Heath's eyes. "Not possible," I whispered before promptly passing out.

Something wet on my face woke me up and I looked up in confusion as I realized a pink tongue was licking me. There was still a black wolf. It still had Heath's eyes. "Not possible," I repeated and the wolf whined, butting its head softly with mine. I sat up and absently scratched behind its ears like I would with a dog. I swear it purred and I took a deep breath. "Okay, so very possible. Also very real. Heath?" I questioned taking in the beautiful, if not slightly terrifying creature in front of me. It just rubbed its head against my cheek and barked softly.

"Right." I muttered under my breath. Slowly, I raised myself to my feet an turned to face the wolf. Unlike that one that had bitten me, Heath's wolf wasn't mangy or skinny. It was all muscle and power and had a coat so soft and sleek I wanted to cuddle with it all day. His breath smelled like wet dog and not death. And his eyes were that beautiful velvety grey. He still had that human intelligence, but it was gentle this time.

"I'm sorry I fainted," I said, scratching his big head. I swore I saw him shrug and I laughed at the gesture. It was so...Heath. There was no denying it. "Does this mean I can call you fluffy?" I teased with a laugh and he just butted me with my head making me fall down. And in the next second, he was next to me nosing me and licking my face, whining in concern. "I'm fine, ya big oaf," I reassured him, shoving his slobbery tongue away from me. He just curled his big body around me, laying his head on my lap with a huff. I pet him softly marveling at the knowledge that this was real. I suppose my books and overactive imagination had somewhat prepared me, and I'm sure I wasn't freaking out as much as I should have been. But this was Heath and I trusted him with my life so I knew everything would be okay.

"You have some explaining to do, mister," I groused, still petting his silky fur and he just nodded. "So can you like change back on command, or is it more like a gradual thing?" He gave me a look asking if I wanted Heath back and I nodded. Standing up, I watched as he walked about six feet away. This time I turned my head, not wanting to watch as his bones reconfigured themselves. A hand on my shoulder made me start and I sighed in relief when Heath stood before me back in his clothes. I touched his cheek just to make sure he was real and he smiled gently, before taking my hand in his own. "Let's go inside. You look cold." I nodded and followed, suddenly aware of the crisp October air that cut through my jacket.

I went and sat on the of the low leather couches, pulling a faux fur throw around me. A roaring fire was going in the massive stone fireplace and a held out my feet closer and Heath came and sat beside me, handing me a cup of coffee. I took it gratefully and leaned into his side as he wrapped an arm around me.

"So," I started. "The story you told me yesterday is true?" He nodded and I fired another question. "And you're a werewolf how?" He sighed and scrubbed his face looking towards the fire. "No one is entirely sure. It was a different time then and magic was closer to the people. Obviously Astrid had some powers and cast a spell to protect her loved ones. But that about as specific as it gets."

"Has anyone ever tried to break the spell?"

"No. It's a gift and so is a bite...if it's done right."
"But what if someone doesn't want to be a wolf? I mean how long can you go without changing into Fluffy?"

"Our wolves call to us and the longer we go between changes, the louder the call gets. The longest I went was two months when I was younger. But once you control it, it's not so bad. It's fucking amazing to be able to run as fast as you can and to feel the wind in your fur. Your senses are heightened too and it's incredible. I haven't met anyone who wanted to be 'normal'."

"Hmmm. Maybe. But what about the wolf that bit me? He was different." Heath stiffened next to me and his arm around me tightened. His eyes went to my ankle outheld by the fire. The raised scar peeked out from my jeans. "It was a rogue. A lone wolf like Vidar's ancestor. It's given over completely to the wolf side and there's hardly any man left. But that doesn't mean it's not smart or ruthless. My family has always made it our mission to deal with any rogues in the area. I've been tracking this one for months but it's smarter than most and covers it fucking tracks. I should have killed the fucking thing a long time ago. Long before it made it here. In a way, I think it knew what it was doing coming here. I'm sorry that it bit you. It's my fault really." His voice was so broken and guilty, I turned and held him tight, rubbing his back.

"Is that why you keep thinking I'm going to hate you?" At his nod, I drew in a sharp breath and held his face between my hands, searching his eyes. "Like I told you before, I could never hate you, Heath. It's not your fault. And to quote someone I greatly admire, 'And you fucking know that.'" I said sternly, repeating his words he told me not that long ago. "There's no one to blame but that rogue wolf. And you'll get him eventually. Or someone else will. A crazy wolf won't last long here. So don't you dare go blaming yourself, do you understand me?" He looked at me and smiled softly at my serious expression. "I understand you perfectly, darlin'."

"Good," I digressed, pecking his lips, "because I've got more questions."
"Fire away, sweetheart."

"Where'd you go when you left Branson Mills?"

"Everywhere. I took my truck and just roamed, visiting other packs, killing rogues. I went from Maine to Washington then down to California and over to Florida."

"What happened to being tied down? Responsibilities and all that?"

"That is a part of my responsibilities. The Branson's are somewhat wolf royalty. We are the ones packs come to to settle disputes or when they've got a rogue problem they can't handle. My dad and I handle it or we gather others to take care of it. We used to have a huge festival here every year with wolves from all over the world to just check in."

"I think I remember Nana talking about that. Although there was no mention of wolves. Why don't you do it anymore?" That question had him looking sad again. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No. I do. It's just not a very happy story. Something happened thirty years ago. There was an accident at the mill and a lot of people were killed. My grandfather and two of my uncles died. Most of my family moved away except my grandma. She said she refused to abandon the house where her husband and her children grew up. My dad took us and moved far away. With my dad, the leader of the Branson pack, no longer at Branson Mills, it felt wrong to continue the tradition. Since then, the festival's rotated throughout the other packs."

"How many wolves are there now?"

"It's hard to tell. It's not like there's a census box for werewolf. But my dad thinks there's maybe ten thousand with over a hundred different packs."


"Yeah. But we're spread around the entire globe. And we're careful. We live in small towns away from cities and we keep to ourselves for the most part."

"But how are there that many? I mean if only the youngest son or those that are bit turn. I can't imagine you just go around biting people willy nilly."

"No. We definitely don't do that. But with bit wolves it's different. If two bit wolves have kids, a majority or all of their children are wolves. If just one parent is a wolf and the other is human, then none of their children are wolves. But not many wolves end up with humans. I mean look at what happened when I had to tell you. Human don't take well to the concept."

"Hey! I believe you now, but you have to admit, it sounds a little crazy."

"Maybe. But anyways, two wolf parents equals all wolf babies. Hence all the wolves." It made sense and the more I found out, the more it seemed like its own world. Then a thought occurred to me that made my blood run cold.

"So you're going to bite me?" I queried fearfully. Heath tensed again and this time watched my face carefully. "I have to, Mira. Otherwise you're going to die." He said it so matter-of-factly even if it was twinged with sadness, that I pulled away. "But I feel fine!" I protested.

"And what do you call yesterday when you passed out? And you're dreams are getting worse. I know because you whimpered and tossed and turned all night last night. Please, Mira. You may be fine now, but it's going to get a lot of worse a lot faster. Is the idea of being a wolf that repulsive?"

", of course not. It's just...I had a plan, ya know? I was going to take over Something Blue for Mrs. Potts. I was going to maybe go back to school, or at least take online classes. I want to travel and see the world. I was going to meet a guy, get married, maybe have kids."

"And you can still do all of that, sweetheart. Being a wolf doesn't change who you are or who you want to be. I'm still human. I'm still human now and under all that fur. The wolf, it helps. You see things clearer, your mind is sharper. You heal faster and that's it. It's a gift not a curse, Mira." I heaved a sigh. It sounded appealing but it wasn't something I could just say yes to and then change my mind about.

"And I have no other choice?" I asked just to clarify my options.

"I'm afraid not."

"But what if it doesn't work. You said only people with pure hearts survive. What if I'm not a good enough person? You don't know me, but I've done some pretty shady things."

"Mira, I do know you. What's the worst thing you've done? Jay walked? Taken ketchup packets from McDonalds even though you really didn't need them? Lied to your mom about where you were going on a Friday night? I know you, sweetheart, and you are a good, kind person. Maybe a little too sassy, but genuinely good. If anyone can survive, it's you."

"I'm scared, Heath," I whispered, finally nailing down why I was hesitating.

"I know, sweetheart. And I'd be scared as hell too, but I believe in you. And I'll be with you the whole time."

"Just give me a couple days, okay?" I acquiesced, needing a few more hours to wrap my head around what was going to happen. He nodded his agreement. "But if something happens and it comes down to it, if you are in any danger of dying I'm going to do whatever it takes to save you, okay? I just found you, Mira and I'm not about to lose you to some rogue." His voice was passionate and hard with emotion and I swallowed around the lump in my throat, just nodding. "Good." And he pulled me into a tight hug burying his head in my neck. We stayed like that for a while until my grumbling stomach led us to the kitchen. The fridge was fully stocked and I whipped up some scrambled eggs while Heath fried some bacon.

"Aren't we fucking domestic?" Heath quipped as we sat down at the counter. "I don't think anyone would ever think you were domestic, Cliffy." I just laughed as he groaned at the nickname. "Someday you're going to tell me," I demanding pointing an accusing piece of bacon in his direction. He took a bite out of it and growled out "Never."

"You just ate my bacon!" I shrieked in horror. "You offered it, darlin'. If it makes you feel any better, you can eat my bacon anytime." The accompanying wink and wiggling eyebrows had me grimacing. "Please never say that again."

The rest of the day was spent hanging up old photos and artfully arranging figurines and other decorations throughout the house. After supper, I was digging through the last of the totes when I stumbled across a treasure chest of old photos. It was easy to tell they were of Heath's family. His siblings looked eerily similar and it was easy to see he got his looks from his dad. "Heath!" I called, excited to show him what I'd found. We spent the rest of the evening talking about his family. He had four siblings, two older brothers and two younger sisters. His family all lived close to his parents about three hours away and everyone but his youngest sister were married. I awed over his three nephews and four nieces until it was almost ten.

"I guess you're going to have to stay here tonight, darlin'," Heath proclaimed way too excitedly. "Or you could drive me back to Helen's," I teased laughing at his scowl. "Let me call Helen and let her know," I relented rolling my eyes at his victorious expression. I was having a nice chat with Helen when the phone was ripped from my hands. I scowled my scowliest scowl as Heath started talking to her. "Hey, Helen. Heath here. So what Mira was slowly getting to telling you was that she's staying with me, her boyfriend tonight and won't be home until late tomorrow afternoon. Yeah...yup...uh huh...Bye." And with that he hung up but I was too busy focusing on his choice of words to care anymore. "Did you mean that? About being my boyfriend?" I asked wanting to hear him say it again. "Of course I fucking meant it. I kind of thought it was implied. I mean unless you don't want to..." he trailed off and I cocked an eyebrow. "I mean you never asked," I drawled out, enjoying watching him squirm. "You're serious?"


"Alright. Mira Harland, will you please be my girlfriend?" I pretended to think about it for a second, before launching myself into his arms. "Of course. I thought you'd never ask," I laughed happily as he pulled me in for a kiss.

We went upstairs to his room, a hulking masculine room that matched the downstairs in grandeur. We got ready for bed and he gave me an old shirt to wear. I watched as he came out of the en' suite and stood in the doorway just looking at me with a small smile. He was shirtless of course and I felt desire rush through me as I realized that this was all mine. Standing up, I slowly walked to him, loving the way his dark eyes followed my every move. Finally I reached him and I slid my hands up his chest, reveling in the feel of hard muscle under my fingertips. I wove my hands around his neck and stood on tiptoe to press light kisses up his jawline. I licked his earlobe and grinned when he shuddered. Hands on my arms brought me around to face him and heat pooled in my belly at his lust filled eyes. "What are you doing, Mira?" His husky voice sent shivers through me and I let my hands trail further down his back, stopping to rest at the waistline of his joggers. "I thought it was pretty obvious," I replied, my voice low and gravely with desire. "Helen said no hanky panky at her house. Last I checked, we weren't at her house."

That was all the encouragement he needed and before I could blink, I was thrown onto the bed and my mouth was devoured in hungry kisses. Clothes were gone in an instant and I moaned at the feel of his hard body against mine. His warm mouth left a trail of heat behind it as it licked and nipped its way down my body. And...well you get the picture. We had sex. Mind blowing, earth shattering sex that left us both exhausted and after a quick shower we fell asleep wrapped up in each other.

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