Formula One x Disney

By ChachaScamander

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If you like Disney and Formula One, you should read this book ! If you ever thought how be the world if you... More

Pascal Wehrlein-Aladdin Part 2
Pascal Wehrlein-Aladdin Part 3
Pascal Wehrlein-Aladdin Part 4
Kevin Magnussen-The Little Mermaid
Esteban Ocon Petition

Pascal Wehrlein-Aladdin Part 1

409 8 10
By ChachaScamander

Oh I come from a land

From a faraway place

Where men make the engines roar

Where they drive on the track

And they need to win points

It can be unfair but hey, it's the sport

When the wind's from the East

And the Sun's from the West

And the cars on the track are fast

Come on down

Stop on by

Hop a car and speed up

To another racing season

Fall in love at night

Race in formula one

More often than not

It's hotter than hot

In a lot of good ways

Fall in love at night

And steal a heart

A fool off his guard

Could fall and fall hard

Out there on the track

Ah you're here my friend, I wish you a good evening. Come on hang over, hang over, I was waiting for you. Look, all my products are on sale. You can buy this beautiful unbreakable box or this coffeemaker. No, no wait. I see you're interest by exceptionally rare objects and I think I have something which will interest you. Don't be put off by his normal appearance, it's not just any phone ! It even change the course of a young man's life ! I tell you this story ?

It began with a dark night :

"You're late, I don't have all night to recover this phone ! "

"I know, I'm sorry Maurizio... " he apologized.

"Come on ! Go get this phone " said Maurizio angrily.

The engineer walked to the open window. He looked back, and decided to go. He entered the Mercedes building. Maurizio returned to his office, and the next day he learnt that the engineer didn't come back.

. . .

It was the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Spain, the young driver Pascal Wehrlein won, for the first time this season, four points. It was a good day, and he was really happy of his race. His engineers congratulated him, and they made a little party. Pascal was strolling in the paddock when he saw men from the Ferrari team walking in his direction. He knew that they were coming for him, he wasn't surprised. The two men were tall and strong. Each man took one of pascal's arm and they pulled him in Maurizio's office. No one noticed them or at least they pretended not to see it.

"Good afternoon Pascal." Began the Ferrari's director.

"What do you want ?!" Said Pascal, struggling

"You win points this race, right ?"

"Yes, but I don't understand ... Why ..." he replied

"Oh...Pascal...Such a young talented pilot... But you're a threat for us. You know you're a Mercedes driver and you have to stop proving your worth in a Ferrari team."

"I'll never stop trying winning points for my team ! I don't care if you're happy or not !"

"I can fire you from your team and make sure nobody wants you in his, obviously only if you don't cooperate with us." he respond with a mean grin.

"But... I... It's...."

"I take this for a yes ! And I trust you for not talking about this little agreement to anyone ..." He replied

"You can let him go." He ordered to his guards.

Pascal exited the room, shivering when he thought back to the threat of Maurizio.

. . .

They were in Monaco, and Antonio was with Kimi in the paddocks. They were on the way to see Jasmine, the daughter of Sergio Marchionne. She had to married a Ferrari driver before the end of the year, that was the law. But she wasn't okay with that, she hated all of her contenders.

"Come on Antonio ! Don't be stressed, Jasmine will appreciate you... or not." Said Kimi with a grin.

"Oh my gosh Kimi, I don't want to go ! I'm about to pee in my pants !"

"You're such a child, take your b**** and talk with ... Who's that son of a b**** ?!" He exclaimed to the one who bumped in him.

"I'm sorry Kimi." said Pascal sheepishly.

"Look Kimi it's the little Pascal, you better watch where you walk if you don't want to get in troubles.... HAHAHA, you know what I'm talking about." replied Antonio with a knowing expression.

Kimi pushed Pascal against the wall of the garage and held him still. He muttered in his ear :

"Go back to your shitty country and if you could commit a suicide that would arrange us and anyway who would miss you ? Oh I know, nobody. You're just a riff raft street rat ! Never forget that !"

And they left, laughing... Pascal was in shocked by their attitude. They were soulless. He felt tears filling his eyes but he swept them with a violent movement. He didn't have to listen to them, they were liars. But even if he didn't believe what they said, it hurt.

The qualifications were going to start and Pascal still felt bad about what Kimi ans Antonio had said. He already knew that he wouldn't qualify very high on the grid. And he wasn't mistaken, he qualified P19.

. . .

Maurizio and Sergio were talking with Sebastian and Kimi. Jasmine was listening at the door of her father's office and she knew that it was the best time to go for a stroll in the paddocks. Quickly, she put on a black shirt and a green cap. She checked one last time if no one was there, then she ran out of the Ferrari garage. She was free, she watched around her, amazed. She disappeared in the crowd, when a man grabbed her arm and he took her in a nook, away from the looks.

"Hey sweetheart, what are you doing here, alone ?" He said with a mischievous grin.

"Let me go ! And don't call me like that !" She shouted.

"Stop screaming. Otherwise we'll be spotted. Now, come with me, you don't have a choice !" replied the abuser, putting his hand on her mouth to stop her from screaming.

Pascal was wandering in the paddocks, waiting for the qualifications to end. Everything seemed calm when he saw heard a muffled scream. He looked around him a spotted a man holding a girl against a wall. She was struggling. He couldn't just pretend not to see what was happening in font of him. He had to do something.

He ran to them. When he came to their level, the man noticed him and pulled the girl behind him.

"What are you doing here ?" Asked the man with a deathly glance.

"Let her go." He answered.

The man was about a head taller than him. But Pascal wasn't scared. He looked at him determined and clenched his fists.

"If not what ? Microbe" he replied, coming dangerously close to the young man.

He felt the adrenaline running in his veins.

"Don't call me like that, and if you don't do it, you'll regret it."

"Oh no ! I'm so terrified please, save me... HAHA....You really think you impress me ?"

The men came closer and he punched Pascal, who lost his balance. Pascal stepped back. His nose and his upper lip was bleeding. He brushed his hand over it to whip the blood off of his face and took few seconds to recover his mind. He couldn't let this man beat him. Not when someone was in danger. He had to fight back. So he lifted his head, give an evil look to the man and gave him a powerful blow in the head. The man tilted back and fell down on his knees.

"Don't underestimate me again. And if I see you close to her again, you'll regret it."

The man ran away, holding his face. Pascal turned to Jasmine.

"Are you okay ?" he asked.

"Yeah I ... I think so, thanks. You saved my life." she thanked

"Don't worry, it was the less I could do to help a beautiful girl..." Said Pascal, rubbing the back of his neck.

Jasmine kissed his cheek to thank him. Pascal blushed slightly

"It's the first time you come in the paddocks, that's right ?"

"Is it that obvious ?" She asked, blushing a little.

"Yeah I think." He laughed "Would you like to come with me drink a coffee or something like that ? You could tell me what you're doing here ?"

"It would be a pleasure." She answered with a shy look.

"Great !" He said softly, a bit embarrassed. "I know a coffee shop not that far, maybe we could go now ?" Asked Pascal.

"Sure !" She smiled.

They left towards the coffee shop. Pascal admired her beautiful black hair which fell perfectly on her shoulders, the regular swing of her hips, the reflection of the sun on her honey skin, her eyes filled, at once by intelligence but also with vivacity, and her smile, her perfect smile highlighted by her luscious lips, she was perfect. He had never seen a more beautiful girl. They arrived at the coffee shop and sat on the terrace, the sun was still shining, high in the sky. They ordered a coffee for Pascal and a cappuccino for Jasmine. They talked about everything and anything.

"What's you biggest dream ?" Asked Jasmine

"You know, I'm a Formula One driver, and I dream to join a top team like Mercedes or Ferrari. Finish every race, be loved by the fans, be popular on social medias ... It would be awesome ..." replied Pascal with a dreamy face.

"Really ? I can't agree with you, I think you'd have to support all the journalists, the interviews, yes you'd be loved by a community but you'd be hated by other ones, you'd be under pressure all the time if you're not as good as they want you to be. I really think it'd a nightmare to have this life..."

"I am already under pressure, they are talking abut firing me if I don't win more points this year, even if I have to drive a shitty car ..." He answered with a sad look. "What's your biggest dream ?"

"I'd like to be free, to be able to go wherever I want, to see my friends, to travel alone ..."

"You can't do that ?" He asked with a surprised look.

"My father don't let me. I'm turning 21 this year and he wants me to marry someone. But I don't want to and if I don't chose someone by my birthday, he'll chose for me ..." She answered.

"Wow ... Sounds bad ..."

"It is." She chuckled slightly.

They were still talking when a black van stopped in front of their table. 4 men went off, quickly. They were all wearing black suit with a Ferrari escutcheon embroidered on their jacket, they all had sunglasses and earphones. They were tall and very muscular, Tattoos were visible on their neck and arms. They were wearing a gun in their belt.

"They are coming for me ..." exclaimed Pascal and Jasmine in the same time

Three men came to Pascal, two of them caught him by his arms and took him away from Jasmine. The last man grabbed Jasmine's arm

"Let him go ! He didn't do anything wrong !" said Jasmine with an angry tone, struggling. "You will let him go, it's an order from the daughter of Sergio Marchionne."

Pascal looked at her with a shocked look, he understood that she was Jasmine Marchionne, the daughter of the president of the Ferrari team.

One of the men holding Pascal said :

"We have a reason to stop him, he kidnapped you, and your word is worthless. Maurizio Arrivabene charged us to find you Madam and to arrest whoever was with you."

"But he didn't kidnapped me, he saved my life ! And we came here together !"

"You'll explain that to Maurizio, an order is an order, I don' care if you're happy or not."

"Don't worry, i'm okay." said Pascal to reassure her.

A man came and he put a piece of fabric in Pascal's mouth. Jasmine tried escape in order to free Pascal but the man next to her took her tightened his grip around her arm. Pascal had time to read on her lips her excuse before being stunned by a guard. They put him into the van and they left, leaving Jasmine still shocked and a guard who was commissioned to bring her back to the Ferrari hospitality.

. . .

Pascal woke up in an unknown place, the only thing that he could see was black. The only light source was an old ceiling light which was swaying. It was quite scary. He tried to move but he was tied up on a chair. He tried to speak or scream but the gag was still in his mouth. He struggled and tried to free himself from the ropes. He saw two men standing behind him, probably those who arrested him at the coffee shop. They were standing there like statues, they were totally motionless with their arms crossed on their chest. He jumped when someone began to talk

"Pascal ...I knew that we will see each other again. Are you comfortable ?"

" MMMhhhh.....mmhhhh...."

" Take this off of his mouth, you stupid gorillas !"

They obeyed the order quickly.

"Son of a b**** !! You're such a d*** Maurizio !!!" He shouted, still struggling.

" Oh I see, you still don't understand why you're here. I'm gonna explain because you're not very clever... First, you approached Jasmine, but you know that you don't have any chance with her, she had to married a Ferrari pilot and you're not one. And secondly, I need your help to find a phone, he is in the Mercedes building and you will give it to me."

"I won't do anything for you !" screamed Pascal with an angry look.

" Oh you'll do it."

"Never." He said with a determined look.

"So you want to leave Formula one before the end of the season. The game is over Pascal. You'll do it or I'll make sure you will never do anything else in here."

Pascal looked at him, scared. He looked ready to do anything ... And Pascal really didn't want to leave Formula one. He knew he could drive well. And last, he didn't want to left Jasmine. He wanted to see her again.

"I'll do it..." He abandoned.

Maurizio came closer to Pascal, a cigar in his hand.

"You'll go on Tuesday. I warn you. If you fail or if someone catch you, you'll be on your own. And if you tell anyone about that, I'll kill you."

"What about the race tomorrow ?"

"I don't care, you mustn't win point until I have this phone and in addition you would start nineteenth, you wouldn't win anything. It was a pleasure but for now, I have to tell everyone that you're sick and that you'll come back later."said Maurizio, calmly

"What ? No ! It's not the truth, you're a liar ! I wanna race !" He shouted, trying to free himself.

Maurizio crushed his cigar on the floor and left the room.

. . .

It was Tuesday, and everybody was thinking that Pascal was sick, except Jasmine, who didn't know that Pascal was the guy who saved her from the strange man.

Pascal was still tied on his chair when Maurizio came to see him.

"Good evening Pascal, I hope you're ready to find this phone." Said Maurizio.

"I don't have a choice..."

"Perfect" He replied, "Let him go please." Asked Maurizio to his guards.

One of them took a knife and cut the ropes which was holding Pascal on the chair. The other man, caught him by his wrists.

"Come on, take him to the Mercedes building and explain him what he has to do." Said Maurizio.

They took the young driver to a van, they drove for a few minutes. The gorillas pushed Pascal out of the van and explained his mission. He had to enter the safe, without triggering the alarm. When he was in it, he had to find the phone and take it back to Maurizio.

Pascal entered the building, everything was dark and silent. He followed the instructions of Maurizio. He was in front of the safe, a guard had given him a key which could open the safe. Pascal put it in the lock, and turn it. The door began to move, making an unbearable noise. He entered the safe and began to look for the phone. There was too much objects in this room, he would never found it. He arrived at the bottom of the safe, the phone was necessarily there. Pascal pushed a stack of banknotes and he saw the phone. But the floor began to shake, the lights turned red and an alarm began to ring. Pascal panicked, he took the phone, ran through the safe and when he was almost out he saw Maurizio, in front of him. The door was bending down, dangerously...

"Give me your hand !" Said Pascal

"Give me the phone !" Exclaimed Maurizio

"First, give me your hand and then I'll give you the phone"

Maurizio tried to stole the phone from Pascal but the young man didn't let it go. The door was almost closed when Pascal pulled violently on the phone, Maurizio moved back because of the brunt and he let go of the phone. The door slammed on the floor.

"Nooooooo !!! The phone is stuck in the safe with that stupid driver..." Exclaimed Maurizio, angrily.

He ran out of the building, asked to his men to erased all the evidences of his passage and they left the place, leaving Pascal in the safe with the phone.

Hi !! So this is the first part of the story, I hope you'll like it ! 😁 I'll publish the next part during the week. It's the first time I write something, I hope it's not too bad ! And I'm sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language 😅. If you saw some mistakes you can tell me.

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