The Boy Next Door

By Xxelizabeth18Xx

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•THIS STORY HAS MANY MISTAKES• •All copyrights reserved• We both head upstairs to the restroom that's right... More



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By Xxelizabeth18Xx

Great now what does he want.

"Nice car." He says getting a closer look at my car.

" what do you want." I ask

"Nothing I saw you and well originally I was supposed to be going on that bus." He says while pointing to the bus that just passed us. Great now he's gonna ask for a ride.

"Can I please have a ride?" He says with making puppy eyes.

"Fine..and please for the worlds sake. Don't ever do those puppies eyes again." I say with a chuckle.

"Ok ok"

We both hop in to my car and he starts looking around. I'm pretty sure he's wondering why my car so dirty. I'm that's I don't clean it everyday.

"Yeah.. I know.. my cars dirty" I say while backing up out of my driveway

"What's so clean compared to my mom and dads car." He says while still looking around

"You don't have your own car?" I say looking and him,  But also turning my head to look at the road.

"No..I did have one but we moved and we had to sell it." He says

"If you don't mind we asking why did y'all move?" I ask

" are you liking North High?" He says completely dodging my question.

"Um.. it's ok..I mean I like it..yeah there some bad, mean. Stupid kids but I mean that's everywhere."

"Do you have a lot of friends?"

"Umm no.. I only really have 2 amazing friends their names are Caden and Aria. I don't really like having to many friends."


"What about you, did you have a lot of friends back where you lived?"

"Um yeah and pretty great amount.. I was the "popular kid" in school." He says


And by the time I know it we are at school and I'm desperately trying to find a parking that's somewhat close to the school. Once I find the parking. Jackson and I both get out and head towards he school and I say people will look at you wired and well I was right. I use get bullied in school. I still kinda get bullied girls calling me slut, whore, Bitch, and so on. I walk faster into the school and immediately see Caden. I start running up to him like I haven't seen him in years.. when In reality it's only been one day.

"CADEN" I say running into in arms


He picks me up and spins me around

"Gosh it's been so long." He says putting me down and hugging me from behind..while I put my books away.

"What up lovers.." aria says laughing

I look around to see if I could find Jackson and of course like he said "he use to the popular kid" I'm pretty sure he's gonna be the popular kid again. He standing with the jocks and the cheerleaders. The main people who call me names. I absolutely hate them.

"So how was your dinner last night" Caden ask

"You had time to tell him but not me!?" Aria ask

"I told him when everyone was gone..You called before remember so your knew first."


Soon after the bell ring sadly I don't have classes with my best friends. We all have different schedules except lunch me and Caden have luck on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays
And then I have lunch with Aria on Tuesday, And Thursday.

I start heading to my class when

"Carter" someone says behind me

I turn so I'm facing Jackson.

"What?" I ask giving him attitude

"Can you help me find Mr.Garcias History Class room." He ask

"Noo.. but maybe you can go ask your little friends over there" I say pointing to the cheerleaders
"I'm sure they will not only help with you with that."

"Dude the fuck..I'm just asking for some help and why do you have a problem with the cheerleaders?" He ask ..

"Mr. Garcia's Class room is right here." I says pointing into the class room That Im about to walk in. Great we have class together.

''Thank you'' I say and walk right into the class room.
(jump time is lunch)

I go to get my lunch when I'm about to get my food the cheerleads come up to me.

''Well hello little Slut'' one of the cheerleaders say

"You know Sluts aren't allowed in line." the other cheerleaders say

"Dude just Fuck off" i say with attitude

When I'm abut to walk past them i see Jackson Nodding his head..hes looking at me like i did something wrong. I walk passed them and go to the Lunch table Caden and I always sit at. Usually Caden's already here by the time I come. And today he wasn't. So I just decided to go on my phone when I hear little giggles from behind me. I turn my head and I see the cheerleaders and Jackson. Great. I send them a fake smile. I see Jackson get up and walk over to my table.

"What?!" I saw with a harsh tone

"Wow feisty are we." He replies with a smirk

"Fuck off Jackson...go back will your little girlfriends over there." I say with attitude

"Aw someone's jealous..."

"Jealous...HA..Jealous of them...I would rather do homework then be one of them." I say sending him a fake smile.

"Why do you hate them so much?" He ask

"I don't maybe because their bullies.. but.. hey you know your one to judge quick so..I assume you thought..well hot girls must mean the nice..well newsflash There Bitches."

"I don't care if there nice or not...there hot and that's all that matters." He says while smiling

"What an asshole." I mumble to myself

I quickly get up and head to my car. I seriously don't not understand Jackson and nor will I ever. Well that's what I thought. I'm just scrolling threw my phone when someone starts to knock on my window. And to my surprise it's Jackson. GREAT!

I roll down my window


"Well your my ride aren't you gonna take me home?" He says like nothing ever happened

"Oh really.. I thought your little girlfriends were gonna take you home."

"Na.. they offered but..I declined because I wanted to go with you."

I roll my eyes
"Well I'm sorry I'm more space.."

"There's literally no one in your car.." he says looking in the back.

"Uhhh FINE!!! Hurry get in" I say rolling my eyes once again. Men..why is such a great looking guy so mean..and stupid.

(A/N: I hope y'all guys enjoy this chapter.. and sorry for the missed spelled words. And please DONT BE A SILENT READER TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK.)

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