The Three Musketeers (IN EDIT...

By ElenaRose18

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'Don't Mess with the Dress...' *** For twelve years, Arianne d'Artagnan has been in the midst of the English... More

The Three Musketeers
Author's Note
Character List and Maps
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 7

297 13 2
By ElenaRose18



There were coughs as the dust settled, mumbling and the heavy thumping of boots as men came running from all directions to see what the deafening noise was.

"Christophe!" Therese called for her son, coughing as she scoured the floor from her position on the stairs, trying to locate her son.

Emma and Chloe were on the floor, having also stood so close to the chandelier when it fell from above. They sat up coughing, looking at the devastation before them.

"Oh, good heaven's..." Violette looked at the chaos as they pulled themselves up and noticed on the other side of the foyer - was the King.

Christophe looked at Arianne under him, their faces close together. "Please tell me you are alright?" He asked her and she nodded as he rolled off of her and stared at the ceiling, Arianne also not moving.

"I think my life flashed before my eyes..." Arianne replied as she turned her head to Christophe who chuckled slightly. "Christophe..." She spoke his true name in a way that made the King uncomfortable. It was as if she was angry at him for withholding his identity - the coldness in her tone made him pull himself up and offer his hand to her, which she didn't take. Instead, she pushed herself up and brushed off the dust from her skirts.

"Emilie...let me explain..." He started, stepped towards her but his mother intervened, relief sweeping through her to see her son and the King of France was okay.

"My dear!" She took him in her arms. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" She repeated as Christophe assured her he was in no distress. His eyes fell on Arianne who looked away, as Treville and Maeva came to her.

"Emilie..." Maeva spoke her disguise name as she brushed off the dust from her shoulders. "Are you alright?"

Arianne smiled at her, and shook her head, catching Christophe's eye once more. "I'm fine..." She replied calmly as Gaston ordered for a clean-up.

"Find the men who were responsible for this!" Gaston cried as guards went running up the stairs to find the chandelier caretakers.

"My dear...come on..." Therese escorted her son away, and he tried to protest, but the Red Guards were determined to get him away.

As Christophe was led through double doors to the left, his gaze caught Arianne's one final time and she saw it in his eyes - he was sorry and he would explain everything.

"Let's get you home..." Maeva put her arms around Arianne and led her out of the palace parlour, debris and glass all over the place, but Arianne's eyes were focused on the chandelier. She looked up to where the chandelier had been hanging and saw the ropes that it was attached to were short. She turned her head to the left, the crank that brought the chandelier down was there as clear as day but some of the rope was still attached. "A busy day for you...right?" Maeva laughed, trying to lighten the mood and Arianne nodded, smiling as they left the palace.

There was something suspicious about all of this.


Violette stood in the foyer as palace staff got to work cleaning up Ethan with her. "This doesn't make sense..." Violette said, her arms crossed as she looked up at where the chandelier hung.

"It's a heavy piece of metal and precious jewels hanging over our heads with rope..." Ethan. "Sooner or later, it would give way and try to kill someone."

Violette rolled her eyes. "Not that!" She looked at her. "It's the fact that it fell. I mean, this thing has been hanging here since the Louvre was built around 200 years why now? Why did it give way now?" She looked back up to where the chandelier was still attached to the rope. There was a crank on the wall that the rope was firmly tied against that could be loosened to bring the chandelier down, slowly to clean it and light it.

Joachim came running and they turned to look at him. "You missed the fun!" Ethan teased as Joachim shook his head.

"I was in the stables. Someone told me what happened..." He looked at the mess and the mangled chandelier, the floor damaged slightly from the weight. "Everyone alright?"

"It almost fell on Christophe's head...but other than that..." Ethan explained as Violette followed the ropes above with her eyes.

She noticed the crank on the wall had the rope tied firmly around it - but this rope was not attached to the chandelier. She walked over, avoiding the palace staff brushing up and collecting the broken pieces of the chandelier as Red Guards monitored the situation. "Violette!" Ethan's voice was low as he called her, but they both followed her as she came to the crank.

It had been locked in place and several bounds of thick rope were tied around it. Violette grabbed the end, hanging on the floor by the crank and saw it had been frayed and looking up, she saw the other half hanging above.

"This looks like..." Violette began Joachim touched the rope too, running his fingers over the clean edges.


"Like it has been cut."

All three looked up to the first-floor landing, where the other half of the rope was hanging.

Neither said anything as they made their way up the stairs to the other half of the rope and grabbed it, without making it obvious that they were going against orders to not touch the rope and chandelier.

"Someone must've cut the rope from up here..." Ethan said and as Violette turned to look at the top of the stairs, leading down to where the chandelier remained at the foot of the stairs.

"This area is shadowed...someone would be able to cut it without detection..." Joachim turned to Violette.

"Yes...but who would cut the rope? And why?"

Below were the staff and Red Guards, making sure everyone was following orders.

Prince Gaston strolled through, Rochefort informing him of something as they left together.

Anyone in the palace was a suspect.


"So...what happened?" Treville asked Arianne as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I honestly don't know..." She replied. "I was talking to the King and the next thing I know, he pushed me out of the way because the chandelier had decided to give way!"

Maeva frowned. "For someone who wants to keep a low profile, why were you talking to the King?"

Arianne groaned, shaking her head. "I didn't know it was him...which is really stupid, I know because Christophe and I grew up together, I should've recognised him but...I didn't...and I feel terrible...." She sighed and played with her hands. "I met him in the markets and he said his name was Louis Bellamy. I didn't know he was the King..." She sighed and looked away.

"Does he know who you are?" Treville questioned but Arianne shook her head.

"No...he still thinks I'm Emilie Bellerose..."

"Are you going to tell him?" Emma asked and Arianne quickly shook her head.

"No! And none of you can say anything either..." She warned them. "At least...not yet..."

The Trevilles looked at each other and nodded and the conversation was over.

Maeva and Treville left, heading out to get food for dinner while Emma followed Arianne upstairs to their shared bedroom and sat opposite her on the window seat.

"I'm sorry..." Emma said simply and Arianne frowned, looking at her.

"The chandelier falling is not your fault..."

"Not that..." Emma replied. "The not-telling-you-Louis-was-actually-the-King-of-France..." She said quickly and Arianne sighed.

"I should've known..." Arianne assured. "He's the King of France. He's on the currency..." She sighed. "How could I not recognise him?"

"The portrait of the King on the coins is not entirely accurate seeing as it hasn't changed in the five years he has been on the throne!" Emma assured her as Arianne shook her head.

"But I should've known..." She looked out of the window. "He is my best friend and I love him with all my heart."

"Love him?" Emma repeated and Arianne glanced at her and blushed.

"Like a friend...a brother..." Her reply was quick, too quick for Emma to believe it. "We grew up together and did everything together! It now seems like he is so close yet so far..."

" about you tell him?" Emma suggested but Arianne shook her head.

"No..." She sighed. "Telling him means everyone else will know too and I cannot risk that just yet." She shook her head.

"Arianne..." Emma started as Arianne pouted.

"Your love affair with Joachim is a secret?" She pointed out and Emma frowned. "When you tell everyone about you two, I will tell Christophe who I am?"

Emma grumbled. "Touche...but it's not the same thing. My family is are just a girl pretending to be dead. There's nothing dangerous about it."

If only she knew the truth.

"Speaking of dangers..." Arianne was determined to change the subject. "The chandelier? As your mother practically dragged me out of the foyer, I noticed the rope that held it up had been...cut?"

Emma frowned. "What? How?"

"I don't know, but there was a part of it that was still attached to the crank in the foyer?" Emma nodded, listening intuitively. "The rope was trailing on the floor, meaning someone had cut it from above, maybe the first floor?"

Emma shook her head. "Are you trying to say someone intended on hurting the King deliberately?" Arianne shrugged her shoulders. "But if the rope was cut from above, it means someone with complete access to the palace did it?" As Emma spoke, she knew how crazy it sounded. "No...who would do that? Who would risk that?"

Neither knew the answer, but Arianne looked out of the window, as she tried to think.

Someone was willing to risk their own lives, risk getting caught to hurt the King?

But who would be that brave or fearless?


Emma walked the streets of Paris, a letter in her hands for the Queen Mother and King. Her parents had returned and decided to try and continue fixing relations with them and the best way to do it was to send a letter of apologies and prayers over the chandelier incident.

Emma was confident - she wanted to believe she could walk into the palace like it was still her home, but she knew she would be watched like a hawk by all of the Red Guards that protected the inhabitants.

She was no longer trustworthy - all because of her family name.

As she reached the palace gates, she told the Red Guards why she was here and they reluctantly let her in, escorting her through the courtyard and towards the main palace.

The chandelier was still on the floor but most of the debris had been removed. The palace staff had a decision to make - attach a new rope and hang the chandelier up until a new one was available or keep it down, dismantle it and leave the large foyer in the dim light of the wall candelabras.

Emma waited in the foyer as the Red Guards headed over to find someone. Normally, they would've left someone with her, but seeing the number of people present in the foyer, they knew she would be pretty stupid to leave.

Emma's eyes fell on the rope and crank, where two staff members were inspecting the damage, asking themselves how it happened. Her eyes drifted up to the first-floor landing where the rope was attached to another crank that the palace staff would loosen to bring the chandelier down - she knew as she had seen it done before many times.

They were heavy and it required at least ten people, five in the foyer and five on the first-floor landing and while it was easy taking it down, they still had to be careful to not damage it and it was even harder pulling the rope to put it back in place.

"Emma?" Violette's voice came from the left and Emma jumped, turning to see her. "What are you doing here again?"

Emma held up the letter. "Apologies to the Queen Mother and King." She replied. "I mean...who knows what might've happened if that chandelier accident hadn't happened..." Her gaze was on the rope as Violette glanced over too.

"Well..." Violette started as Emma turned to her. "We don't think it was an accident."

Emma raised her eyebrows as Violette looked left and right, before gesturing for Emma to follow her.

Reluctant but trusting her, Emma followed her up the stairs, passing the staff that were brushing up

As they reached the first-floor landing, they turned right to where the rope and crank were as Violette grabbed the hanging rope.

"See?" She pointed out the clean-cut against the rope "If the rope had broken because of the weight of the chandelier then it wouldn't look like that!"

Emma took the rope and held it in her hands. "Are you sure?"

"I know the difference between a cut rope and a broken rope from weight..." Violette explained.

"Someone did cut it then?" Emma questioned. "But who would risk such a thing?"

They couldn't answer - they didn't have one and definitely didn't want to start pointing the accusing finger.

"Maybe we should keep this to ourselves...for now?" Emma suggested.

"Ethan and Joachim are already suspicious..." Violette remarked as she touched her arm, both hurrying back down the foyer before anyone asked questions.

A footman eventually arrived to escort Emma to the Queen Mother as Violette returned to the kitchens.

Nina saw her and smiled. "Something wrong?"

"Just...realising that the chandelier could've fallen on the King..." Violette replied. "And me..."

Nina touched her shoulder, and assured her the King was fine and she was lucky, as she got back to work, forcing herself to be distracted over what could've been.


"Enter..." Therese ordered as the double doors of the Queen's parlour opened by guards and Emma entered. Christophe and Therese were thrilled to see her and smiled. " are you?"

"Good...your Majesty..." Emma curtsied as she spoke. "I was asked to give this letter of regards from my parents to yourselves..." She walked over, handing the letter to the Queen Mother who opened it and smiled, nodding to herself.

"Tell your parents it is not a problem..." Therese replied with a smile, looking at the young girl she had seen grow up. "I'm sure we can arrange for another meeting soon."

"Of course, Your Majesty..." Emma dipped into a curtsy as Therese left the room, Emma preparing to follow her.

"Emma..." Christophe spoke, but only Emma turned as the Queen Mother had already left..

Emma fidgeted with her hands as Christophe walked around the desk to the front. "How is Emilie?"

Emma looked at him, her eyebrows raised as she nodded quickly, glancing at the doors that were still open. "Good. She's...resting. It has been a long and rather eventful day..."

Christophe smiled. "That is good to hear."

"And yourself?"

Christophe nodded as he crossed his arms. "I'm fine. A bit bruised..." He touched his shoulder and Emma's smile dropped. "But I was shot at and managed to survive. This is nothing compared to that."

Emma giggled. "King Christophe...always finding happiness in dark times..."

The King sighed as he looked towards the window. "It's my job as the King. If I lose hope, I cannot expect the people to hold it." He took a deep breath and then turned back to Emma. "Did Emilie ask questions? About me? Why did I lie to her?"

Emma hesitated. " confused...probably more that she never worked it out herself..."

"I don't blame her..." Christophe said.

"But, you are the King and she believes you had your reasons for lying..." She stated as Christophe nodded slowly, his face lighting up a little. .

"I didn't want to lie to her. I just...had no choice..." He exhaled. "Being out in the streets of Paris in disguise is liberating and while I know most of the Parisians know about my facade, they don't speak up but still treat me with respect..." He walked to the window. "Emilie...was different. She didn't see me as a royal, although to be fair, she didn't know who I was!" Christophe laughed. "She treated me normally and it felt good..." He turned to Emma. "I know it's no excuse for deceiving her but if I could just see her one more time and explain myself properly..."

Emma tilted her head, contemplating the thought. "I can pass a message on...but then I guess the rest is up to her?"

Christophe put a hand to his chest and dipped his head appreciatively. "Thank you, Emma. And I will do what I can to restore your family's honour and reputation."

Emma thanked him and left the room, leaving the King to his thoughts.

He looked at his father's portrait - his hope in difficult times. If Emilie decided no longer to spend time with him because of his lie, he would have to accept it.

But the time he had spent with her, she continued to seem familiar to him. There was something about her he could not let go, even if she ended their association.


Arianne held her pendant in both hands against her chest as she looked out of the window in the kitchen.

She was still home alone - none of the du Peyrer family had returned yet so she was alone with her thoughts. The sun had set and Arianne lit a few candles and a fire downstairs, placing a metal grate over it, so embers sparks didn't set the room on fire.

While she wondered where Treville, Maeva, and Emma were, she also appreciated the time alone. It gave her time to think about everything - including the King's deception.

But it was hypocritical for her to be angry at him for lying to her over who he was - she was doing the exact same thing.

And the fact that she didn't recognize her best friend? Her first love? How would he react when he found out who she was? Arianne Castelmore, Comtess d'Artagnan was still alive and had never died. She had been living in his Kingdom for the past few years and she never came to him.

Could he forgive her?

The longer she delayed coming clean, the more unlikely chance she gained his forgiveness. If she kept this going, even after his identity was revealed, he wouldn't understand why she still felt the need to keep her secret.

But this was different. Christophe was a King - he had more freedoms then he believed due to his gender alone, even if it was restricted due to his position. Arianne would never have that freedom as a Countess and even living as a commoner, the same restrictions plus more applied. She was different already for being a country girl who knew how to read or write - only 100 years ago those actions alone would have resorted to accusations of witchcraft and she knew there were still places in France that would believe that. She saw and felt the judgement of the people as she entered Paris, just for riding the back of a horse and not even on side-saddle. Their judgement remained when she wasn't timid and demure but rather confident and independent.

She was what the Churchmen feared and the women wanted to be and that was the reason she had to keep going with her disguise, even if she knew telling Christophe the truth would stop the target on her back.

She was not ready to go home yet - she was not ready to go back to the life of rules and regulations of being a noblewoman. There was still so much she wanted to do and experience.

And she couldn't guarantee the safety of her friends and family just yet.

Christophe would understand if she didn't say anything.

Everyone would understand.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Broken rope, especially thick rope that would be used to hold up large, crystal chandeliers would be frayed at the edges. Cut rope would be clean at the edges and eventually fray over time. Don't know if it is accurate, but I think I saw it on Mythbusters once. 

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