•mi amour• {S.R}

By heyitsbeccaaa

301K 3.9K 192

•Social media book• Seth freaking Rollins More

•Quick Question•


3.6K 45 7
By heyitsbeccaaa

       I feel something shift off of the bed, I silently groaned and flopped my face deeper into the pillow. A chuckle fills the air causing me to smile into my pillow. I finally lift my head up enough to see Colby digging around in his closet....

I smile grazes my lips, he turns to face me and smiles back at me. He walks over with a shirt flung over his shoulder and softly kisses me. God how I love this man. We pull back and just look into each others eyes. Of course he has to ruin the moment by saying

"Since you are awake now, come to CrossFit with me"

A groan leaves my lips before I retort "Like that would ever happen"

"It's not even that bad" he chuckles, caressing the side of my face

"Says the one who's fans call his CrossFit Jesus" I laugh

"You just need to try it" He pokes my nose before putting his shirt on

I roll my eyes as I swing my legs to the edge of the bed. My feet touch the chilled floor of his apartment in Iowa. I make my way to the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth, after that was over I walk out and see Colby making a protein shake.

"So when do you have to be at the arena?" I ask

"In two hours or so, I believe" He answers looking up at me

"Ya know I think you should change your finisher again" I smirk

"And to what exact?" He cocks an eyebrow at me

"Hitting people in the back with chairs" I explain then bust out laughing because of the look he gave me. Man if looks could kill

"Did you forget that the shield is reunited" He says, standing with his arms crossed looking at me

"Nope" I say emphasizing the 'p'

He just shakes his head at me and kisses me goodbye, leaving to go to CrossFit.


     A few hours past, I find myself sitting in Lexi's single locker room watching her segment with Bayley and fixing my outfit (picture above). For a girl that's only five feet, she is one hella of fighter. For tonight, I'm going to be on commentary for the Shield vs the Club. Lexi lands a vicious DDT on bayley to win the match, I bet dean is proud about that one. She does her signature pose with her title and exits the ring. I decide to go meet her at the gorilla, I go out after her anyways for commentary. I shut her door behind me and make my way towards the gorilla. I stop and talk to some of the superstars on the way, I see purple hair appear out of the corner of my eye. I roll my eyes and ignore that she's here. I see my short friend on her phone so I take the opportunity to scare her. I creep up on her and say "boo". She quick jumps and turns to me with a shocked face. Her face goes from shocked to a glare real quick. I laugh, clutching my stomach to her reaction. She soon joins in after a couple of minutes. The boys walk up and just kinda look at us like we're crazy.

"Do we wanna know what happened?" Roman asks

"Nahhhh" Alexa and I sat in unison

"That's only slightly creepy" Dean points out

"Grow up" I laugh at him

Colby shakes his head and walks over to me, pulling me to his chest. I wrap my arms around his torso, he whispers to me "are you walking out with us or doing your own thing". I simply shrug my shoulders in response. The shields music quickly cuts on, interrupting our moment and signaling the club was done with their entrance.

"Come one lovebirds, we got a show to steal" Dean says diva like causing us to all laugh

"NOW WELCOMING THE SHIELD ACCOMPANIED BY THE QUEEN, ASPEN BÁLOR" Jojo's voice fills the the arena, the cheers erupt throughout the stadium. I let the boys go in front of me and do their thing. I then do my signature on top of the turnbuckle thing.

Before heading over to the announcement table. I sit next to Corey Graves and place my headset on.

"Tonight we are joined by the beautiful, talented and amazing miss Aspen Bálor" Michael says

I shoot him a smirk after he compliments me, I mean it is my character.

"Aspen how are you feeling about the shield going up against your brother and his friends tonight" Corey asks

"Well Corey obviously whoever wins I won't be mad at, but I am curious to see my brother go against Seth in person tonight and who will come out on top." I say, flipping my hair over my shoulder

"You and Seth are dating correct?" Michael asks

"No I just did an entrance with him because I wanted to make my brother mad" I answer sarcastically

Corey and Booker laugh while Michael's face turns red in embarrassment.

"Well looks like you got your wish, finn just got tagged in" Booker says to me

I shift my head and see my brother entering the ring. Seth runs at him trying to clothesline him but is might with a German suplex. After a few minutes of them going back and forth, dean grabs Finns ankle sending him to his hands and knees. The ref oblivious to anything that just occurred. Seth studies Finns position and smirks, he runs to the ropes. I cover my mouth with my hands in shock.


"GOODNIGHT FINN BALOR" Booker says, I shoot a glare in his direction

I watch as Seth pins my brother and gets the three count, following the script I quickly pull off the headset and run to aid my brother. Seth looks at me and opens his mouth about to say something, I cut him off by raising my hand and saying "Save it!". I help my brother backstage and wait for Colby to come backstage so we can head home. He pushes through the curtains and kisses my head, him and finn do that weird bro hug thing then we are off to change and go home.

A/N: I just wanna say thank you for all the people reading this book and giving it a chance. I really didn't think people would read it let alone even click on it. Thank you for everything💕


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