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     I wake up to jumping on Colby and I's bed, I slowly open up my eyes to see Alexa and Paige above me. I sit up while struggling due to the baby bump and see Colby leaning against our bedroom door.

He smiles at me then says, "They got dean to pick the lock to our house"

I look back over to my best friends and shake my head at them, they shoot me guilty smiles.   With the help from the girls, I finally get up outta the bed.

"So why are you here?" I smile while crossing my arms at them

"Well since Alexa and I are the god mothers of little one right there," Paige starts and allows Alexa to finish, "We're throwing you a gender reveal party"

I raise an eyebrow at them and ask, "How exactly did you get the gender of the baby? Only family or the parents can get that information"

"You see, I called you amazing older brother who got the information for us" Alexa smirked at me

"Oh my god, you used finn as a pawn" I laughed

"Pshhh used is such a harsh term" Paige brushes me off

I quickly excuse myself to go get dressed in this.

"Baby mama looking hot as fuck" Alexa exclaims, making us laugh

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Baby mama looking hot as fuck" Alexa exclaims, making us laugh.

We all go out to the living room and see the boys and Madilyn around the kitchen island. Colby turns around and comes to stand behind me. He hugs me putting his hands on the bump while laying his head on my shoulder. We wait for Alexa and Paige to go more in depth about the gender reveal party.

"This was actually dean's idea" Alexa confesses

"no, no and no. I have a rep to keep up around here babe, you can't say that" Dean frantically says while adjusting Madilyn on his hip

"Whatever," Alexa rolls her eyes before continuing "You're gender reveal party will take place tonight at 7, everything's already planned"

I open my mouth to speak only to be shut down by paige, "Yes Aspen, Colby's and your family will be there"

"Damn you have this all figured out" Colby said shocked

"I for one hope it's a boy" Paige says

"I'm saying its gonna be a girl" Roman speaks up

"I'm with paige, we need another boy" Dean says

"We'll whatever we have, we will love him or her the same" Colby smiles and kisses my head

——————-Time Skip——————————

A blindfold is placed over my eyes, enabling me from seeing anything. Alexa is guiding me to god knows where. We finally come to a stop after 10 minutes of walking, I feel colby stop beside me and intertwine our hands. Suddenly the blindfolds are taken off, my eyes take awhile to adjust. I drop colby's hand to bring both of my hands up to my face. I feel tears start to form in my eyes as I look around to see everyone from work to friends to family. The theme is very elegant which I absolutely love.

(Pretend 😂😂 I'm too lazy to write about it)

Colby and I hug covered in blue confetti, he kisses me in excitement. I smile into the kiss, we break apart and hug everyone that came up to us. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone with purple hair. I quickly tell colby i'll be right back, he nods in response. I brush all the confetti off of me and slowly approach her, she looks up slowly to see me. She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes.

"Congratulations on the baby boy" Sasha smiles at me

"Thank you but I know i'm not your favorite person in the world, I wanted to come make sure you're okay" I smile back at her

"After everything I put you through, you came over to check on me?" She shoots me a confused look

I simply laugh and say "Sasha, I never held anything against you. Yes it hurt me but life goes on, you move on. Now tell me what's bugging you?"

"I feel like I've lost everyone, I used to be super close to everyone. Bayley turned on me, which hurts me the most..." She trails off

"Sasha are you in love with bayley?" I ask quietly

She looks away from me for a moment then replies "yeah I am, I tried so hard to convince myself that I don't but I guess you can only deny your feelings for so long"

I engulf her into a hug, she hugs me tight. I get an idea, I grab her hand and pull her to the child like woman on the other side of the party.

"Hey bayley, Sasha wants to tell you something" I tell bayley, sasha shoots a worried glance at me

"Okay, what do you want to tell me sasha" Bayley asks sweetly

I squeezed sasha's hand for confidence

"Bayley, I think i'm in love with you. I have been denying it this the entire time and i just can't do it anymore. The whole thing about seth was a —" Bayley cuts off sasha with a kiss, they break apart and smile at each other.

I hug both of them and go off to find my husband. I walk up to find him, dean and roman singing 'Sweet Caroline'. I laugh and go join my girls.

"So you helped sasha and bayley huh" Paige says nudging me

"Mama always said Help as many people as you can, there has to be some good in this world of evil" I tell paige

"That I did" My moms sweet voice rings out

I turn to see my beautiful mother, I walk up and hug her.

"You have no idea how proud I am of you my beautiful girl" She starts, "After your brother, I didn't want anymore kids but god blessed me with you. You are going to be a great mother my sweet baby"

My brother steps up to join us, "She's not wrong you know, even though you can be a pain in the ass sometimes I know you'll be safe with Colby. I can't wait to be an uncle. I love you baby sis"

Colby soon comes up with his family and we all hug. We talk until it's almost midnight. This party couldn't of been any better

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