The Halfway Group (book 1)

By TodorokiLove94

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Chapter 1: Haley's Bizzare Day
Chapter 2: The Dinner Disaster
Chapter 3: Jimmys Date
Chapter 4: Haley & Chloe
Chapter 5: The "Movie"
Chapter 6: RedRum
Chapter 7: New Relationship
Chapter 8: The Mad, Mad Chloe
Chapter 9: Jimmys Troubled Past
Chapter 10: Sibling War
Chapter 11: The Scars
Chapter 12: Great Ideas
Chapter 13: Jimmy fucks up
Chapter 14: War of students.
Chapter 15: Haley's Lament
Chapter 16: Max's Movie Marathon
Chapter 17: The Tides of Change
Chapter 18: Where is he?
Chapter 19: Recovery
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: Mom
Chapter 23: Heartache and Headache
Chapter 24: Halestorm: Haley's Rage
Chapter 25: Baptism by fire
Chapter 26: Binding Promises
Chapter 27: last day free
Chapter 28: Please come back
Chapter 29: Haley's Rage
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Chapter 31: The Four Horsemen
Chapter 32: Jimmy helps Chloe
Chapter 33: The Fight
Chapter 34: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 35: Haley's Horror...
Chapter 36: Jimmy's Love
Chapter 37: I'm so sorry
Chapter 38: Jimmy's Struggle
Chapter 39: The War of Hatred
Chapter 40: Cool down time
Chapter 41: Haley Protection Program
Chapter 42: The Ultimatum
Chapter 43: Whiplash
Chapter 44: The Otherside
Chapter 45: Goodbye
Chapter 46: Awakening
Chapter 47: Warhorse
Chapter 48: The First Move
Chapter 49: Finding Haley
Chapter 50: Fight or Flight
The Halfway Epilogue: Road to Ruin
Halfway Authors Note
The Halfway Recovery

Chapter 20: Nathan Prescott Owns Up

68 1 0
By TodorokiLove94

"Chloe floor it, I'm gonna murder this little fucking weasel.  I'm gonna do to him, ten times worse than what he did to Jimmy." 

"I'll help."  Chloe adds, I knew I could count on her.  "But what if he has back up?  Nathans a pussy he will have friends with him."

"I'll slaughter them all too.  Wells won't do shit so it's up to us."  Chloe pulls up to Blackwell, it's around 5 in the afternoon and everyone is in the courtyard, every student from freshman to senior is waiting for this.  "Outta my way." Being 5' 5 I push through everyone with a slight struggle.  "Chloe, a little help."  She helps me get through as we finally make our way to the middle where Nathan is picking on some freshman by ripping his papers up qnd throwing his notes and stuff into the fountain.

"Hey Prescott, how about you leave that poor kid alone, I'll fuck you up for him."  My rage increases as I start marching towards him, everyone backs up as I March toward him even he backs up, but it's too late.  His fate is sealed.  "Nathan fucking Prescott WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER, HOW COULD YOU BE SO INHUMANE TO HUMILIATE HIM LIKE THAT AND BEAT HIM WITHIN AN INCH OF HIS LIFE?! I SHOULD MURDER YOU FOR MAKING ME WORRY ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?" 

"Not much really.  Just that your brothers a pussy and you can't fight me.  Or I'll post this all over facebook."  He walks up to me and shows me a video of Jimmy peeing himself from being so scared.  I'm speechless, downright fucking speechless.

"You sorry, sad, little sack of herpes infested anal bead eating cum dumpster. You really are inhumane..." 

"One kiss, one kiss is all it'll take for me to delete this video and apologize to your brother."  I throw up instantly. 

"Me.... kiss you?  I may be bisexual but I will never kiss a Prescott, especially not one who fucking hurt my brother so bad."  I see Dana in the front row covering her mouth from horror.  "Alright everyone, shows over, leave Prescott here to be rejected by his lonesome."  I start walking away as he says some nasty things.  I don't care about my pride, only my brothers self esteem matters.  That video gets out, he will kill himself.  "Chloe.... take me back to Jimmy... I need my brother right now."  I start bawling right there in front of her truck.  Chloe hurries and grabs me before I fall.  "He's my little brother Chloe, how could I let this happen to him? How could I?  What kind of sister am I?" This is my worst break down yet.  "Chloe why..." 

"Babe, you aren't a bad sister, you fucking love Jimmy more than anything, even more than me.  He's your brother and he always will be, I know he loves you and I know he'd rather it be him than you that this happened to.  Haley, you have to believe in your brother.  He is still smiling even after what happened."

"But he came here to get away from dad and his abuse, and now he's getting abused by Nathan Prescott..  I'm so scared he will do something horrible Chloe, if he kills himself or even cuts himself again, I won't be the same."  I start shaking while crying and Chloe wraps her arms around me tight. 

"Shhhhh it's okay babe, I promise.  Haley Nicole Carswell, it will all be okay. Let's get in, and go see Jimmy."  She helps me up as I get into her truck, it sucks struggling to function through my breakdowns.  I hate it.

"Haley...." Chloe grabs my hand.  "We've got this.  I'm your girlfriend and I'm gonna help you and Jimmy, I love you both.  Jimmys become one of my best friends, and you of course are my best friend."  She pulls up to Jimmys apartment and I get out as Max is sitting outside.  "Haley.... Jimmy isn't doing good."  I burst into his apartment and see him laying in his bed next to Rachel, she's crying as he won't wake up.  "Jimmy!!!!! Please wake up."  I run to the side of his bed, "please jimmy.... please wake up. I'll do anything... anything. Just please wake up." As I am about to walk into the living room Rachel grabs my hand and tell me not to leave.  Tears running down her cheek, so I stay.  Chloe is sitting outside with Max and comforting her and then I walk back over to Jimmy and get next to his face.  I close my eyes and pray as he screams and scares the shit out of me. 

"I fucking got you!!!" He says laughing hard.

As my heart creeps back into my chest, I grit my teeth.  "Jimmy..... what. Do you mean, by I got you?"

"I was uhh... faking it." Rachel is glaring at him.  I'm glaring at him, he gets up and starts walking fine.  "James Craig Carswell.  If you were faking this entire time..." Rachel hops off the bed and starts slowly walking towards him.  "So help me god, if you've been faking the pain, and you could walk and had me worried over nothing.  You are so fucking dead." 

"I second that if you made us worry for no reason.  I mean yeah you got beaten but you are walking fine now.  You are dead meat."  Max comes in and shoots him a death glare, she stands between me and Rachel as we all start walking slowly towards him. 

"Now Rachel, babe, I love you. Haley, I love you so much.  Max, you are an amazing friend I love you."  He starts running and all three of us run after him.  "James Craig you know the more you run the worse it's gonna be for you." Rachel is furious, more furious than us.  She starts sprinting after him as Max and I hang back.  "How long you think he can hold out?"  I ask Max.

"I'm not sure, Rachel is pissed so he's gonna get the beating and scolding of a lifetime.  He's done for. Let alone when we get our hands on him." Max sounds pissed too. 

"Got that right, what Rachel is gonna do is nothing compared to what I have planned."  As we watch Jimmy run from Rachel and try pleading with her we can't help but to laugh.  Poor Jimmy, he only brought this upon himself.

"Max, this is a hard question but why did you kiss Jimmy?" She turns bright red as she looks at me.

"He.... he told you?" Max says nervously.  "I like guys like him, and I know he occasionally I know he is with Rachel but I couldn't stop myself, he even told me before he thought I was beautiful."  Max looks embarrassed. "Please don't tell Rachel, it'll crush her and she'll kill me!"

"I promise I won't tell anyone, not even Chloe." We look over and I see Rachel is strangling Jimmy and he's almost turning blue, "Max we should go stop that."  She laughs as we run over.  "Rachel calm down, he's almost blue.  He's gasping now.

"Did you learn your lesson Jimmy? That was just Rachel, you still have me and Max to deal with."  I say, Rachel smirks and walks away, "just leave him alive enough for me to cuddle with him.  He apologized."

"I won't hurt you yet Jimmy, I know Rachel did a number on you."  As his colors coming back I help him up, if he didnt need rest before he sure as hell needs it now.  He's bruised and bleeding a bit.  "Rachel you took it a little too far." 

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