Super Bowl Rings // Rob Gronk...

By emmaroxxx

54.4K 938 63

Sequel to "The Cheerleader" ( Hanna Ros... More

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f o u r

3.7K 62 3
By emmaroxxx

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I groaned, rolling over in bed to turn my phone off or throw it across the room, whatever was easiest.  I had been getting notifications from Twitter and Bleacher Report for hours now, almost all of which centered around the activities on the infamous Gronk Party Bus.  My iPhone had turned into a constant buzzing sound.  Unlike the rest of the world, I really did not want to know about the beer-funneling, bench-pressing, twerking good times going on with the most infamous party boys in the NFL and 30 assorted millennials.  Call me old and senile.  After finally silencing the incessant noise of my phone, I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, wide awake.  It was 3AM, but there was no going back to sleep now.  Letting out a grunt of frustration, I threw back the blankets and jumped out of the king-sized bed, the hardwood cool against my feet. 

I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror for a few minutes, noting the dark circles that had begun to develop under my eyes.  Mental note to ramp up the caffeine.  Then, I splashed cool water on my face and threw on some leggings and one of Rob's XXL t-shirts, not even bothering with makeup.  After all, who would be at the practice facility at three in the morning?  Grabbing a bottle of water and my speaker, I jumped in my car and drove to Patriot Place, a drive that almost seemed automatic at this point.


Sage the Gemini blasted through the speakers in the cheer practice room as I danced my way through the choreo I had just laid down.  Dance was my way of forgetting everything going on in my life.  When I was dancing, I wasn't worried about what might be happening at the party of the year, I left my FOMO and my "what ifs" at the door.  

I whipped my hair over one shoulder as the song ended, putting an end to my trance.  I should film this, use it for the upcoming cheer team tryouts, I thought to myself, and began setting up my phone to record.  As I pressed play and turned back around to launch into the routine, I noticed a figure standing just outside the open doorway.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed, jumping back in surprise.  I quickly fumbled to turn the music off, and then turned back towards the body that had now come to stand just inside the room, placing my hands on my hips.  "Can I help you?  It's 4:30 in the morning, the building is closed."

The man intruding on my practice space held up his hands in self-defense, "Woah, sorry.  I didn't know.  Coach Belichick let me in to take a look at the facilities - sort of a secret thing.  I just heard the music and wondered who else could possibly be here at this time."

I relaxed a little, "Well, usually Tom is here.  But I'm pretty convinced he lives here, to be completely honest."  We both laughed.

"I'm Will by the way," the stranger said, stepping a little further into the room.  I could now see that his T-shirt bore a South Carolina Gamecock logo.

"You're William Bennett, tight end out of USC," I said suddenly, causing an alarmed look to appear on his face.  "Oh shit, that was really creepy of me wasn't it?  I just mean Tom has told me a little about you, that they're trying to get you to come play for us."

His eyes lit up, "Tom?  Tom Brady?  Has been talking about me?"

I laughed, "Don't get a big head now.  I'm Hanna by the way."

"Pleasure to meet you Hanna," Will said, stepping forward to shake my hand, "May I ask what you are doing here at 4:30 in the morning, since we've already discussed my situation?"

"Oh, didn't you know?" I asked, tilting my head in a teasing manner, "I'm your competition for the tight end slot on the roster."

He looked at me, clearly sizing up my 5'8, 120 pound frame.

"Kidding.  I'm the captain for the Patriots Cheerleaders," I informed him.

Will shrugged, "Are you sure?  Honestly, I'd pin you as a tight end any day of the week."

We stood there in silence for a moment, until I shook myself out of it, "Hey, you better get going or Coach will think Gillette swallowed you.  It was nice meeting you though!"

He smiled as he backed out of the room, hands in pockets, "Tell him to give me the spot, maybe I'll see you around Hanna."

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