My Boy's A Dummy || Man X Man...

By The12thTitan

31.2K 1.4K 338

-Fictional with elements of romance, mystery and action-!! CONTAINS SEX SCENES AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE!! Elijah i... More

#1 - No Rebound
#2 - Not How This Works
#3 - He's Lit... Birds of a Feather (Don't Apply)
#4 - What The Hell Is Going On?
#5 - A Hard Morning
#6 - New Relationships
#7 - No Games
#8 - Closer... On the Radio
#9 Awkward or Not So Awkward
#10 - I Want This/Tame the Cougar
#11 - Coffee and A Kind Face
#12 - Love Letter and Burgers
#13 - Twinning... The Wrappers
#14 - He's Too Good To Be True
#15 - Condoms, Notes and Hidden Cameras
#16 - Try Again? Too Fuckin Late
#18 - The Whole City Know/Frosted***
#19 - Mark My Words... Call Ended
#20 - Oooh!!! I'm Telling!
#21 - Invite and Fantasies*
#22 - The Visit (1)... Reggie's Family
#23 - The Visit (2) - Desserts, Alcohol and Truths
#24 - Black(out) Friday... Is It Love?
#25 - Dreaded Guy... Like Lightning
#26 - He's A PK?
#27 - Reconnection
#28 - Self-Sabotage... Very Intimate Shit
#29 - This Is Me
#30 - This Is Me (2)... And His Serpent
#31 - Friendly Fire/You're Not Ready
#32 - Merry Christmas
#33 - New Year's Eve
#34 - The Panic on a Clear and Starry Night
#35 - Trouble Is Closer Than You Think
#36 - Tim Breaks... Marcus Takes Action... Eli is Broken
#37 - I Know Who You Are... Jason Speaks
#38 - Breakthrough
#39 - The Rescue
#40 - Mad As Hell
#41 - Mad As Hell (2)
#42 - Sex Is The Thing
#43 - Runnin'?
#44 - Definitely Runnin'

#17 - Classic Man In These Streets

688 38 14
By The12thTitan

"Eli, you alright?" Marcus asked. He asked the question, but he wasn't looking at me. He had his eyes on Tim. 

Tim looked at me. His face was priceless, that mug was gone.

"Give him some room Marcus, he was just leaving."

They stared at each other for only a few seconds, but it seemed longer. Marcus never did move.

"So this is who you was texting? This who you fxckin' now? Who is this Elijah?"

"I think I heard him tell you not to call him that." Marcus said. "And I'm Marcus, nigga."

This was some heated and very awkward shxt. I was definitely feeling this side of Marcus. He was being a little protective and I wasn't going to stop him. He didn't have to, but I let what happened, happen.

"Mind your business." That was all Tim could say.

Marcus just looked at him. He slightly cocked his head to the side, his eye slightly twitched and he gripped the coffees he held in both hands. He was definitely showing restraint. "You mess with Eli, you mess with me, boy."

Oh shxt, oh shxt, oooh shxt. Luckily Tim just ignored him. I was surprised because Tim can be a loose canon at times.

"Umm," Tim cleared his throat, "I'll get in touch with you later Eli," he said glancing at me.

How he stood there and acted like he just didn't tear me down was funny to me. Marcus slightly moved giving Tim just enough space to get by. He glared as Tim walked down the hallway.

"Sorry about that, Marcus."

He was still watching Tim, "No problem."

"Well, you coming in?"

He turned from glaring at Tim walking down the hall. He smiled at me and entered.

"You already know how we do. Where's my hug? " he asked.

"You and these hugs man," I teased opening my arms as he hugged me.

I could stay in his arms forever. He truly gave the best hugs. I'm not a petite guy, I'm not short and I don't think I'm that tall, I'm just six foot even, but that goes to show how those extra four inches in height worked in his favor, that and his muscular physique.

"I like your set up here. Nice, very nice," he said looking around. "Thanks for inviting me."

"Yeah, welcome. It's modest, really. Hey, let me take that coffee off your hands."

I took both sleeved cups and placed them on the counter.

"That was your boyfriend? An ex?"

"Hell naw."

"I heard a bit of the convo. Y'all were pretty loud. Should I be worried? Cuz I really, really, like you. Straight up."

"No. Just a friend. We got a little close and he flaked on me and left town. He came back tonight and I just went off. Take my advice Marcus, don't date friends."

He smiled.

"I want to be your friend. Your best friend." He said taking a step to me. "I mean, I like you, but I want to be your friend first."

"Why you lyin'? That pic you sent this morning aren't what friends do."

"What you mean? It was just a smile and my chest," he said smiling.

"Naw, that other pic."

"Ohhh, that wasn't even for you. My bad," he said laughing and stroking his chin.

"Don't play with me." I said punching him in his chest. Damn he was solid. "Let me warm these up. Carla got some good coffee but her to-go cups slackin'. Doesn't keep it hot for long. Make yourself comfortable Marc."

I put the coffee in the microwave and saw Marcus making himself very comfortable. Damn, it turned me on. Actually, after the back and forth with Tim, I felt horny as fxck and I wanted to tear into Marcus' handsome ass. He sat on the couch, spread his legs and grabbed the remote control. He turned the TV on realizing I had a smart TV. I told him to fire up the Netflix app. He then removed the rubberband from his locs, letting his hair flow. He turned and saw me looking at him. He smiled. At the same time, the microwave sounded.

"What you staring at?"

"A handsome ass dude." I said getting the coffee and joining him on the couch.

"My name ain't Marc either."

"It is tonight."

He just smiled. "That's fine by me."

Then he just looked me right into my eyes, just staring.

I took a sip and told him, "Now you're doing it. You better stop that staring, I'm warning you."

"What, you gone fight me? You are hotheaded, huh? That dude uhh, whats-his-name, would have rocked you to sleep though."

"He wasn't gonna hit me. You weren't gonna help me?"

"Man, I don't even know you like that," he teased. "Of course I would have."

"I wouldn't have needed your help anyway."

"I heard a little more than you thought. I like that aggressive side of you. Look at you, your ears still red and shxt." he said grabbing at my ear.

"Stop that," I said pushing his hand away. He just grabbed it and looked at me, rubbing it between his fingers.

"I wanna kiss you so bad, but we haven't even had a date yet. I know you got boundaries and all that. Plus, I don't want to move so fast. I'm surprised you invited me to your place to be honest. I took you for a very cautious person."

He listens. That's one thing I like about Marcus, he was a listener, just like me. In both my previous relationships, I was more of the listener and that was the bad thing. When I finally did talk, it was like they wanted me to stay in the back, be passive, which isn't a problem. Many people have relationships like that and it works for them. For me, I listen as well as I talk and give feedback and I haven't ran into the guy who was the same, until now.

"I wouldn't normally kiss someone I just met, but you're different." I said this but thinking I would love to feel those full sexy dark lips.

"Right, plus I'm a gentleman, so don't try to take advantage of me, walking around here in grey sweats and whatnot."

I laughed, looking him directly in the eyes. "What the sweats do?" It was a mischievous smile, I knew what was up, even though it honestly wasn't my intention.

"It's what that reveal." Then he quickly looked down at my package.

"Nah, I saw that. Well that's good. You're a gentleman, I'm a classic man in these streets, we're perfect."

Truth is, I may be a classic man in these streets, but I didn't want to be discreet between the sheets. Marcus looked and smelled so good. We talked and flirted some more, and I found out he was nearby with a client. That was understandable.

The night carried on. The living room lights were low and we watched two movies. I sat really close to him, sometimes we would just stare at each other smiling. He liked to stroke my chin, I was growing out a goatee and I would feel on his dreads. I could hardly focus on the movies because I kept fantasizing about straddling and kissing him while I pulled his hair. I couldn't take it, but I survived. Then we watched a comedy special on Netflix. We've both seen it numerous times, but we laughed like we saw it for the first time. Before I knew it, it was two in the morning.

"Well, well, my friend, I think it's time you get up and-"

"You're kicking me out," he interrupted.

"-get up and join me in my room?" I said slowly. I looked at him, unsure how he might respond. I didn't know if I was making the right play or not.

A smile crept over his face.

"I know you told me you don't do certain things on dates but are you sure?"

"To be honest, this ain't a real date. We were just chillin'."

"Is that right? So, I can finally do this. Those hugs weren't enough."

I shook my head giving him confirmation. He leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips. Those lips touched mines and I wanted to die. There was this feeling that went through me and warmed me. Tim kissed me and it went straight to my dick. This was different and it was just a peck. I wanted this to happen all night. It was like he gave me the green light, but I had to control myself. It just wasn't in me to fuck so early while we are just feeling each other out. Then again, I needed and wanted an emotional connection before I could have sex with anyone. That lil' devil was on my back so heavy though.

"So this is what happens when two grown men chill?" He asked.

I laughed cause I knew what he was getting at. It reminded me of that tumblr vid with a similar title.

"Not all that, but I'm offering my bed to sleep in. I'm really comfortable with you. Trust me, my exes worked much harder. You're on the fast track, buddy."

"But I'm not your boyfriend and we only had coffee yesterday."

"I mean, I'm not trying to have sex, but I kind of don't want you to leave and I like being close to you. I'm sure you can control yourself. But if you don't want to stay I understand completely. Technically we're strangers but, this feels different. There's some something there."

He laughed and adjusted his position on the couch, sitting upright. His body and face turned directly at me. "So you say. Interesting. I think we passed the stranger part. I'm comfortable with you too. The real question is can you control yourself?"

"This is cute, but if you don't stop imma drag you to my room and lock you up. You'll never leave." I got up and stretched. He gazed over my body and looked directly at my dick. "I'm in my room, follow if you want. Turn off the lights behind you."

What in the world was I doing? I don't do this, I don't. What the fuck was I doing?

I removed my sweats and shirt, turned off the light and got in bed. I was really tired but I was listening for Marcus and he didn't leave. I thought maybe I wasn't seductive enough. Maybe he just wanted a fxck and I denied that. A minute later I heard the door close. That was my confirmation. I sighed and drifted off to sleep. A few minutes in, I felt movement behind me. Then a hand on my shoulder and it glided, moving down to my waist. His touch was waking my body, giving me energy. I smiled with my back towards him.

"I thought you left."

"Just had to go to my car." Marcus replied. He still caressed my side up and down in a slow and firm groove. His hands were soft.

"What, you locked your wallet in there?"

He laughed. Oh my god that laugh was so sexy. It was nice low chuckle that made the back of my neck tingle. Then he exhaled before he responded. I felt his breath on my neck. I couldn't take it anymore, so I turned around to him.

"Nope, went to get my condoms and lube. You can fit a magnum, right?"

I laughed and nudged him on his shoulder.

"No, but really, I get a thief-in-the-night vibe from you," he joked.

"You know I wouldn't do that. Why would I take from you in my own house." I said placing my arm around his waist. I felt along his back. "I steal hearts, but only when I feel like it."

"I'm scared of that. I see what you do to niggas out here. Had me ready to fight for you and shit. I've only known you for two days."

We both laughed.

"Dude," Marcus began, "I'm so free with you. I like your vibe. What are you doing to me?"

"A lot of stuff I thought I'd never do."

"What makes me so special?"

"You just being you."

"You feel so good to my hands," he stated as he gripped my body. "I like you a lot Eli. You're on the fast track too."

Just hearing the tone in his voice as he said that, made me know that the statement was genuine. There was this connection that made it feel as so.

"Stop throwing my stuff back at me and show how much you like me, Marc."

He pulled me close, swiftly. I quickly noticed something. We were both hard as bricks.

"Damn, did I do that down there?" Marcus asked. "Cuz you did that to me."

I stayed quiet. He rubbed my back and I did the same. All this touching in the dark was very erotic. I brought my hand to his chest and he had some fur going on. I liked it. He had a strong chest, huge biceps and abs of steel. Marcus was the shit and he was in my bed! I trailed down to the top of his boxers, I felt the elastic band and traced it with my finger before he stopped me.

"Briefs? Nice."

"Oooh you're really pushing it, Eli," he said grabbing my hand. "Get from down there," he teased.

"I know. Get back to showing me how much you like me."

His lips touched mine and I swear I forgot about every care, every commitment and worry. He moaned into my mouth and I aggressively pulled him into me. Our tongues still tasted like coffee but it didn't matter. I was the aggressive one on the outside but his tongue dominated me, so I let him have his way with the kissing. I laid on top of him, never disconnecting from the lip lock.

"Grab my ass, Marc, mmm," I said and his strong hands slowly slid down my back. He grabbed me hard, then smacked it. The smack of approval. He kept squeezing and rubbing.

It seemed like we kissed forever. After a while I started to grind into him. He loved it, his moans proved it. He held me tighter and started sucking on my neck. That was my breaking point. I grinded on him harder and he matched me with his hips. A few minutes later, Marcus started to slow down and he stopped me.

"Hold up." He said catching his breath. "Slow down, with all that. Fuck."

It was so sexy, the way we got caught up in the moment. How our breathing shallowed and we spoke in soft, sexy whispers.

"Why?" I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "What's wrong?"

"You almost made me nut boy."

I chuckled and he did as well.

"Well maybe we should remove the underwear, don't wanna mess them up."

"Nah, just give me those lips and slow it down. Now kiss me," he said stroking my back slowly.

I kissed him on the lips, then on his cheek and slightly sucked on his earlobe. Then I whispered in his ear, "And I can fit a magnum."

I felt a hard grip on my ass after I said that one.

Got 'em!

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