By ElectroCop

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Ten years after the events of the final episode of Secret Life, we find Ricky and Amy married with another ch... More

Cast List
Same Ole Same Ole
A Shameful Responsibility
My Last Resort
Welcome to My Life
The Prince Returns
Choices We Make
Now You See Me, & Now You Don't
My Friend, My Enemy Myself
Set Fire to the Rain
Guess Whose Not Having a Baby
Parenting Tips
OH!!! Holy Night
Ohhh!!! Holy Night Part 2
Christmas Morning
Secrets of the Author.
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Part 2
Surprise Guest's
Good Girls, Bad Boys, and Dumb Bitches
The Showdown
Cheer's, Bravo,Gratitude, & Thank You's!!!!
Have a Little Faith In Me
Sex & The Ex
Wrapping Up The New Year
New Year With No Fear
Old Look for the New Man
Don't Call this a Comeback
New Year Old Issues

Bringing in the New Year and a Same Man

293 3 2
By ElectroCop

After the dance Ben, Sarah, and Zoe depart the dance floor and sit down.  Zoe then begins to talk to both Sarah, and Ben about their life in Montana.  They talk about the ranch where they live and the animals they have on it.  They also speak about the town they live by, and the friends, and people that live their.  Sarah is ecstatic to talk about the school she now attends to learn sign language, and her horse Hammer, and her horse's father Thor, and how he belonged to her mother.  She even speaks about her tutor, and babysitter Serena, and how she taught her sign language.  During this time Ethan and Chloe are dancing beside Ashley and Eric watching as they interact.  Also watching are 3-Jay and Lauren, along with Vincent and Clementine.  Also watching are Leo, and Camille who think Zoe might be a reason Ben stays a little longer in California.  But also watching are Adrian, Amy, Grace, Ricky, and Henry and Alice.

Clementine: (watching Ben/Zoe/Sarah) So, what do you think is going on with them?

Vincent: I don't know, but whatever it is I honestly don't think it will end well.

Clementine: Why? They look so cute together.

Vincent: (cringes) Never say that word.  We all learned a long time ago, anything that someone thinks looks cute is never a good thing.

Clementine: Why?

Vincent: Because cute is only on the surface and its usually a lie.  What lies beneath is where the truth is.

Clementine: Don't you think we look cute together?

Vincent: No.  I think we look beautiful together (pulls her closer and they kiss)

3-Jay: Well this won't end well.

Lauren: Why? Do you think Zoe is using Ben?

3-Jay: No, I think she wants to have something with Ben she can't have.

Lauren: I don't understand.

3-Jay: I don't know Zoe, but she seems like a good person compared to the other two girls Ben was with.

Lauren: Hey, even Zoe hooked up with Ricky.

3-Jay: I know, but she admitted it was just physical.

Lauren: You mean sexual.

3-Jay: Yeah, but Ben is who I'm talking about.

Lauren: Why would Ben hurt her.

3-Jay: Because she wants something he doesn't want to give.

Lauren: What?

3-Jay: His heart, and Claire took that with her to the grave.

Lauren: They were really that close.

3-Jay: That, and she was just that much of a great woman.  She fixed what they broke, (referring to THE PRETTY ONES)  When she died, Ben felt no one else should be allowed to have his heart.

Lauren: So his wife died what 3 years ago.

3-Jay: 3 years this up in coming month.

Lauren: Ben has been alone since then.

3-Jay: What he and Claire had was true love.  Ben doesn't want any substitute.  Trust me we have tried.

Lauren: She must have been a great person.

3-Jay: She was.  (looks sad)

Lauren: Did you have feelings for her too or something?

3-Jay: No, well not like that.  It's just she made Ben really happy, and when he was with her he was a different person.  I kind of miss that person.

Lauren: But I thought he was, I mean when you guys were on stage.  

3-Jay: That was just a pretense of who he used to be.  He acts like that for us, and for Sarah's benefit.  Deep down he's still hurting, and I don't think anyone can fix that.

Lauren: You really care about him don't you.

3-Jay: Like I said he's my brother, just like Vincent, and we're family.  Not by blood, but a bond that connects us on a different level.  That bond helps us understand one another, and see what the other is really feeling, and hiding.  That is a bond that is unbreakable.  (Lauren leans in closer to 3-Jay learning now how deep he cares for his brother's and how sad he feels that he can't help Ben)

Chloe: So do you think it's working.

Ethan: What?

Chloe: Ben and Zoe.

Ethan: Chloe, I love you. But don't you think you shouldn't do this.

Chloe: Ethan, I'm only trying too...

Ethan: Fix your brother up with someone when he's not ready to move on.

Chloe: Ethan, it's been almost 3 years since his wife died.

Ethan: Yeah, and didn't you tell me your dad didn't move on after his wife died for almost 5 years.

Chloe: But that was different.

Ethan: How?

Chloe: Dad and Ben's mom were together a life time.  It's hard for anyone to move on after that.

Ethan: Oh, really.  So heaven for bid anything happen to you, how long am I allowed to grieve before I move on.

Chloe: That's different.

Ethan: So how long will it take you to move on if something were to happen to me.

Chloe: Don't ever say that I could never bare it if something happened to you.

Ethan: Good, now take that feeling and apply it to Ben.  Then apply what he went through while he was here, and ask yourself is he really ready to move on.  Even with Zoe excluding her past with Ricky?

Chloe: I guess you're right.  

Ethan: That's a first?

Chloe: Enjoy it, because their won't be many where I'm not right.  (wraps her arms around his neck) Tell me how did you get so intuitive about my brother?

Ethan:  I guess it's a guy thing.  Women think we aren't that emotional, but we are.  We just hide it a lot better.  I learned a long time ago Ben hides his emotions way better than most.

Ashley and Eric

Eric: So do you think that is a good or bad thing.

Ashley: Its a bad thing.

Eric: Why?

Ashley: Because in the end one of them is going to get hurt, and one of them is going to do the hurting.

Eric: So which one.

Ashley: That we'll have to see.

Amy, Adrian, Grace, Alice, and Madison all sit at a table together and watch Zoe casually flirt with Ben, and play with Sarah, and are all disgusted by it.

Amy: I can't believe Ben is so stupid he's actually falling for Zoe.

Adrian: It's not Ben's fault Zoe is just manipulating him

Madison: Well Ricky fell for Zoe too guys. Who knows maybe they really like each other.

Alice: Grace if Zoe really liked Ben she would have told him when they were in school.

Adrian: What are you talking about Alice?

Alice: I went to a sleepover once with Zoe and a few other girls and like most girls we all talked about what guys we thought were cute.  Zoe said she thought Ben was cute.

Grace: Really I never knew about this sleep over.

Alice: You weren't invited Grace.

Grace: How come they invited you.

Alice: Honestly Grace, most of the girls in middle school thought you were too.....

Grace: What?

Alice: Christian.  They called you Bible Barbie.

Grace: .....How come you never told me Alice?

Alice: It was a long time ago Grace, and we were kids.  Plus we weren't really friends back then.

Grace: But, still you should have told me.

Adrian: Calm down Barbie.  But what do you mean Zoe said she thought Ben was cute.

Alice: I mean, Zoe just might actually want Ben.

Adrian: That's ridiculous.

Madison: I don't know.  Ben is much sexier than he was in high school, the beard the muscles.  Then the job he gave her, and he is the heir to a large billion dollar corporation.  He still has the whole mysterious bad boy vibe now.

Amy: Don't be ridiculous Madison, how is Ben Boykewich a bad boy.

Madison: Well look at him Amy.  He's not Ben Boykewich anymore, he's Ben Helen.  Even in high school he was like that.  I mean yeah he looked like a geek, but Ben usually was the one who did the bad boy thing.

Grace: Come on Madison.

Madison: Well since he's been gone he's gone to Vegas, messed around with dangerous people.  I mean Sarah's God Father is a Cartel hitman.....(regretted revealing that)

Grace/Amy/Alice/Adrian: WHAT!!!!!

Madison: I didn't say that.  I don't know what I'm talking about.

Alice: Spill it White Velvet.  (Alice's secret nickname for Madison because of her blond, and red hair.

Madison: Well when we went out Ben told us while he was away he met a man in Vegas who used to work for the cartel, and Ben beat him in cards.  So he beat Ben up pretty badly, Vincent literally saved his life.  Ben went back challenged the guy to a fight with one of his guards and won.  After that the guy became friends with Ben.

Amy: That's ridiculous.  Ben could never do something like that.

Adrian: Well he did challenge the largest bully in school for you Amy.

Amy: Yeah, and he lost Adrian.

Adrian: He no longer is that high school kid now.  That Ben looks like he can win a fight now.  

Amy: (looks at Ben and how although small his new muscles are easily outlined to his solid yet small frame)  Still why would a Cartel hitman become friends with Ben.

Adrian: Respect.  My dad said that people like that only admire courage and respect.  That is the one thing that Ben always seemed to get from a lot of people. (realizing they didn't Ben respect )

Alice: Either way Ben is being an ass. (still angry how Ben is treating she and Henry)

Amy: Alice I can't believe you are actually saying that about Ben.  You guys used to be the best of friends.

Alice: That was before he went off and turned into that.  How he's treating his own father is worse.  Now he's trying to play house with Zoe of all people.

Madison: Guys all they are doing is dancing and talking.  It's not like they are living together or something.  They're not even dating I don't think.

Adrian: That's beside the point Madison.  You know how Zoe was back in high school, and Ben is falling for her scheme.

Madison: Yeah, she was no where near as bad as either of you Adrian.

Adrian: What is that supposed to mean.

Madison: It means you slept with all of our husbands at this table.  

Grace: ahem!  Not all of our husbands.

Madison: Yeah, accept Grant and you were worse than Zoe.  I mean you were married to Ben when you slept with Henry.  I can't believe you would take Adrian's side against Ben, Alice.

Amy: Madison, how can you say that to them.  You are acting like Lauren.

Madison: Oh please Amy you know it's the truth.  You're only pretending to defend Adrian, because you were almost as bad as she was.

Amy: I have only slept with two men in my entire life, Madison.

Madison: Yeah, and both of you used Ben.

Adrian: We never used Ben.   (hurt that so many are claiming that and worse because she is actually believing it's true)

Madison: We've already had this argument.  And last time I checked neither of you have any explanation for how you lived off of his family with your two husbands.

Adrian: We weren't even married then Madison, and Ben wanted me to have the condo.

Madison: You're still going in circles Adrian.  Ben wanted you to have the condo, not you and Omar.  Just like Amy and Ricky living in his family apartment.

Amy: Leo let us stay there, just like he was the one who paid for the condo for Adrian and Omar, Ben had nothing to do with it.

Madison:  Yeah, and now look at what happened between Ben and Leo.  But I guess that doesn't matter to any of you since you got what you wanted.

Grace: Madison how can you say that to them.

Madison: Because just like Lauren, Chloe, and Ashley.  I'm starting to see what they don't like about all of you.  And worse I'm actually starting to see it in you Alice.  You guys are complaining about Ben, calling him a jerk, and saying he's being selfish, but you guys are the one's being selfish.  I mean neither of you have done anything to help him at all ever.  I've never done anything, I know.  But I never tried to claim I was in love with him either, or that we were friends like all of you.  I also never took expensive gifts from his dad like all of you.   When Ben left I honestly thought you guys would do anything to find him, but you barely even cared.  Now that he's back look how you're acting, because he grew up, and realized how selfish all of you were to him.  I mean can either of you say one thing you did for Ben after all he did for all of you.  I don't even think either of you even acknowledge the fact Ben is a widower.  I mean after what you all did to him, he loses his wife and still comes back here to help his dad from a problem Ricky created.  None of you have even asked him how he's been since she died.  I honestly don't think  you even care.  (disgusted with all of them for their selfishness toward Ben) I have to go check in on my daughter.  Which is another thing you didn't think about.  He's raising his daughter on his own, and you're not even caring that sweet beautiful little girl doesn't have a mother any more. (gets up and leaves)

Grace: Guys don't listen to her, Madison is just being mean.  We're not selfish and cruel like that.  

Alice: Yes, Grace.  We are.  I'm going to check in on Alfie.

QUESTION:  So are they really selfish for being mad at how Ben is treating them, or is their anger toward Ben justified.

Omar: Man that is weird.  The guy is back for two months and he's going after another one of your exes, Ricky.

Ricky: Zoe wasn't my ex, we just hooked up a few times.

Jack: Well besides Adrian, and Amy she is the one who spent the most time in your apartment.

Ricky: What is that supposed to mean Jack.  (becomes offended)

Jack: Nothing, I'm just saying you did hook up with Zoe a lot in high school.

Henry: Well to be fair he hooked up with a lot of girls in high school.

Ricky: What Hank are you jealous or something.  Because Ben hooked up with Alice, and I never did that.

Omar: Calm down Ricky we were just fooling around.  I mean it's not like that Zoe chick really likes him.  She's just doing what Amy and Adrian did.

Ricky: What is it did they do?

Omar: You know pretend to like Ben so he can help her out financially.  That's the only reason Amy was with him right.  

Ricky: Amy's not like that Omar.  She never got anything from Ben, if you want to talk about something like that you say Adrian, but leave Amy out of it.

Omar: Hey, I'm not saying she isn't like that.  But she was only with the guy because she got pregnant.  Luckily the baby died or she would probably still be with that jerk.

All are shocked and surprised by Omar's remark.

Jack: Dude, how can you say that.  Their daughter was innocent.

Omar: Come on Jack you don't have to act so holy around us.  We all know that kid was just a mistake.  I mean it's not like any of you actually cared.  You guys have never been to it's grave either.

Henry: Still that was Ben's daughter, and Adrian's daughter.  How could you say something like that.

Omar: Hey, I'm not heartless.  But and Adrian was really torn up by her death, but not that much.  In the end she realized she was a mistake too.  It's why our kids are okay.  I mean Ben's daughter is deaf after all. The guy is just a loser with loser genes.

Jack: Yeah, that loser is also Leo's only son.

Omar: Oh please if Mr. Boykewich actually cared about the guy would he really be so invested in Ricky and me.  The only reason he's acting like this now is to make sure he gets his company back from the creep.

Ricky: Don't say that Omar.  Say what you want about Ben, but Leo is a good man, and he loves his son.

Omar: You're the last one I would think would defend Ben, whats going on with you.

Ricky: I'm not defending Ben, but I will defend that Leo loves him.

Omar: What ever I'm going to check in on my son.

Jack: Why do we hang out with him again.

Hank: Because he's just like us..... (realizing Omar had a point they did ignore Ben's daughter. Takes a big swig from his drink)

Later Zoe leaves Ben and Sarah to go to the bathroom.  There Amy, Adrian, Alice, and Grace confront her.

Zoe: Wow, Adrian you needed back up this time, or are all of you so close you share the same kidney.

Adrian: We're here because we want you to leave Ben alone.  He's been through enough and he and his daughter don't need you trying to come into their life and screwing him up.

Zoe:  Actually that was what all of you did.  I'm only trying to get to know a great guy, and his beautiful little girl.  The daughter he got that lived.

Adrian: You..... (approaches Zoe ready to fight despite the fact she is four months pregnant)

Amy: Hold on Adrian (holds her hand not wanting Adrian to get hurt or the baby).  You can't do this in your condition.

Zoe: Wow.  You two really did bond from hurting Ben.  I mean when she lost her kid with Ben you didn't even give a shit Amy.

Amy: Don't you dare say that I never wanted them to lose their daughter.

Zoe: Yet it didn't stop you from celebrating her death by fucking Ricky the day she died did it.

Amy: That's a lie. (angry)

Grace: How would you even know that>?

Zoe: Ben told me.  He and I have gotten really close these past few weeks.  I see why you both dated him.  Well I actually see why he's a great guy.  All you two saw was how much money his dad had.

Grace: Ben would never say something like that about them.  He knows Amy and Adrian loved him.

Zoe:  You mean like how you were so Christian.  He realized you were a hypocrite the day she died too.

Grace: What?  (shocked Ben had issues with her)

Zoe: Yeah, Ben said it was ironic that when his daughter died, and he needed a little guidance from heaven the resident God Cheer Leader hopped on the first bird out of this town leaving her best friend high and dry to get laid by some black guy in Africa.

Grace: Ben would never say that about me.

Zoe: Yeah, he did.  He also found it funny how you only wanted to go back to church to get a man.  I mean it does add up the only time you ever think about God is when you're trying to get, or keep a man.

Grace: Why you.

Alice: Don't Grace.  She is just trying to get us angry.

Zoe: Yeah that, and I don't like either of you.  I mean you Alice.... You were his best friend and you turned on him just like they did.  For what Henry.  That guy is still a loser and I don't even know how you could even want him after what he did to both you and Ben.  But considering Adrian is your new best friend I guess I can.   I mean Amy, we all knew you were using him for his money.  What type of girl has a guy that stays with her while she's pregnant withe kid of another man, and dumps him for that jerk.

Amy:  Ricky changed.

Zoe: Yet here we are again.  It wouldn't matter if he changed a real woman would want a man with her who was there for the good and bad times, not the times it was convenient.  But look at Adrian.  Ricky treated you like a whore he didn't have to pay, just like Jack, Henry, and Omar.  But I guess that's because you made Ben pay the toll for all of them.

Amy: That's it.  Grace and I aren't pregnant will take this bitch down a notch.

Chloe: Back off bitches.

Chloe, Lauren, Clementine, and Ashley stand behind them in the bathroom.

Amy: What?  Did you hear what this bitch said to us.

Chloe: Most of it, but none of it was a lie was it.

Amy: I can understand you Chloe, but Ashely Lauren, Clementine.  How could you three be defending her against us.

Lauren: Because it's like Chloe said.  None of it was a lie.

Clementine: Come on Zoe let's get back to the party.

Zoe: Gladly (smirking at all of them particularly at Adrian)

As they all were getting ready for the New Year to kick in Zoe had a plan to kiss Ben at the midnight hour however as she left the bathroom the time was only 10:00 PM and unfortunately despite her best effort Sarah was already asleep, and Ben decided to get her home to bed.

Ben: I'm sorry, but it looks like she just can't make it.

Zoe: That's alright Ben, maybe I can ride back with you, and the two of us (emphasizing just she and Ben) can bring in the New Year together.

Ben: (looks at Zoe sad he will have to have "THIS CONVERSATION" with her)  Zoe I wish I wouldn't have to say this but I think you are looking for something different from me.

Zoe: Ben, how many times do I have to tell you.  I'm not Adrian or Amy.  

Ben: I know that Zoe.  But I'm still me, and neither were Maria, Dylan, or ...Claire.  Like you they both seemed to really like me.  But I at the end of the day all my relationships ended because of me.  

Zoe: Ben, look you are a great guy, and....

Ben: Zoe, I appreciate everything you've done for me, and for the company.  But I'm not looking for a relationship.

Zoe: Well we don't have to be in a relationship.  We could just be two friends who like being together.  (careful too show Ben she wants him sexually, but not to wake Sarah)

Ben: Zoe, I'm not Ricky, and you're not Adrian.  I  think we have too much respect for one another to be in a relationship like that.  And right now you and I are friends, and that is what I need and probably what you need.  We're friends, and I think that is where we should stay.

Zoe: Ben how come.

Ben: Because the reason's my relationships with Amyand Adrian ended was because I thought I could fix what was broken in them, because I thought that way they could fix what was broken in me.  Dylan tried and that took more out of here than I thought.  I didn't want to hurt her, but I did.  It was no different for me with Amy, and Adrian.  I don't want to put anyone else through the same thing .  

Zoe:  What makes you think I can't?

Ben: Because my wife already fixed what was broken.  A relationship with me and anyone else would only break someone else.  I won't do that to anyone else.   I'm not Ricky, I won't try to use and hurt someone else the way he did so many including you.  Or the way Amy and Adrian did me.

Zoe: Alright I guess I missed my chance with you.

Ben:  No, you didn't.  (holding Sarah closer)  We just weren't meant to be.  Goodnight Zoe, and Happy New Year.

Zoe: Goodnight Ben, Happy New Year to you and to Sarah.

Zoe watches Ben leave with Sarah, and couldn't help but feel bad.  She hated never having admitted to her crush on Ben back in school, and now it was too late.  She also hated that Amy and Adrian broke his heart the way they did.  

Zoe: Why is it all the good men end up like that.  While all the jerks like Omar and Ricky get it all.  Why do girls like Amy and Adrian ruin all the guys like Ben.

Later nearing midnight all have taken their perspective partner's. All get ready for the NEW YEAR.

Master of Ceremony:  Alright everyone gather around with the person you want to spend the New Year with it's about that time.

Camille: So are you ready for the New Year.

Leo: I just hope it's better than this one was.

Camille: Sweetie what do you mean, Ben came back and you survived your heart attack.

Leo: I know, but that doesn't make this a good year.

Leo/Camille: 20

George/Kathleen: 19

Rueben/Cindy: 18

Sanjay/Margaret: 17


Nora/Andrea: 15

Vincent/Clementine: 14

3-Jay/Lauren: 13

Ashley/Eric: 12

Jack/Madison: 11

Grace/Grant: 10

Henry/Alice: 9

Adrian/Omar: 8

Ricky/Amy: 6


Zoe/Unknown guy: 4

However across town Ben had gotten Sarah to wake up and gave her a bath.  He then even though he did most of the work got her pajama's on and put her to bed.  He then cut off all the clocks in the hotel room and sat and waited by the bed as Sarah slept.  He new the hour of the new year was almost there he then got up and got two champagne glasses and placed a picture of Claire near one.  

As the new year came in everyone cheered and kissed their partner's while Ben let a tear fall from his eye.  It was one more year he had to live through without Claire.

Ben: Happy New Year my love.  (raises his glass and toast's to her picture and her memory)

At the New Years Eve Ball.  Everyone else cheers and kisses one another happy to be with the person they want to spend the New Year or the night with.  

Amy and Adrian hurt Ben, but it was Claire that broke him.  Because deep down he knew Amy and Adrian didn't love him.  They loved what he gave them, and what he did for them. But they didn't love him because neither truly knew him, or honestly tried to know him.  Even though he tried to know them, he didn't.  Because he saw who they could be, but they would never be that person.  Adrian would never be the strong beautiful woman that realized she didn't need anyone to justify her.  But Adrian would always believe she needed other's to justify her, because she had no other identity without it.  She never learned and probably would never learn to be her own person.  Amy was never an innocent girl that just got caught up with life.  She was mean selfish person that wanted to be the queen.  She wanted everyone to show her attention and absolute loyalty because she was a teenage mother.  That didn't even make sense.  Having a baby doesn't make you special and have.  What makes you special is what you do for others', and how you treat them.  He did his best to heal the pain that Ricky and other's caused them, even himself. He even  let them hurt him to help them, but that wasn't love.  People who love each other never want to hurt anyone.  Claire taught him that.  She was everything he thought Amy and Adrian were.

  Losing her is what broke him.  Because she did what Leo and they didn't do.  His father talked about love so easily, but Claire always told him he had love, he knew how to love, but he never knew what it was.  She taught him that.  Losing her is what truly broke him.  It was weird they only knew each other for what some would call a moment, but in that moment they loved each other a life time.  He could never get over a love like that.  That is why he believed his father never loved his mother, because he could never fathom how he could love anyone that was the love he claimed to have.  He was sorry he couldn't move on, but he was also not sorry.  He then went into the bedroom and laid down next to Sarah.  As he did she turned and placed her arm around his neck.  He gently placed his hand against her arm, and for now would forget everything.  Forget the company.  Forget the problems with he and Leo.  Forget the issue he and Zoe would face in the office.  The issues with Ricky and rest.  Forget Mercey had died.  Forget Adrian/Amy never loved him.  Forget Henry/Alice betrayed him.  Forget his publishing company.  Forget he was in this place with people he no longer he ever belonged too.  For now at the beginning of the New Year, he would forget the world, as they celebrated.  He could rest next to his daughter and forget to mourn he lost his first, last, and true love.

Author's Note:  So did you like this chapter.  Do you agree with it?

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