Bringing in the New Year and a Same Man

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After the dance Ben, Sarah, and Zoe depart the dance floor and sit down.  Zoe then begins to talk to both Sarah, and Ben about their life in Montana.  They talk about the ranch where they live and the animals they have on it.  They also speak about the town they live by, and the friends, and people that live their.  Sarah is ecstatic to talk about the school she now attends to learn sign language, and her horse Hammer, and her horse's father Thor, and how he belonged to her mother.  She even speaks about her tutor, and babysitter Serena, and how she taught her sign language.  During this time Ethan and Chloe are dancing beside Ashley and Eric watching as they interact.  Also watching are 3-Jay and Lauren, along with Vincent and Clementine.  Also watching are Leo, and Camille who think Zoe might be a reason Ben stays a little longer in California.  But also watching are Adrian, Amy, Grace, Ricky, and Henry and Alice.

Clementine: (watching Ben/Zoe/Sarah) So, what do you think is going on with them?

Vincent: I don't know, but whatever it is I honestly don't think it will end well.

Clementine: Why? They look so cute together.

Vincent: (cringes) Never say that word.  We all learned a long time ago, anything that someone thinks looks cute is never a good thing.

Clementine: Why?

Vincent: Because cute is only on the surface and its usually a lie.  What lies beneath is where the truth is.

Clementine: Don't you think we look cute together?

Vincent: No.  I think we look beautiful together (pulls her closer and they kiss)

3-Jay: Well this won't end well.

Lauren: Why? Do you think Zoe is using Ben?

3-Jay: No, I think she wants to have something with Ben she can't have.

Lauren: I don't understand.

3-Jay: I don't know Zoe, but she seems like a good person compared to the other two girls Ben was with.

Lauren: Hey, even Zoe hooked up with Ricky.

3-Jay: I know, but she admitted it was just physical.

Lauren: You mean sexual.

3-Jay: Yeah, but Ben is who I'm talking about.

Lauren: Why would Ben hurt her.

3-Jay: Because she wants something he doesn't want to give.

Lauren: What?

3-Jay: His heart, and Claire took that with her to the grave.

Lauren: They were really that close.

3-Jay: That, and she was just that much of a great woman.  She fixed what they broke, (referring to THE PRETTY ONES)  When she died, Ben felt no one else should be allowed to have his heart.

Lauren: So his wife died what 3 years ago.

3-Jay: 3 years this up in coming month.

Lauren: Ben has been alone since then.

3-Jay: What he and Claire had was true love.  Ben doesn't want any substitute.  Trust me we have tried.

Lauren: She must have been a great person.

3-Jay: She was.  (looks sad)

Lauren: Did you have feelings for her too or something?

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