Ssb X Kitsune Reader One shots

By Shoko--Instano

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What's happens when you are accepted into smash. When you get to meet all the smash fights. When you get to h... More

About you
What i protect pt. 1 Marth X Reader
Another Me Link X Reader Part 1
A Relaxing time Ike X Reader Part 1
More than a flame Roy X Reader Part 1
Once In A Book Male Robin X Reader Part 1
Choose me Male Corrin X Reader Part 1
My Guardian Angel Pit X Reader part 1
Make Me Good. Dark Pit X Reader Part 1
What i protect Marth X Reader Pt. 2
Make Me Good Dark Pit X Reader Part 2
My Guardian Angel Pit X Reader Part 2
Once In A Book Male Robin X Reader Part 2
Choose me Male Corrin x reader part 2

Another me Link X Reader Part 2

625 12 11
By Shoko--Instano

(Y/n) was laying in a bed still unconscious from seeing three different Links. Her eyes were still closed as the Links tried to wake her.

''(Y/n)...(Y/n)'' Called Link. (Y/n) turned.

''(Y/n)...please wake up.'' Said Young Link. (Y/n) fluttered open her eyes and looked at the three.

''So it wasn't a dream. There really are three different Links.'' Said (Y/n).

''That's right.'' Said Toon Link. (Y/n)'s head started spinning again.

''Wait don't pass out!!'' Yelled the three Links. (Y/n) looked at them shocked.

''Sorry sorry. This is just crazy. Your Link, Your Link, I'm Link. Is their any other Links I should know about?'' Dark Link walked pass the door. ''....I'm done.'' Link laughed.

''It's not as bad as you think. We are all different.'' Said Link. (Y/n) looked at him.

''Well I guess I do like each of you as if you were your own person.'' Said (Y/n).

''Yeah, you should give us all a try.'' Said Toon Link. (Y/n) smiled.

''Alright. I'll do exactly that.'' Said (Y/n). She got out of bed. ''So what are you guys about to do?''

''Me and Toonie are about to play with Ness, Lucas, Villager, and Megaman.'' Said Young Link. (Y/n) smiled.

''You two have fun than.'' Said (Y/n).

''We should get Nana and Popo first.'' Said Toon Link. Young Link nodded and the two ran off. (Y/n) stood across Link.

''So Link, what are you about to do?'' Asked (Y/n).

''I have nothing I need to do. Want to hang out?'' Asked Link. (Y/n) smiled and nodded.

''I would love too.'' Said (Y/n). The two walked out the room and saw Shulk and Roy walking to them.

''Hey Link, (Y/n), want to fight us?'' Asked Shulk.

''What's the catch?'' Asked Link.

''Me and Shulk have been trying out this combo that we been practicing.'' Said Roy.

''Sounds simple. Alright.'' Said (Y/n). The three left to fight at the temple. The smash ball was the only thing active. The match began. Link and (Y/n) ran up to them. (Y/n) started fighting Roy while Link fought Shulk. The stock at 1 life. So far nobody had gotten a hit. (Y/n) used her side B and hit Roy in the stomach with her staff. The grab was successful and she flipped Roy over her head and hit him to the ground three times. Shulk and Roy smirked. Shulk activated his Mondo arts.

''Now it's Shulk time.'' Shulk shuffled through them. ''Jump.'' Shulk jumped over Link and went to (Y/n). Roy grabbed (Y/n) and through her up. Shulk hit her in the air before spiking her down. Roy started his side B and ended with her up again. Shulk spiked her down. Roy tilted up and hit her up again. This made (Y/n) go to 130%. ''Air slash'' Shulk finished the combo. (Y/n) went flying.

''Now to finish it.'' Said Roy and Shulk at the same time. (Y/n) got nervous. Both were coming at her. Link grit his teeth and shot a arrow. The arrow hit Roy. Shulk tried to spike (Y/n). (Y/n) countered and hit Shulk backwards. She then got in front of Roy and Shulk and tilted to the side. They went flying towards Link.

''Yaaaaaa!!'' Yelled Link as he did his spin move on the ground. They went flying back to (Y/n). Link started running towards her. (Y/n) tilted up sending the two up. Link jumped up and used his Up B. Hitting both. They went off the edge and (Y/n) spiked them down.

''GAME!!'' Yelled the announcer voice. ''The winner is...'' (Y/n) and Link did their victory poses together. ''Red team!!'' The 4 met up.

''Wow your guys combo was amazing.'' Said Shulk hyped.

''You guys nearly killed me.'' Said (Y/n). Roy and Shulk scratched the back of their heads.

''Sorry (Y/n). We kinda got way into the match.'' Said Roy.

''But at least now we know that our combo works. Now let's use it on Ike and Robin.'' Said Shulk. The boys high fived and ran off. (Y/n) laughed at them.

''Those two scare me sometimes.'' Said (Y/n). Link chuckled.

''Are you ok though? That combo looked like it hurt.'' Asked Link.

''I'm fine. Just a little hurt.'' Said (Y/n). Link smiled at her.

''Then let's bring you to your room.'' Said Link. He picked her up bridle style and started carrying her to her room. (Y/n) blushed lightly.

''Thanks...Link.'' Said (Y/n). Link smiled at her with a blush coating his cheeks.

''It's no trouble. For a Kitsune you sure are light though.'' Said Link. (Y/n) laughed.

''Well you didn't expect me to be heavy did you?'' Asked (Y/n). Link chuckled at her. The two made it to the room. Link laid (Y/n) on her bed. Link sat down on the bed near her.

''You really know your way around fighting.'' Said Link.

''Of course. I am the protagonist of my game after all.'' Said (Y/n). She smiled proudly.

''I guess your right. You did fight in your game.'' Said Link.

''That's right.''

''However, I fought in Breath of the wild, twilight princess, the original legend of Zelda.'' (Y/n) punched his arm playfully.

''I get it you been fighting longer than me.''

''Yes I have.'' Said Link with a smirk. (Y/n) smirked at him.

''I guess I can give you credit. You did save Zelda a couple of times.'' Said (Y/n).

''Try all the time. Me and Mario never get a break.'' Said Link. (Y/n) laughed at him.

''You deserve a little break. How about I treat you?'' Asked (Y/n).

''Treat me? To what?'' Asked Link.

''To a relaxing day.'' Said (Y/n).

''I should be treating you. You have saved your goddess from your enemy. I think you should relax too. Besides, you were the one who took that combo from Roy and Shulk.'' Said Link. (Y/n) thought about it.

''Alright I'm game.'' Said (Y/n). Link smiled at her.

''Perfect. I want you to rest for the day. Tomorrow, is your day for relaxation.'' Said Link. (Y/n) giggled.

''We'll relax together.'' Said (Y/n).

''I wouldn't want anything else.'' Said Link. He looked at (Y/n) with loving eyes causing her to blush. Link blushed seeing her's. He then got up. ''I have a plan for tomorrow. So be ready.'' (Y/n) nodded.

''I will.'' Said (Y/n). She smiled again. Link than walked out the door. She gripped her heart. ''Wow, I think I really Link, especially that smile of his.''
Hey guys, here is Part 2 to Link's story. I will be making the next person's soon. Till than I hope you are enjoying the stories.

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