Praying to the Moon

By naturegirl97

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Lily is a typical college student, until she falls in love with James. James seems perfect- tall, handsome an... More

Chapter One- The Moon
Chapter Two- The Rose
Chapter Three- The Date
Chapter Four- The Rumour
Chapter Five- The Smashing Glass
Chapter Six- The Police Station
Chapter Seven- The Infestation
Chapter Eight- The Hidden Camera
Chapter Nine- The Silence
Chapter Eleven- The Footage
Chapter Twelve- The Damage
Chapter Thirteen- The Runaway
Chapter Fourteen- The Revelation
Chapter Fifteen- The Confirmation
Chapter Sixteen- Luna

Chapter Ten- The Break In

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By naturegirl97

My day was pretty uneventful, which was nice for a change. I caught up on all of my classes and watched a bit of Netflix. It was really nice to not have to worry about someone throwing a brick through the window. Later that afternoon I decided to text Sienna to see how everything at the flat was. I was worried about her being left alone.

"Hey, is everything okay? Hope you're keeping everything locked and staying vigilant :)"
"Yeah everything is fine. Have fun."
I still felt really bad that I was responsible for turning Sienna's world upside down with my drama. It wasn't here fault that someone was after me and causing havoc on our flat. I just hope she was safe there alone.

I spent the evening playing basketball with Luca. He knew I was terrible at it and that's why he enjoyed it so much, he knew he could beat me.
"How's school been Luc?"
"It's been okay, better than it used to be."
I threw the ball to Luca and he caught it with one hand, I could tell he had been practicing.
"That's good. Do you still have the same group of friends?"
Luca was pretty quiet which was unusual for him.
"Is everything okay?"
"Luca, you know you can tell me if it isn't ,right? I won't judge you."
Luca dribbled the ball on the concrete, dropping it harder and harder with each thought.
"I just miss you being around. Sometimes I feel like you don't exist because you just disappear for ages. It feels like I'm an only child most of the time."

My heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces. I love Luca so much and it breaks my heart to hear him explain how I haven't been there for him. I was so caught up in my own problems I hardly thought about how things were for him alone.
"Luca, you know I didn't abandon you right? I had to go off for school. I know I should have called more and visited more, I'm so sorry."
I sat down on the steps to our front door, Luca followed behind me, still holding the ball.
"I know, I just wish things would go back to how they were. I hate feeling alone."
"I miss the old times too. You're never, ever alone though Luc. If you ever need me I'm only a call or txt away."
"I know."
I placed my arm over Luca'a shoulders.
"I'm going to be here for you more, I promise."

We sat and watch the sun set together in complete silence. The sun bleed colour into the sky and slowly disappeared into darkness. Our company was enough for each other.

Eventually Luca and I went inside for dinner. I was still incredibly hungry from all my time spent dodging meals over the last few days. Mum was happy to see me eating a lot. It was nice to be eating homemade meals rather than instant noodles or takeaways all the time. Student life did not include healthy home made food. I had to enjoy it all while I could.

After dinner I went up to my bedroom to unwind for a while. I listened to a music playlist while sorting my stuff out of my suitcase. I wanted to feel like I lived here over the next few weeks so I decided to pack everything away into my closet and drawers. It was beginning to feel like I was a teenager again. My phone kept vibrating with text messages. My lock screen showed two names, James and Sienna. I figured something had to be wrong.

"Lily please call when you get this."

Both texts said the same thing. I found that strange but figured they must have been together because of what had happened. I decided to call Sienna first.

"Sienna, what's wrong?"
"Our house has been burgled Lily! They smashed everything in the lounge and stole a heap of other stuff. I'm at the police station now. James drove me, I was so panicked."
"Oh my god are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine I wasn't home. The police are saying we may not be able to go home for a while."
"Really? Do you think I'll have to extend my trip?"
"Yeah I think so. They're worried about our safety in the house."
I felt terrible, this was all my fault. Sienna didn't have anything to do with this and I was causing all of this trouble. I'm a horrible flat mate.
"I'm really sorry Si. This is all my fault. Can you please keep me updated with everything? Are you going to go home to your family?"
Sienna paused as she thought about her response.
"Yeah I suppose I will go home. I hadn't really thought about it yet."
"Okay we'll keep yourself safe in the mean time."
"I will. Goodnight Lil."
"Night Sienna."

Sienna seemed distant, I could tell she didn't want to talk to me. I didn't blame her, I wouldn't want to talk to a flat mate from hell either. I couldn't believe how crazy this all got in such a short period of time. I still had no idea why these people were targeting me and what was really going on. I decided to call James as well to check he was okay.

"James, babe are you okay? Sienna told me what happened."
"Yeah I'm okay Lil. I wasn't there but it's all of the stuff in the house, I'm so sorry."
I wasn't too worried, I had packed most of my valuables to bring on my trip with me. I did feel responsible for Sienna losing her stuff though.
"I heard. Sienna also told me we won't be able to go home for a while?"
"Yeah babe. You might have to stay away longer. I miss you so much already."
"I miss you too. I'll see what the police say in a few weeks and then decide if I'll stay here longer or maybe I could come and stay with you or something."
"Yeah that sounds good. Anyway Lil, I better go. We are still at the police station."
"Okay I understand, please be careful. I'm so worried about you guys. I love you."
"I love you too."

I sat on my bed by my window and rolled my blinds up so the complete window was exposed. I then turned my light out so that my room was completely dark. The stars and moon shone onto the black duvet on my bed. I visited the stars and moon, explaining my problems. The moon is always a good listener, the best counsellor I could ever ask for. The silence was calming but my heart continued to race. I felt sick to my stomach once again, I just needed one stress free moment. The tears rolled off my cheeks and onto my pillows. I cried so much that night I could have drowned in my tears. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep under the careful watch of the moon.

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