Never Let Me Go

By Lion2Rose

161 6 0

Keira is just a young girl wanting a better life. A life away from judging eyes. A life away from sick rumors... More

Never Let Me Go
Chapter 2: Next To You
Chapter 3: Stuck In The Moment
Chapter 5: Thought Of You
Chapter 6: Bigger (Short)
Chapter 7: Runaway Love

Chapter 4: Baby

19 1 0
By Lion2Rose



A year later...


"Nice work everybody! See you tomorrow." Our dance instructor said.

"Keira, I'll need your help again tomorrow teaching the students."

"Alright Ara. See you tomorrow."


When I moved in with my new family, I started to take up dancing. You see, my little sister was taking up dancing lessons and I volunteered to take her and pick her up. 


"Ate Keira! Dance with me!" She was only eight years old.

"Just dance with your classmates Lei."

"But I want to dance with you." She raised her hand trying to get me to carry her. I did dance with her that day. It was so fun that I started to take dancing lessons myself. Now I take part in heading the lessons with my senior in dance class. I haven't stopped writing though. I just don't participate in contests anymore. 


I now live in the Philippines. My sister called me Ate Keira because they use Ate and Kuya to show respect to people older than them. I've made friends at my new school. I'm going to be in third year high school when summer vacation ends. Can't say I'm excited about it because I won't be able to train with Ara when I have school. 


"Mom! Dad! I'm home."

"Hello Keira." My mom greeted me from the kitchen.

"Where's dad?"

"He's still at work. Leo's upstairs."

"Okay." I went upstairs. "Lei?" I opened the door to her room and saw her browsing the web on her laptop.

"What are you looking at?"


I peeked at her screen and saw her looking at pictures of Justin Bieber.

"Oh. Justin Bieber, huh?" 

She closed her laptop. I laughed.

"You don't have to hide that from me."

"No. You'll make fun of him. Just like everyone else."

"Hey. I'm your sister. I'm not like everyone else."

"You like Justin?"


"Name your favorite song."

"I don't have a favorite. I like them all."


"Really." I sat down next to her on her bed and hugged her. 



We spent the next four hours just listening to Justin Bieber songs and her telling me details of his life. I don't know much about the things she tells me but I know I know things that most fans don't. 


"Ate Keira, you write a lot."

"Yes. I do."

"Can you write a fan fic?"

"A fan fic?"

"Yeah. Write a love story with me and Justin in it."

I laughed. "You want me to write a love story with you as Justin's leading girl?"

"Yes. Why?" She started to pout.

"Alright. I'll make you your love story."

"Yes! Then I'm going to show it off to all of my friends."

"Sure you will. Anyway, I'm going to go down and bake some cookies. You want some?"

"Do you really have to ask me if I want cookies?"

"You're right. Silly question." I pat her head and then went downstairs.


"Keira, your friend is here."


"Yes. Why? Is that surprising?" 

"Oh. No. Not really." Yes really, because I'm still not used to having friends or people coming over to visit me at my house.

"Hi Keira."


"Yes. Me. You're not helping me out tomorrow."

"What? Why?" Well that was sudden.

"Because a friend of mine needs someone to be part of the dancing in an upcoming music video for someone."


"That friend of mine was watching our class. He chose you to be a part of it."

"A music video?"

"Yes. You have to leave tonight. He booked you a flight."

"Tonight? So soon."

"Yes. Very last minute. Now get ready. I'll give you a ride."

"Who's this friend of yours?"

"Old schoolmate. He helps produce music videos now."

"Oh. Whose music video am I going to be in?"


*Ring Ring*


"That's probably him. Go get ready while I take this call. Hello?" She answered her phone and went outside.


"It is great." My mom inquired.

"Yeah but who would I be staying with?"

"I'm sure your friend has arranged things for you.This could be really good for you. You could get discovered."

"Yeah. Like that would ever happen."

"Come on. Think positive. Just go and have fun. And be on your best behavior. I'll just tell your father about it when he gets back home from work."

"Okay mom. Oh. Can you please make cookies for Leo? I kind of promised."

"Alright. Now pack up."

"Thanks mom." I hurried and packed my things. I said goodbye to Leo and my mom and texted my dad on the way to the airport.


"You're going to have so much fun."

"What makes you say that?"

"The place where you're filming. LA girl!"

"Why aren't you the one going?"

"I have a studio to run. Besides, they neede someone younger."

"Oooh. Burn."

"Shut it. I hope you have everything you need."

"Yes. I do. Oh yeah. Where am I staying?"

"We already booked you a hotel. Don't worry about it."


The flight was long. I wasn't really used to flying and I also had motion sickness. I had a little accident before I exited the plane. No. I didn't pee myself. I just puked. I felt bad for the people who had to clean it up though. 


"Keira Kennedy?"

I turned and was greeted by a man in a suit. "Yes?"

"Hi. I'm Ara's friend, Keith. I'm here to pick you up. We start filming today but you'll have plenty of time to clean up."

"Oh. Thanks."

"I'll take you to the hotel you'll be staying at."


Los Angeles was a really big place. A really big nice rich looking place. It was way different from the Philippines and the little town I used to live in. Everywhere I looked, there were people milling about trying to get to where they needed to go. It was a busy place. It was full of life. 


When I got to my hotel room, I took a quick shower and changed. I decided to fix my hair in the car since Keith said he would be waiting outside my door the whole time. 


"That was fast."

"Yeah. Lets go."

"Alright." We got in the car and headed over to a bowling alley.

"You'll be practicing your routine with the other dancers and then when you're told to, you will report to the director for instruction when we start filming your part. Okay?"

"Yes sir."

"Please take this seriously."

"What's more serious than calling you sir?"


"Keith! Tell the dancers to start practicing."

"Okay. Come on Keira."


We went over to the other dancers. Everyone was already getting to know one another. I was getting nervous.


"Are you alright?" Keith asked me.

"I'm fine."

"Hey everyone! This is Keira. Start teaching her the routine with the other new recruits."

Everyone nodded their head and we got to it.


I have to say, it was a really fun dance routine. Most of it was freestlye. It was my first time to freestyle actually. It was nice having everyone cheer for one another, including me. I felt no hate and that was terrific. 


"Hey. You're pretty good at freestyling." a girl about my age told me.


"You're Keira right? I'm Brit."

"Brit? Is that short for Brittany?"

"No. I'm just plain Brit."

I laughed at the coincidence.

"You okay."

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"This is really cool, isn't it? Being in a music video and all."

"It sure is. Oh! I don't even know whose music video were in!"

"You've got to be kidding."

"I forgot to ask."

"Well, speaking of this music video, here's the singer now."

I turned around and saw people crowd over the entrance to the bowling area.

"He really is popular. I want to see him up close. Come on." She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the crowd.

"Who is this guy anyway?"

"It's none other than the one and only Justin Bieber!"


"Alright! Give some room now."

As the crowd started to clear, Brit and I stayed right where we were.

"Hi Justin!" Brit screamed out. He looked our way, waved, and looked away. I guess he didn't remember me anymore.

"OMG! Justin looked at me! Yes! We so need to get a picture taken with him later."

"Sure." I'm not going to lie. I was sad that he didn't even recognize me. I haven't changed that much. 

"Lets get back to practice Keira."



We were practicing for about two hours and then the director called us over. It was suppose to be a battle of the sexes. One side will dance their dance and then the other side would do the same. By the end, everyone would get to freestyle. I was really nervous but I wouldn't let that stop me from performing well. I really loved to dance. I really really did. Sorry for being repetitive.


Practice went by faster than I thought it would. People were actually shocked that we were able to finish most of the dancing in one day. All we had to do today was freestyle with Justin and then tomorrow, we did things separately. The dancers who are part of the tour had to practice their routines tomorrow and they invited me along. Of course I agreed. It'd be a nice experience. Brit was coming along too.

"Alright girls. Freestyle one by one. Anyone can go first. I'll tell you when Jasmine has to go."

Jasmine was the leading lady in this music video.

"I'll go first!" Brit happily volunteered. Brit was really a happy go lucky girl. Didn't really care what other people thought of her. But I don't think anyone could hate her unless they were jealous. She freestyled girl style. Yes I said it. I said it cause I can. 

"Next!" One of the professional dancers went next she was doing splits and lifting her leg way up high. She was really flexible. I want to be that flexible one day.

"Next!" One of the shy girls went to the center and started popping. I think some of the guys saw that as a challenge. It was really funny seeing their expressions. 

"Jasmine! You're next."

"Yes." She went into the center.

"Justin. Focus on Jasmine as she dances okay?"


"Alright then. Start!"

As Jasmine was dancing, Justin did as the director said. He looked at her, focused, flirtatiously. I felt uncomfortable. 

"You're both doing great!" The director told them.

"Keira..." Brit whispered to me.

"What is it?"

"I wish I was Jasmine."

"I bet you do."

"You think I can replace her?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to sa-..."

"Cut!" The director suddenly yelled.

"Do you two have anything to say?" He was looking at me and Brit.

"Uh... um..." Brit became nervous all of a sudden. 

"I'm sorry. We'll just be shut up now." I went in front of Brit a little bit so he would focus his glare more on me.

"Alright then. Lets get on-.."

"Keira?!" I jumped a little. I looked at Justin and he was covering his mouth. This is weird and a bit awkward.

"Yes Justin? You have something to say?" The director was looking at Justin now.

"Nothing. It can wait."

"Good. Now-..."

"Excuse me sir?"

"What is it?!" He yelled this time. At Keith.

"Sorry sir but we have to leave the bowling alley for today. They're closing up now."

The director sighed and got up. "Well, that's it for today, I suppose. See you all back here tomorrow. Nine o clock." Then he left.

"Keira..." Justin called out to me while everyone was packing up. I was going to go to him but then the dancers pulled me along for karaoke. But I'm happy he remembered me. I guess he just didn't see me clearly earlier on.


I woke up the next day feeling energized. I was excited to hang out with all the other dancers and I was excited to see their routines. Most of all, I was excited to see Justin.


"Keira, we need to-..." I cut Keith off before he could finish what he was about to say.

"I know Keith. Lets go." I hopped into the car and bounced in my seat. Keith followed suit.

"Well somebody's excited today."

"Why shouldn't I be?"

"Is this because of Justin?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he practically called you out yesterday."


"So... how do you know each other."

"Alright. Come a little closer."


"Do you want to know or not?"

"FIne." Keith came closer to me and I whispered into his ear...

"I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU!" Okay. More like shouted.

"Ow! Jeez! Alright. You didn't have to scream." He rubbed his ear.

"Oops." I rolled my eyes and laughed at him.


At the bowling alley, I immediately head over to Brit.


"Keira's here!" She announced to everyone.

"Hi guys. Hi Brit." I smiled at her and she did the same.

"Alright Keira. Before practice starts, I'm going to ask you a simple question."

"Oh... kay."

"Why didn't you tell me you knew Justin."

"Well, I wasn't sure he remembered me."

"Well, he obviously did after he practically screamed out your name yesterday."

"Oh yeah. That was a surprise."

"You're sure as hell it was a surprise! Introduce me."

"We aren't exactly close Brit."

"Then what exactly are you?"


"Don't give me that you're not so sure tone. I want answers."

"You can't get everything you want."


"Girls! Practice is about to start. Are you coming or not?"

"Coming!" We both said at the same time.

"We're not finished." Brit said to me before heading over to the other dancers.


Watching the routines and dancing along with everyone was fun. But of course I was checking out what they were doing over on Justin's side.




"Okay everybody! Jasmine is going to bowl while Justin just holds his bowling ball and stares over at her. Distracted. Everyone got that? Okay? Then lets film this." Everyone got into their positions.

"Justin? We don't have all day." Except me. I was already distracted by something else. Keira was on the other side of the bowling alley with the other dancers. She looked so cute over there just smiling while they teach her the steps. But I had to focus.

"Sorry." I went over to my position.

"Roll it!" 

Jasmine started bowling normally. She was pretty good after they gave her some lessons. She looked over at me. I nodded my head and smiled. 

"Doing good guys."

While the camera was focused on Jasmine, I looked back over at Keira. They were freestyling now and it was her turn. She was moving a lot. Of course. She was dancing. Duh. I think she was whacking. Yeah. That's what it's called. She was moving her hips a lot...

"Cut!" Uh oh.

"Justin, is something wrong? Do you feel alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"You seem... TOO distracted."

"I'm fine. I'll focus now. I promise. Sorry about that."

"Good. Lets hurry and finish this."

I shook my head and focused. I have to finish this today.




"Justin's getting in trouble." Brit whispered to me.

"I know."

"You should get in trouble."

"What? Why me?"

"You're the one distracting him."

"No. I'm not." But I know I am. Every once in a while, I catch him looking over at me. It's kind of cute.


"Alright everybody! Get into your places for the last scene. We'll get the boys to freestyle and then the remaining girls who didn't get to freestyle yesterday will follow."


We all followed his instructions. The boys finished their freestyles fast. Most of them were breakdancing. I gotta step up my game. Justin's freestyle was short. He just did those Usher moves like he usually does. But I did see some poppin every now and then. I was next.


I went to the center just grooving at first. Then I starting whacking. I heard the guys say woah a few times. At the end, I did a baby freeze. When I got back up, I saw Justin looking at me; smirking. I smirked back. Throughout the rest of the filming process, we just looked at each other every now and then and smiled.

"I see you Keira." Brit told me while she was smiling.

"I don't care." I answered back while I was looking at Justin.


Filming ending shortly after that and everyone backed their bags to head home. I tried looking around for Justin but they told me he already went ahead of everyone. Anyway, I was still a little happy. Happy enought to skip on my way out. But I was still sad that I couldn't get a chance to talk to him. Even for a little while.


"Keira! Here's my number. Lets keep in touch, okay?" She handed me a folded up paper and walked away. I exited the bowling alley shortly after.


"Where are you going?"

I looked around and saw Justin leaning on the side of the building. "Hey." I smiled at him. 

"Hi Keira. It's nice to see you again."

"Yeah." I felt myself start to blush.

"Lets hang out."

"Hm?" My eyes widened.

"I don't just want to have a short talk. Lets hang out for the rest of the night. And talk longer. We haven't seen each other for so long."

"You're right."

"That's a yes in my language." He grabbed my hand and guided me to wherever we were going to go. Together.


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