Lean on Me - Mavi (COMPLETED)

By lostroses

9.1K 430 444

Mitch: "I can be mean though." Avi: "That's okay, I'll take care of you." Sailing under the radar while we ob... More



680 39 32
By lostroses

Surprise early update! 

Thank you so much for 150 followers. It's not a huge number but it means a lot to me, love y'all bunches. 💕✨😘

Look at the GIF below from PTXperience  (I miss those). Grazie, sharp eyed GIF maker.

The camera is focused on Scott in the foreground. Behind him, Avi zeroes in on Mitch. They're matched in height, but Avi is broader. See how Mitch opens up to Avi, no hesitation, no awkward bumping of arms and head. Imagine them whispering "Hello, I missed you" into each other's ears as they hold on tight... Mitch sighing, relaxing into warm, strong chest and arms...

And remember what Avi said in a livestream once. "Before I knew you guys, I was very, um... I was very into Mitch."

(you're welcome 😉)

Pentatonix had a lot to celebrate and nowhere to be tomorrow for once. No early flight, no press, no commitments, so tonight could be one to let loose for a change. All their years of hard graft and building an audience were coming to a peak. Another Grammy nod, not one but two top ten albums on Billboard, a light show on the Empire State Building. Their schedule was packed, and all five members were in the mood to kick back before the rest of their Christmas marathon. And that could only mean one thing; a night of drinking and dancing.

Drunk Avi was Mitch's favourite, and he was determined to make it happen. Usually Avi was so controlled, he'd take a couple of drinks but then be back on water. Mitch decided to dedicate at least part of his evening to preventing that kind of boring self restraint. After meeting up in a bar, the whole Pentatonix posse piled into the club already happy and buzzing.

"Come on Avi. We deserve a night off. We're Grammy winning and Grammy nominated. Can you believe this is happening right now?" Mitch shouted into Avi's ear over the general noise of the club.

"Pretty amazing." Avi downed the rest of his third beer, and Mitch snatched the bottle from his hand before dropping it on the bar.

"You're coming with me." He held onto Avi's hand and pulled him onto the dance floor, where they made their way through the bodies to join the others. Avi swayed in general time with the music, and was soon happily grooving with Kirstie, Esther and Kevin. Mitch had other ideas. In his opinion Avi wasn't nearly drunk enough, not as drunk as he had in mind. 

When the dancers got back to their table, Mitch already had drinks lined up for everyone, and he was sure to press the double whisky into Avi's hand. Avi looked around at his friends and sister, smiles on everyone's faces, and he downed the drink in one gulp, screwing his eyes up at the burn.

"Good?" Mitch asked.

"Very good, in fact gimme another." Avi smiled, and Mitch returned the smile before plucking another glass off the table.

"Oh, look what I found? Another drink for you." He arched an eyebrow and passed it to Avi, letting their fingers brush together. Avi did not respond, and Mitch was distracted when Scott came up and put an arm round his shoulder.

"Whatcha doing back here?"

"Getting this boy drunk for once." Mitch watched Avi sipping. 

"Good luck with that, although he does seem pretty relaxed. Come dance with us!" Scott dragged Mitch away, and they were swept up in the mass of dancers. 

Three songs and another drink later Mitch had almost forgotten about his plan. He was dancing for his life, but came abruptly to a halt when he spotted Avi weaving through the crowd. Mitch put both hands to his mouth dramatically, then cast an imaginary line and reeled him in. 

Wearing a silly grin Avi played along, his cheeks flushed and strands of hair coming loose from the man bun where he had wiped sweat from his brow. He got closer to Mitch who held his arms wide for Avi to stumble into his embrace, giggling. They hugged and swayed.

"Well, hello there Avriel. Wanna dance with me?" He breathed the words into his friend's ear and shivered slightly as the rumbling reply came, scented with whisky.

"Yeah, yeah, let's do that."

Mitch felt Avi tighten his hug slightly before releasing him. He was strong, and warm, and his scent seemed even better mixed with whisky. Wasn't that everything a man should be? Mitch took a deep breath and exhaled. Time to make everybody jealous. 

He started his signature dance moves, and watched Avi swaying gently in time with the beat with his eyes closed. The bass drummed in Mitch's chest and his graceful arm movements came naturally to the fore, while Avi's shoulders moved in time. Left and right, the motion flowed easily down his spine till his hips started to move. 

Avi opened his eyes, and Mitch held eye contact, arms moving out in invitation. In response Avi's hips moved slower, at first out of time, but then in perfect half time with the music, every movement hypnotic. It was not only Mitch who was entranced by their slow orbit, and he slowed down, matching Avi in spite of himself.

Avi continued in his own little world, smiling and humming along, occasionally licking his lips. Mitch couldn't stop smiling, and as the music changed he took up the beat again. Meanwhile Avi's slow rhythm broke up into more general grooving, although he never completely lost the roll in his lower body that caught the eye and didn't let go. If there was a question in anyone's mind, those hips promised the right answer.

Another song, and Avi went in search of a drink, followed close behind by Mitch and then Scott.

Scott put his hands on Mitch's waist. "He's really working those honest hips, huh?"

Mitch simply replied, "Well, they're kinda hard to miss, and it wasn't just me watching. I think he needs a bit more."

"A bit more what?" They were back at their table and Scott poked him in the ribs.

"Ow, that hurt! A bit more loosening up, I'm not satisfied yet."

Scott laughed at that one, and Mitch stalked away to get another round of drinks. 

He returned with a tray of luridly coloured shots, which he distributed around. Avi was sprawled over his seat with Esther close to him, and while she was talking he pulled the band from his hair and raked his fingers through it. Mitch wondered how he looked so good when his style was so minimal; skinny black jeans, scoop necked black tee shirt and black boots. Everything skimmed the curves of his arms and chest, down to the flat planes of his stomach. 

Mitch waited until Esther got up and slid in next to Avi.

"You are looking exceptionally sexy tonight, Avriel."

In reply Avi shook his head and said, "No I'm not. But this is fun."

"It really is. You should dance more." Mitch patted his friend's arm.

Avi shook his head vigorously and chuckled. "Nope, nope, can't dance, won't dance."

Mitch cuddled closer. "Loosen up, you'll enjoy it more."

Their faces were close together, and Mitch could see strands of dark hair caught up by shining beads of sweat on Avi's forehead, his eyes almost closed. His gaze travelled on, to soft, smiling lips, dark beard worn a bit longer, and waves of hair over a strong neck. A silver chain winked in the pulsing lights, its pendant caught in soft curls of chest hair. 

 Avi shifted away and stood up. "Back in a minute."

Mitch was distracted from watching him disappear into the crowd by Scott bouncing onto the seat next to him.

"What is with you two tonight? This isn't a date y'know, I thought you only loved meeeee." He gathered Mitch into a big hug. 

"I just want him to relax and have a really good time. And of course I only love you, or are you getting jealous? I like boys fighting over me."

"We won't fight, because I'll win." Scott smiled at Avi's slow, careful approach as he flopped down on the seat next to Mitch again.

"Win what?" Avi blinked slowly, looking from Scott to Mitch. "Need water." He leant back on the seat and closed his eyes. 

Scott laughed. "Never mind. Time we got you home before you fall asleep right here."

In answer Avi smiled and nodded, eyes still closed. Kevin appeared in front of him and pulled him to his feet.

"Okay, home time bro. Just as well I'm driving, cause you are wasted." He shook his head and smiled fondly as Avi wobbled slightly, and grabbed him round the waist. 

He walked Avi outside to the car, and just as he unlocked it Mitch came running over. Mitch slipped in between Avi and the car door, and shook his head while waving a finger.

"Leaving without even a kiss goodnight? That's just rude, Avriel."

"Stop calling me that. C'mere."

Mitch was enveloped in a close, warm hug. He relaxed into strong arms and closed his eyes. Soft lips pressed to his cheek, framed by the brush of a moustache and spiced with the lingering scent of whisky and Polo Black cologne. For a long moment he forgot the cool air, people laughing and someone calling his name. This cocoon of softness and strength was the safest place he could be. 

He didn't want to leave.

"G'night, Mitchy."

The words vibrated in his chest and then Avi was gone, pulled away by Kevin. He blew a sleepy kiss from the front seat. Mitch skipped back to Scott, who was calling him to get in the taxi. He slid into the back seat, asking himself a question.

Why was this man still single?


Why indeed?

I just love the image of those two dancing together, don't come for me.

Tune in for more next week! Meantime vote, comment, follow, all the good stuff.

My darling followers will be getting a little surprise sneak peek shortly... because I #amwriting so... *drum roll from Kevin*

The Pact 2- Promised  is coming #soon ! 👨‍❤️‍👨💕✨

New Year's resolutions going well? Congrats and keep going.

Not going so well, or didn't make any? Start again now with something simple. It's never too late to begin.

Stay flawless babes! 💖✨

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